protected function checkUploadAction() { $uploadedFile = Input::file('file_data'); if (!Request::isMethod('POST') || !is_object($uploadedFile)) { return; } $validationRules = []; /* * Validate file types */ if (count($this->fileTypes)) { $mimes = trim(implode(',', (array) $this->fileTypes)); $mimes = str_replace('.', '', $mimes); // ['mimes:png,jpg,jpeg']; if ($mimes != '*') { $validationRules[] = 'mimes:' . $mimes; } } $validation = Validator::make(['file_data' => $uploadedFile], ['file_data' => $validationRules]); if ($validation->fails()) { throw new ValidationException($validation); } if (!$uploadedFile->isValid()) { throw new ApplicationException(sprintf('File %s is not valid.', $uploadedFile->getClientOriginalName())); } $file = new File(); $file->data = $uploadedFile; $file->is_public = true; $file->save(); $this->model->{$this->attribute}()->add($file, $this->getSessionKey()); return ['id' => $file->id, 'path' => $file->getPath()]; }
/** * Save the first image result from Google. * * @param string $query Search query * @param int $height Resize height * @param int $width Resize width * @param string $path Path to store the image (will use temp as default) * * @return System\Models\File|void Created file object */ public static function search($query, $height = 300, $width = 300, $path = null) { // Prepare the query $query = urlencode($query); // Prepare path $path = $path ?: tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'image'); // Use Google Image $results = file_get_contents('' . $query); if ($results && ($json = json_decode($results, true))) { foreach ($json['responseData']['results'] as $image) { if (isset($image['url'])) { // Retrive the image $url = $image['url']; $content = @file_get_contents($url); if (!$content) { break; } // Save the image $file_path = $path . basename($url); file_put_contents($file_path, $content); // Resize Resizer::open($file_path)->resize($height, $width)->save($file_path, 100); // Create File object $file = new File(); $file->data = $file_path; $file->save(); return $file; } } } }
public function run() { $categories = [['name' => 'Мебель', 'slug' => 'furniture'], ['name' => 'Посуда', 'slug' => 'dishes'], ['name' => 'Аксессуары', 'slug' => 'accessories'], ['name' => 'Кольца', 'slug' => 'rings'], ['name' => 'Заколки', 'slug' => 'hairpins'], ['name' => 'Серьги', 'slug' => 'earrings']]; $data = [['title' => 'Доска-подставка под горячее', 'content' => ['description' => 'Осина, склейка. Обработка — масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['подносы', 'деревяннаяпосуда']], 'categories' => ['dishes'], 'images' => ['cooking_boards_1.jpg', 'cooking_boards_2.jpg']], ['title' => 'Ложки-близняшки', 'content' => ['description' => 'Липа', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['ложкидеревянные', 'деревяннаяпосуда']], 'categories' => ['dishes'], 'images' => ['spoon_1.jpg', 'spoon_2.jpg', 'spoon_3.jpg']], ['title' => 'Серьги «Треугольник»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Орех, хир. сталь', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['серьгиручнойработы', 'серьгииздерева', 'серрежки', 'минимализм']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'earrings'], 'images' => ['treugolnik_001.jpg']], ['title' => 'Серия сержек «Супрематизм»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Орех, хир. сталь', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['серьгиручнойработы', 'серьгииздерева', 'сережки']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'earrings'], 'images' => ['kvadro.jpg', 'lisichkini_usgki_1.jpg', 'lisichkini_usgki_2.jpg', 'suprematizm_1.jpg']], ['title' => 'Серьги «Параллелепипед»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Клён, хир. сталь', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['серьгиручнойработы', 'серьгииздерева', 'сережки', 'клен']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'earrings'], 'images' => ['parallelepiped_1.jpg', 'parallelepiped_2.jpg']], ['title' => 'Серьги «Палочки»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Венге, клён, хир. сталь', 'price' => 'Цена', 'tags' => ['серьгиручнойработы', 'серьгииздерева', 'сережки', 'палочки']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'earrings'], 'images' => ['palochki.jpg']], ['title' => 'Серьги «Лодочки»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Клён, хир. сталь', 'price' => 'Цена', 'tags' => []], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'earrings'], 'images' => ['lodochki_1.jpg', 'lodochki_2.jpg']], ['title' => 'Серьги «Квадрат»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Орех, хир. сталь', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['серьгиручнойработы', 'серьгииздерева', 'сережки']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'earrings'], 'images' => ['kvadrat.jpg']], ['title' => 'Серьги «Круг»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Орех, хир. сталь', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['серьгиручнойработы', 'серьгииздерева', 'сережки']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'earrings'], 'images' => ['krug_1.jpg', 'krug_2.jpg']], ['title' => 'Серьги «Корельская берёза»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Корельская берёза, хир. сталь', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['серьгиручнойработы', 