public function vectorReadElement() { $v = new Vector(); $world = new Name('world'); $v->add($world); $this->assertEquals($world, $v[0]); }
/** * Runs suite * * @param string[] args * @return int exitcode */ public function run(array $args) { if (!$args) { return $this->usage(); } // Setup suite $suite = new TestSuite(); // Parse arguments $sources = new Vector(); $listener = TestListeners::$DEFAULT; $arguments = []; $colors = null; try { for ($i = 0, $s = sizeof($args); $i < $s; $i++) { if ('-v' == $args[$i]) { $listener = TestListeners::$VERBOSE; } else { if ('-q' == $args[$i]) { $listener = TestListeners::$QUIET; } else { if ('-cp' == $args[$i]) { foreach (explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $this->arg($args, ++$i, 'cp')) as $element) { ClassLoader::registerPath($element, null); } } else { if ('-e' == $args[$i]) { $arg = ++$i < $s ? $args[$i] : '-'; if ('-' === $arg) { $sources->add(new EvaluationSource(Streams::readAll($this->in->getStream()))); } else { $sources->add(new EvaluationSource($this->arg($args, $i, 'e'))); } } else { if ('-l' == $args[$i]) { $arg = $this->arg($args, ++$i, 'l'); $class = XPClass::forName(strstr($arg, '.') ? $arg : 'xp.unittest.' . ucfirst($arg) . 'Listener'); $arg = $this->arg($args, ++$i, 'l'); if ('-?' == $arg || '--help' == $arg) { return $this->listenerUsage($class); } $output = $this->streamWriter($arg); $instance = $suite->addListener($class->newInstance($output)); // Get all @arg-annotated methods $options = []; foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) { if ($method->hasAnnotation('arg')) { $arg = $method->getAnnotation('arg'); if (isset($arg['position'])) { $options[$arg['position']] = $method; } else { $name = isset($arg['name']) ? $arg['name'] : strtolower(preg_replace('/^set/', '', $method->getName())); $short = isset($arg['short']) ? $arg['short'] : $name[0]; $options[$name] = $options[$short] = $method; } } } $option = 0; } else { if ('-o' == $args[$i]) { if (isset($options[$option])) { $name = '#' . ($option + 1); $method = $options[$option]; } else { $name = $this->arg($args, ++$i, 'o'); if (!isset($options[$name])) { $this->err->writeLine('*** Unknown listener argument ' . $name . ' to ' . nameof($instance)); return 2; } $method = $options[$name]; } $option++; if (0 == $method->numParameters()) { $pass = []; } else { $pass = $this->arg($args, ++$i, 'o ' . $name); } try { $method->invoke($instance, $pass); } catch (TargetInvocationException $e) { $this->err->writeLine('*** Error for argument ' . $name . ' to ' . $instance->getClassName() . ': ' . $e->getCause()->toString()); return 2; } } else { if ('-?' == $args[$i] || '--help' == $args[$i]) { return $this->usage(); } else { if ('-a' == $args[$i]) { $arguments[] = $this->arg($args, ++$i, 'a'); } else { if ('-w' == $args[$i]) { $this->arg($args, ++$i, 'w'); } else { if ('--color' == substr($args[$i], 0, 7)) { $remainder = (string) substr($args[$i], 7); if (!array_key_exists($remainder, self::$cmap)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException('Unsupported argument for --color (must be <empty>, "on", "off", "auto" (default))'); } $colors = self::$cmap[$remainder]; } else { if (strstr($args[$i], '.ini')) { $sources->add(new PropertySource(new Properties($args[$i]))); } else { if (strstr($args[$i], \xp::CLASS_FILE_EXT)) { $sources->add(new ClassFileSource(new File($args[$i]))); } else { if (strstr($args[$i], '.**')) { $sources->add(new PackageSource(Package::forName(substr($args[$i], 0, -3)), true)); } else { if (strstr($args[$i], '.*')) { $sources->add(new PackageSource(Package::forName(substr($args[$i], 0, -2)))); } else { if (false !== ($p = strpos($args[$i], '::'))) { $sources->add(new ClassSource(XPClass::forName(substr($args[$i], 0, $p)), substr($args[$i], $p + 2))); } else { if (is_dir($args[$i])) { $sources->add(new FolderSource(new Folder($args[$i]))); } else { $sources->add(new ClassSource(XPClass::forName($args[$i]))); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->err->writeLine('*** ', $e->getMessage()); \xp::gc(); return 2; } if ($sources->isEmpty()) { $this->err->writeLine('*** No tests specified'); return 2; } // Set up suite $l = $suite->addListener($listener->newInstance($this->out)); if ($l instanceof ColorizingListener) { $l->setColor($colors); } foreach ($sources as $source) { try { $tests = $source->testCasesWith($arguments); foreach ($tests as $test) { $suite->addTest($test); } } catch (NoSuchElementException $e) { $this->err->writeLine('*** Warning: ', $e->getMessage()); continue; } catch (IllegalArgumentException $e) { $this->err->writeLine('*** Error: ', $e->getMessage()); return 2; } catch (MethodNotImplementedException $e) { $this->err->writeLine('*** Error: ', $e->getMessage(), ': ', $e->method, '()'); return 2; } } // Run it! if (0 == $suite->numTests()) { return 3; } else { $r = $suite->run(); return $r->failureCount() > 0 ? 1 : 0; } }
/** * Returns an IList instance for a given array * * @param lang.types.ArrayList array * @return util.collections.IList */ public static function asList(ArrayList $array) { $v = new Vector(); $v->addAll($array->values); return $v; }
public function vectorsWithSameContentsAreEqual() { $a = new Vector(array(new String('One'), new String('Two'))); $b = new Vector(array(new String('One'), new String('Two'))); $this->assertTrue($a->equals($b)); }
public function vectorsWithSameContentsAreEqual() { $a = new Vector([new Name('One'), new Name('Two')]); $b = new Vector([new Name('One'), new Name('Two')]); $this->assertTrue($a->equals($b)); }