/** * @param string $variableName * @param Type $type * @param bool $isVariadic * @param Description $description */ public function __construct($variableName, Type $type = null, $isVariadic = false, Description $description = null) { Assert::string($variableName); Assert::boolean($isVariadic); $this->variableName = $variableName; $this->type = $type; $this->isVariadic = $isVariadic; $this->description = $description; }
/** * Fetch the result of the modulus check on the account. * * @param bool $assume Result to use if the account could not be validated. * * @return bool True if details are usable */ public function isValid($assume = true) { try { Assert::boolean($assume, 'assume should be a boolean, got: `%s`'); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw E::wrap($e); } return $this->specKnown ? $this->specResult : $assume; }
/** * Create a Serializer instance. * * @param int $indent The number of times the indent string is repeated. * @param string $indentString The string to indent the comment with. * @param bool $indentFirstLine Whether to indent the first line. * @param int|null $lineLength The max length of a line or NULL to disable line wrapping. */ public function __construct($indent = 0, $indentString = ' ', $indentFirstLine = true, $lineLength = null) { Assert::integer($indent); Assert::string($indentString); Assert::boolean($indentFirstLine); Assert::nullOrInteger($lineLength); $this->indent = $indent; $this->indentString = $indentString; $this->isFirstLineIndented = $indentFirstLine; $this->lineLength = $lineLength; }
public function __construct($methodName, array $arguments = [], Type $returnType = null, $static = false, Description $description = null) { Assert::stringNotEmpty($methodName); Assert::boolean($static); if ($returnType === null) { $returnType = new Void(); } $this->methodName = $methodName; $this->arguments = $this->filterArguments($arguments); $this->returnType = $returnType; $this->isStatic = $static; $this->description = $description; }
/** * @param string $summary * @param DocBlock\Description $description * @param DocBlock\Tag[] $tags * @param Context $context The context in which the DocBlock occurs. * @param Location $location The location within the file that this DocBlock occurs in. * @param bool $isTemplateStart * @param bool $isTemplateEnd */ public function __construct($summary = '', DocBlock\Description $description = null, array $tags = [], Context $context = null, Location $location = null, $isTemplateStart = false, $isTemplateEnd = false) { Assert::string($summary); Assert::boolean($isTemplateStart); Assert::boolean($isTemplateEnd); $this->summary = $summary; $this->description = $description ?: new DocBlock\Description(''); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $this->addTag($tag); } $this->context = $context; $this->location = $location; $this->isTemplateEnd = $isTemplateEnd; $this->isTemplateStart = $isTemplateStart; }
/** * Returns all options added to the builder. * * @param bool $includeBase Whether to include options of the base format * in the result. * * @return Option[] The options. */ public function getOptions($includeBase = true) { Assert::boolean($includeBase, 'The parameter $includeBase must be a boolean. Got: %s'); $options = $this->options; if ($includeBase && $this->baseFormat) { // append base options $options = array_replace($options, $this->baseFormat->getOptions()); } return $options; }
/** * Sets whether the application is in debug mode. * * In debug mode, the verbosity is always {@link IO::DEBUG}. * * @param bool $debug Set to `true` to activate the debug mode. * * @return static The current instance. * * @see isDebug() */ public function setDebug($debug) { Assert::boolean($debug); $this->debug = $debug; return $this; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setTracked($tracked) { Assert::boolean($tracked); $this->tracked = $tracked; }
/** * Returns whether the format contains options. * * @param bool $includeBase Whether to include options in the base format * in the search. * * @return bool Returns `true` if the format contains options and `false` * otherwise. */ public function hasOptions($includeBase = true) { Assert::boolean($includeBase, 'The parameter $includeBase must be a boolean. Got: %s'); if (count($this->options) > 0) { return true; } if ($includeBase && $this->baseFormat) { return $this->baseFormat->hasOptions(); } return false; }
/** * Creates a new repository. * * @param string $baseDir The base directory of the repository on the file * system. * @param bool $symlink Whether to use symbolic links for added files. If * symbolic links are not supported on the current * system, the repository will create hard copies * instead. * @param bool $relative Whether to create relative symbolic links. If * relative links are not supported on the current * system, the repository will create absolute links * instead. * @param ChangeStream|null $changeStream If provided, the repository will log * resources changes in this change stream. */ public function __construct($baseDir = '/', $symlink = true, $relative = true, ChangeStream $changeStream = null) { parent::__construct($changeStream); Assert::directory($baseDir); Assert::boolean($symlink); $this->baseDir = rtrim(Path::canonicalize($baseDir), '/'); $this->baseDirLength = strlen($baseDir); $this->symlink = $symlink && self::isSymlinkSupported(); $this->relative = $this->symlink && $relative; $this->filesystem = new Filesystem(); }
/** * Creates a new repository. * * @param string $baseDir The base directory of the repository on the file * system. * @param bool $symlink Whether to use symbolic links for added files. If * symbolic links are not supported on the current * system, the repository will create hard copies * instead. * @param bool $relative Whether to create relative symbolic links. If * relative links are not supported on the current * system, the repository will create absolute links * instead. */ public function __construct($baseDir = '/', $symlink = true, $relative = true) { Assert::directory($baseDir); Assert::boolean($symlink); $this->baseDir = rtrim(Path::canonicalize($baseDir), '/'); $this->symlink = $symlink && self::isSymlinkSupported(); $this->relative = $this->symlink && $relative; $this->filesystem = new Filesystem(); }