public function testToArrayCreatesArrayOfArraysRepresentingRows()
     $count = rand(3, 75);
     $dataSource = $this->getArrayDataSource($count);
     $test = $this->resultSet->toArray();
     $this->assertEquals($dataSource->getArrayCopy(), $test, var_export($test, 1));
  * Get unused categories
  * @param integer $limit
  * @return array
 public function getUnusedCategories($limit)
     $select = $this->select();
     $select->from('slideshow_category')->columns(['id', 'name'])->limit($limit)->where->and->isNull('language');
     $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
     $resultSet = new ResultSet();
     return $resultSet->toArray();
  * Get all empty transactions
  * @param integer $limit
  * @return array
 public function getEmptyTransactions($limit)
     $predicate = new Predicate();
     $select = $this->select();
     $select->from(['a' => 'payment_transaction_list'])->columns(['id', 'slug'])->join(['b' => 'payment_transaction_item'], ' = b.transaction_id', [], 'left')->where([$predicate->isNull('b.transaction_id')])->group('')->limit($limit);
     $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
     $resultSet = new ResultSet();
     return $resultSet->toArray();
  * Get all expired memberships connections
  * @param integer $limit
  * @return array
 public function getExpiredMembershipsConnections($limit)
     $predicate = new Predicate();
     $select = $this->select();
     $select->from(['a' => 'membership_level_connection'])->columns(['id', 'user_id'])->join(['b' => 'membership_level'], 'a.membership_id =', ['role_id'], 'left')->join(['c' => 'user_list'], 'a.user_id = c.user_id', ['nick_name', 'email', 'language'])->join(['d' => 'acl_role'], ' = b.role_id', ['role_name' => 'name'], 'left')->limit($limit)->where(['' => self::MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL_CONNECTION_ACTIVE, $predicate->lessThanOrEqualTo('a.expire_date', time())])->where->or->equalTo('', self::MEMBERSHIP_LEVEL_CONNECTION_ACTIVE)->and->isNull('a.membership_id');
     $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
     $resultSet = new ResultSet();
     return $resultSet->toArray();
Esempio n. 5
 protected function sequence($sequence)
     return $this->generateCode(function () use($sequence) {
         $query = $this->getTableGateway()->adapter->getDriver()->createStatement("SELECT currval('{$sequence}') AS retorno")->execute();
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         $retorno = $resultSet->toArray();
         return $retorno[0]['retorno'];
Esempio n. 6
 public function toArray()
     if ($this->dataSource instanceof Result) {
         return $this->dataSource->getResource()->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     // todo: реализовать подгрузку mysqli значений
     //		if ($this->dataSource instanceof \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Mysqli\Result) {
     //			$this->dataSource->getResource()
     //		}
     return parent::toArray();
Esempio n. 7
 public function select($where)
     $sql = $this->tableGateway->getSql();
     $select = $this->tableGateway->getSql()->select();
     $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
     $results = $statement->execute();
     $resultSet = new ResultSet();
     return $resultSet->toArray();
Esempio n. 8
 public function getIntitulesConditionReglement($sm)
     $query = "SELECT intitule_condition_reglement\n             FROM condition_reglement";
     $statement = $sm->get('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter')->query($query);
     $results = $statement->execute();
     if ($results->isQueryResult()) {
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         return $resultSet->toArray();
     return array();
Esempio n. 9
 public function getEligibleDispoRecipient()
     $sql = $this->getObjDbSql();
     $select = $sql->select();
     $select->columns(array('u_kode', 'u_nama', 'u_kode_fungsional', 'u_gelar_diplomatik', 'u_urutan'));
     $select->where(array('u_status=1', 'u_urutan > 0'));
     $select->order('u_urutan ASC');
     $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
     $result = $statement->execute();
     $resultSet = new ResultSet();
     return $resultSet->toArray();
Esempio n. 10
  * Определить число записей.
  * @param $adapter (адаптер к базе или таблица)
  * @param string $sql (если адаптер, то текст запроса, иначе не использовать)
  * @return integer
 private function getTotal($adapter, $sql = null)
     if ($adapter instanceof TableGateway) {
         $table = $adapter;
         $select = $table->getSql()->select()->columns(array("count" => new Expression("count(*)")));
         $totalSet = $table->selectWith($select);
     } else {
         $statement = $adapter->createStatement($sql);
         $totalSet = new ResultSet();
     $total = $totalSet->toArray();
     $total = $total[0]["count"];
     return (int) $total;
Esempio n. 11
  * Get all countries.
