Esempio n. 1
	 * @see	wcf\system\option\IOptionType::getData()
	public function getData(Option $option, $newValue) {
		$number = StringUtil::replace(WCF::getLanguage()->get(''), '', $newValue);
		$d = preg_quote(WCF::getLanguage()->get(''), '~');
		if (!preg_match('~^(?:\d*)(?:'.$d.')?\d+~', $number, $matches)) return 0;
		$number = $matches[0];
		if (preg_match('/[kmgt]i?b$/i', $newValue, $multiplier)) {
			switch (StringUtil::toLowerCase($multiplier[0])) {
				case 'tb':
					$number *= 1000;
				case 'gb':
					$number *= 1000;
				case 'mb':
					$number *= 1000;
				case 'kb':
					$number *= 1000;
				case 'tib':
					$number *= 1024;
				case 'gib':
					$number *= 1024;
				case 'mib':
					$number *= 1024;
				case 'kib':
					$number *= 1024;
		return $number;
Esempio n. 2
  * Adds a file to the Zip archive.
  * @param	string		$data		content of the file
  * @param	string		$name		filename
  * @param	integer		$date		file creation time as unix timestamp
 public function addFile($data, $name, $date = 0)
     // replace backward slashes with forward slashes in the filename
     $name = StringUtil::replace("\\", "/", $name);
     // calculate the size of the file being uncompressed
     $sizeUncompressed = strlen($data);
     // get data checksum
     $crc = crc32($data);
     // compress the file data
     $compressedData = gzcompress($data);
     // calculate the size of the file being compressed
     $compressedData = substr($compressedData, 2, -4);
     $sizeCompressed = strlen($compressedData);
     // construct the general header for the file record complete with checksum information, etc.
     $header = "PK";
     $header .= "";
     $header .= "";
     $header .= "";
     $header .= pack("V", $crc);
     $header .= pack("V", $sizeCompressed);
     $header .= pack("V", $sizeUncompressed);
     $header .= pack("v", strlen($name));
     $header .= pack("v", 0);
     $header .= $name;
     // store the compressed data immediately following the file header
     $header .= $compressedData;
     // complete the file record by adding an additional footer directly following the file data
     //$header .= pack("V", $crc);
     //$header .= pack("V", $sizeCompressed);
     //$header .= pack("V", $sizeUncompressed);
     // store the completed file record in the $headers array
     $this->headers[] = $header;
     // calculate the new offset for the central index record
     $newOffset = strlen(implode('', $this->headers));
     // construct the record
     $record = "PK";
     $record .= "";
     $record .= "";
     $record .= $this->getDosDatetime($date);
     $record .= pack("V", $crc);
     $record .= pack("V", $sizeCompressed);
     $record .= pack("V", $sizeUncompressed);
     $record .= pack("v", strlen($name));
     $record .= pack("v", 0);
     $record .= pack("v", 0);
     $record .= pack("v", 0);
     $record .= pack("v", 0);
     $record .= pack("V", 32);
     $record .= pack("V", $this->lastOffset);
     // update the offset for the next record to be stored
     $this->lastOffset = $newOffset;
     $record .= $name;
     // store the record in the $data array
     $this->data[] = $record;
Esempio n. 3
	 * Imports a style.
	 * @param	string		$filename
	 * @param	integer		$packageID
	 * @param	StyleEditor	$style
	 * @return	StyleEditor
	public static function import($filename, $packageID = PACKAGE_ID, StyleEditor $style = null) {
		// open file
		$tar = new Tar($filename);
		// get style data
		$data = self::readStyleData($tar);
		$styleData = array(
			'styleName' => $data['name'],
			'variables' => $data['variables'],
			'styleVersion' => $data['version'],
			'styleDate' => $data['date'],
			'copyright' => $data['copyright'],
			'license' => $data['license'],
			'authorName' => $data['authorName'],
			'authorURL' => $data['authorURL']
		// create template group
		$templateGroupID = 0;
		if (!empty($data['templates'])) {
			$templateGroupName = $originalTemplateGroupName = $data['name'];
			$templateGroupFolderName = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]/i', '', $templateGroupName);
			if (empty($templateGroupFolderName)) $templateGroupFolderName = 'generic'.StringUtil::substring(StringUtil::getRandomID(), 0, 8);
			$originalTemplateGroupFolderName = $templateGroupFolderName;
			// get unique template pack name
			$i = 1;
			while (true) {
				$sql = "SELECT	COUNT(*) AS count
					FROM	wcf".WCF_N."_template_group
					WHERE	templateGroupName = ?";
				$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
				$row = $statement->fetchArray();
				if (!$row['count']) break;
				$templateGroupName = $originalTemplateGroupName . '_' . $i;
			// get unique folder name
			$i = 1;
			while (true) {
				$sql = "SELECT	COUNT(*) AS count
					FROM	wcf".WCF_N."_template_group
					WHERE	templateGroupFolderName = ?
