Esempio n. 1
    public function testNewPageCreator()
        $pdf = new Pdf\PdfDocument();
        $page = $pdf->newPage(Pdf\Page::SIZE_A4);

        $this->assertTrue($page instanceof Pdf\Page);
Esempio n. 2
  * Object constructor
  * @param integer $objCount
 public function __construct($objNum, $genNum, $isFree, $dump = null)
     $this->_objNum = $objNum;
     $this->_genNum = $genNum;
     $this->_isFree = $isFree;
     if ($dump !== null) {
         if (strlen($dump) > 1024) {
             $this->_dump = Pdf\PdfDocument::getMemoryManager()->create($dump);
         } else {
             $this->_dump = $dump;
Esempio n. 3
  * @group ZF-8462
 public function testPhpVersionBug()
     try {
         $file = __DIR__ . '/_files/ZF-8462.pdf';
         $pdf = Pdf\PdfDocument::load($file);
     } catch (Pdf\Exception $e) {
         if (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'Cross-reference streams are not supported yet.') !== false) {
             // Skip expected exception
         throw $e;
Esempio n. 4
  * Object constructor.
  * Constructor signatures:
  * 1. Load PDF page from a parsed PDF file.
  *    Object factory is created by PDF parser.
  * ---------------------------------------------------------
  * new \Zend\Pdf\Page(\Zend\Pdf\InternalType\DictionaryObject $pageDict,
  *                    \Zend\Pdf\ObjectFactory $factory);
  * ---------------------------------------------------------
  * 2. Make a copy of the PDF page.
  *    New page is created in the same context as source page. Object factory is shared.
  *    Thus it will be attached to the document, but need to be placed into Zend_Pdf::$pages array
  *    to be included into output.
  * ---------------------------------------------------------
  * new \Zend\Pdf\Page(\Zend\Pdf\Page $page);
  * ---------------------------------------------------------
  * 3. Create new page with a specified pagesize.
  *    If $factory is null then it will be created and page must be attached to the document to be
  *    included into output.
  * ---------------------------------------------------------
  * new \Zend\Pdf\Page(string $pagesize, \Zend\Pdf\ObjectFactory $factory = null);
  * ---------------------------------------------------------
  * 4. Create new page with a specified pagesize (in default user space units).
  *    If $factory is null then it will be created and page must be attached to the document to be
  *    included into output.
  * ---------------------------------------------------------
  * new \Zend\Pdf\Page(numeric $width, numeric $height,
  *                    \Zend\Pdf\ObjectFactory $factory = null);
  * ---------------------------------------------------------
  * @param mixed $param1
  * @param mixed $param2
  * @param mixed $param3
  * @throws \Zend\Pdf\Exception
 public function __construct($param1, $param2 = null, $param3 = null)
     if (($param1 instanceof InternalType\IndirectObjectReference || $param1 instanceof InternalType\IndirectObject) && $param1->getType() == InternalType\AbstractTypeObject::TYPE_DICTIONARY && $param2 instanceof ObjectFactory && $param3 === null) {
         switch ($param1->getType()) {
             case InternalType\AbstractTypeObject::TYPE_DICTIONARY:
                 $this->_pageDictionary = $param1;
                 $this->_objFactory = $param2;
                 $this->_attached = true;
                 $this->_safeGS = false;
             case InternalType\AbstractTypeObject::TYPE_NULL:
                 $this->_objFactory = $param2;
                 $pageWidth = $pageHeight = 0;
                 throw new Exception\CorruptedPdfException('Unrecognized object type.');
     } else {
         if ($param1 instanceof Page && $param2 === null && $param3 === null) {
             // Clone existing page.
