/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { /** * VisualAppeal */ // ID 1 $visualappeal = \VisualAppeal\Connect\Company::create(['name' => 'VisualAppeal', 'phone' => '+49 123 456789', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'website' => 'http://www.visualappeal.de']); // ID 1 \VisualAppeal\Connect\CompanyClient::create(['employee_client_id' => 1, 'company_id' => $visualappeal->id, 'joined_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(753)]); /** * IBM */ // ID 2 $ibm = \VisualAppeal\Connect\Company::create(['name' => 'IBM']); // ID 1 $devOps = \VisualAppeal\Connect\CompanyDepartment::create(['company_id' => $ibm->id, 'name' => 'DevOps', 'phone' => '+10 4123 173 (0)', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'website' => 'https://devops.ibm.com']); // ID 2 $design = \VisualAppeal\Connect\CompanyDepartment::create(['company_id' => $ibm->id, 'name' => 'Design']); // ID 2 \VisualAppeal\Connect\CompanyClient::create(['employee_client_id' => 2, 'company_id' => $ibm->id, 'joined_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(723), 'company_department_id' => $devOps->id]); // ID 3 \VisualAppeal\Connect\CompanyClient::create(['employee_client_id' => 4, 'company_id' => $ibm->id, 'joined_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(723), 'company_department_id' => $devOps->id]); // ID 4 \VisualAppeal\Connect\CompanyClient::create(['employee_client_id' => 5, 'company_id' => $ibm->id, 'joined_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(354), 'company_department_id' => $design->id]); // ID 5 \VisualAppeal\Connect\CompanyClient::create(['employee_client_id' => 6, 'company_id' => $ibm->id, 'joined_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(348)]); // ID 1 \VisualAppeal\Connect\CompanyProfile::create(['company_id' => $ibm->id, 'title' => 'foundation', 'value' => '1911']); }
/** * Test that a company can be deleted via interface. */ public function testDeleteForm() { $admin = $this->createSuperuser(); $this->be($admin); $company = $this->createCompany(); $this->call('GET', route('company.show', ['company' => $company->id])); $this->assertResponseOk(); $response = $this->call('DELETE', route('company.destroy', ['company' => $company->id]), ['_token' => Session::token()]); $this->assertRedirectedToRoute('company.index'); $company = \VisualAppeal\Connect\Company::find(1); $this->assertNull($company); }
/** * Delete employee. * * @param int $companyId * @param int $employeeId * * @return Response */ public function destroy($companyId, $employeeId) { $company = Company::where('id', '=', $companyId)->firstOrFail(); $employee = CompanyClient::where('id', '=', $employeeId)->firstOrFail(); $employee->delete(); return redirect()->route('company.show', ['company' => $company->id]); }
/** * Move a company to the trash. * * @param int $id * * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $company = Company::findOrFail($id); $company->delete(); return redirect()->route('company.index'); }
/** * Delete profile field. * * @param int $companyId * @param int $profileId * * @return Response */ public function destroy($companyId, $profileId) { $company = Company::findOrFail($companyId); $profile = CompanyProfile::findOrFail($profileId); $profile->delete(); return redirect()->route('company.show', ['company' => $company->id]); }
/** * Delete department. * * @param int $companyId * @param int $departmentId * * @return Response */ public function destroy($companyId, $departmentId) { $company = Company::findOrFail($companyId); $department = CompanyDepartment::findOrFail($departmentId); $department->delete(); return redirect()->route('company.show', ['company' => $company->id]); }
/** * Register events. * * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $events * @return void */ public function boot(DispatcherContract $events) { parent::boot($events); /** * Users */ // Create client with user User::created(function (User $user) { // Save ID of user who created the client $client = new Client(); if (\Sentry::check()) { $client->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } $client->save(); // Save ID of the client in the user model $user->client_id = $client->id; $user->save(); }); // Client about to be created Client::creating(function (Client $client) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $client->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // ClientProfile about to be created ClientProfile::creating(function (ClientProfile $clientProfile) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $clientProfile->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // ClientComment about to be created ClientComment::creating(function (ClientComment $clientComment) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $clientComment->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); /** * Tasks */ // User assigned user to task TaskClient::created(function (TaskClient $taskClient) { Notification::notify(['from_user_id' => $taskClient->user_id, 'to_user_id' => $taskClient->client->user->id, 'icon' => 'tasks', 'message' => 'notification.task.assigned', 'message_parameters' => ['task' => $taskClient->task->title], 'url' => 'task.view', 'url_parameters' => ['id' => $taskClient->task->id]]); }); // User assigned user to job TaskJobClient::created(function (TaskJobClient $taskJobClient) { Notification::notify(['from_user_id' => $taskJobClient->user_id, 'to_user_id' => $taskJobClient->client->user->id, 'icon' => 'tasks', 'message' => 'notification.task.job.assigned', 'message_parameters' => ['job' => $taskJobClient->job->title, 'task' => $taskJobClient->job->task->title], 'url' => 'task.job.view', 'url_parameters' => ['id' => $taskJobClient->job->id]]); }); // User created new job for task TaskJob::created(function (TaskJob $taskJob) { foreach ($taskJob->task->clients