						AND parentTemplatePackID = ?";
				$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
				$row = $statement->fetchArray();
				if (!$row['count']) break;
				$templateGroupFolderName = $originalTemplateGroupFolderName . '_' . $i;
			$templateGroup = TemplateGroupEditor::create(array(
				'templateGroupName' => $templateGroupName,
				'templateGroupFolderName' => FileUtil::addTrailingSlash($templateGroupFolderName)
			$styleData['templateGroupID'] = $templateGroup->templateGroupID;
		// import preview image
		if (!empty($data['image'])) {
			$fileExtension = StringUtil::substring($data['image'], StringUtil::lastIndexOf($data['image'], '.'));
			$index = $tar->getIndexByFilename($data['image']);
			if ($index !== false) {
				$filename = WCF_DIR.'images/stylePreview-'.$style->styleID.'.'.$fileExtension;
				$tar->extract($index, $filename);
				@chmod($filename, 0777);
				if (file_exists($filename)) {
					$styleData['image'] = $filename;
		// import images
		if (!empty($data['images']) && $data['imagesPath'] != 'images/') {
			// create images folder if necessary
			$imagesLocation = self::getFileLocation($data['imagesPath']);
			$styleData['imagePath'] = FileUtil::getRelativePath(WCF_DIR, $imagesLocation);
			$index = $tar->getIndexByFilename($data['images']);
			if ($index !== false) {
				// extract images tar
				$destination = FileUtil::getTemporaryFilename('images_');
				$tar->extract($index, $destination);
				// open images tar
				$imagesTar = new Tar($destination);
				$contentList = $imagesTar->getContentList();
				foreach ($contentList as $key => $val) {
					if ($val['type'] == 'file') {
						$imagesTar->extract($key, $imagesLocation.basename($val['filename']));
						@chmod($imagesLocation.basename($val['filename']), 0666);
				// delete tmp file
		// import templates
		if (!empty($data['templates'])) {
			$index = $tar->getIndexByFilename($data['templates']);
			if ($index !== false) {
				// extract templates tar
				$destination = FileUtil::getTemporaryFilename('templates_');
				$tar->extract($index, $destination);
				// open templates tar and group templates by package
				$templatesTar = new Tar($destination);
				$contentList = $templatesTar->getContentList();
				$packageToTemplates = array();
				foreach ($contentList as $val) {
					if ($val['type'] == 'file') {
						$folders = explode('/', $val['filename']);
						$packageName = array_shift($folders);
						if (!isset($packageToTemplates[$packageName])) {
							$packageToTemplates[$packageName] = array();
						$packageToTemplates[$packageName][] = array('index' => $val['index'], 'filename' => implode('/', $folders));
				// copy templates
				foreach ($packageToTemplates as $package => $templates) {
					// try to find package
					$sql = "SELECT	*
						FROM	wcf".WCF_N."_package
						WHERE	package = ?
							AND isApplication = ?";
					$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
					while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
						// get template path
						$templatesDir = FileUtil::addTrailingSlash(FileUtil::getRealPath(WCF_DIR.$row['packageDir']).'templates/'.$templateGroupFolderName);
						// create template path
						if (!file_exists($templatesDir)) {
							@mkdir($templatesDir, 0777);
							@chmod($templatesDir, 0777);
						// copy templates
						foreach ($templates as $template) {
							$templatesTar->extract($template['index'], $templatesDir.$template['filename']);
								'packageID' => $row['packageID'],
								'templateName' => StringUtil::replace('.tpl', '', $template['filename']),
								'templateGroupID' => $templateGroupID
				// delete tmp file
		// save style
		if ($style !== null) {
		else {
			$styleData['packageID'] = $packageID;
			$style = new StyleEditor(self::create($styleData));
		// handle descriptions
		if (!empty($data['description'])) {
			self::saveLocalizedDescriptions($style, $data['description']);
		if ($data['default']) {
		return $style;
Esempio n. 4
  * Handles request input variables.
 public function handleRequest()
     $variables = array();
     foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
         if (StringUtil::indexOf($key, $this->getName() . '_') !== false) {
             $key = StringUtil::replace($this->getName() . '_', '', $key);
             $variables[$key] = $value;
     if (!empty($variables)) {
         foreach ($this->containers as $container) {
Esempio n. 5
  * Converts javascript special characters.
  * @param 	string 		$string
  * @return 	string 		$string
 public static function encodeJS($string)
     if (is_object($string)) {
         $string = $string->__toString();
     // escape backslash
     $string = StringUtil::replace("\\", "\\\\", $string);
     // escape singe quote
     $string = StringUtil::replace("'", "\\'", $string);
     // escape new lines
     $string = StringUtil::replace("\n", '\\n', $string);
     // escape slashes
     $string = StringUtil::replace("/", '\\/', $string);
     return $string;
Esempio n. 6
	 * Searches in templates.