             // Let already existing content and resources to be shared between pages
             // We don't give existing content modification functionality, so we don't need "deep copy"
             $this->_objFactory = $param1->_objFactory;
             $this->_attached =& $param1->_attached;
             $this->_safeGS = false;
             $this->_pageDictionary = $this->_objFactory->newObject(new InternalType\DictionaryObject());
             foreach ($param1->_pageDictionary->getKeys() as $key) {
                 if ($key == 'Contents') {
                     // Clone Contents property
                     $this->_pageDictionary->Contents = new InternalType\ArrayObject();
                     if ($param1->_pageDictionary->Contents->getType() != InternalType\AbstractTypeObject::TYPE_ARRAY) {
                         // Prepare array of content streams and add existing stream
                         $this->_pageDictionary->Contents->items[] = $param1->_pageDictionary->Contents;
                     } else {
                         // Clone array of the content streams
                         foreach ($param1->_pageDictionary->Contents->items as $srcContentStream) {
                             $this->_pageDictionary->Contents->items[] = $srcContentStream;
                 } else {
                     $this->_pageDictionary->{$key} = $param1->_pageDictionary->{$key};
         } else {
             if (is_string($param1) && ($param2 === null || $param2 instanceof ObjectFactory) && $param3 === null) {
                 if ($param2 !== null) {
                     $this->_objFactory = $param2;
                 } else {
                     $this->_objFactory = ObjectFactory::createFactory(1);
                 $this->_attached = false;
                 $this->_safeGS = true;
                 /** New page created. That's users App responsibility to track GS changes */
                 switch (strtolower($param1)) {
                     case 'a4':
                         $param1 = self::SIZE_A4;
                     case 'a4-landscape':
                         $param1 = self::SIZE_A4_LANDSCAPE;
                     case 'letter':
                         $param1 = self::SIZE_LETTER;
                     case 'letter-landscape':
                         $param1 = self::SIZE_LETTER_LANDSCAPE;
                         // should be in "x:y" or "x:y:" form
                 $pageDim = explode(':', $param1);
                 if (count($pageDim) == 2 || count($pageDim) == 3) {
                     $pageWidth = $pageDim[0];
                     $pageHeight = $pageDim[1];
                 } else {
                      * @todo support of user defined pagesize notations, like:
                      *       "210x297mm", "595x842", "8.5x11in", "612x792"
                     throw new Exception\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Wrong pagesize notation.');
                  * @todo support of pagesize recalculation to "default user space units"
             } else {
                 if (is_numeric($param1) && is_numeric($param2) && ($param3 === null || $param3 instanceof ObjectFactory)) {
                     if ($param3 !== null) {
                         $this->_objFactory = $param3;
                     } else {
                         $this->_objFactory = ObjectFactory::createFactory(1);
                     $this->_attached = false;
                     $this->_safeGS = true;
                     /** New page created. That's users App responsibility to track GS changes */
                     $pageWidth = $param1;
                     $pageHeight = $param2;
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception\BadMethodCallException('Unrecognized method signature, wrong number of arguments or wrong argument types.');
     $this->_pageDictionary = $this->_objFactory->newObject(new InternalType\DictionaryObject());
