Esempio n. 1
  * Validates a value for the field.
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param mixed $val the current value of the field
  * @return integer|float|WP_Error the validated field value or an error object
 public function validate($val = null)
     $format = 'float';
     $zero = 0.0;
     if (is_int($this->args['step'])) {
         $format = 'int';
         $zero = 0;
     if (!$val) {
         if ('int' === $format) {
             if ($this->args['min'] > 0) {
                 return intval($this->args['min']);
             return 0;
         } else {
             if ($this->args['min'] > 0) {
                 return floatval($this->args['min']);
             return 0.0;
     if ('int' === $format) {
         $val = intval($val);
     } else {
         $val = floatval($val);
     if (!empty($this->args['step']) && !Util::is_rest_zero($val, $this->args['step'])) {
         return new WPError('invalid_number_step', sprintf(__('The number %1$s is invalid since it is not divisible by %2$s.', 'wpdlib'), FieldManager::format($val, $format, 'output'), FieldManager::format($this->args['step'], $format, 'output')));
     if (!empty($this->args['min']) && $val < FieldManager::format($this->args['min'], $format, 'input')) {
         return new WPError('invalid_number_too_small', sprintf(__('The number %1$s is invalid. It must be greater than or equal to %2$s.', 'wpdlib'), FieldManager::format($val, $format, 'output'), FieldManager::format($this->args['min'], $format, 'output')));
     if (!empty($this->args['max']) && $val > FieldManager::format($this->args['max'], $format, 'input')) {
         return new WPError('invalid_number_too_big', sprintf(__('The number %1$s is invalid. It must be lower than or equal to %2$s.', 'wpdlib'), FieldManager::format($val, $format, 'output'), FieldManager::format($this->args['max'], $format, 'output')));
     return $val;
Esempio n. 2
  * Returns the child components of the component.
  * If a class is specified, only children of that class are returned.
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @param string $class the class the children should have (default is an empty string for no restrictions)
  * @return array the array of child components, or an empty array if nothing found
 public function get_children($class = '')
     $children = array();
     if ($class && '*' !== $class) {
         if (isset($this->children[$class])) {
             $children = $this->children[$class];
     } else {
         $children = Util::object_array_merge($this->children, 'slug', 'position');
     return $children;
Esempio n. 3
  * Formats a numeric value as a byte value.
  * Possible $args:
  * - decimals (integer)
  * - base_unit (string, either 'B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB' or 'TB')
  * @since 0.5.0
  * @see WPDLib\Util\Util::format_unit()
  * @param integer|float $value the value to format
  * @param string $mode the formatting mode; either 'input' (default) or 'output'
  * @param array $args additional formatting args (optional)
  * @return float|string the formatted value (if $mode == 'output', the float is formatted as a string)
 private static function format_byte($value, $mode = 'input', $args = array())
     if ('output' === $mode) {
         $units = array('B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
         $decimals = isset($args['decimals']) ? absint($args['decimals']) : 2;
         $base_unit = isset($args['base_unit']) && in_array($args['base_unit'], $units) ? $args['base_unit'] : 'B';
         return Util::format_unit($value, $units, 1024, $base_unit, $decimals);
     $formatted = self::parse_float($value);
     $decimals = isset($args['decimals']) ? absint($args['decimals']) : false;
     if ($decimals !== false) {
         $formatted = number_format($formatted, $decimals);
     return $formatted;
Esempio n. 4
  * Transforms options of a specific type into actual options.
  * Instead of specifying an array of options in the `$value => $label` format,
  * you may also specify an array that only contains one of the following key value pairs:
  * - `'posts' => $post_type` (will be transformed into a dropdown of posts of the post type $post_type)
  * - `'terms' => $taxonomy` (will be transformed into a dropdown of terms of the taxonomy $taxonomy)
  * - `'users' => $user_role (will be transformed into a dropdown of users of the role $user_role)
  * Note that instead of providing a value of the above, you could also simply specify a boolean true
  * to get a dropdown of ALL posts / terms / users respectively.
  * @since 0.5.0
 public function parse_options()
     if (isset($this->args['options']['posts'])) {
         $this->args['options'] = Util::get_posts_options($this->args['options']['posts']);
     } elseif (isset($this->args['options']['terms'])) {
         $this->args['options'] = Util::get_terms_options($this->args['options']['terms']);
     } elseif (isset($this->args['options']['users'])) {
         $this->args['options'] = Util::get_users_options($this->args['options']['users']);