Esempio n. 1
 public function getUser()
     // if the user has been requested before returned cached version
     if (!is_null($this->user)) {
         return $this->user;
     // check for a user that has this session_id in their list of current sessions
     $this->user = User::with("userSessions")->whereHas("userSessions", function ($q) {
         $q->where("session_id", Session::getId());
     return $this->user;
Esempio n. 2
 public function anyEdit($id = null)
     Auth::getUser()->hasPermissionOr401(Config::get("permissions.users"), 1);
     $user = null;
     $editing = false;
     if (!is_null($id)) {
         $user = User::with("permissionGroups")->find($id);
         if (is_null($user)) {
         $editing = true;
     $formSubmitted = isset($_POST['form-submitted']) && $_POST['form-submitted'] === "1";
     // has id 1
     // populate $formData with default values or received values
     $formData = FormHelpers::getFormData(array(array("enabled", ObjectHelpers::getProp(false, $user, "disabled") ? "" : "y"), array("admin", ObjectHelpers::getProp(false, $user, "admin") ? "y" : ""), array("cosign-user", ObjectHelpers::getProp("", $user, "cosign_user")), array("user", ObjectHelpers::getProp("", $user, "username")), array("password", ""), array("password-changed", "0"), array("groups", json_encode(array()))), !$formSubmitted);
     $passwordToDisplay = null;
     if ($formData['password-changed'] === "1") {
         $passwordToDisplay = $formData['password'];
     } else {
         $passwordToDisplay = is_null(ObjectHelpers::getProp(null, $user, "password_hash")) ? "" : null;
     $additionalFormData = array("passwordInitialData" => User::generateContentForPasswordToggleableComponent($passwordToDisplay), "passwordToggleEnabled" => !is_null(ObjectHelpers::getProp(null, $user, "password_hash")), "passwordChanged" => !is_null($passwordToDisplay), "groupsInitialData" => null);
     if (!$formSubmitted) {
         $additionalFormData['groupsInput'] = ObjectHelpers::getProp(json_encode(array()), $user, "groups_for_input");
         $additionalFormData['groupsInitialData'] = ObjectHelpers::getProp(json_encode(array()), $user, "groups_for_orderable_list");
     } else {
         $additionalFormData['groupsInput'] = PermissionGroup::generateInputValueForAjaxSelectOrderableList(JsonHelpers::jsonDecodeOrNull($formData['groups'], true));
         $additionalFormData['groupsInitialData'] = PermissionGroup::generateInitialDataForAjaxSelectOrderableList(JsonHelpers::jsonDecodeOrNull($formData['groups'], true));
     $errors = null;
     if ($formSubmitted) {
         $modelCreated = DB::transaction(function () use(&$formData, &$user, &$errors) {
             Validator::extend('valid_password_changed_val', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
                 return $value === "0" || $value === "1";
             Validator::extend('unique_user', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) use(&$user) {
                 $currentId = !is_null($user) ? intval($user->id) : null;
                 $q = User::where("username", $value);
                 if (!is_null($currentId)) {
                     $q = $q->where("id", "!=", $currentId);
                 return $q->count() === 0;
             Validator::extend('unique_cosign_user', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) use(&$user) {
                 $currentId = !is_null($user) ? intval($user->id) : null;
                 $q = User::where("cosign_user", $value);
                 if (!is_null($currentId)) {
                     $q = $q->where("id", "!=", $currentId);
                 return $q->count() === 0;
             Validator::extend('valid_groups', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters) {
                 return PermissionGroup::isValidIdsFromAjaxSelectOrderableList(JsonHelpers::jsonDecodeOrNull($value, true));
             $validator = Validator::make($formData, array('password-changed' => array('required', 'valid_password_changed_val'), 'cosign-user' => array('max:32', 'unique_cosign_user'), 'user' => array('required_with:password', 'alpha_dash', 'unique_user'), 'groups' => array('required', 'valid_groups')), array('password-changed.required' => "", 'password-changed.valid_password_changed_val' => "", 'cosign-user.max' => FormHelpers::getLessThanCharactersMsg(32), 'cosign-user.unique_cosign_user' => "There is already another account associated with this username.", 'user.required_with' => FormHelpers::getRequiredMsg(), 'user.required' => FormHelpers::getRequiredMsg(), 'user.unique_user' => "An account with this username already exists.", 'user.alpha_dash' => FormHelpers::getInvalidAlphaDashMsg(), 'password.required' => FormHelpers::getRequiredMsg(), 'groups.required' => FormHelpers::getGenericInvalidMsg(), 'groups.valid_groups' => FormHelpers::getGenericInvalidMsg()));
             // if user has not chosen to change password, but left user empty, this is not allowed.
             // user can only be empty when there is no password set.
             $validator->sometimes("user", "required", function ($input) use(&$formData) {
                 return $formData['password-changed'] === "0";
             $validator->sometimes("password", "required", function ($input) use(&$user, &$formData) {
                 return !empty($formData['user']) && $formData['password-changed'] === "1";
             if (!$validator->fails()) {
                 // everything is good. save model
                 // build the model now. Then validate that there is at least one admin. Done in this order so that resultsInNoAccessibleAdminLogin() works.
                 if (is_null($user)) {
                     $user = new User();
                 $user->disabled = !FormHelpers::toBoolean($formData['enabled']);
                 $user->admin = FormHelpers::toBoolean($formData['admin']);
                 $user->cosign_user = FormHelpers::nullIfEmpty($formData['cosign-user']);
                 $username = FormHelpers::nullIfEmpty($formData['user']);
                 $user->username = $username;
                 if (!is_null($username)) {
                     if ($formData['password-changed'] === "1") {
                         $password = FormHelpers::nullIfEmpty($formData['password']);
                         $user->password_hash = !is_null($password) ? Hash::make($password) : null;
                 } else {
                     $user->password_hash = null;
                 // validate that there is at least one admin with access.
                 $validator = Validator::make($formData, array(), array('enabled.required' => "This user must be enabled otherwise there is no admin on the system with access.", 'admin.required' => "This user must be admin otherwise there is no admin on the system with access.", 'user.required' => "A user is required because there must be at least one admin in the system with a username and password.", 'password.required' => "A password is required because there must be at least one admin in the system with a username and password."));
                 $validator->sometimes(array("enabled", "admin", "user"), "required", function ($input) use(&$user) {
                     return $user->resultsInNoAccessibleAdminLogin();
                 $validator->sometimes("password", "required", function ($input) use(&$user, &$formData) {
                     return $user->resultsInNoAccessibleAdminLogin() && $formData['password-changed'] === "1";
                 if (!$validator->fails()) {
                     if ($user->save() === false) {
                         throw new Exception("Error saving User.");
                     // detaches all
                     $ids = json_decode($formData['groups'], true);
                     if (count($ids) > 0) {
                         $groups = PermissionGroup::whereIn("id", $ids)->get();
                         foreach ($groups as $a) {
                     // the transaction callback result is returned out of the transaction function
                     return true;
                 } else {
                     $errors = $validator->messages();
                     return false;
             } else {
                 $errors = $validator->messages();
                 return false;
         if ($modelCreated) {
             return Redirect::to(Config::get("custom.admin_base_url") . "/users");
         // if not valid then return form again with errors
     $view = View::make('home.admin.users.edit');
     $view->editing = $editing;
     $view->form = $formData;
     $view->additionalForm = $additionalFormData;
     $view->formErrors = $errors;
     $view->cancelUri = Config::get("custom.admin_base_url") . "/users";
     $this->setContent($view, "users", "users-edit");