public function init() { $grav = Grav::instance(); /** @var Config $config */ $config = $grav['config']; $mode = $config->get('system.debugger.mode'); TracyDebugger::$logDirectory = $config->get('system.debugger.log.enabled') ? LOG_DIR : null; TracyDebugger::$maxDepth = $config->get('system.debugger.max_depth'); // Switch debugger into development mode if configured if ($config->get('system.debugger.enabled')) { if ($config->get('system.debugger.strict')) { TracyDebugger::$strictMode = true; } if (function_exists('ini_set')) { ini_set('display_errors', true); } if ($mode == strtolower('detect')) { TracyDebugger::$productionMode = self::DETECT; } elseif ($mode == strtolower('production')) { TracyDebugger::$productionMode = self::PRODUCTION; } else { TracyDebugger::$productionMode = self::DEVELOPMENT; } } }
public function __construct($options = [], Application $app = null, RepositoryContract $config = null, Dispatcher $dispatcher = null) { static::$options = $config !== null ? array_merge($options, $config->get('tracy')) : $options; TracyDebugger::$time = array_get($_SERVER, 'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT', microtime(true)); TracyDebugger::$maxDepth = array_get(static::$options, 'maxDepth'); TracyDebugger::$maxLen = array_get(static::$options, 'maxLen'); TracyDebugger::$showLocation = array_get(static::$options, 'showLocation'); TracyDebugger::$strictMode = array_get(static::$options, 'strictMode'); TracyDebugger::$editor = array_get(static::$options, 'editor'); $bar = TracyDebugger::getBar(); foreach (array_get(static::$options, 'panels') as $key => $enabled) { if ($enabled === true) { $class = '\\' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Panels\\' . ucfirst($key) . 'Panel'; if (class_exists($class) === false) { $class = $key; } $this->panels[$key] = new $class($app, static::$options); $bar->addPanel($this->panels[$key], $class); } } if ($dispatcher !== null) { $dispatcher->listen('kernel.handled', function ($request, $response) { return static::appendDebugbar($request, $response); }); } else { TracyDebugger::enable(); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function onBootstrap(EventInterface $event) { /** * @var ModuleOptions $moduleOptions */ $moduleOptions = $event->getTarget()->getServiceManager()->get('LemoTracy\\Options\\ModuleOptions'); if (true === $moduleOptions->getEnabled()) { if (null !== $moduleOptions->getMode()) { Debugger::enable($moduleOptions->getMode()); } if (null !== $moduleOptions->getLogDirectory()) { Debugger::$logDirectory = $moduleOptions->getLogDirectory(); } if (null !== $moduleOptions->getLogSeverity()) { Debugger::$logSeverity = $moduleOptions->getLogSeverity(); } if (null !== $moduleOptions->getMaxDepth()) { Debugger::$maxDepth = $moduleOptions->getMaxDepth(); } if (null !== $moduleOptions->getMaxLen()) { Debugger::$maxLen = $moduleOptions->getMaxLen(); } if (null !== $moduleOptions->getShowBar()) { Debugger::$showBar = $moduleOptions->getShowBar(); } if (null !== $moduleOptions->getStrict()) { Debugger::$strictMode = $moduleOptions->getStrict(); } } }
/** * initializeTracyDebuger. * * @method initializeTracyDebuger * * @param array $config */ protected function initializeTracyDebuger($config) { Debugger::$editor = Arr::get($config, 'editor', Debugger::$editor); Debugger::$maxDepth = Arr::get($config, 'maxDepth', Debugger::$maxDepth); Debugger::$maxLength = Arr::get($config, 'maxLength', Debugger::$maxLength); Debugger::$scream = Arr::get($config, 'scream', true); Debugger::$showLocation = Arr::get($config, 'showLocation', true); Debugger::$strictMode = Arr::get($config, 'strictMode', true); Debugger::$time = Arr::get($_SERVER, 'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT', microtime(true)); Debugger::$editorMapping = Arr::get($config, 'editorMapping', []); }
/** * @return Configurator */ protected function createConfigurator() { $this->defineConstants(); $configurator = new Configurator(); $configurator->setDebugMode($this->debugger); $configurator->enableDebugger(LOG_DIR); Debugger::$strictMode = FALSE; $configurator->setTempDirectory(TEMP_DIR); $configurator->createRobotLoader()->addDirectory(APP_DIR)->register(); return $configurator; }