     $this->_pageDictionary->Type = new InternalType\NameObject('Page');
     $this->_pageDictionary->LastModified = new InternalType\StringObject(PdfDocument::pdfDate());
     $this->_pageDictionary->Resources = new InternalType\DictionaryObject();
     $this->_pageDictionary->MediaBox = new InternalType\ArrayObject();
     $this->_pageDictionary->MediaBox->items[] = new InternalType\NumericObject(0);
     $this->_pageDictionary->MediaBox->items[] = new InternalType\NumericObject(0);
     $this->_pageDictionary->MediaBox->items[] = new InternalType\NumericObject($pageWidth);
     $this->_pageDictionary->MediaBox->items[] = new InternalType\NumericObject($pageHeight);
     $this->_pageDictionary->Contents = new InternalType\ArrayObject();
Esempio n. 5
  * Object constructor
  * @param string $val
 public function __construct($val)
     $this->value = Pdf\PdfDocument::getMemoryManager()->create($val);
Esempio n. 6
  * @group ZF-8462
 public function testPhpVersionBug()
     $this->setExpectedException('\\Zend\\Pdf\\Exception\\NotImplementedException', 'Cross-reference streams are not supported yet');
     $pdf = Pdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/_files/ZF-8462.pdf');
Esempio n. 7
 public function testFontExtracting()
     if (PHP_OS == 'AIX') {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Not supported on AIX');
     $pdf = new Pdf\PdfDocument();
     $fontsList = array(Pdf\Font::FONT_COURIER, Pdf\Font::FONT_HELVETICA_BOLD, Pdf\Font::FONT_TIMES_BOLD_ITALIC);
     foreach ($fontsList as $fontName) {
         // Add new page generated by Zend_PDF object (page is attached to the specified the document)
         $pdf->pages[] = $page = $pdf->newPage(Pdf\Page::SIZE_A4_LANDSCAPE);
         $font = Pdf\Font::fontWithName($fontName);
         $page->setFont($font, 10)->drawText($font->getFontName(Pdf\Font::NAME_POSTSCRIPT, 'en') . ':', 100, 400);
         $page->setFont($font, 20)->drawText("'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'", 100, 360);
         $type = $font->getFontType();
     $TTFFontsList = array('VeraBd.ttf', 'VeraBI.ttf', 'VeraIt.ttf', 'VeraMoBd.ttf', 'VeraMoBI.ttf', 'VeraMoIt.ttf', 'VeraMono.ttf', 'VeraSeBd.ttf', 'VeraSe.ttf', 'Vera.ttf');
     foreach ($TTFFontsList as $fontName) {
         // Add new page generated by Zend_PDF object (page is attached to the specified the document)
         $pdf->pages[] = $page = $pdf->newPage(Pdf\Page::SIZE_A4_LANDSCAPE);
         $font = Pdf\Font::fontWithPath(__DIR__ . '/_fonts/' . $fontName);
         $page->setFont($font, 10)->drawText($font->getFontName(Pdf\Font::NAME_POSTSCRIPT, 'en', 'CP1252') . ':', 100, 400);
         $page->setFont($font, 20)->drawText("'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'", 100, 360);
         $type = $font->getFontType();
     $pdf->save(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');
     $pdf1 = Pdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');
     $newPages = array();
     $fontList = array();
     $fontNames = array();
     foreach ($pdf1->pages as $page) {
         $pageFonts = $page->extractFonts();
         foreach ($pageFonts as $font) {
             $fontList[] = $font;
             $fontNames[] = $font->getFontName(Pdf\Font::NAME_POSTSCRIPT, 'en', 'UTF-8');
     $this->assertEquals(array(Pdf\Font::FONT_COURIER, Pdf\Font::FONT_HELVETICA_BOLD, Pdf\Font::FONT_TIMES_BOLD_ITALIC, 'BitstreamVeraSans-Bold', 'BitstreamVeraSans-BoldOblique', 'BitstreamVeraSans-Oblique', 'BitstreamVeraSansMono-Bold', 'BitstreamVeraSansMono-BoldOb', 'BitstreamVeraSansMono-Oblique', 'BitstreamVeraSansMono-Roman', 'BitstreamVeraSerif-Bold', 'BitstreamVeraSerif-Roman', 'BitstreamVeraSans-Roman'), $fontNames);
     $pdf1->pages[] = $page = $pdf1->newPage(Pdf\Page::SIZE_A4);
     $yPosition = 700;
     foreach ($fontList as $font) {
