Esempio n. 1
  * Saves the source of this template.
  * @param	string		$source 
 public function setSource($source)
     $path = $this->getPath();
     // create dir
     $folder = dirname($path);
     if (!file_exists($folder)) {
         mkdir($folder, 0777);
     // set source
     $file = new File($path);
Esempio n. 2
  * Uncompresses a gzipped file
  * @param 	string 		$gzipped
  * @param 	string 		$destination
  * @return 	boolean 	result
 public static function uncompressFile($gzipped, $destination)
     if (!@is_file($gzipped)) {
         return false;
     $sourceFile = new GZipFile($gzipped, 'rb');
     //$filesize = $sourceFile->getFileSize();
     $targetFile = new File($destination);
     while (!$sourceFile->eof()) {
         $targetFile->write($sourceFile->read(512), 512);
     /*if ($filesize != filesize($destination)) {
     			return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 3
  * @see	wcf\system\io\IArchive::extract()
 public function extract($index, $destination)
     if (!$this->read) {
     $header = $this->getFileInfo($index);
     if ($header['type'] === 'folder') {
     // seek to offset
     $targetFile = new File($destination);
     // read data
     $n = floor($header['size'] / 512);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
         $content = $this->file->read(512);
         $targetFile->write($content, 512);
     if ($header['size'] % 512 != 0) {
         $content = $this->file->read(512);
         $targetFile->write($content, $header['size'] % 512);
     if (FileUtil::isApacheModule() || !@$targetFile->is_writable()) {
     } else {
     if ($header['mtime']) {
     // check filesize
     if (filesize($destination) != $header['size']) {
         throw new SystemException("Could not untar file '" . $header['filename'] . "' to '" . $destination . "'. Maybe disk quota exceeded in folder '" . dirname($destination) . "'.");
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
	 * Rebuilds the option file.
	public static function rebuild() {
		$buffer = '';
		// file header
		$buffer .= "<?php\n/**\n* generated at ".gmdate('r')."\n*/\n";
		// get all options
		$options = Option::getOptions();
		foreach ($options as $optionName => $option) {
			$buffer .= "if (!defined('".$optionName."')) define('".$optionName."', ".(($option->optionType == 'boolean' || $option->optionType == 'integer') ? intval($option->optionValue) : "'".addcslashes($option->optionValue, "'\\")."'").");\n";
		// file footer
		$buffer .= "\n";
		// open file
		$file = new File(WCF_DIR.'');
		// write buffer
		// close file
Esempio n. 5
  * @see wcf\system\io\IArchive::extract()
 public function extract($offset, $destination)
     if (!is_int($offset)) {
         $offset = $this->getIndexByFilename($offset);
     try {
         $file = $this->readFile($offset);
     } catch (SystemException $e) {
         return false;
     if ($file['header']['type'] === 'folder') {
     $targetFile = new File($destination);
     $targetFile->write($file['content'], strlen($file['content']));
     if (FileUtil::isApacheModule() || !@$targetFile->is_writable()) {
     } else {
     if ($file['header']['mtime']) {
     // check filesize
     if (filesize($destination) != $file['header']['size']) {
         throw new SystemException("Could not unzip file '" . $file['header']['filename'] . "' to '" . $destination . "'. Maybe disk quota exceeded in folder '" . dirname($destination) . "'.");
     return true;
Esempio n. 6
	 * Write the languages files.
