Esempio n. 1
 public function testParameter_fail()
     try {
         Assert::parameter(false, 'test', 'testing');
     } catch (ParameterAssertionException $ex) {
         $this->assertEquals('test', $ex->getParameterName());
Esempio n. 2
  * Constructs a TitleValue.
  * @note TitleValue expects a valid DB key; typically, a TitleValue is constructed either
  * from a database entry, or by a TitleParser. We could apply "some" normalization here,
  * such as substituting spaces by underscores, but that would encourage the use of
  * un-normalized text when constructing TitleValues. For constructing a TitleValue from
  * user input or external sources, use a TitleParser.
  * @param int $namespace The namespace ID. This is not validated.
  * @param string $dbkey The page title in valid DBkey form. No normalization is applied.
  * @param string $fragment The fragment title. Use '' to represent the whole page.
  *   No validation or normalization is applied.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function __construct($namespace, $dbkey, $fragment = '')
     Assert::parameterType('integer', $namespace, '$namespace');
     Assert::parameterType('string', $dbkey, '$dbkey');
     Assert::parameterType('string', $fragment, '$fragment');
     // Sanity check, no full validation or normalization applied here!
     Assert::parameter(!preg_match('/^_|[ \\r\\n\\t]|_$/', $dbkey), '$dbkey', 'invalid DB key');
     Assert::parameter($dbkey !== '', '$dbkey', 'should not be empty');
     $this->namespace = $namespace;
     $this->dbkey = $dbkey;
     $this->fragment = $fragment;
  * Adds data type definitions. The new definitions are merged with the existing definitions.
  * If a data type in $dataTypeDefinitions was already defined, the old definition is not
  * replaced but the definitions are merged.
  * @param array[] $dataTypeDefinitions An associative array mapping property data type ids
  * (with the prefix "PT:") and value types (with the prefix "VT:") to data type definitions.
  * Each data type definitions are associative arrays, refer to the class level documentation
  * for details.
 public function registerDataTypes(array $dataTypeDefinitions)
     Assert::parameterElementType('array', $dataTypeDefinitions, '$dataTypeDefinitions');
     foreach ($dataTypeDefinitions as $id => $def) {
         Assert::parameter(strpos($id, ':'), "\$dataTypeDefinitions[{$id}]", 'Key must start with a prefix like "PT:" or "VT:".');
         if (isset($this->dataTypeDefinitions[$id])) {
             $this->dataTypeDefinitions[$id] = array_merge($this->dataTypeDefinitions[$id], $dataTypeDefinitions[$id]);
         } else {
             $this->dataTypeDefinitions[$id] = $dataTypeDefinitions[$id];
  * @param Title $title
  * @param array $params
 public function __construct(Title $title, array $params)
     parent::__construct('wikibase-addUsagesForPage', $title, $params);
     Assert::parameter(isset($params['pageId']) && is_int($params['pageId']) && $params['pageId'] > 0, '$params["pageId"]', 'must be a positive integer');
     Assert::parameter(isset($params['usages']) && is_array($params['usages']) && !empty($params['usages']), '$params["usages"]', 'must be a non-empty array');
     Assert::parameter(isset($params['touched']) && is_string($params['touched']) && $params['touched'] !== '', '$params["touched"]', 'must be a timestamp string');
     Assert::parameterElementType('array', $params['usages'], '$params["usages"]');
     $this->pageId = $params['pageId'];
     $this->usages = $params['usages'];
     $this->touched = $params['touched'];
     $wikibaseClient = WikibaseClient::getDefaultInstance();
     $usageUpdater = $wikibaseClient->getStore()->getUsageUpdater();
     $idParser = $wikibaseClient->getEntityIdParser();
     $this->overrideServices($usageUpdater, $idParser);
Esempio n. 5
  * @param int $maxKeys Maximum number of entries allowed (min 1).
