public function tagWork($tpl) { $expression = "/{(BLOCK|PAGE|LINK):([a-z][\\w]*)([\\.\\w]*)}/is"; if (preg_match($expression, $tpl, $match)) { // Array ( [0] => {BLOCK:menu.main} [1] => BLOCK [2] => menu [3] => .main ) if ($match[1] == "BLOCK" and isset($this->modules[$match[2]])) { $call = $this->modules[$match[2]][0]; //'\\'.$m[0].'\Block'; // call or recall block module $qq = $this->modules[$match[2]][1]; if (isset($this->modules[$match[2]][2])) { $tpl = str_replace($match[0], $call::{$this->modules[$match[2]][1]}($match[3]), $tpl); } else { $tpl = str_replace($match[0], $call::instance()->{$this->modules[$match[2]][1]}($match[3]), $tpl); } } elseif ($match[1] == "PAGE") { $page = \View\Page::load($match[2]); $tpl = str_replace($match[0], $page, $tpl); } else { $tpl = str_replace($match[0], "*{$match[2]}*", $tpl); } return $this->tagWork($tpl); } else { return $tpl; } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct("Banned", "You're banned."); $banInfo = OldModel::getBanInfo($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $expires = $banInfo['expires'] == 0 ? "Never" : date("Y-m-d h:i:s T", $banInfo['expires']); $this->body = Site::parseHtmlFragment('banned.html', ['__ip__', '__reason__', '__expires__'], [$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $banInfo['reason'], $expires]); $this->title = "/b/ stats: ACCESS DENIED"; }
/** * Default constructor * @param string $title Text in the <code><title></code> tags. * @param string $body Initial body text. * @param int $privelege The minimum access level to see the page. */ function __construct($title, $body = "", $privilege = 1, $board = null) { parent::__construct($title, $body); $this->requiredLevel = $privilege; $this->board = $board; if ($this->user->getPrivilege() >= Site::LEVEL_SEARCH) { $this->addToHead("<script type='text/javascript'>\$(document).ready(function(){ImageHover.init('');});</script>"); } if ($this->user->getPrivilege() >= Site::LEVEL_ADMIN) { $this->addToHead("<script type='text/javascript' src='/script/bstats-admin.js'></script>"); } if ($this->user->getPrivilege() < $this->requiredLevel) { throw new PermissionException($this->user->getPrivilege(), $this->requiredLevel); } $navBarExtra = ""; if ($this->user->getPrivilege() == 0) { //If not logged in, show login form. $navBarExtra .= Site::parseHtmlFragment("loginform.html"); } if ($this->user->getPrivilege() > 0) { $navBarExtra .= Site::parseHtmlFragment('loginticker.html', ['%username%', '%privilege%', '<!-- more buttons -->'], [$this->user->getUsername(), $this->user->getPrivilege(), $this->renderExtraButtons()]); } $this->navbar->append($navBarExtra); }
use View\Pages\FourOhFour; define("START_TIME", microtime(true)); require_once 'inc/config.php'; require_once 'inc/globals.php'; try { // Page router try { if (Site::backupInProgress() && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') { die((new Page("Backup in Progress", "<h2>Backing Up</h2><div class='centertext'>Please come back later.</div>"))->display()); } if (Site::isBanned()) { die((new Banned())->display()); } Router::route(strtok($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?')); } catch (NotFoundException $ex) { echo (new FourOhFour($ex->getMessage()))->display(); } catch (PermissionException $ex) { die((new FancyPage("/b/ stats: ACCESS DENIED", Site::parseHtmlFragment('accessDenied.html', ['__privilege__', '__required__'], [$ex->has, $ex->required]), 0))->display()); } catch (PDOException $ex) { $page = new Page("Database Error", ""); $page->appendToBody(div('There was an error with the database.<br>' . 'It may be misconfigured.', 'centertext') . div($ex->getMessage() . nl2br($ex->getTraceAsString()), 'centertext')); header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error"); echo $page->display(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $page = new FancyPage("Error", "", 0); $page->setBody("<h1>Error</h1>" . "<div class='centertext'>" . "Your request could not be processed. The following error was encountered: " . "<br>" . $ex->getMessage() . " at " . $ex->getFile() . ":" . $ex->getLine() . "</div>"); echo $page->display(); } } catch (Throwable $err) { echo "There was a serious error encountered. The server admin likely broke a configuration file, or something." . "<br><br>" . $err->getMessage() . " in " . $err->getFile() . " at line " . $err->getLine(); }