Esempio n. 1
  * Establishes base settings for making recommendations.
  * @param string                            $settings Settings from config.ini
  * @param \VuFind\RecordDriver\AbstractBase $driver   Record driver object
  * @return void
 public function init($settings, $driver)
     // If we have query parts, we should try to find related records:
     $parts = $this->getQueryParts($driver);
     if (!empty($parts)) {
         // Limit the number of parts based on the boolean clause limit:
         $result = $this->resultsManager->get('Solr');
         $params = $result->getParams();
         $limit = $params->getQueryIDLimit();
         if ($this->maxLimit > 0 && $limit > $this->maxLimit) {
             $limit = $this->maxLimit;
         if (count($parts) > $limit) {
             $parts = array_slice($parts, 0, $limit);
         // Assemble the query parts and filter out current record if it comes
         // from the Solr index.:
         $query = '(' . implode(' OR ', $parts) . ')';
         if ($driver->getResourceSource() == 'VuFind') {
             $query .= ' NOT id:"' . addcslashes($driver->getUniqueID(), '"') . '"';
         // Perform the search and return either results or an error:
         $this->results = $result->getResults();
Esempio n. 2
  * Constructor
  * @param ConfigInterface $configuration Configuration settings (optional)
 public function __construct(ConfigInterface $configuration = null)
     // These objects are not meant to be shared -- every time we retrieve one,
     // we are building a brand new object.
Esempio n. 3
  * Create information representing an advanced search tab.
  * @param string $class Search class ID
  * @param string $label Display text for tab
  * @return array
 protected function createAdvancedTab($class, $label)
     // If an advanced search is available, link there; otherwise, just go
     // to the search home:
     $options = $this->results->get($class)->getOptions();
     $advSearch = $options->getAdvancedSearchAction();
     $url = $this->url->__invoke($advSearch ? $advSearch : $options->getSearchHomeAction());
     return ['class' => $class, 'label' => $label, 'selected' => false, 'url' => $url];
Esempio n. 4
  * Parse a simple filter array to a keyed array
  * @param string $class   Search class ID
  * @param array  $filters Filters to parse
  * @return array
 protected function parseFilters($class, $filters)
     $results = $this->results->get($class);
     $params = $results->getParams();
     $result = [];
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         list($field, $value) = $params->parseFilter($filter);
         $result[$field][] = $value;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 5
  * Called after the Search Results object has performed its main search.  This
  * may be used to extract necessary information from the Search Results object
  * or to perform completely unrelated processing.
  * @param \VuFind\Search\Base\Results $results Search results object
  * @return void
 public function process($results)
     // If we received a Summon search object, we'll use that.  If not, we need
     // to create a new Summon search object using the specified request
     // parameter for search terms.
     if ($results->getParams()->getSearchClassId() != 'Summon') {
         $results = $this->resultsManager->get('Summon');
     $this->results = $results;
Esempio n. 6
  * Process similar authors from an author search
  * @return array Facets data arrays
 public function getSimilarAuthors()
     // Do not provide recommendations for blank searches:
     $lookfor = $this->getSearchTerm();
     if (empty($lookfor)) {
         return ['count' => 0, 'list' => []];
     // Start configuring the results object:
     $results = $this->resultsManager->get('SolrAuthorFacets');
     // Set up a special limit for the AuthorFacets search object:
     // Initialize object using parameters from the current Solr search object.
     $results->getParams()->initFromRequest(new Parameters(['lookfor' => $lookfor]));
     // Send back the results:
     return ['count' => false, 'list' => $results->getResults()];
Esempio n. 7
  * Normalize an author name using VIAF.