	 * @param	string		$search		search query
	 * @param	string		$replace
	 * @param	array		$templateIDs
	 * @param	boolean		$invertTemplates
	 * @param	boolean		$useRegex
	 * @param	boolean		$caseSensitive
	 * @param	boolean		$invertSearch
	 * @return	array		results 
	public static function search($search, $replace = null, $templateIDs = null, $invertTemplates = 0, $useRegex = 0, $caseSensitive = 0, $invertSearch = 0) {
		// get available template ids
		$results = array();
		$availableTemplateIDs = array();
		$sql = "SELECT		templateName, templateID, templateGroupID, packageID
			FROM		wcf".WCF_N."_template
					".($replace !== null ? "WHERE templateGroupID <> 0" : "");
		$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
		while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
			if (!isset($availableTemplateIDs[$row['templateName'].'-'.$row['templateGroupID']]) || PACKAGE_ID == $row['packageID']) {
				$availableTemplateIDs[$row['templateName'].'-'.$row['templateGroupID']] = $row['templateID'];
		// get templates
		if (empty($availableTemplateIDs)) return $results;
		$conditions = new PreparedStatementConditionBuilder();
		$conditions->add("template.templateID IN (?)", array($availableTemplateIDs));
		if ($templateIDs !== null) $conditions->add("template.templateID ".($invertTemplates ? "NOT " : "")." IN (?)", array($templateIDs));
		$sql = "SELECT		template.*, group.templateGroupFolderName, package.packageDir
			FROM		wcf".WCF_N."_template template
			LEFT JOIN	wcf".WCF_N."_template_group group
			ON		(group.templateGroupID = template.templateGroupID)
			LEFT JOIN	wcf".WCF_N."_package package
			ON		(package.packageID = template.packageID)
			ORDER BY	templateName ASC";
		$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
		while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
			$template = new TemplateEditor(null, $row);
			if ($replace === null) {
				// search
				if ($useRegex) $matches = (intval(preg_match('/'.$search.'/s'.(!$caseSensitive ? 'i' : ''), $template->getSource())) !== 0);
				else {
					if ($caseSensitive) $matches = (StringUtil::indexOf($template->getSource(), $search) !== false);
					else $matches = (StringUtil::indexOfIgnoreCase($template->getSource(), $search) !== false);
				if (($matches && !$invertSearch) || (!$matches && $invertSearch)) {
					$results[] = $row;
			else {
				// search and replace
				$matches = 0;
				if ($useRegex) {
					$newSource = preg_replace('/'.$search.'/s'.(!$caseSensitive ? 'i' : ''), $replace, $template->getSource(), -1, $matches);
				else {
					if ($caseSensitive) $newSource = StringUtil::replace($search, $replace, $template->getSource(), $matches);
					else $newSource = StringUtil::replaceIgnoreCase($search, $replace, $template->getSource(), $matches);
				if ($matches > 0) {
					$row['matches'] = $matches;
					$results[] = $row;
		return $results;
Esempio n. 7
	 * @see	wcf\form\IForm::readFormParameters()
	public function readFormParameters() {
		if (isset($_POST['className'])) $this->className = StringUtil::trim($_POST['className']);
		if (isset($_POST['description'])) $this->description = StringUtil::trim($_POST['description']);
		if (isset($_POST['startMinute'])) $this->startMinute = StringUtil::replace(' ', '', $_POST['startMinute']);
		if (isset($_POST['startHour'])) $this->startHour = StringUtil::replace(' ', '', $_POST['startHour']);
		if (isset($_POST['startDom'])) $this->startDom = StringUtil::replace(' ', '', $_POST['startDom']);
		if (isset($_POST['startMonth'])) $this->startMonth = StringUtil::replace(' ', '', $_POST['startMonth']);
		if (isset($_POST['startDow'])) $this->startDow = StringUtil::replace(' ', '', $_POST['startDow']);
  * return quote post content
  * @param  Object  $oMbqEtForumPost
  * @return  String
 public function getQuotePostContent($oMbqEtForumPost = null)
     //ref wcf\system\message\quote\MessageQuoteManager::renderQuote()
     $oPost = $oMbqEtForumPost->mbqBind['oViewablePost']->getDecoratedObject();
     $escapedUsername = StringUtil::replace(array("\\", "'"), array("\\\\", "\\'"), $oPost->getUsername());
     $escapedLink = StringUtil::replace(array("\\", "'"), array("\\\\", "\\'"), $oPost->getLink());
     return "[quote='" . $escapedUsername . "','" . $escapedLink . "']" . $oMbqEtForumPost->postContent->oriValue . "[/quote]";
Esempio n. 9
  * Sends the mail to given user.
  * @param	wcf\data\user\User	$user
 protected function sendMail(User $user)
     // send mail
     try {
         $mail = new Mail(array($user->username => $user->email), $this->userMailData['subject'], StringUtil::replace('{$username}', $user->username, $this->mailData['text']), $this->mailData['from']);
         if ($this->mailData['enableHTML']) {
     } catch (SystemException $e) {
     // ignore errors
Esempio n. 10
  * Searches in templates.
