  * @param string $setting
  * @param UserInterface $user
  * @return mixed
 public function getUserSetting($setting, UserInterface $user = null)
     if (!$user) {
         $user = $this->authenticationService->getIdentity();
     return $this->userSettingsService->getValue($setting, $user);
Esempio n. 2
 public function __invoke(Request $req, Response $res)
     $school = $req->getAttribute('school');
     if ($req->isPost()) {
         $this->appFormInputFilter->setData(array_merge($req->getParams(), ['school_id' => $school->id, 'submitted_by' => $this->authService->getIdentity()->mail]));
         $isValid = $this->appFormInputFilter->isValid();
         if ($isValid) {
             $data = $this->appFormInputFilter->getValues();
             $appForm = $this->appFormService->submit($data);
             $_SESSION['applicationForm']['appForm'] = $appForm;
             $res = $res->withRedirect($this->successUrl);
             return $res;
         $this->view['form'] = ['is_valid' => $isValid, 'values' => $this->appFormInputFilter->getValues(), 'raw_values' => $this->appFormInputFilter->getRawValues(), 'messages' => $this->appFormInputFilter->getMessages()];
     $loadForm = (bool) $req->getParam('load', false);
     $this->view['choose'] = !$loadForm && !$req->isPost();
     if (!$req->isPost() && $loadForm) {
         if (null !== ($appForm = $this->appFormService->findSchoolApplicationForm($school->id))) {
             $this->view['form'] = ['values' => $appForm];
     $labs = $this->labService->getLabsBySchoolId($school->id);
     $res = $this->view->render($res, 'application_form/form.twig', ['lab_choices' => array_map(function ($lab) {
         return ['value' => $lab['id'], 'label' => $lab['name']];
     }, $labs), 'type_choices' => array_map(function ($category) {
         return ['value' => $category['id'], 'label' => $category['name']];
     }, $this->assetsService->getAllItemCategories())]);
     return $res;
Esempio n. 3
  * Main method to check authorization
  * @param MvcEvent $e
  * @return ResponseInterface
 public function checkAccess(MvcEvent $e)
     /** @var Response $response */
     $response = $e->getResponse();
     /** @var UserEntity $identity */
     $identity = $this->authService->getIdentity();
     $role = $identity ? $identity->getRole() : UserEntity::ROLE_GUEST;
     list($moduleName, $controllerName, $actionName) = $this->namesResolver->resolve($e);
     if ($this->acl->isAllowed($role, $moduleName, $controllerName . ':' . $actionName)) {
         $e->getViewModel()->setVariable('acl', $this->acl);
         return $response;
     $this->getEventManager()->trigger(self::EVENT_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, $e->getTarget());
     $router = $e->getRouter();
     if ($role !== UserEntity::ROLE_GUEST) {
         $url = $router->assemble(['controller' => 'no-access'], ['name' => 'auth/default']);
     } else {
         $url = $router->assemble(['controller' => 'login'], ['name' => 'access/default']);
     $response->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Location', $url);
     return $response;
  * @todo Remove the AnonymousIdentity instantiation. This belongs in an Authentication Adapter
  * @return Identity
 public function getIdentity()
     $identity = $this->authenticationService->getIdentity();
     if (is_null($identity)) {
         $identity = new AnonymousIdentity();
     return $identity;
  * @return Context
 public function createContext()
     $context = new Context();
     $token = $this->tokenStorage->getIdentity();
     if (null !== $token) {
         $context->set('username', $this->tokenStorage->getIdentity());
     return $context;
  * Retrieve the current identity, if any.
  * If none is present, returns null.
  * @return mixed|null
  * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
 public function __invoke()
     if (!$this->authenticationService instanceof AuthenticationServiceInterface) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('No AuthenticationServiceInterface instance provided; cannot lookup identity');
     if (!$this->authenticationService->hasIdentity()) {
     return $this->authenticationService->getIdentity();
Esempio n. 7
 public function assert(Acl $acl, RoleInterface $role = null, ResourceInterface $resource = null, $privilege = null)
     $identity = $this->authService->getIdentity();
     $user = R::load('user', $identity->id);
     if (!($school = $user->school)) {
         return false;
     $appForm = $this->appFormService->findSchoolApplicationForm($school->id);
     return null === $appForm;
Esempio n. 8
 public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $req, Response $res)
     if ($this->authService->hasIdentity()) {
         $identity = $this->authService->getIdentity();
         $events = $this->events;
         $events('trigger', 'logout', $identity, $this->redirectUrl);
     return $res->withRedirect($this->redirectUrl);
Esempio n. 9
 public function __invoke(Request $req, Response $res)
     $identity = $this->authService->getIdentity();
     if (null === $identity) {
         return $res;
     $user = R::load('user', $identity->id);
     if (!$user->school_id) {
         return $res;
     $school_id = $user->school_id;
     $sync = $this->syncFromInventory;
     $result = $sync($school_id);
     if (false === $result) {
         return $res->withStatus(500);
     return $res->withJson($result);
Esempio n. 10
 public function __invoke(Request $req, Response $res, callable $next)
     $res = $next($req, $res);
     $identity = $this->authService->getIdentity();
     if (null === $identity) {
         return $res;
     $user = R::load('user', $identity->id);
     if (!$user->school_id) {
         return $res;
     $school_id = $user->school_id;
     if (0 < count($this->labService->getLabsBySchoolId($school_id))) {
         return $res;
     $sync = $this->syncFromInventory;
     return $res;
Esempio n. 11
  * Determines whether or not user has access to requested resource.