	 * @param	array<integer>		$languageCategoryIDs
	protected function writeLanguageFiles(array $languageCategoryIDs) {
		$conditions = new PreparedStatementConditionBuilder();
		$conditions->add("languageID = ?", array($this->languageID));
		$conditions->add("languageCategoryID IN (?)", array($languageCategoryIDs));
		// get language items
		$sql = "SELECT	languageItem, languageItemValue, languageCustomItemValue,
				languageUseCustomValue, languageCategoryID
			FROM	wcf".WCF_N."_language_item
		$statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
		$items = array();
		while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) {
			$languageCategoryID = $row['languageCategoryID'];
			if (!isset($items[$languageCategoryID])) {
				$items[$languageCategoryID] = array();
			$items[$languageCategoryID][$row['languageItem']] = ($row['languageUseCustomValue']) ? $row['languageCustomItemValue'] : $row['languageItemValue'];
		foreach ($items as $languageCategoryID => $languageItems) {
			$category = LanguageFactory::getInstance()->getCategoryByID($languageCategoryID);
			if ($category === null) {
			$content = "<?php\n/**\n* WoltLab Community Framework\n* language: ".$this->languageCode."\n* encoding: UTF-8\n* category: ".$category->languageCategory."\n* generated at ".gmdate("r")."\n* \n* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE\n*/\n";
			foreach ($languageItems as $languageItem => $languageItemValue) {
				$content .= "\$this->items['".$languageItem."'] = '".str_replace("'", "\'", $languageItemValue)."';\n";
				// compile dynamic language variables
				if ($category->languageCategory != '' && strpos($languageItemValue, '{') !== false) {
					$output = LanguageFactory::getInstance()->getScriptingCompiler()->compileString($languageItem, $languageItemValue);
					$content .= "\$this->dynamicItems['".$languageItem."'] = '".str_replace("'", "\'", $output['template'])."';\n";
			$file = new File(WCF_DIR.'language/'.$this->languageID.'_'.$category->languageCategory.'.php');
			$file->write($content . '?>');
Esempio n. 7
  * Rebuilds cached options
  * @param 	string 		filename
  * @param	integer		$packageID
 public static function rebuildFile($filename, $packageID = PACKAGE_ID)
     $buffer = '';
     // file header
     $buffer .= "<?php\n/**\n* generated at " . gmdate('r') . "\n*/\n";
     // get all options
     $options = Option::getOptions($packageID);
     foreach ($options as $optionName => $option) {
         $buffer .= "if (!defined('" . $optionName . "')) define('" . $optionName . "', " . ($option['optionType'] == 'boolean' || $option['optionType'] == 'integer' ? intval($option['optionValue']) : "'" . addcslashes($option['optionValue'], "'\\") . "'") . ");\n";
     // file footer
     $buffer .= "?>";
     // open file
     $file = new File($filename);
     // write buffer
     // close file
Esempio n. 8
  * Write the languages files.
  * @param 	array		$categoryIDs
  * @param 	array		$packageIDs
 protected function writeLanguageFiles(array $categoryIDs, array $packageIDs)
     // get categories
     $conditions = new PreparedStatementConditionBuilder();
     $conditions->add("languageCategoryID IN (?)", array($categoryIDs));
     $sql = "SELECT\t*\n\t\t\tFROM\twcf" . WCF_N . "_language_category\n\t\t\t" . $conditions;
     $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
     while ($category = $statement->fetchArray()) {
         $categoryName = $category['languageCategory'];
         $categoryID = $category['languageCategoryID'];
         // loop packages
         foreach ($packageIDs as $packageID) {
             $conditions = new PreparedStatementConditionBuilder();
             $conditions->add("languageID = ?", array($this->languageID));
             $conditions->add("languageCategoryID = ?", array($categoryID));
             // get language items
             if ($packageID === 0) {
                 // update after wcf installation
                 $conditions->add("packageID IS NULL");
                 $sql = "SELECT \tlanguageItem, languageItemValue, languageCustomItemValue, languageUseCustomValue\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\twcf" . WCF_N . "_language_item\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $conditions;
             } else {
                 // update after regular package installation or update or manual import
                 $conditions->add("package_dependency.packageID = ?", array($packageID));
                 $sql = "SELECT\t\tlanguageItem, languageItemValue, languageCustomItemValue, languageUseCustomValue\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM\t\twcf" . WCF_N . "_language_item language_item\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN\twcf" . WCF_N . "_package_dependency package_dependency\n\t\t\t\t\t\tON\t\t(package_dependency.dependency = language_item.packageID)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t" . $conditions . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY \tpackage_dependency.priority ASC";
             $statement2 = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
             $items = array();
             while ($row = $statement2->fetchArray()) {
                 if ($row['languageUseCustomValue'] == 1) {
                     $items[$row['languageItem']] = $row['languageCustomItemValue'];
                 } else {
                     $items[$row['languageItem']] = $row['languageItemValue'];
             if (count($items) > 0) {
                 $file = new File(WCF_DIR . 'language/' . $packageID . '_' . $this->languageID . '_' . $categoryName . '.php');
                 $file->write("<?php\n/**\n* WoltLab Community Framework\n* language: " . $this->languageCode . "\n* encoding: UTF-8\n* category: " . $categoryName . "\n* generated at " . gmdate("r") . "\n* \n* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE\n*/\n");
                 foreach ($items as $languageItem => $languageItemValue) {
                     $file->write("\$this->items['" . $languageItem . "'] = '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $languageItemValue) . "';\n");
                     // compile dynamic language variables
                     if ($categoryName != '' && strpos($languageItemValue, '{') !== false) {
                         $output = LanguageFactory::getInstance()->getScriptingCompiler()->compileString($languageItem, $languageItemValue);
                         $file->write("\$this->dynamicItems['" . $languageItem . "'] = '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $output['template']) . "';\n");