Esempio n. 1
        $url = new URL($xero, URL::OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN);
        $request = new Request($xero, $url);
        $oauth_response = $request->getResponse()->getOAuthResponse();
        $expires = time() + intval($oauth_response['oauth_expires_in']);
        setOAuthSession($oauth_response['oauth_token'], $oauth_response['oauth_token_secret'], $expires, $oauth_response['oauth_session_handle']);
        //drop the qs
        $uri_parts = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        //Just for demo purposes
        header(sprintf('Location: http%s://%s%s', isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $uri_parts[0]));
// We are in! Grab some journals...
$journals = $xero->load('Accounting\\Journal')->execute();
echo sprintf('Found %s journals', count($journals));
/*foreach ($journals as $journal) {
//The following two functions are just for a demo - you should use a more robust mechanism of storing tokens than this!
function setOAuthSession($token, $secret, $expires = null, $session_handle = null)
    $_SESSION['oauth'] = array('token' => $token, 'token_secret' => $secret, 'expires' => $expires, 'session_handle' => $session_handle);
function getOAuthSession()
    //If it doesn't exist, return null
    if (!isset($_SESSION['oauth'])) {
        return null;
Esempio n. 2
        $url = new URL($xero, URL::OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN);
        $request = new Request($xero, $url);
        $oauth_response = $request->getResponse()->getOAuthResponse();
        $expires = time() + intval($oauth_response['oauth_expires_in']);
        setOAuthSession($oauth_response['oauth_token'], $oauth_response['oauth_token_secret'], $expires, $oauth_response['oauth_session_handle']);
        //drop the qs
        $uri_parts = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        //Just for demo purposes
        header(sprintf('Location: http%s://%s%s', isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $uri_parts[0]));
// We are in! Print organisation details...
//The following two functions are just for a demo - you should use a more robust mechanism of storing tokens than this!
function setOAuthSession($token, $secret, $expires = null, $session_handle = null)
    $_SESSION['oauth'] = array('token' => $token, 'token_secret' => $secret, 'expires' => $expires, 'session_handle' => $session_handle);
function getOAuthSession()
    //If it doesn't exist, return null
    if (!isset($_SESSION['oauth'])) {
        return null;
    // If the session is expired or expiring, unset the expires key
    if ($_SESSION['oauth']['expires'] !== null && $_SESSION['oauth']['expires'] <= time() + 100) {