  * Ensures that an exception is thrown if service creation fails because of
  * an invalid service definition.
 public function testCreatorThrowsExceptionIfItIsNotPossibleToCreateService()
     $definition = new Definition();
     // Use the new way to define factories if available or fall back to the
     // mechanism from previous Symfony versions.
     if (method_exists($definition, 'setFactory')) {
         $definition->setFactory(array('Webfactory\\Missing', 'create'));
     } else {
     $this->container->setDefinition('my.service', $definition);
  * Checks if registered event subscribers use correct method references.
  * @param TaggedService $service
  * @dataProvider getEventSubscribers
 public function testRegisteredEventSubscribers(TaggedService $service = null)
     if ($service === null) {
         // No event subscribers registered, nothing to test.
     $creator = new ServiceCreator($this->getContainer());
     /* @var $subscriber EventSubscriberInterface */
     $subscriber = $creator->create($service->getServiceId());
     $message = 'Service "%s" is not a valid event subscriber.';
     $this->assertThat($subscriber, new IsEventSubscriberConstraint(), sprintf($message, $service->getServiceId()));
  * Checks if the validators that are configured in the container implement
  * the correct interface.
  * @param TaggedService $service
  * @dataProvider getValidators
 public function testRegisteredValidatorsImplementCorrectInterface(TaggedService $service = null)
     if ($service === null) {
         // No validators registered, nothing to test.
     $creator = new ServiceCreator($this->getContainer());
     /* @var $validator \Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidatorInterface */
     $validator = $creator->create($service->getServiceId());
     $message = 'Service "%s" is tagged as validator, but it does not implement the required interface.';
     $message = sprintf($message, $service->getServiceId());
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Symfony\\Component\\Validator\\ConstraintValidatorInterface', $validator, $message);
  * Checks if registered Twig extensions implement the correct interface.
  * @param TaggedService $service
  * @dataProvider getTwigExtensions
 public function testRegisteredTwigExtensionsImplementCorrectInterface(TaggedService $service = null)
     if ($service === null) {
         // No twig extensions registered, nothing to test.
     $creator = new ServiceCreator($this->getContainer());
     /* @var $extension \Twig_ExtensionInterface */
     $extension = $creator->create($service->getServiceId());
     $message = 'Service "%s" is tagged as Twig extension, but it does not implement the required interface.';
     $message = sprintf($message, $service->getServiceId());
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Twig_ExtensionInterface', $extension, $message);
  * Checks if it is possible to create instances of the defined services.
 public function testServicesCanBeInstantiated()
     $container = $this->getContainer();
     $errors = array();
     $creator = new ServiceCreator($container);
     $services = new ApplicationServiceIterator($this->getKernel(), new \ArrayIterator($container->getServiceIds()));
     foreach ($services as $id) {
         /* @var $id string */
         try {
         } catch (CannotInstantiateServiceException $e) {
             $errors[] = $e;
     $this->assertCount(0, $errors, implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $errors));
  * Checks if the aliases for form types and their names are equal.
  * Form types cannot be used if this is not the case.
  * @param TaggedService|null $service
  * @dataProvider getFormTypes
 public function testFormTypeAliasAndNameAreEqual(TaggedService $service = null)
     if ($service === null) {
         // No form types registered, nothing to test.
     $creator = new ServiceCreator($this->getContainer());
     /* @var $type \Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface */
     $type = $creator->create($service->getServiceId());
     $message = 'Service "%s" is tagged as form type, but it does not implement the required interface.';
     $message = sprintf($message, $service->getServiceId());
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Symfony\\Component\\Form\\FormTypeInterface', $type, $message);
     $tagDefinition = $service->getTagDefinition();
     $message = 'An alias must be defined for form type "%s".';
     $message = sprintf($message, $service->getServiceId());
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('alias', $service->getTagDefinition(), $message);
     $message = 'Form type name and assigned alias must match, but service "%s" ' . 'uses "%s" as name and "%s" as alias.';
     $message = sprintf($message, $service->getServiceId(), $type->getName(), $tagDefinition['alias']);
     $this->assertEquals($type->getName(), $tagDefinition['alias'], $message);