/** * Setup Tracy\Debugger with options * * @param MvcEvent $e * @return void */ public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e) { $app = $e->getApplication(); $config = $app->getConfig(); if (empty($config['tracy_debug']) || empty($config['tracy_debug']['enabled'])) { return; } array_key_exists('mode', $config['tracy_debug']) or $config['tracy_debug']['mode'] = NULL; array_key_exists('log', $config['tracy_debug']) or $config['tracy_debug']['log'] = NULL; array_key_exists('email', $config['tracy_debug']) or $config['tracy_debug']['email'] = NULL; Debugger::enable($config['tracy_debug']['mode'], $config['tracy_debug']['log'], $config['tracy_debug']['email']); !array_key_exists('strict', $config['tracy_debug']) or Debugger::$strictMode = $config['tracy_debug']['strict']; !array_key_exists('max_depth', $config['tracy_debug']) or Debugger::$maxDepth = $config['tracy_debug']['max_depth']; !array_key_exists('max_len', $config['tracy_debug']) or Debugger::$maxLen = $config['tracy_debug']['max_len']; }
protected function registerDebugger() { $config = $this->app['config']['tracy']; Debugger::$time = array_get($_SERVER, 'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT', microtime(true)); Debugger::$maxDepth = array_get($config, 'maxDepth'); Debugger::$maxLen = array_get($config, 'maxLen'); Debugger::$showLocation = array_get($config, 'showLocation'); Debugger::$strictMode = array_get($config, 'strictMode'); Debugger::$editor = array_get($config, 'editor'); $bar = Debugger::getBar(); foreach ($config['panels'] as $key => $enabled) { if ($enabled === true or $enabled === '1') { $class = '\\' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Panels\\' . ucfirst($key) . 'Panel'; $bar->addPanel(new $class($config, $this->app), $class); } elseif (is_string($enabled) === true) { $class = $enabled; $bar->addPanel(new $class($config, $this->app), $class); } } }
/** * @param Container $app * * @return mixed * * @throws DependencyInstanceNotFound */ public function register(Container $app) { /** @var Application $app */ $config = $this->config; // this service provider will quietly fail if Tracy is not installed. if (class_exists('\\Tracy\\Debugger') and $config->get('logging.tracy.enabled')) { // use the environment to configure the Debugger $env = env('APP_ENV') === 'PRODUCTION' ? Debugger::PRODUCTION : Debugger::DEVELOPMENT; Debugger::$maxDepth = $config->get('logging.tracy.maxDepth', 6); Debugger::enable($env, rtrim($config->get('logging.logPath', LOGS), '/')); Debugger::$showLocation = env('DEBUG') and $config->get('logging.tracy.showLocation', FALSE); Debugger::$strictMode = $config->get('logging.tracy.strictMode', FALSE); Debugger::$showBar = FALSE; # env('DEBUG'); // use the Tracy Debugger for logging. $app['tracy'] = Debugger::getLogger(); $app['nine.logger'] = function ($app) { return $app['tracy']; }; } }
<!DOCTYPE html><link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/style.css"> <h1>Tracy Warning and StrictMode demo</h1> <?php require __DIR__ . '/../src/tracy.php'; use Tracy\Debugger; Debugger::enable(Debugger::DETECT, __DIR__ . '/log'); Debugger::$strictMode = TRUE; $f = fopen('nonexistent', 'r');
/** * @param string error log directory * @param string administrator email * @return void */ public function enableDebugger($logDirectory = NULL, $email = NULL) { Tracy\Debugger::$strictMode = TRUE; Tracy\Debugger::enable(!$this->parameters['debugMode'], $logDirectory, $email); }
* Handle Cloudflare usage */ $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; require_once SRC_DIR . 