  * @param string $author Author name
  * @return string
 protected function normalizeNameWithViaf($author)
     // Do authority search:
     $auth = $this->resultsManager->get('SolrAuth');
     $auth->getParams()->setBasicSearch('"' . $author . '"', 'MainHeading');
     $results = $auth->getResults();
     // Find first useful LCCN:
     foreach ($results as $current) {
         $lccn = $current->tryMethod('getRawLCCN');
         if (!empty($lccn)) {
             $name = $this->getWikipediaNameFromViaf($lccn);
             if (!empty($name)) {
                 return $name;
     // No LCCN found?  Use the default normalization routine:
     return $this->normalizeName($author);
Esempio n. 8
  * Run the search.
  * @param array|Parameters $rawRequest    Incoming parameters for search
  * @param string           $searchClassId Type of search to perform
  * @param mixed            $setupCallback Optional callback for setting up params
  * and attaching listeners; if provided, will be passed three parameters:
  * this object, the search parameters object, and a unique identifier for
  * the current running search.
  * @param string           $lastView      Last valid view parameter loaded
  * from a previous search (optional; used for view persistence).
  * @return \VuFind\Search\Base\Results
  * @throws \VuFindSearch\Backend\Exception\BackendException
 public function run($rawRequest, $searchClassId = 'Solr', $setupCallback = null, $lastView = null)
     // Increment the ID counter, then save the current value to a variable;
     // since events within this run could theoretically trigger additional
     // runs of the SearchRunner, we can't rely on the property value past
     // this point!
     $runningSearchId = $this->searchId;
     // Format the request object:
     $request = $rawRequest instanceof Parameters ? $rawRequest : new Parameters(is_array($rawRequest) ? $rawRequest : []);
     // Set up the search:
     $results = $this->resultsManager->get($searchClassId);
     $params = $results->getParams();
     if (is_callable($setupCallback)) {
         $setupCallback($this, $params, $runningSearchId);
     // Trigger the "configuration done" event.
     $this->getEventManager()->trigger(self::EVENT_CONFIGURED, $this, compact('params', 'request', 'runningSearchId'));
     // Attempt to perform the search; if there is a problem, inspect any Solr
     // exceptions to see if we should communicate to the user about them.
     try {
         // Explicitly execute search within controller -- this allows us to
         // catch exceptions more reliably:
     } catch (\VuFindSearch\Backend\Exception\BackendException $e) {
         if ($e->hasTag('VuFind\\Search\\ParserError')) {
             // We need to create and process an "empty results" object to
             // ensure that recommendation modules and templates behave
             // properly when displaying the error message.
             $results = $this->resultsManager->get('EmptySet');
         } else {
             throw $e;
     // Trigger the "search completed" event.
     $this->getEventManager()->trigger(self::EVENT_COMPLETE, $this, compact('results', 'runningSearchId'));
     return $results;
Esempio n. 9
  * Called at the end of the Search Params objects' initFromRequest() method.
  * This method is responsible for setting search parameters needed by the
  * recommendation module and for reading any existing search parameters that may
  * be needed.
  * @param \VuFind\Search\Base\Params $params  Search parameter object
  * @param \Zend\StdLib\Parameters    $request Parameter object representing user
  * request.
  * @return void
 public function init($params, $request)
     // See if we can determine the label for the current search type; first
     // check for an override in the GET parameters, then look at the incoming
     // params object....
     $typeLabel = $request->get('typeLabel');
     $type = $request->get('type');
     if (empty($typeLabel) && !empty($type)) {
         $typeLabel = $params->getOptions()->getLabelForBasicHandler($type);
     // Extract a search query:
     $lookfor = $request->get($this->requestParam);
     if (empty($lookfor) && is_object($params)) {
         $lookfor = $params->getQuery()->getAllTerms();
     // Set up the parameters:
     $this->results = $this->resultsManager->get($this->getSearchClassId());
     $params = $this->results->getParams();
     $params->setBasicSearch($lookfor, $params->getOptions()->getHandlerForLabel($typeLabel));
     // Perform the search:
Esempio n. 10
  * Get an array of information on non-deleted records in the specified range.
  * @param int    $from   Start date.
  * @param int    $until  End date.
