public function setUp() { $this->_cache = Cache::factory('Core', 'File', array('lifetime' => 1, 'automatic_serialization' => true), array('cache_dir' => __DIR__ . '/../_files/')); Data::setCache($this->_cache); }
/** * Sets a cache * * @param \Zend\Cache\Frontend $cache Cache to set * @return void */ public static function setCache(\Zend\Cache\Frontend $cache) { Data\Data::setCache($cache); }
/** * Sets class wide options, if no option was given, the actual set options will be returned * * @param array $options Options to set * @throws \Zend\Date\Exception * @return Options array if no option was given */ public static function setOptions(array $options = array()) { if (empty($options)) { return self::$_options; } foreach ($options as $name => $value) { $name = strtolower($name); if (array_key_exists($name, self::$_options)) { switch ($name) { case 'format_type': if (strtolower($value) != 'php' && strtolower($value) != 'iso') { throw new Exception("Unknown format type ({$value}) for dates, only 'iso' and 'php' supported", 0, null, $value); } break; case 'fix_dst': if (!is_bool($value)) { throw new Exception("'fix_dst' has to be boolean", 0, null, $value); } break; case 'extend_month': if (!is_bool($value)) { throw new Exception("'extend_month' has to be boolean", 0, null, $value); } break; case 'cache': if ($value === null) { parent::$_cache = null; } else { if (!$value instanceof \Zend\Cache\Core) { throw new Exception("Instance of Zend_Cache expected"); } parent::$_cache = $value; Data::setCache($value); } break; case 'timesync': if ($value === null) { parent::$_defaultOffset = 0; } else { if (!$value instanceof TimeSync\Protocol) { throw new Exception("Instance of Zend_TimeSync expected"); } $date = $value->getInfo(); parent::$_defaultOffset = $date['offset']; } break; } self::$_options[$name] = $value; } else { throw new Exception("Unknown option: {$name} = {$value}"); } } }