  * @param ServerRequestInterface $request
  * @param ResponseInterface      $response
  * @param callable               $next
  * @return ResponseInterface
 public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next)
     $route = $request->getAttribute('route', null);
     if ($route === null) {
         // User likely accessing a nonexistent route. Calling next middleware.
         return $next($request, $response);
     $role = $this->getRole($this->auth->getIdentity());
     $resource = $route->getPattern();
     * Hope fix problems when an optional / maybe followed by arguments
     * Route::group('/venues', function (){
     				Route::get('/', ...
     				Route::get('[/{id:[0-9]+}]', ...
     		   dont work for groups that do not have a sub route like '/'
     //         $resource = preg_replace("|\[\/[^\[].*\]|", "/", $route->getPattern());
     //         $resource = $route->getIdentifier();
     $privilege = $request->getMethod();
     //         $isAllowed = false;
     //         if(!$this->acl && $route instanceof AuthorizableRoute){
     //         	$route->getAcl()->isAllowed($role, $resource, $privilege);
     //         } else {
     // 	        $this->acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, $privilege);
     //         }
     // 		var_dump($this->acl);
     $isAllowed = $this->acl->isAllowed($role, $resource, $privilege);
     $isAuthenticated = $this->auth->hasIdentity();
     if ($isAllowed) {
         return $next($request, $response);
     if ($isAuthenticated) {
         // Authenticated but unauthorized for this resource
         return $this->handler->notAuthorized($response);
     // Not authenticated and must be authenticated to access this resource
     return $this->handler->notAuthenticated($response);
Esempio n. 12
 public function __construct(AuthenticationServiceInterface $authService, AclInterface $acl, $config = null)
     $this->authService = $authService;
     if (is_array($config)) {
         if (isset($config['acl']) && !empty($config['acl']['defaultRole'])) {
             $defaultRole = $config['acl']['defaultRole'];
             if (!$defaultRole instanceof RoleInterface) {
                 $defaultRole = new GenericRole($defaultRole);
     $identity = $this->authService->getIdentity();
     if ($identity) {
         $role = $identity->getRole();
         if (!$role instanceof RoleInterface) {
             $role = new GenericRole($role);
Esempio n. 13
 public function __invoke(Request $req, Response $res, callable $next)
     $res = $next($req, $res);
     $identity = $this->authService->getIdentity();
     if (!$identity) {
         return $res;
     $registryNo = $this->findUnitRegitryNo($identity);
     if (null === $registryNo) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('Unit for user %s not found in LDAP', $identity->mail), $identity->toArray());
         return $this->logoutAndRediret($res, sprintf('Το σχολείο με email %s δεν βρέθηκε στο Κατάλογο του ΠΣΔ. <a href="%s" title="SSO logout">SSO Logout</a>', $identity->mail, $this->ssoLogoutUrl));
     $school = R::findOne('school', 'registry_no = ?', [$registryNo]);
     try {
         if (!$school) {
             $unit = call_user_func($this->fetchUnit, $registryNo);
             if (null === $unit) {
                 $mmId = $this->findUnitMmId($identity);
                 $unit = call_user_func($this->fetchUnitFromMMById, $mmId);
             if (null === $unit) {
                 $this->logger->error(sprintf('Unit with %s for user %s not found in MM', $identity->mail, $registryNo));
                 $this->logger->debug('Trace', ['registryNo' => $registryNo, 'mmId' => $mmId, 'identity' => $identity->toArray()]);
                 return $this->logoutAndRediret($res, sprintf('Το σχολείο με κωδικό %s δεν βρέθηκε στο Μητρώο Μονάδων του ΠΣΔ.  <a href="%s" title="SSO logout">SSO Logout</a>', $registryNo, $this->ssoLogoutUrl));
             $data = ['id' => '', 'registry_no' => $registryNo, 'name' => $unit['name'], 'street_address' => $unit['street_address'], 'postal_code' => $unit['postal_code'], 'phone_number' => $unit['phone_number'], 'fax_number' => $unit['fax_number'], 'email' => $identity->mail, 'municipality' => $unit['municipality'], 'schooltype_id' => $unit['unit_type_id'], 'prefecture_id' => $unit['prefecture_id'], 'educationlevel_id' => $unit['education_level_id'], 'eduadmin_id' => $unit['edu_admin_id'], 'creator' => $identity->mail];
             $filtered = call_user_func($this->schoolInputFilter, $data);
             if (!$filtered['is_valid']) {
                 $this->logger->error('Invalid data', $filtered);
                 throw new Exception('Invalid data');
             $school = $this->schoolService->createSchool($filtered['values']);
             $this->logger->info(sprintf('School %s imported from MM to database', $registryNo), $filtered['values']);
         $user = R::load('user', $identity->id);
         $user->school_id = $school['id'];
         $this->logger->info(sprintf('Set school %s to user %s', $registryNo, $identity->mail));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('Problem inserting school %s form MM in database', $registryNo));
         $this->logger->debug('Exception', [$e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString()]);