  * @param string|null $continentCode The continent code
  * @return array
 public function getAll($continentCode = null)
     $sql = new Sql($this->adapter);
     $select = $sql->select('iso_3166_1');
     if (null !== $continentCode) {
         $select->where(array('continent_alpha_2' => $continentCode));
     $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
     $result = $statement->execute();
     if ($result instanceof ResultInterface && $result->isQueryResult()) {
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         return $resultSet->toArray();
     return array();
Esempio n. 12
  * Get all classes
  * @return array
 public function getClasses()
     // generate cache name
     $cacheName = CacheUtility::getCacheName(self::CACHE_XMLRPC_CLASSES);
     // check data in cache
     if (null === ($classes = $this->staticCacheInstance->getItem($cacheName))) {
         $select = $this->select();
         $select->from(['a' => 'xmlrpc_class'])->columns(['namespace', 'path', 'module'])->join(['b' => 'application_module'], new Expression('a.module = and b.status = ?', [self::MODULE_STATUS_ACTIVE]), []);
         $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         $classes = $resultSet->toArray();
         // save data in cache
         $this->staticCacheInstance->setItem($cacheName, $classes);
         $this->staticCacheInstance->setTags($cacheName, [self::CACHE_XMLRPC_DATA_TAG]);
     return $classes;
Esempio n. 13
  * Get default active layouts
  * @return array
 public function getDefaultActiveLayouts()
     // generate cache name
     $cacheName = CacheUtility::getCacheName(self::CACHE_LAYOUTS_ACTIVE);
     // check data in cache
     if (null === ($layouts = $this->staticCacheInstance->getItem($cacheName))) {
         $defaultActiveCustomLayout = (int) SettingService::getSetting('layout_active');
         $select = $this->select();
         $select->from('layout_list')->columns(['name'])->order('type')->where(['type' => self::LAYOUT_TYPE_SYSTEM]);
         if ($defaultActiveCustomLayout) {
             $select->where->or->equalTo('id', $defaultActiveCustomLayout)->and->equalTo('type', self::LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM);
         $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         $layouts = $resultSet->toArray();
         // save data in cache
         $this->staticCacheInstance->setItem($cacheName, $layouts);
         $this->staticCacheInstance->setTags($cacheName, [self::CACHE_LAYOUTS_DATA_TAG]);
     return $layouts;
Esempio n. 14
  * Get footer menu
  * @param string $language
  * @return array
 public function getFooterMenu($language)
     $cacheName = CacheUtility::getCacheName(self::CACHE_FOOTER_MENU . $language);
     // check data in a cache
     if (null === ($footerMenu = $this->staticCacheInstance->getItem($cacheName))) {
         // get the footer menu
         $select = $this->select();
         $select->from(['a' => 'page_structure'])->columns(['slug', 'title', 'type'])->join(['b' => 'page_system'], ' = a.system_page', ['system_title' => 'title'], 'left')->where(['a.footer_menu' => PageNestedSet::PAGE_IN_FOOTER_MENU, 'a.language' => $language])->order('a.footer_menu_order');
         $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         $footerMenu = $resultSet->toArray();
         // save data in cache
         $this->staticCacheInstance->setItem($cacheName, $footerMenu);
         $this->staticCacheInstance->setTags($cacheName, [self::CACHE_PAGES_DATA_TAG]);
     return $footerMenu;
Esempio n. 15
 public function getProduitsFinisId($sm)
     $id = $this->getId();
     if ($id) {
         $query = "SELECT ref_produit_fini\n                 FROM client_a_produit_fini\n                 WHERE ref_client = {$id}";
         $statement = $sm->get('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter')->query($query);
         $results = $statement->execute();
         if ($results->isQueryResult()) {
             $resultSet = new ResultSet();
             return $resultSet->toArray();
     return array();
Esempio n. 16
 public function getCentresProfit($sm)
     $query = "SELECT id, CONCAT_WS('-',numero, intitule_centre) as intitule_centre FROM centre_de_profit ORDER BY intitule_centre ASC ";
     $statement = $sm->get('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter')->query($query);
     $results = $statement->execute();
     if ($results->isQueryResult()) {
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         return $resultSet->toArray();
     return array();
Esempio n. 17
  * @param $id
  * @param null $group
  * @return array
 public function getLabels($id, $group = null)
     $sql = $this->sql();
     $select = $sql->select()->from('sys_entity_labels')->where(['entity_id' => $id])->columns(['_label_group', '_label_name']);
     if ($group) {
         $select->where(['_label_group' => $group]);
     $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
     $result = $statement->execute();
     $resultSet = new ResultSet();
