public function updateWeather() { $client = new Client(); $response = $client->get('')->send(); if ($response->isOk) { $currentObs = $response->data['current_observation']; if (isset($currentObs['temp_c'])) { $this->temperature = $currentObs['temp_c']; } if (isset($currentObs['pressure_mb'])) { $this->pressure = $currentObs['pressure_mb']; } if (isset($currentObs['wind_kph'])) { $this->wind_speed = $currentObs['wind_kph']; } if (isset($currentObs['icon'])) { $this->conditions = $currentObs['icon']; } if (isset($currentObs['pressure_trend'])) { $this->pressure_trend = $currentObs['pressure_trend']; } if (isset($currentObs['observation_epoch'])) { $this->update_time = $currentObs['observation_epoch']; } if (isset($currentObs['feelslike_c'])) { $this->feels_like = $currentObs['feelslike_c']; } $this->save(); return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Initializes a new request. * @param string $url relative url to request. * @param array $options HTTP request options. Keys: query, data, headers, options * @return \yii\httpclient\Request */ protected function initRequest($url, $options = []) { $client = new Client(['baseUrl' => self::API_BASE_URL . '/v' . $this->version, 'responseConfig' => ['format' => Client::FORMAT_JSON]]); $request = $client->createRequest(); if (isset($options['data'])) { $request->setMethod('post'); $request->setData($options['data']); } if (!empty($options['headers'])) { $request->setHeaders($options['headers']); } if (!empty($options['options'])) { $request->setOptions($options['options']); } if (isset($options['query'])) { $url_parts = parse_url($url); if (isset($url_parts['query'])) { $query = $url_parts['query']; if (strlen($query) > 0) { $query .= '&'; } $query .= http_build_query($options['query']); $url = str_replace($url_parts['query'], $query, $url); } else { $url_parts['query'] = $options['query']; $new_query = http_build_query($url_parts['query']); $url .= '?' . $new_query; } } $request->setUrl($url); return $request; }
/** * @inheritDoc */ public function export() { $response = $this->httpClient->post($this->webhookUrl, Json::encode($this->getPayload()), ['Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'])->send(); if (!$response->getIsOk()) { throw new InvalidValueException("Unable to send logs to Slack: {$response->getContent()}", (int) $response->getStatusCode()); } }
/** * @param array $data * @param string $method * * @return ApiResponseOk|ApiResponseError */ private function _send(array $data, $method = 'post') { $client = new Client(['requestConfig' => ['format' => Client::FORMAT_JSON]]); $response = $client->createRequest()->setMethod($method)->setUrl($this->url)->addHeaders(['Content-type' => 'application/json'])->addHeaders(['user-agent' => 'JSON-RPC PHP Client'])->setData($data)->setOptions(['timeout' => $this->timeout])->send(); //Нам сказали это всегда json. А... нет, все мы люди, бывает и не json ) try { $dataResponse = (array) Json::decode($response->content); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Yii::error("Json api response error: " . $e->getMessage() . ". Response: \n{$response->content}", self::className()); //Лайф хак, вдруг разработчики апи оставили var dump if ($pos = strpos($response->content, "{")) { $content = StringHelper::substr($response->content, $pos, StringHelper::strlen($response->content)); try { $dataResponse = (array) Json::decode($content); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Yii::error("Api response error: " . $response->content, self::className()); } } } if (!$response->isOk) { \Yii::error($response->content, self::className()); $responseObject = new ApiResponseError($dataResponse); } else { $responseObject = new ApiResponseOk($dataResponse); } $responseObject->statusCode = $response->statusCode; return $responseObject; }
private function _getXML() { $client = new Client(); $response = $client->get($this->url)->send(); if ($response->isOk) { return $response->data['channel']; } else { return false; } }
/** * @return \yii\httpclient\Client */ public function getHttpClient() { if (!is_object($this->_httpClient)) { $this->_httpClient = Instance::ensure($this->_httpClient, Client::className()); } return $this->_httpClient; }
private function getRemoteRates() { /** * uploading rates from European Central Bank */ $client = new Client(); $response = $client->createRequest()->setMethod('get')->setFormat(Client::FORMAT_XML)->setUrl(self::RATES_XML_URL)->send(); $this->xml = $response; $currency = new Currency(['code' => 'EUR', 'rateToEur' => 1]); $this->rates[$currency->code] = $currency; foreach ($response->data['Cube']['Cube']['Cube'] as $k => $v) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->code = (string) $v['currency']; $currency->rateToEur = (double) $v['rate']; $this->rates[$currency->code] = $currency; } //foreach }