'core/autoloader.php'; Twig_Autoloader::register(); /* * Set Debugger::DETECT to Debugger::DEVELOPMENT to force errors to be displayed. * This should NEVER be done on a live environment. In most cases Debugger is smart * enough to figure out if it is a local or development environment. */ if (Config::config('debugging') === true) { Debugger::enable(Debugger::DEVELOPMENT, SRC_DIR . '/logs'); } else { Debugger::enable(Debugger::DETECT, SRC_DIR . '/logs'); } Debugger::$strictMode = true; /* * MySQL PDO Connection Engine */ ORM::configure(array('connection_string' => 'mysql:host=' . Config::config('mysql')->host . ';port=' . Config::config('mysql')->port . ';dbname=' . Config::config('mysql')->database, 'username' => Config::config('mysql')->username, 'password' => Config::config('mysql')->password, 'driver_options' => array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC), 'logging' => true, 'logger' => function ($query, $time) { DatabaseManager::logQuery($query, $time); }, 'caching' => true, 'caching_auto_clear' => true)); /* * Initalize Global core */ $core = new stdClass(); $klein = new \Klein\Klein(); $core->auth = new Authentication(); $core->user = new User(); $core->server = new Server(); $core->email = new Email();
/** * @param string error log directory * @param string administrator email * @return void */ public function enableDebugger($logDirectory = NULL, $email = NULL) { Tracy\Debugger::$strictMode = TRUE; Tracy\Debugger::enable(!$this->parameters['debugMode'], $logDirectory, $email); Nette\Bridges\Framework\TracyBridge::initialize(); }
/** * Inicialização do Framework. * Método chamado para inicializar os atributos da classe Manager e registrar os AutoloadPaths. * @param string $configFile Arquivo de configuração do Maestro * @param string $basePath Diretório onde o Maestro está instalado * @param string $app Aplicação a ser executada. */ public static function init() { $debug = self::getConf('maestro.debug.enabled'); if ($debug) { $mode = self::getConf('maestro.options.mode') == 'DEV' ? Tracy\Debugger::DEVELOPMENT : Tracy\Debugger::PRODUCTION; Tracy\Debugger::enable($mode, self::$maestroPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'log'); Tracy\Debugger::$logSeverity = self::getConf('maestro.debug.severity'); Tracy\Debugger::$strictMode = self::getConf('maestro.debug.strictMode'); Tracy\Debugger::$maxDepth = self::getConf('maestro.debug.maxDepth'); // default: 3 Tracy\Debugger::$maxLen = self::getConf('maestro.debug.maxLen'); // default: 150 } error_reporting(self::getConf('maestro.debug.severity')); // Maestro 1.0 compatibility // self::addAutoloadClass('mlogin', self::$classPath . '/Security/MLoginMaestro1.php'); // Session self::$session = new MSession(); self::$session->init($_REQUEST['sid'] === '0' ? 0 : mrequest('sid')); self::$baseURL = self::$request->getBaseURL(false); Manager::logMessage('[RESET_LOG_MESSAGES]'); /* if (self::$java = ($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] == "JavaBridge")) { require_once (self::$home . "/java/"); self::$javaContext = java_context(); self::$javaServletContext = java_context()->getServletContext(); } * */ self::getLogin(); self::$msg = new MMessages(self::getSession()->lang ?: self::getOptions('language')); self::$msg->loadMessages(); self::$mode = self::getOptions("mode"); date_default_timezone_set(self::getOptions("timezone")); setlocale(LC_ALL, self::getOptions("locale")); //self::$mad = self::getConf('maestro.mad.module'); self::$app = self::getConf(''); register_shutdown_function("shutdown"); }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use Tracy\Debugger; $configurator = new Nette\Configurator(); //$configurator->setDebugMode('23.75.345.200'); // enable for your remote IP $configurator->enableDebugger(__DIR__ . '/../log'); $configurator->setTempDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../temp'); $configurator->createRobotLoader()->addDirectory(__DIR__)->addDirectory(MODEL_DIR)->register(); // // enable debugger // Debugger::enable(IS_PRODUCTION); $configurator->setDebugMode(TRUE); Debugger::$strictMode = FALSE; $configurator->addParameters(array('generatedDir' => GENERATED_DIR)); $configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.neon'); $configurator->addConfig(__DIR__ . '/config/config.local.neon'); $container = $configurator->createContainer(); \App\BackendModule\Grids\Boolean::register(); return $container;
/** * Activation debugger tools and settings. * @param string directory for storing captured logs in a production environment. * @param string email administrator to send messages about a newly generated log. */ public function enableDebugger($logDirectory = NULL, $email = NULL) { Debugger::$strictMode = TRUE; Debugger::enable($this->mode, $logDirectory, $email); }