         return $this->logoutAndRediret($res, sprintf('A problem occured fetching school data. <a href="%s" title="SSO logout">SSO Logout</a>', $this->ssoLogoutUrl));
     return $res;
  * @return \Zend\Http\Response
 public function addEmailAction()
     $this->addEmailService->addEmail($this->params()->fromPost(), $this->authService->getIdentity());
     return $this->redirect()->toRoute('PServerCore/user', ['action' => 'index']);
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function getIdentity()
     return $this->authenticationService->getIdentity();
Esempio n. 16
 public function __invoke(Request $req, Response $res)
     $school = $req->getAttribute('school');
     if ($req->isPost()) {
         $reqParams = $req->getParams();
         array_splice($reqParams['items'], 0, 0);
         $this->appFormInputFilter->setData(array_merge($reqParams, ['school_id' => $school->id, 'submitted_by' => $this->authService->getIdentity()->mail]));
         $isValid = $this->appFormInputFilter->isValid();
         if ($isValid) {
             $data = $this->appFormInputFilter->getValues();
             $appForm = $this->appFormService->submit($data);
             $_SESSION['applicationForm']['appForm'] = $appForm;
             $res = $res->withRedirect($this->successUrl);
             return $res;
         $this->view['form'] = ['is_valid' => $isValid, 'values' => $this->appFormInputFilter->getValues(), 'raw_values' => $this->appFormInputFilter->getRawValues(), 'messages' => $this->appFormInputFilter->getMessages()];
     $loadForm = (bool) $req->getParam('load', false);
     $this->view['choose'] = !$loadForm && !$req->isPost();
     if (!$req->isPost() && $loadForm) {
         // take care of new options in applications and migrate existing ones
         if (null !== ($appForm = $this->appFormService->findSchoolApplicationForm($school->id))) {
              * Do mapping of old items to new only if items do exist (old form) 
              * and the map is available at the app settings.
              * TODO: Only one version migrations are supported. If the old items are
              * two or more versions older, they will not be handled.
             // get the existing (db) application form version
             $items_version = $this->version;
             if (isset($appForm['items']) && \count($appForm['items']) > 0) {
                 $items_version = array_values($appForm['items'])[0]['version'];
             if ($this->version != $items_version && isset($appForm['items']) && isset($this->container['settings']['application_form']['itemcategory']['map']) && $this->container['settings']['application_form']['itemcategory']['map']['fromversion'] == $items_version && $this->container['settings']['application_form']['itemcategory']['map']['toversion'] == $this->version && isset($this->container['settings']['application_form']['itemcategory']['map']['items'])) {
                 // if map exists for this version, use it
                 $items_map = $this->container['settings']['application_form']['itemcategory']['map']['items'];
                 $appForm['items'] = array_map(function ($item) use($items_map) {
                     $migrate_values = [];
                     if (isset($items_map[$item['itemcategory_id']]) && intval($items_map[$item['itemcategory_id']]) > 0) {
                         $migrate_values = ['itemcategory_prev' => $item['itemcategory_id'], 'itemcategory_id_prev' => $item['itemcategory_id'], 'itemcategory_id' => intval($items_map[$item['itemcategory_id']])];
                     } else {
                         $migrate_values = ['itemcategory_prev' => '', 'itemcategory_id_prev' => -1];
                     $migrate_values['prev_form_load'] = true;
                     return array_merge($item, $migrate_values);
                 }, $appForm['items']);
             } elseif ($this->version != $items_version && isset($appForm['items']) && isset($this->container['settings']['application_form']['itemcategory']['map']) && ($this->container['settings']['application_form']['itemcategory']['map']['fromversion'] != $items_version || $this->container['settings']['application_form']['itemcategory']['map']['toversion'] != $this->version)) {
                 // if map does not exist for this version, notify user
                 $items_map = $this->container['settings']['application_form']['itemcategory']['map']['items'];
                 $appForm['items'] = array_map(function ($item) use($items_map) {
                     $migrate_values = ['itemcategory_prev' => '', 'itemcategory_id_prev' => -2, 'prev_form_load' => true];
                     return array_merge($item, $migrate_values);
                 }, $appForm['items']);
             $this->view['form'] = ['values' => $appForm];
     $labs = $this->labService->getLabsBySchoolId($school->id);
     $res = $this->view->render($res, 'application_form/form.twig', ['lab_choices' => array_map(function ($lab) {
         return ['value' => $lab['id'], 'label' => $lab['name']];
     }, $labs), 'type_choices' => array_map(function ($category) {
         return ['value' => $category['id'], 'label' => $category['name']];
     }, $this->assetsService->getAllItemCategories($this->version))]);
     return $res;