function archive()
      * Since there are several archive pages, we should bind this action to the archive
      * class after the common to assign all default options for archive pages  
      * set base variables
     $this->View->add("wxp_content_template", WXP::get_path("#loop")->dir());
      * if posts exceed the amount of that allotted per page,
      * tell view to include the pager nav 
     global $wp_query;
     if ($wp_query->max_num_pages > 1) {
         $this->View->add("paged_archive", true);
      * include the error no posts template if the archive has no posts
     if (!have_posts()) {
         $this->View->add("wxp_content_template", WXP::get_path("#error")->name("no-posts")->dir());