/** * Sends the specified message. * This method should be implemented by child classes with the actual email sending logic. * @param Message $message the message to be sent * @return boolean whether the message is sent successfully */ protected function sendMessage($message) { $request = $this->httpclient->post($this->getUrl(), ['from' => $this->normalizeAddress($message->getFrom()), 'to' => $this->normalizeAddress($message->getTo()), 'cc' => $this->normalizeAddress($message->getCc()), 'bcc' => $this->normalizeAddress($message->getBcc()), 'subject' => $message->getSubject(), 'text' => $message->getTextBody(), 'html' => $message->getHtmlBody()], ['Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode('api:' . $this->apiKey)]); $response = $request->send(); if ($response->getIsOk()) { return true; } else { try { $data = Json::decode($response->content); if (!isset($data['message'])) { throw new InvalidParamException("'message' field in response data is not set"); } } catch (InvalidParamException $e) { throw new MailerException("Invalid response from Mailgun API", 0, $e); } throw new MailerException("Mailgun sending error: {$data['message']}"); } }
/** * 拼装申报数据并返回响应结果 * $data 原生数据 */ private function response($data, $url){ //echo $url; $basic = $this->basicData(); $array = array_merge($basic, $data); $EData = json_encode($array); // 原生数据 $client = new Client(); $response = $client->createRequest() ->setMethod('post') ->setUrl($url) ->setData(['EData' => $EData]) ->send(); if ($response->isOk) { $res = json_decode($response->content); return $res; } }
public function query($url, $data) { $client = new Client(['baseUrl' => $this->baseUrl]); $response = $client->post($url, $data, ['Authorization' => 'Token ' . $this->token, 'X-Secret' => $this->secret])->setFormat(Client::FORMAT_JSON)->send(); if ($response->isOk) { return $response->data; } else { print_r($response); } return false; }
/** * Private method to send request for all methods * @param $url * @param $params * @param string $format * @return Response */ private function _send($url, $params, $format = 'post') { $data = ArrayHelper::merge(['login' => $this->login, 'pass' => $this->pass], $params); return $this->_client->createRequest()->setUrl($url)->setMethod($format)->setData($data)->send(); }
/** * @return Client */ public function getServiceHttpClient() { $this->preProcessConfigurableItem('serviceHttpClient', Client::className()); return $this->serviceHttpClient; }
public function send($text = null, $icon = null, $attachments = []) { $this->httpclient->post($this->url, ['payload' => Json::encode($this->getPayload($text, $icon, $attachments))]); }
/** * Send a message to slack * @param string $text message text * @param string $emoji emoji icon * @param array $attachments attachments (@see * @param string $channel channel to send to */ public function send($text = null, $emoji = null, $attachments = [], $channel = null) { $this->httpclient->post($this->url, ['payload' => Json::encode($this->getPayload($text, $emoji, $attachments, $channel))])->send(); }
private function send($url, $data) { $params = ArrayHelper::merge(['login' => $this->login, 'pass' => $this->pass], $data); return $this->_client->get($url, $params)->send(); }
public function query($url, $data) { $client = new Client(['baseUrl' => self::$baseUrl]); $response = $client->post($url, $data, ['Authorization' => 'Token 1d06237cf740861ef28bcfd9fa3994097c1b50b5', 'X-Secret' => self::$token])->setFormat(Client::FORMAT_JSON)->send(); if ($response->isOk) { return $response->data; } return false; }
/** * Creates HTTP client instance from reference or configuration. * @param string|array $reference component name or array configuration. * @return Client HTTP client instance. * @since 2.1 */ protected function createHttpClient($reference) { return Instance::ensure($reference, Client::className()); }
public static function request($url, $params = array(), $requestMethod = 'get') { $client = new Client(); $response = $client->createRequest()->setMethod($requestMethod)->setUrl($url)->setData($params)->send(); if ($response->isOk) { return $response->content; } else { return null; } }