         $page->setFont($font, 15)->drawText("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", 100, $yPosition);
         $yPosition -= 30;
     $fontNames1 = array();
     foreach ($pdf1->extractFonts() as $font) {
         $fontNames1[] = $font->getFontName(Pdf\Font::NAME_POSTSCRIPT, 'en', 'UTF-8');
     $this->assertEquals(array(Pdf\Font::FONT_COURIER, Pdf\Font::FONT_HELVETICA_BOLD, Pdf\Font::FONT_TIMES_BOLD_ITALIC, 'BitstreamVeraSans-Bold', 'BitstreamVeraSans-BoldOblique', 'BitstreamVeraSans-Oblique', 'BitstreamVeraSansMono-Bold', 'BitstreamVeraSansMono-BoldOb', 'BitstreamVeraSansMono-Oblique', 'BitstreamVeraSansMono-Roman', 'BitstreamVeraSerif-Bold', 'BitstreamVeraSerif-Roman', 'BitstreamVeraSans-Roman'), $fontNames1);
     $page = reset($pdf1->pages);
     $font = $page->extractFont(Pdf\Font::FONT_COURIER);
     $this->assertTrue($font instanceof Font\Extracted);
     $font = $page->extractFont(Pdf\Font::FONT_TIMES_BOLD_ITALIC);
     $font = $pdf1->extractFont(Pdf\Font::FONT_TIMES_BOLD_ITALIC);
     $this->assertTrue($font instanceof Font\Extracted);
     $font = $pdf1->extractFont(Pdf\Font::FONT_TIMES_ROMAN);
     $pdf1->save(__DIR__ . '/_files/output1.pdf');
     $pdf2 = Pdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/_files/output1.pdf');
     $this->assertTrue($pdf2 instanceof Pdf\PdfDocument);
     unlink(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');
     unlink(__DIR__ . '/_files/output1.pdf');
Esempio n. 8
 public function testCreate()
     $pdf = new Pdf\PdfDocument();
     $page1 = $pdf->newPage(Pdf\Page::SIZE_A4);
     $page2 = $pdf->newPage(Pdf\Page::SIZE_A4);
     $destination = Destination\Zoom::create($page2, 0, 842, 0.5);
     $this->assertTrue($destination instanceof Destination\Zoom);
     $this->assertEquals($destination->getResource()->toString(), '[4 0 R /XYZ 0 842 0.5 ]');
     $destination = Destination\Fit::create($page2);
     $this->assertTrue($destination instanceof Destination\Fit);
     $this->assertEquals($destination->getResource()->toString(), '[4 0 R /Fit ]');
     $destination = Destination\FitHorizontally::create($page2, 842);
     $this->assertTrue($destination instanceof Destination\FitHorizontally);
     $this->assertEquals($destination->getResource()->toString(), '[4 0 R /FitH 842 ]');
     $destination = Destination\FitVertically::create(2, 0);
     $this->assertTrue($destination instanceof Destination\FitVertically);
     $this->assertEquals($destination->getResource()->toString(), '[2 /FitV 0 ]');
     $destination = Destination\FitRectangle::create($page1, 0, 10, 595, 842);
     $this->assertTrue($destination instanceof Destination\FitRectangle);
     $this->assertEquals($destination->getResource()->toString(), '[3 0 R /FitR 0 10 595 842 ]');
     $destination = Destination\FitBoundingBox::create(1);
     $this->assertTrue($destination instanceof Destination\FitBoundingBox);
     $this->assertEquals($destination->getResource()->toString(), '[1 /FitB ]');
     $destination = Destination\FitBoundingBoxHorizontally::create($page2, 842);
     $this->assertTrue($destination instanceof Destination\FitBoundingBoxHorizontally);
     $this->assertEquals($destination->getResource()->toString(), '[4 0 R /FitBH 842 ]');
     $destination = Destination\FitBoundingBoxVertically::create($page2, 0);
     $this->assertTrue($destination instanceof Destination\FitBoundingBoxVertically);
     $this->assertEquals($destination->getResource()->toString(), '[4 0 R /FitBV 0 ]');
Esempio n. 9
 public function testPageCloning()
     $pdf = Pdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/_files/pdfarchiving.pdf');
     $pdf1 = new Pdf\PdfDocument();
     $srcPageCount = count($pdf->pages);
     $outputPageSet = array();
     foreach ($pdf->pages as $srcPage) {
         $page = clone $srcPage;
         // Create new Style