  * @param int    $offset First record to obtain in full detail.
  * @param int    $limit  Max number of full records to return.
  * @param string $set    Set to limit to (empty string for none).
  * @return \VuFind\Search\Base\Results Search result object.
 protected function listRecordsGetNonDeleted($from, $until, $offset, $limit, $set = '')
     // Set up search parameters:
     $results = $this->resultsManager->get($this->searchClassId);
     $params = $results->getParams();
     $params->setSort('last_indexed asc', true);
     // Construct a range query based on last indexed time:
     $params->setOverrideQuery('last_indexed:[' . date($this->iso8601, $from) . ' TO ' . date($this->iso8601, $until) . ']');
     // Apply filters as needed.
     if (!empty($set)) {
         if (isset($this->setQueries[$set])) {
             // use hidden filter here to allow for complex queries;
             // plain old addFilter expects simple field:value queries.
         } else {
             if (null !== $this->setField) {
                 $params->addFilter($this->setField . ':"' . addcslashes($set, '"') . '"');
     // Perform a Solr search:
     $results->overrideStartRecord($offset + 1);
     // Return our results:
     return $results;
Esempio n. 11
  * Turn the current object into search results.
  * @param \VuFind\Search\Results\PluginManager $manager Search manager
  * @return \VuFind\Search\Base\Results
 public function deminify(\VuFind\Search\Results\PluginManager $manager)
     // Figure out the parameter and result classes based on the search class ID:
     // Deminify everything:
     $results = $manager->get($this->cl);
     return $results;
Esempio n. 12
  * Initialize the search object used for finding recommendations.
  * @return void
 protected function initSearchObject()
     // Build a new search object:
     $this->searchObject = $this->resultsManager->get($this->searchClassId);
Esempio n. 13
  * Test expected interface.
  * @return void
  * @expectedException        Zend\ServiceManager\Exception\RuntimeException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Plugin ArrayObject does not belong to VuFind\Search\Base\Results
 public function testExpectedInterface()
     $pm = new PluginManager(null);
     $pm->validatePlugin(new \ArrayObject());
Esempio n. 14
  * Called after the Search Results object has performed its main search.  This
  * may be used to extract necessary information from the Search Results object
  * or to perform completely unrelated processing.
  * @param \VuFind\Search\Base\Results $results Search results object
  * @return void
 public function process($results)
     $this->results = $results;
     // function will return blank on Advanced Search
     if ($results->getParams()->getSearchType() == 'advanced') {
     // check result limit before proceeding...
     if ($this->resultLimit > 0 && $this->resultLimit < $results->getResultTotal()) {
     // Build an advanced search request that prevents Solr from retrieving
     // records that would already have been retrieved by a search of the biblio
     // core, i.e. it only returns results where $lookfor IS found in in the
     // "Heading" search and IS NOT found in the "MainHeading" search defined
     // in authsearchspecs.yaml.
     $request = new Parameters(['join' => 'AND', 'bool0' => ['AND'], 'lookfor0' => [$this->lookfor], 'type0' => ['Heading'], 'bool1' => ['NOT'], 'lookfor1' => [$this->lookfor], 'type1' => ['MainHeading']]);
     // Initialise and process search (ignore Solr errors -- no reason to fail
     // just because search syntax is not compatible with Authority core):
     try {
         $authResults = $this->resultsManager->get('SolrAuth');
         $authParams = $authResults->getParams();
         foreach ($this->filters as $filter) {
         $results = $authResults->getResults();
     } catch (RequestErrorException $e) {
     // loop through records and assign id and headings to separate arrays defined
     // above
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         // Extract relevant details:
         $recordArray = ['id' => $result->getUniqueID(), 'heading' => $result->getBreadcrumb()];
         // check for duplicates before adding record to recordSet
         if (!$this->inArrayR($recordArray['heading'], $this->recommendations)) {
             array_push($this->recommendations, $recordArray);
         } else {