/** * Initializes a new request. * @param array $options HTTP post data * @return \yii\httpclient\Request */ protected function initRequest($options = []) { $client = new Client(['requestConfig' => ['format' => Client::FORMAT_JSON]]); $request = $client->createRequest()->setMethod('post')->setUrl(self::BASE_URL)->setData($options)->setHeaders(['Authorization' => 'key=' . $this->_apiKey]); return $request; }
use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\AlbumPhotosCollection; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\AlbumsCollection; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\Author; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\Image; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\options\album\CreateAlbumOptions; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\options\album\DeleteAlbumOptions; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\options\album\GetAlbumPhotosOptions; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\options\album\GetAlbumsOptions; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\options\album\UpdateAlbumOptions; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\options\photo\CreatePhotoOptions; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\options\photo\DeletePhotoOptions; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\options\photo\UpdatePhotoOptions; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\options\tag\DeleteTagOptions; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\options\tag\GetTagPhotosOptions; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\options\tag\UpdateTagOptions; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\Photo; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\Point; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\Tag; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\models\TagPhotosCollection; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\validators\AddressBindingValidator; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\validators\AlbumValidator; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\validators\AuthorValidator; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\validators\ImageValidator; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\validators\PhotoValidator; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\validators\PointValidator; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\validators\TagValidator; use romkaChev\yandexFotki\YandexFotki; use yii\httpclient\Client; use yii\i18n\Formatter; return ['id' => 'testApp', 'basePath' => __DIR__, 'vendorPath' => __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor', 'aliases' => ['@web' => '/', '@webroot' => __DIR__ . '/../runtime', '@vendor' => __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor'], 'components' => ['yandexFotki' => ['class' => YandexFotki::className(), 'apiBaseUrl' => '', 'serviceBaseUrl' => '', 'login' => null, 'oauthToken' => null, 'apiHttpClient' => Client::className(), 'serviceHttpClient' => Client::className(), 'albums' => AlbumComponent::className(), 'photos' => PhotoComponent::className(), 'tags' => TagComponent::className(), 'formatter' => Formatter::className(), 'factory' => ['class' => Factory::className(), 'addressBindingModel' => AddressBinding::className(), 'albumModel' => Album::className(), 'albumsCollectionModel' => AlbumsCollection::className(), 'albumPhotosCollectionModel' => AlbumPhotosCollection::className(), 'authorModel' => Author::className(), 'photoModel' => Photo::className(), 'tagModel' => Tag::className(), 'tagPhotosCollectionModel' => TagPhotosCollection::className(), 'pointModel' => Point::className(), 'imageModel' => Image::className(), 'getAlbumsOptions' => GetAlbumsOptions::className(), 'getAlbumPhotosOptions' => GetAlbumPhotosOptions::className(), 'createAlbumOptions' => CreateAlbumOptions::className(), 'updateAlbumOptions' => UpdateAlbumOptions::className(), 'deleteAlbumOptions' => DeleteAlbumOptions::className(), 'createPhotoOptions' => CreatePhotoOptions::className(), 'updatePhotoOptions' => UpdatePhotoOptions::className(), 'deletePhotoOptions' => DeletePhotoOptions::className(), 'getTagPhotosOptions' => GetTagPhotosOptions::className(), 'updateTagOptions' => UpdateTagOptions::className(), 'deleteTagOptions' => DeleteTagOptions::className(), 'addressBindingValidator' => AddressBindingValidator::className(), 'albumValidator' => AlbumValidator::className(), 'authorValidator' => AuthorValidator::className(), 'pointValidator' => PointValidator::className(), 'photoValidator' => PhotoValidator::className(), 'imageValidator' => ImageValidator::className(), 'tagValidator' => TagValidator::className()]]]];