Esempio n. 1
  * Test getFilePaginationInfo method
 public function testFileListPaginationInfo()
     $api = new Api(UC_PUBLIC_KEY, UC_SECRET_KEY);
     $result = $api->getFilePaginationInfo();
     $this->assertEquals(20, $result['per_page']);
     $result = $api->getFilePaginationInfo(2, 1);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $result['per_page']);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $result['page']);
Esempio n. 2
$page = 2;
$files = $api->getFileList($page);
 * You can get some information about pagination.
 * You will get an array with params:
 * - page: current page
 * - next: uri to request next page
 * - per_page: number of files per page
 * - pages: number of pages
 * - previous: uri to request previous page
 * Use "per_page" and "pages" information to create pagination inside your own project
$pagination_info = $api->getFilePaginationInfo();
 * If you have a file_id (for example, it's saved in your database) you can create object for file easily.
 * Just user request below
$file_id = '5255b9dd-f790-425e-9fa9-8b49d4e64643';
$file = $api->getFile($file_id);
 * Ok, using object of \Uploadcare\File class we can get url for the file
echo $file->getUrl() . "\n";
 * Or even get an image tag
echo $file->getImgTag('image.jpg', array('alt' => 'Somealt')) . "\n";