  * @param	string		$search		search query
  * @param	string		$replace
  * @param	array		$templateIDs
  * @param	boolean		$invertTemplates
  * @param	boolean		$useRegex
  * @param	boolean		$caseSensitive
  * @param	boolean		$invertSearch
  * @return	array		results 
 public static function search($search, $replace = null, $templateIDs = null, $invertTemplates = 0, $useRegex = 0, $caseSensitive = 0, $invertSearch = 0)
     // get available template ids
     $results = array();
     $availableTemplateIDs = array();
     $sql = "SELECT\t\ttemplate.templateName, template.templateID, template.templateGroupID, template.packageID\n\t\t\tFROM\t\twcf" . WCF_N . "_template template\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\twcf" . WCF_N . "_package_dependency package_dependency\n\t\t\tON\t\t(package_dependency.dependency = template.packageID)\n\t\t\tWHERE \t\tpackage_dependency.packageID = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t" . ($replace !== null ? "AND template.templateGroupID <> 0" : "") . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY\tpackage_dependency.priority ASC";
     $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
     while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
         if (!isset($availableTemplateIDs[$row['templateName'] . '-' . $row['templateGroupID']]) || PACKAGE_ID == $row['packageID']) {
             $availableTemplateIDs[$row['templateName'] . '-' . $row['templateGroupID']] = $row['templateID'];
     // get templates
     if (!count($availableTemplateIDs)) {
         return $results;
     $conditions = new PreparedStatementConditionBuilder();
     $conditions->add("template.templateID IN (?)", array($availableTemplateIDs));
     if ($templateIDs !== null) {
         $conditions->add("template.templateID " . ($invertTemplates ? "NOT " : "") . " IN (?)", array($templateIDs));
     $sql = "SELECT\t\ttemplate.*, group.templateGroupFolderName, package.packageDir\n\t\t\tFROM\t\twcf" . WCF_N . "_template template\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\twcf" . WCF_N . "_template_group group\n\t\t\tON\t\t(group.templateGroupID = template.templateGroupID)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\twcf" . WCF_N . "_package package\n\t\t\tON\t\t(package.packageID = template.packageID)\n\t\t\t" . $conditions . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY\ttemplateName ASC";
     $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
     while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
         $template = new TemplateEditor(null, $row);
         if ($replace === null) {
             // search
             if ($useRegex) {
                 $matches = intval(preg_match('/' . $search . '/s' . (!$caseSensitive ? 'i' : ''), $template->getSource())) !== 0;
             } else {
                 if ($caseSensitive) {
                     $matches = StringUtil::indexOf($template->getSource(), $search) !== false;
                 } else {
                     $matches = StringUtil::indexOfIgnoreCase($template->getSource(), $search) !== false;
             if ($matches && !$invertSearch || !$matches && $invertSearch) {
                 $results[] = $row;
         } else {
             // search and replace
             $matches = 0;
             if ($useRegex) {
                 $newSource = preg_replace('/' . $search . '/s' . (!$caseSensitive ? 'i' : ''), $replace, $template->getSource(), -1, $matches);
             } else {
                 if ($caseSensitive) {
                     $newSource = StringUtil::replace($search, $replace, $template->getSource(), $matches);
                 } else {
                     $newSource = StringUtil::replaceIgnoreCase($search, $replace, $template->getSource(), $matches);
             if ($matches > 0) {
                 $row['matches'] = $matches;
                 $results[] = $row;
     return $results;
Esempio n. 11
	 * Builds a new request.
	 * @param	string		$application
	protected function buildRequest($application) {
		try {
			$routeData = RouteHandler::getInstance()->getRouteData();
			// handle landing page for frontend requests
			if (!$this->isACPRequest()) {
				$landingPage = PageMenu::getInstance()->getLandingPage();
				if ($landingPage !== null && RouteHandler::getInstance()->isDefaultController()) {
					// check if redirect URL matches current URL
					$redirectURL = $landingPage->getLink();
					if (StringUtil::replace(RouteHandler::getHost(), '', $redirectURL) == $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) {
						$routeData['controller'] = $landingPage->getController();
					else {
						// redirect to landing page
						HeaderUtil::redirect($landingPage->getLink(), true);
			$controller = $routeData['controller'];
			// validate class name
			if (!preg_match('~^[a-z0-9_]+$~i', $controller)) {
				throw new SystemException("Illegal class name '".$controller."'");
			// find class
			$classData = $this->getClassData($controller, 'page', $application);
			if ($classData === null) $classData = $this->getClassData($controller, 'form', $application);
			if ($classData === null) $classData = $this->getClassData($controller, 'action', $application);
			if ($classData === null) {
				throw new SystemException("unable to find class for controller '".$controller."'");
			else if (!class_exists($classData['className'])) {
				throw new SystemException("unable to find class '".$classData['className']."'");
			$this->activeRequest = new Request($classData['className'], $classData['controller'], $classData['pageType']);
		catch (SystemException $e) {
			throw new IllegalLinkException();
Esempio n. 12
  * Logs the unzipped files.
 protected function logFiles()
     $acpTemplateInserts = $fileInserts = array();
     foreach (self::$installedFiles as $file) {
         $match = array();
         if (preg_match('!/acp/templates/([^/]+)\\.tpl$!', $file, $match)) {
             // acp template
             $acpTemplateInserts[] = $match[1];
         } else {
             // regular file
             $fileInserts[] = StringUtil::replace(WCF_DIR, '', $file);
     // save acp template log
     if (!empty($acpTemplateInserts)) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO\twcf" . WCF_N . "_acp_template\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(templateName)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES\t\t(?)";
         $statement = self::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
         foreach ($acpTemplateInserts as $acpTemplate) {
     // save file log
     if (!empty($fileInserts)) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO\twcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_file_log\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(filename)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES\t\t(?)";
         $statement = self::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
         foreach ($fileInserts as $file) {
Esempio n. 13
  * Imports a style.