         $page->setFillColor(new Color\Rgb(0, 0, 0.9))->setLineColor(new Color\GrayScale(0.2))->setLineWidth(3)->setLineDashingPattern(array(3, 2, 3, 4), 1.6)->setFont(Pdf\Font::fontWithName(Pdf\Font::FONT_HELVETICA_BOLD), 32);
         $page->rotate(0, 0, M_PI_2 / 3);
         $page->drawText('Modified by Zend Framework!', 150, 0);
         $pdf1->pages[] = $page;
     $pdf1->save(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');
     $pdf2 = Pdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');
     $this->assertTrue($pdf2 instanceof Pdf\PdfDocument);
     $this->assertEquals($srcPageCount, count($pdf2->pages));
     unlink(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');
Esempio n. 10
  * Draw the barcode in the PDF, send headers and the PDF
  * @return mixed
 public function render()
     header("Content-Type: application/pdf");
     echo $this->_resource->render();
 public function testProcessing()
     $pdf = new Pdf\PdfDocument();
     $page1 = $pdf->newPage(Pdf\Page::SIZE_A4);
     $page2 = $pdf->newPage(Pdf\Page::SIZE_A4);
     $page3 = $pdf->newPage(Pdf\Page::SIZE_A4);
     // not actually included into pages array
     $pdf->pages[] = $page1;
     $pdf->pages[] = $page2;
     $this->assertTrue(count($pdf->getNamedDestinations()) == 0);
     $destination1 = Destination\Fit::create($page1);
     $destination2 = Destination\Fit::create($page2);
     $action1 = Action\GoToAction::create($destination1);
     $pdf->setNamedDestination('GoToPage1', $action1);
     $this->assertTrue($pdf->getNamedDestination('GoToPage1') === $action1);
     $this->assertTrue($pdf->getNamedDestination('GoToPage9') === null);
     $pdf->setNamedDestination('Page2', $destination2);
     $this->assertTrue($pdf->getNamedDestination('Page2') === $destination2);
     $this->assertTrue($pdf->getNamedDestination('Page9') === null);
     $pdf->setNamedDestination('Page1', $destination1);
     $pdf->setNamedDestination('Page1_1', Destination\Fit::create(1));
     $pdf->setNamedDestination('Page9_1', Destination\Fit::create(9));
     // will be egnored
     $action3 = Action\GoToAction::create(Destination\Fit::create($page3));
     $pdf->setNamedDestination('GoToPage3', $action3);
     $this->assertTrue(strpos($pdf->render(), '[(GoToPage1) <</Type /Action /S /GoTo /D [3 0 R /Fit ] >> (Page1) [3 0 R /Fit ] (Page1_1) [1 /Fit ] (Page2) [4 0 R /Fit ] ]') !== false);
Esempio n. 12
 public function testPageCloning()
     $pdf = Pdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/_files/pdfarchiving.pdf');
     $srcPageCount = count($pdf->pages);
     try {
         $newPage = clone reset($pdf->pages);
     } catch (Pdf\Exception $e) {
         if (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'Cloning \\Zend\\Pdf\\Page object using \'clone\' keyword is not supported.') !== 0) {
             throw $e;
         // Exception is thrown
     $outputPageSet = array();
     foreach ($pdf->pages as $srcPage) {
         $page = new Pdf\Page($srcPage);
         $outputPageSet[] = $srcPage;
         $outputPageSet[] = $page;
         // Create new Style
         $page->setFillColor(new Color\Rgb(0, 0, 0.9))->setLineColor(new Color\GrayScale(0.2))->setLineWidth(3)->setLineDashingPattern(array(3, 2, 3, 4), 1.6)->setFont(Pdf\Font::fontWithName(Pdf\Font::FONT_HELVETICA_BOLD), 32);
         $page->rotate(0, 0, M_PI_2 / 3);
         $page->drawText('Modified by Zend Framework!', 150, 0);
     // Add new page generated by Zend_PDF object (page is attached to the specified the document)
     $pdf->pages = $outputPageSet;
     $pdf->save(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');
     $pdf1 = Pdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');
     $this->assertTrue($pdf1 instanceof Pdf\PdfDocument);
     $this->assertEquals($srcPageCount * 2, count($pdf1->pages));
     unlink(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');