     return $resultSet->toArray();
Esempio n. 18
  * Permet d'afficher seulement les informations présentes sur l'écran de recherche Interlocuteur (qui sont également les critères)
  * @author Ophélie
  * @param  ServiceLocator $sm
  * @param  array $critere 
  * @since  1.0
  * @return array
 public function getInterlocuteurs($sm, $critere, $limit = 100)
     $sql = new Sql($sm->get('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter'));
     $select = $sql->select();
     $select->columns(array('id', 'nom_complet' => new Expression("CONCAT_WS(' ',titre_civilite,prenom,nom)"), 'email', 'envoi_vers_outlook'))->from(array('i' => 'interlocuteur_fournisseur'))->join(array('f' => 'fournisseur'), 'i.ref_societe_fournisseur =', array('code_fournisseur', 'raison_sociale'), $select::JOIN_LEFT)->order('nom ASC, prenom ASC')->limit($limit);
     $where = new Where();
     $where->equalTo('f.supprime', 0)->and->nest()->like('i.prenom', $critere)->or->like('i.nom', $critere)->or->like('f.code_fournisseur', $critere)->or->like('f.raison_sociale', $critere)->or->like('', $critere)->unnest();
     $statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
     $results = $statement->execute();
     if ($results->isQueryResult()) {
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         return $resultSet->toArray();
     return array();
Esempio n. 19
  * Get all active users
  * @return array
 public function getAllActiveUsers()
     // generate a cache name
     $cacheName = CacheUtility::getCacheName(self::CACHE_ACTIVE_USERS);
     // check data in cache
     if (null === ($users = $this->staticCacheInstance->getItem($cacheName))) {
         $select = $this->select();
         $select->from('user_list')->columns(['user_id', 'nick_name', 'slug', 'date_edited'])->where(['status' => self::STATUS_APPROVED]);
         $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         $users = $resultSet->toArray();
         // save data in cache
         $this->staticCacheInstance->setItem($cacheName, $users);
         $this->staticCacheInstance->setTags($cacheName, [self::CACHE_USER_DATA_TAG]);
     return $users;
Esempio n. 20
  * Return an json version of the resultset
  * @return string Json encoded version
 public function toJson()
     return json_encode($this->dataSource->toArray());
  * Execute the given query and return the result as an array of arrays
  * @param  PreparableSqlInterface $query Query to be executed
  * @return array
 protected function executeAndGetResultsAsArray(PreparableSqlInterface $query)
     $statement = $this->getSqlObject()->prepareStatementForSqlObject($query);
     $resultSet = new ResultSet();
     return $resultSet->toArray();
Esempio n. 22
 public function getIntitulesProduits($sm, $locale, $code = null, $intitule = null, $limit = null)
     if ($locale == 'en_US') {
         $lang = 'en';
     } else {
         $lang = 'fr';
     $query = "SELECT, p.code_produit, t.{$lang} as intitule_produit\n             FROM produit AS p\n                LEFT JOIN traduction AS t\n                    ON p.ref_intitule_produit = ";
     if (!is_null($code)) {
         $query .= " WHERE p.code_produit LIKE '{$code}%' ";
     } else {
         if (!is_null($intitule)) {
             $query .= " WHERE t.{$lang} LIKE '{$intitule}%' ";
     if (!is_null($limit)) {
         $query .= " LIMIT {$limit} ";
     $statement = $sm->get('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter')->query($query);
     $results = $statement->execute();
     if ($results->isQueryResult()) {
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         return $resultSet->toArray();
Esempio n. 23
 public function getNotifyData($flag, $uid)
     $adapter = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter');
     $flag = trim($flag);
     $uid = trim($uid);
     if ($flag == 'cnt') {
         $stmt = $adapter->createStatement("SELECT count(user_notification_history.user_id) as cnt\n             FROM notification_master LEFT JOIN user_notification_history ON notification_master.notify_id=user_notification_history.notify_id where notification_master.end_date >= CURDATE()\n             and user_notification_history.is_read='no' and user_notification_history.user_id={$uid}");
     if ($flag == "all") {
         $stmt = $adapter->createStatement("SELECT notification_master.*, user_notification_history.*\n                 FROM notification_master LEFT JOIN user_notification_history ON notification_master.notify_id=user_notification_history.notify_id where notification_master.end_date >= CURDATE()\n                 and user_notification_history.user_id={$uid} order by user_notification_history.is_read");
     $result = $stmt->execute();
     $resultSet = new ResultSet();
     $data = $resultSet->toArray();
     if ($flag == "all") {
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             $data[$key]['start_date'] = $this->Timesince($value['start_date']);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 24
 public function getStagingActivity()