  * @param	string		$filename
  * @param	integer		$packageID
  * @param	StyleEditor	$style
  * @return	StyleEditor
 public static function import($filename, $packageID = PACKAGE_ID, StyleEditor $style = null)
     // open file
     $tar = new Tar($filename);
     // get style data
     $data = self::readStyleData($tar);
     // get image locations
     $iconsLocation = FileUtil::addTrailingSlash($data['variables']['global.icons.location']);
     $imagesLocation = $data['variables']['global.images.location'];
     // create template group
     $templateGroupID = 0;
     if (!empty($data['templates'])) {
         $templateGroupName = $data['name'];
         $templateGroupFolderName = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]/i', '', $templateGroupName);
         if (empty($templateGroupFolderName)) {
             $templateGroupFolderName = 'generic' . StringUtil::substring(StringUtil::getRandomID(), 0, 8);
         $originalTemplatePackFolderName = $templateGroupFolderName;
         // get unique template pack name
         $i = 1;
         do {
             $sql = "SELECT\tCOUNT(*) AS count\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\twcf" . WCF_N . "_template_group\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\ttemplateGroupName = ?";
             $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
             $row = $statement->fetchArray();
             if (!$row['count']) {
             $templateGroupName = $originalTemplatePackName . '_' . $i;
             //TODO: undefined variable
         } while (true);
         // get unique folder name
         $i = 1;
         do {
             $sql = "SELECT\tCOUNT(*) AS count\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\twcf" . WCF_N . "_template_group\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\ttemplateGroupFolderName = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND parentTemplatePackID = ?";
             $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
             $statement->execute(array(FileUtil::addTrailingSlash($templateGroupFolderName), 0));
             $row = $statement->fetchArray();
             if (!$row['count']) {
             $templateGroupFolderName = $originalTemplatePackFolderName . '_' . $i;
         } while (true);
         $templateGroup = TemplateGroupEditor::create(array('templateGroupName' => $templateGroupName, 'templateGroupFolderName' => FileUtil::addTrailingSlash($templateGroupFolderName)));
         $templateGroupID = $templateGroup->templateGroupID;
     // save style
     $styleData = array('styleName' => $data['name'], 'variables' => $data['variables'], 'templateGroupID' => $templateGroupID, 'styleDescription' => $data['description'], 'styleVersion' => $data['version'], 'styleDate' => $data['date'], 'image' => ($data['image'] ? 'images/' : '') . $data['image'], 'copyright' => $data['copyright'], 'license' => $data['license'], 'authorName' => $data['authorName'], 'authorURL' => $data['authorURL']);
     if ($style !== null) {
     } else {
         $styleData['packageID'] = $packageID;
         $style = self::create($styleData);
     // import preview image
     if (!empty($data['image'])) {
         $i = $tar->getIndexByFilename($data['image']);
         if ($i !== false) {
             $tar->extract($i, WCF_DIR . 'images/' . $data['image']);
             @chmod(WCF_DIR . 'images/' . $data['image'], 0777);
     // import images
     if (!empty($data['images'])) {
         // create images folder if necessary
         if (!file_exists(WCF_DIR . $imagesLocation)) {
             @mkdir(WCF_DIR . $data['variables']['global.images.location'], 0777);
             @chmod(WCF_DIR . $data['variables']['global.images.location'], 0777);
         $i = $tar->getIndexByFilename($data['images']);
         if ($i !== false) {
             // extract images tar
             $destination = FileUtil::getTemporaryFilename('images_');
             $tar->extract($i, $destination);
             // open images tar
             $imagesTar = new Tar($destination);
             $contentList = $imagesTar->getContentList();
             foreach ($contentList as $key => $val) {
                 if ($val['type'] == 'file') {
                     $imagesTar->extract($key, WCF_DIR . $imagesLocation . basename($val['filename']));
                     @chmod(WCF_DIR . $imagesLocation . basename($val['filename']), 0666);
             // delete tmp file
     // import icons
     if (!empty($data['icons']) && $iconsLocation != 'icon/') {
         $i = $tar->getIndexByFilename($data['icons']);
         if ($i !== false) {
             // extract icons tar
             $destination = FileUtil::getTemporaryFilename('icons_');
             $tar->extract($i, $destination);
             // open icons tar and group icons by package
             $iconsTar = new Tar($destination);