  * @throws Exception When $maxCacheKeys is not an int or not above zero.
 public function __construct($maxKeys)
     Assert::parameterType('integer', $maxKeys, '$maxKeys');
     Assert::parameter($maxKeys > 0, '$maxKeys', 'must be above zero');
     $this->maxCacheKeys = $maxKeys;
Esempio n. 6
  * Get a statistically unique 128-bit unsigned integer ID string.
  * The bits of the UID are prefixed with the time (down to the millisecond).
  * These IDs are suitable as globally unique IDs, without any enforced uniqueness.
  * New rows almost always have higher UIDs, which makes B-TREE updates on INSERT fast.
  * They can also be stored as "DECIMAL(39) UNSIGNED" or BINARY(16) in MySQL.
  * UID generation is serialized on each server (as the node ID is for the whole machine).
  * @param int $base Specifies a base other than 10
  * @return string Number
  * @throws MWException
 public static function newTimestampedUID128($base = 10)
     Assert::parameterType('integer', $base, '$base');
     Assert::parameter($base <= 36, '$base', 'must be <= 36');
     Assert::parameter($base >= 2, '$base', 'must be >= 2');
     $gen = self::singleton();
     $time = $gen->getTimestampAndDelay('lockFile128', 16384, 1048576);
     return wfBaseConvert($gen->getTimestampedID128($time), 2, $base);
Esempio n. 7
  * Get a statistically unique 128-bit unsigned integer ID string.
  * The bits of the UID are prefixed with the time (down to the millisecond).
  * These IDs are suitable as globally unique IDs, without any enforced uniqueness.
  * New rows almost always have higher UIDs, which makes B-TREE updates on INSERT fast.
  * They can also be stored as "DECIMAL(39) UNSIGNED" or BINARY(16) in MySQL.
  * UID generation is serialized on each server (as the node ID is for the whole machine).
  * @param int $base Specifies a base other than 10
  * @return string Number
  * @throws RuntimeException
 public static function newTimestampedUID128($base = 10)
     Assert::parameterType('integer', $base, '$base');
     Assert::parameter($base <= 36, '$base', 'must be <= 36');
     Assert::parameter($base >= 2, '$base', 'must be >= 2');
     $gen = self::singleton();
     $info = $gen->getTimeAndDelay('lockFile128', 16384, 1048576, 1048576);
     $info['offsetCounter'] = $info['offsetCounter'] % 1048576;
     return Wikimedia\base_convert($gen->getTimestampedID128($info), 2, $base);
Esempio n. 8
  * Resize the maximum number of cache entries, removing older entries as needed
  * @param int $maxKeys
  * @return void
  * @throws UnexpectedValueException
 public function resize($maxKeys)
     Assert::parameterType('integer', $maxKeys, '$maxKeys');
     Assert::parameter($maxKeys > 0, '$maxKeys', 'must be above zero');
     $this->maxCacheKeys = $maxKeys;
     while (count($this->cache) > $this->maxCacheKeys) {
         $evictKey = key($this->cache);
Esempio n. 9
 private function switchMode($mode)
     Assert::parameter(substr($mode, -4) === 'Mode', '$mode', 'should end in Mode');
     $oldMode = $this->parseMode;
     $this->parseMode = $mode;
     return $oldMode;
  * @param int $limit Hard upper limit of 5000
 public function setLimit($limit)
     Assert::parameterType('integer', $limit, '$limit');
     Assert::parameter($limit > 0, '$limit', 'Must be positive');
     if ($limit > self::HARD_LIMIT) {
         $limit = self::HARD_LIMIT;
     $this->limit = $limit;
Esempio n. 11
  * @param mixed $value
 private function checkValueIsNotList($value)
     Assert::parameter(!(is_array($value) && isset($value[0])), '$value', '$value must not be a list');
Esempio n. 12
  * @param array $params Additional parameters include:
  *   - maxKeys : only allow this many keys (using oldest-first eviction)
 function __construct($params = array())
     $this->maxCacheKeys = isset($params['maxKeys']) ? $params['maxKeys'] : INF;
     Assert::parameter($this->maxCacheKeys > 0, 'maxKeys', 'must be above zero');
Esempio n. 13
  * @param User $user