as $client) { if (!isset($client->user->id)) { continue; } Notification::notify(['from_user_id' => $taskJob->user_id, 'to_user_id' => $client->user->id, 'icon' => 'tasks', 'message' => 'notification.task.job.created', 'message_parameters' => ['job' => $taskJob->title, 'task' => $taskJob->task->title], 'url' => 'task.job.view', 'url_parameters' => ['id' => $taskJob->id]]); } }); // Task about to be created Task::creating(function (Task $task) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $task->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Task user assignment about to be created TaskClient::creating(function (TaskClient $taskClient) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $taskClient->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Job about to be created TaskJob::creating(function (TaskJob $taskJob) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $taskJob->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Job user assignment about to be created TaskJobClient::creating(function (TaskJobClient $taskJobClient) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $taskJobClient->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); /** * Companies */ // Company about to be created Company::creating(function (Company $company) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $company->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Company department about to be created CompanyDepartment::creating(function (CompanyDepartment $companyDepartment) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $companyDepartment->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Company user about to be created CompanyClient::creating(function (CompanyClient $companyClient) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $companyClient->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Company profile about to be created CompanyProfile::creating(function (CompanyProfile $companyProfile) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $companyProfile->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); /** * Invoices */ // Save user ID for the invoice Invoice::creating(function (Invoice $invoice) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $invoice->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Final invoices cannot be updated Invoice::updating(function (Invoice $invoice) { if ($invoice->final) { return false; } }); // Save user ID for the invoice item InvoiceItem::creating(function (InvoiceItem $invoiceItem) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $invoiceItem->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Items of final invoices cannot be updated InvoiceItem::updating(function (InvoiceItem $invoiceItem) { if ($invoiceItem->invoice->final) { return false; } }); // Save user ID for the recurring invoice InvoiceRecurring::creating(function (InvoiceRecurring $invoiceRecurring) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $invoiceRecurring->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Save user ID for the split invoice InvoiceSplit::creating(function (InvoiceSplit $invoiceSplit) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $invoiceSplit->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); /** * Projects */ // Save user ID for the Project Project::creating(function (Project $project) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $project->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Save user ID for the ProjectProfile ProjectProfile::creating(function (ProjectProfile $projectProfile) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $projectProfile->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Save user ID for the ProjectClient ProjectClient::creating(function (ProjectClient $projectClient) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $projectClient->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Save user ID for the ProjectCompanyDepartment ProjectCompanyDepartment::creating(function (ProjectCompanyDepartment $projectCompanyDepartment) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $projectCompanyDepartment->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Save user ID for the ProjectPhase ProjectPhase::creating(function (ProjectPhase $projectPhase) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $projectPhase->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Save user ID for the ProjectPhaseDocument ProjectPhaseDocument::creating(function (ProjectPhaseDocument $projectPhaseDocument) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $projectPhaseDocument->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); // Save user ID for the ProjectPhaseDocumentComment ProjectPhaseDocumentComment::creating(function (ProjectPhaseDocumentComment $projectPhaseDocumentComment) { if (\Sentry::check()) { $projectPhaseDocumentComment->user_id = \Sentry::getUser()->id; } }); }
/** * Show the form to edit a Project. * * @param int $id * * @return Response */ public function edit($id) { $project = Project::findOrFail($id); $companies = Company::all()->lists('name', 'id'); return view('project.edit', ['project' => $project, 'companies' => $companies]); }
/** * Create a random Company. * * @param VisualAppeal\Connect\User $user (Default: null, newly created) * * @return VisualAppeal\Connect\Company */ protected function createCompany($user = null) { $user = $user ?: $this->createUser(); return \VisualAppeal\Connect\Company::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'name' => $this->faker->sentence(2), 'phone' => $this->faker->boolean(50) ? $this->faker->phoneNumber : null, 'fax' => $this->faker->boolean(50) ? $this->faker->phoneNumber : null, 'email' => $this->faker->boolean(50) ? $this->faker->email : null, 'website' => $this->faker->boolean(50) ? $this->faker->url : null]); }