             $contentList = $iconsTar->getContentList();
             $packageToIcons = array();
             foreach ($contentList as $val) {
                 if ($val['type'] == 'file') {
                     $folders = explode('/', $val['filename']);
                     $packageName = array_shift($folders);
                     if (!isset($packageToIcons[$packageName])) {
                         $packageToIcons[$packageName] = array();
                     $packageToIcons[$packageName][] = array('index' => $val['index'], 'filename' => implode('/', $folders));
             // copy icons
             foreach ($packageToIcons as $package => $icons) {
                 // try to find package
                 $sql = "SELECT\t*\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\twcf" . WCF_N . "_package\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\tpackage = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND isApplication = ?";
                 $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
                 $statement->execute(array($package, 1));
                 while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
                     // get icon path
                     $iconDir = FileUtil::getRealPath(WCF_DIR . $row['packageDir']) . $iconsLocation;
                     // create icon path
                     if (!file_exists($iconDir)) {
                         @mkdir($iconDir, 0777);
                         @chmod($iconDir, 0777);
                     // copy icons
                     foreach ($icons as $icon) {
                         $iconsTar->extract($icon['index'], $iconDir . $icon['filename']);
             // delete tmp file
     // import templates
     if (!empty($data['templates'])) {
         $i = $tar->getIndexByFilename($data['templates']);
         if ($i !== false) {
             // extract templates tar
             $destination = FileUtil::getTemporaryFilename('templates_');
             $tar->extract($i, $destination);
             // open templates tar and group templates by package
             $templatesTar = new Tar($destination);
             $contentList = $templatesTar->getContentList();
             $packageToTemplates = array();
             foreach ($contentList as $val) {
                 if ($val['type'] == 'file') {
                     $folders = explode('/', $val['filename']);
                     $packageName = array_shift($folders);
                     if (!isset($packageToTemplates[$packageName])) {
                         $packageToTemplates[$packageName] = array();
                     $packageToTemplates[$packageName][] = array('index' => $val['index'], 'filename' => implode('/', $folders));
             // copy templates
             foreach ($packageToTemplates as $package => $templates) {
                 // try to find package
                 $sql = "SELECT\t*\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\twcf" . WCF_N . "_package\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\tpackage = ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND isApplication = ?";
                 $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
                 $statement->execute(array($package, 1));
                 while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
                     // get icon path
                     $templatesDir = FileUtil::addTrailingSlash(FileUtil::getRealPath(WCF_DIR . $row['packageDir']) . 'templates/' . $templateGroupFolderName);
                     // create template path
                     if (!file_exists($templatesDir)) {
                         @mkdir($templatesDir, 0777);
                         @chmod($templatesDir, 0777);
                     // copy templates
                     foreach ($templates as $template) {
                         $templatesTar->extract($template['index'], $templatesDir . $template['filename']);
                         TemplateEditor::create(array('packageID' => $row['packageID'], 'templateName' => StringUtil::replace('.tpl', '', $template['filename']), 'templateGroupID' => $templateGroupID));
             // delete tmp file
     return $style;
	 * Replaces all php tags.
	 * @param	string		$string
	 * @return	string
	public function replacePHPTags($string) {
		if (StringUtil::indexOf($string, '<?') !== false) {
			$string = StringUtil::replace('<?php', '@@PHP_START_TAG@@', $string);
			$string = StringUtil::replace('<?', '@@PHP_SHORT_START_TAG@@', $string);
			$string = StringUtil::replace('?>', '@@PHP_END_TAG@@', $string);
			$string = StringUtil::replace('@@PHP_END_TAG@@', "<?php echo '?>'; ?>\n", $string);
			$string = StringUtil::replace('@@PHP_SHORT_START_TAG@@', "<?php echo '<?'; ?>\n", $string);
			$string = StringUtil::replace('@@PHP_START_TAG@@', "<?php echo '<?php'; ?>\n", $string);
		return $string;
Esempio n. 15
  * Starts the extracting of the files.
