 * This is an example of how you can use PHP-SteamCommunity.
 * This file is meant to be run via php-cli (the command line) but can be adapted to run on a webserver as well.
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
defined('STDIN') or define('STDIN', fopen("php://stdin", "r"));
use waylaidwanderer\SteamCommunity\Enum\LoginResult;
use waylaidwanderer\SteamCommunity\MobileAuth\WgTokenInvalidException;
use waylaidwanderer\SteamCommunity\SteamCommunity;
$settings = json_decode(file_get_contents('settings.json'), true);
$steam = new SteamCommunity($settings, dirname(__FILE__));
$loginResult = $steam->doLogin();
while ($loginResult != LoginResult::LoginOkay) {
    if ($loginResult == LoginResult::Need2FA) {
        if ($steam->mobileAuth() == null) {
            $authCode = ask('Enter 2FA code: ');
        } else {
            $authCode = $steam->mobileAuth()->steamGuard()->generateSteamGuardCode();
            writeLine('Generated Steam Guard code: ' . $authCode);
        $loginResult = $steam->doLogin();
    } else {
        if ($loginResult == LoginResult::NeedEmail) {
            $authCode = ask('Enter Steam Guard code from email: ');
            $loginResult = $steam->doLogin();
        } else {
            if ($loginResult == LoginResult::NeedCaptcha) {