     $proActivity = new ProductionActivity();
     $adapter = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('stagingDB');
     $query = "SELECT * FROM activities";
     $statement = $adapter->createStatement($query);
     $result = $statement->execute();
     if ($result instanceof ResultInterface && $result->isQueryResult()) {
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         $activityList = $resultSet->toArray();
         foreach ($activityList as $key => $activity) {
             $trackerInfo = $this->getActivityTable()->saveActivity($proActivity);
Esempio n. 25
 public function getListeDevis($sm)
     $id = (int) $this->getId();
     $query = "SELECT id, code_devis, version, date_devis, date_envoi, date_signature, remarques\n             FROM devis\n             WHERE ref_affaire = {$id}\n             ORDER BY version ASC ";
     $statement = $sm->get('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter')->query($query);
     $results = $statement->execute();
     if ($results->isQueryResult()) {
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         return $resultSet->toArray();
     return array();
Esempio n. 26
 public function getFournisseurssByActivitiesAndCategories($sm, $activites = null, $categories = null, $motCle = null)
     $query = "SELECT, f.code_fournisseur, f.raison_sociale, a.code_postal, a.ville, a.pays \n             FROM fournisseur AS f \n                LEFT JOIN adresse AS a \n                    ON a.ref_fournisseur = \n             WHERE f.supprime = 0 AND ( a.adresse_principale = 1 OR a.adresse_principale IS NULL ) ";
     if (!is_null($activites)) {
         $idActivites = implode(',', $activites);
         $query .= " AND f.ref_activite IN ({$idActivites}) ";
     if (!is_null($categories)) {
         $idCategories = implode(',', $categories);
         $query .= " AND f.ref_categorie IN ({$idCategories}) ";
     if (!is_null($motCle)) {
         $query .= " AND (f.code_fournisseur LIKE '%{$motCle}%' \n                  OR f.raison_sociale LIKE '%{$motCle}%' \n                  OR a.code_postal LIKE '%{$motCle}%' \n                  OR a.ville LIKE '%{$motCle}%' \n                  OR a.pays LIKE '%{$motCle}%')\n                ";
     $statement = $sm->get('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter')->query($query);
     $results = $statement->execute();
     if ($results->isQueryResult()) {
         $resultSet = new ResultSet();
         return $resultSet->toArray();
     return array();
Esempio n. 27
  * Run RAW query and Fetch First row
  * @param string $sql
  * @param string|int $field
  * @return mixed|null
 public function rawFetchRow($sql, $field = null)
     $result = $this->rawQuery($sql);
     if ($result instanceof ResultSet\ResultSetInterface && $result->count()) {
         $resultSet = new ResultSet\ResultSet();
         $row = $resultSet->toArray();
         if (empty($field)) {
             return $row;
         } else {
             return isset($row[0][$field]) ? $row[0][$field] : false;
     } else {
         return false;
Esempio n. 28
  * Retourne les enregistrement de la query donnée au format Array.
  * Contrairement a la methode fetchAll, si vous ne passer pas de $prototypeClass,
  *  alors il n'y a pas de conversion vers l'entité lié a cette table.
  * @param \Zend\Db\Sql\Select $oQuery
  * @param string | null $prototypeClass
  * @return \Zend\Db\ResultSet\ResultSet
 public function fetchAllArray(\Zend\Db\Sql\Select $oQuery = null, $prototypeClass = null)
     if (!$oQuery) {
         $oQuery = $this->getBaseQuery();
     $oStmt = $this->getSql()->prepareStatementForSqlObject($oQuery);
     $oRes = $oStmt->execute();
     $oResultSet = new ResultSet();
     if ($prototypeClass != null) {
         $oResultSet->setArrayObjectPrototype(new $prototypeClass());
     return $oResultSet->toArray();
Esempio n. 29
 protected function _authenticateQuerySelect(Select $dbSelect)
     $statement = $this->zendDb->createStatement();
     $dbSelect->prepareStatement($this->zendDb, $statement);
     $resultSet = new ResultSet();
     try {
         $resultIdentities = $resultSet->toArray();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The supplied parameters to DbTable failed to ' . 'produce a valid sql statement, please check table and column names ' . 'for validity.', 0, $e);
     return $resultIdentities;
Esempio n. 30
  * Get news categories
  * @param integer $newsId
  * @return array
 public function getNewsCategories($newsId)
     if (isset(self::$newsCategories[$newsId])) {
         return self::$newsCategories[$newsId];
     $select = $this->select();
     $select->from(['a' => 'news_category_connection'])->columns(['category_id'])->join(['b' => 'news_category'], 'a.category_id =', ['name', 'slug'])->where(['news_id' => $newsId])->order('');
     $statement = $this->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
     $resultSet = new ResultSet();
     self::$newsCategories[$newsId] = $resultSet->toArray();
     return self::$newsCategories[$newsId];