 protected function install()
     // open source archive
     $tar = new Tar($this->source);
     // distinct directories and files
     $directories = array();
     $files = array();
     foreach ($tar->getContentList() as $index => $file) {
         if (empty($this->folder) || StringUtil::indexOf($file['filename'], $this->folder) === 0) {
             if (!empty($this->folder)) {
                 $file['filename'] = StringUtil::replace($this->folder, '', $file['filename']);
             // remove leading slash
             $file['filename'] = FileUtil::removeLeadingSlash($file['filename']);
             if ($file['type'] == 'folder') {
                 // remove trailing slash
                 $directories[] = FileUtil::removeTrailingSlash($file['filename']);
             } else {
                 $files[$index] = $file['filename'];
     // now create the directories
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($directories as $dir) {
         try {
         } catch (SystemException $e) {
             $errors[] = array('file' => $dir, 'code' => $e->getCode(), 'message' => $e->getMessage());
     // now untar all files
     foreach ($files as $index => $file) {
         try {
             $this->createFile($file, $index, $tar);
         } catch (SystemException $e) {
             $errors[] = array('file' => $file, 'code' => $e->getCode(), 'message' => $e->getMessage());
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         throw new SystemException('error(s) during the installation of the files.', $errors);
     // close tar
Esempio n. 16
  * @see wcf\form\IForm::readFormParameters()
 public function readFormParameters()
     if (isset($_POST['className'])) {
         $this->className = StringUtil::trim($_POST['className']);
     if (isset($_POST['description'])) {
         $this->description = StringUtil::trim($_POST['description']);
     if (isset($_POST['startMinute'])) {
         $this->startMinute = StringUtil::replace(' ', '', $_POST['startMinute']);
     if (isset($_POST['startHour'])) {
         $this->startHour = StringUtil::replace(' ', '', $_POST['startHour']);
     if (isset($_POST['startDom'])) {
         $this->startDom = StringUtil::replace(' ', '', $_POST['startDom']);
     if (isset($_POST['startMonth'])) {
         $this->startMonth = StringUtil::replace(' ', '', $_POST['startMonth']);
     if (isset($_POST['startDow'])) {
         $this->startDow = StringUtil::replace(' ', '', $_POST['startDow']);
Esempio n. 17
  * get_quote_conversation
  * @param  Object  $oMbqEtPcMsg
  * @return  Mixed
 public function getQuoteConversation($oMbqEtPcMsg)
     //ref wcf\system\message\quote\MessageQuoteManager::renderQuote()
     $oConversationMessage = $oMbqEtPcMsg->mbqBind['oViewableConversationMessage']->getDecoratedObject();
     $escapedUsername = StringUtil::replace(array("\\", "'"), array("\\\\", "\\'"), $oConversationMessage->getUsername());
     $escapedLink = StringUtil::replace(array("\\", "'"), array("\\\\", "\\'"), $oConversationMessage->getLink());
     return "[quote='" . $escapedUsername . "','" . $escapedLink . "']" . $oMbqEtPcMsg->msgContent->oriValue . "[/quote]";
Esempio n. 18
	 * Checks the version number of the installed package against the "fromversion"
	 * number of the update.
	 * The "fromversion" number may contain wildcards (asterisks) which means
	 * that the update covers the whole range of release numbers where the asterisk
	 * wildcards digits from 0 to 9.
	 * For example, if "fromversion" is "1.1.*" and this package updates to
	 * version 1.2.0, all releases from 1.1.0 to  1.1.9 may be updated using
	 * this package.
	 * @param	string		$currentVersion
	 * @param	string		$fromVersion
	 * @return	boolean
	public static function checkFromversion($currentVersion, $fromversion) {
		if (StringUtil::indexOf($fromversion, '*') !== false) {
			// from version with wildcard
			// use regular expression
			$fromversion = StringUtil::replace('\*', '.*', preg_quote($fromversion, '!'));
			if (preg_match('!^'.$fromversion.'$!i', $currentVersion)) {
				return true;
		else {
			if (self::compareVersion($currentVersion, $fromversion, '=')) {
				return true;
		return false;
	 * @see	wcf\page\AbstractPage::__run()
	public function __run() {
		$classNameParts = explode('\\', get_called_class());
		$className = array_pop($classNameParts);
		// autoset controllers
		if (empty($this->addController)) {
			$this->addController = StringUtil::replace('ListPage', 'Add', $className);
		if (empty($this->editController)) {
			$this->editController = StringUtil::replace('ListPage', 'Edit', $className);
  * @see	wcf\system\package\plugin\IPackageInstallationPlugin::install()
 public function install()
     // extract sql file from archive
     if ($queries = $this->getSQL($this->instruction['value'])) {
         $package = $this->installation->getPackage();
         if ($package->parentPackageID) {
             // package is a plugin; get parent package
             $package = $package->getParentPackage();
         if ($package->isApplication == 1) {
             // package is application
             $packageAbbr = Package::getAbbreviation($package->package);
             $tablePrefix = WCF_N . '_' . $package->instanceNo . '_';
             // Replace the variable xyz1_1 with $tablePrefix in the table names.
             $queries = StringUtil::replace($packageAbbr . '1_1_', $packageAbbr . $tablePrefix, $queries);
         // replace wcf1_  with the actual WCF_N value
         $queries = str_replace("wcf1_", "wcf" . WCF_N . "_", $queries);
         // check queries
         $parser = new PackageInstallationSQLParser($queries, $this->installation->getPackage(), $this->installation->getAction());
         $conflicts = $parser->test();
         if (!empty($conflicts)) {
             if (isset($conflicts['CREATE TABLE']) || isset($conflicts['DROP TABLE'])) {
                 if (!PackageInstallationFormManager::findForm($this->installation->queue, 'overwriteDatabaseTables')) {
                     $container = new GroupFormElementContainer();
                     if (isset($conflicts['CREATE TABLE'])) {
                         $text = implode('<br />', $conflicts['CREATE TABLE']);
                         $label = WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.acp.package.error.sql.createTable');
                         $description = WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.acp.package.error.sql.createTable.description');
                         $element = new LabelFormElement($container);
                     if (isset($conflicts['DROP TABLE'])) {
                         $text = implode('<br />', $conflicts['DROP TABLE']);
                         $label = WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.acp.package.error.sql.dropTable');
                         $description = WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.acp.package.error.sql.dropTable.description');
                         $element = new LabelFormElement($container);
                     $document = new FormDocument('overwriteDatabaseTables');
                     PackageInstallationFormManager::registerForm($this->installation->queue, $document);
                     return $document;
                 } else {
                      * At this point the user decided to continue the installation (he would called the rollback
                      * otherwise), thus we do not care about the form anymore
             // ask user here
             // search default value in session
             if (!WCF::getSession()->getVar('overrideAndDontAskAgain')) {
                 // show page
                 if (!empty($_POST['override']) || !empty($_POST['overrideAndDontAskAgain'])) {
                     if (!empty($_POST['overrideAndDontAskAgain'])) {
                         WCF::getSession()->register('overrideAndDontAskAgain', true);
                 } else {
                     WCF::getTPL()->assign('conflicts', $conflicts);
         // execute queries
         // log changes
	 * Installs current package.