  * @param array $options Allowed keys:
  *        'forWrite' => bool defaults to false
  *        'sort' => string optional sorting by namespace ID and title
  *                     one of the self::SORT_* constants
  * @return WatchedItem[]
 public function getWatchedItemsForUser(User $user, array $options = [])
     $options += ['forWrite' => false];
     $dbOptions = [];
     if (array_key_exists('sort', $options)) {
         Assert::parameter(in_array($options['sort'], [self::SORT_ASC, self::SORT_DESC]), '$options[\'sort\']', 'must be SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC');
         $dbOptions['ORDER BY'] = ["wl_namespace {$options['sort']}", "wl_title {$options['sort']}"];
     $db = $this->getConnectionRef($options['forWrite'] ? DB_MASTER : DB_REPLICA);
     $res = $db->select('watchlist', ['wl_namespace', 'wl_title', 'wl_notificationtimestamp'], ['wl_user' => $user->getId()], __METHOD__, $dbOptions);
     $watchedItems = [];
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         // todo these could all be cached at some point?
         $watchedItems[] = new WatchedItem($user, new TitleValue((int) $row->wl_namespace, $row->wl_title), $row->wl_notificationtimestamp);
     return $watchedItems;
  * For simple listing of user's watchlist items, see WatchedItemStore::getWatchedItemsForUser
  * @param User $user
  * @param array $options Allowed keys:
  *        'sort'         => string optional sorting by namespace ID and title
  *                          one of the self::SORT_* constants
  *        'namespaceIds' => int[] optional namespace IDs to filter by (defaults to all namespaces)
  *        'limit'        => int maximum number of items to return
  *        'filter'       => string optional filter, one of the self::FILTER_* contants
  *        'from'         => LinkTarget requires 'sort' key, only return items starting from
  *                          those related to the link target
  *        'until'        => LinkTarget requires 'sort' key, only return items until
  *                          those related to the link target
  *        'startFrom'    => LinkTarget requires 'sort' key, only return items starting from
  *                          those related to the link target, allows to skip some link targets
  *                          specified using the form option
  * @return WatchedItem[]
 public function getWatchedItemsForUser(User $user, array $options = [])
     if ($user->isAnon()) {
         // TODO: should this just return an empty array or rather complain loud at this point
         // as e.g. ApiBase::getWatchlistUser does?
         return [];
     $options += ['namespaceIds' => []];
     Assert::parameter(!isset($options['sort']) || in_array($options['sort'], [self::SORT_ASC, self::SORT_DESC]), '$options[\'sort\']', 'must be SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC');
     Assert::parameter(!isset($options['filter']) || in_array($options['filter'], [self::FILTER_CHANGED, self::FILTER_NOT_CHANGED]), '$options[\'filter\']', 'must be FILTER_CHANGED or FILTER_NOT_CHANGED');
     Assert::parameter(!isset($options['from']) && !isset($options['until']) && !isset($options['startFrom']) || isset($options['sort']), '$options[\'sort\']', 'must be provided if any of "from", "until", "startFrom" options is provided');
     $db = $this->getConnection();
     $conds = $this->getWatchedItemsForUserQueryConds($db, $user, $options);
     $dbOptions = $this->getWatchedItemsForUserQueryDbOptions($options);
     $res = $db->select('watchlist', ['wl_namespace', 'wl_title', 'wl_notificationtimestamp'], $conds, __METHOD__, $dbOptions);
     $watchedItems = [];
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         // todo these could all be cached at some point?
         $watchedItems[] = new WatchedItem($user, new TitleValue((int) $row->wl_namespace, $row->wl_title), $row->wl_notificationtimestamp);
     return $watchedItems;