	 * @param	array		$nodeData
	protected function installPackage(array $nodeData) {
		$installationStep = new PackageInstallationStep();
		// check requirements
		if (!empty($nodeData['requirements'])) {
			foreach ($nodeData['requirements'] as $package => $requirementData) {
				// get existing package
				if ($requirementData['packageID']) {
					$sql = "SELECT	packageName, packageVersion
						FROM	wcf".WCF_N."_package
						WHERE	packageID = ?";
					$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
				else {
					// try to find matching package
					$sql = "SELECT	packageName, packageVersion
						FROM	wcf".WCF_N."_package
						WHERE	package = ?";
					$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
				$row = $statement->fetchArray();
				// package is required but not available
				if ($row === false) {
					throw new SystemException("Package '".$package."' is required by '".$nodeData['packageName']."', but is neither installed nor shipped.");
				// check version requirements
				if ($requirementData['minVersion']) {
					if (Package::compareVersion($row['packageVersion'], $requirementData['minVersion']) < 0) {
						throw new SystemException("Package '".$nodeData['packageName']."' requires the package '".$row['packageName']."' in version '".$requirementData['minVersion']."', but version '".$row['packageVersion']."'");
		if (!$this->queue->packageID) {
			// create package entry
			$package = PackageEditor::create($nodeData);
			// update package id for current queue
			$queueEditor = new PackageInstallationQueueEditor($this->queue);
				'packageID' => $package->packageID
			// save excluded packages
			if (count($this->getArchive()->getExcludedPackages()) > 0) {
				$sql = "INSERT INTO	wcf".WCF_N."_package_exclusion 
							(packageID, excludedPackage, excludedPackageVersion)
					VALUES		(?, ?, ?)";
				$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
				foreach ($this->getArchive()->getExcludedPackages() as $excludedPackage) {
					$statement->execute(array($package->packageID, $excludedPackage['name'], (!empty($excludedPackage['version']) ? $excludedPackage['version'] : '')));
			// if package is plugin to com.woltlab.wcf it must not have any other requirement
			$requirements = $this->getArchive()->getRequirements();
			// insert requirements and dependencies
			$requirements = $this->getArchive()->getAllExistingRequirements();
			if (!empty($requirements)) {
				$sql = "INSERT INTO	wcf".WCF_N."_package_requirement
							(packageID, requirement)
					VALUES		(?, ?)";
				$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
				foreach ($requirements as $identifier => $possibleRequirements) {
					if (count($possibleRequirements) == 1) {
						$requirement = array_shift($possibleRequirements);
					else {
						$requirement = $possibleRequirements[$this->selectedRequirements[$identifier]];
					$statement->execute(array($package->packageID, $requirement['packageID']));
			// reload queue
			$this->queue = new PackageInstallationQueue($this->queue->queueID);
			$this->package = null;
			if ($package->isApplication) {
				$host = StringUtil::replace(RouteHandler::getProtocol(), '', RouteHandler::getHost());
				$path = RouteHandler::getPath(array('acp'));
				// insert as application
					'domainName' => $host,
					'domainPath' => $path,
					'cookieDomain' => $host,
					'cookiePath' => $path,
					'packageID' => $package->packageID
		if ($this->getPackage()->isApplication && $this->getPackage()->package != 'com.woltlab.wcf' && $this->getAction() == 'install') {
			if (empty($this->getPackage()->packageDir)) {
				$document = $this->promptPackageDir();
				if ($document !== null && $document instanceof FormDocument) {
		return $installationStep;
Esempio n. 22
	 * Builds cache name.
	 * @param	wcf\system\cache\builder\ICacheBuilder		$cacheBuilder
	 * @param	array						$parameters
	 * @return	string
	protected function getCacheName(ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder, array $parameters = array()) {
		$className = explode('\\', get_class($cacheBuilder));
		$application = array_shift($className);
		$cacheName = StringUtil::replace('CacheBuilder', '', array_pop($className));
		if (!empty($parameters)) {
			$cacheName .= '-' . $this->getCacheIndex($parameters);
		return $application . '_' . StringUtil::firstCharToUpperCase($cacheName);