'серьгииздерева', 'сережки']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'earrings'], 'images' => ['korelskai_bereza_1.jpg', 'korelskai_bereza_2.jpg', 'korelskai_bereza_3.jpg']], ['title' => 'Серьги «Конус»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Орех, хир. сталь', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['серьгиручнойработы', 'серьгииздерева', 'сережки', 'гвоздики']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'earrings'], 'images' => ['konus_1.jpg', 'konus_2.jpg']], ['title' => 'Серьги «Кленовая коллекция»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Клён, хир. сталь', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['серьгиручнойработы', 'серьгииздерева', 'сережки', 'клен']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'earrings'], 'images' => ['klen_collection_kolos.jpg']], ['title' => 'Серьги из серии «Геометрия»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Орех, хир. сталь', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['серьгиручнойработы', 'серьгииздерева', 'сережки']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'earrings'], 'images' => ['geometry_collection_1.jpg', 'geometry_collection_2.jpg']], ['title' => 'Заколка декоративная «Анна»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Красное дерево', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['шпильки', 'деревянныешпильки', 'заколкидляволос', 'заколки', 'заколкииздерева']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'hairpins'], 'images' => ['anna_kolos.jpg', 'anna_kolos_02.jpg']], ['title' => 'Заколка «Ушки»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Переклейка, венге шпон', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['шпильки', 'деревянныешпильки', 'заколкидляволос', 'заколки', 'заколкииздерева']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'hairpins'], 'images' => ['shpilky_kolos_01.jpg']], ['title' => 'Заколка «Спутник»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Русский орех', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['шпильки', 'деревянныешпильки', 'заколкидляволос', 'заколки', 'заколкииздерева']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'hairpins'], 'images' => ['sputnik.jpg', 'sputnik_02.jpg', 'sputnik_03.jpg', 'sputnik_04.jpg']], ['title' => 'Заколка «Биоформа»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Ольха', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['шпильки', 'деревянныешпильки', 'заколкидляволос', 'заколки', 'заколкииздерева']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'hairpins'], 'images' => ['bio_03.jpg', 'bio_01.jpg', 'bio_02.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Грани»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Русский орех, масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцо', 'кольцоиздерева', 'граненоекольцо', 'орех', 'дерево']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['grani_001.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Костет»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Дуб, масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева', 'костет', 'костетиздерева', 'дерево', 'дизайнспб', 'дуб']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['ring_kostet_01.jpg', 'ring_kostet_02.jpg', 'ring_kostet_03.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольца на мизинец', 'content' => ['description' => 'Различные породы деревьев', 'price' => '700', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева', 'кольцорунойработы', 'дерево', 'дизайнспб']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['mizinec_001.jpg', 'mizinec_grange_001.jpg', 'mizinec_grange_002.jpg', 'mizinec_tiger_eye.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Ольха большая»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Ольха, масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева', 'кольцоназаказ', 'ольха', 'дизайнспб']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['olxa_001.jpg', 'olxa_002.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Ольха круглая»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Ольха, масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева', 'ольха', 'дизайнспб']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['olxa_kruglai_001.jpg', 'olxa_kruglai_002.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Перстень»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Орех, масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева', 'орех', 'дизайнспб']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['persten_001.jpg', 'persten_002.jpg', 'persten_003.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Точечка»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Клен + вставка венге, воск', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева', 'точка', 'минимализм', 'дизайниздерева']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['tochechka_001.jpg', 'tochechka_002.jpg', 'tochechka_003.jpg', 'tochechka_004.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Тоннель»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Орех, масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева', 'большоекольцо', 'украшенияручнойработы', 'минимализм', 'хипстота']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['tonnel_001.jpg', 'tonnel_002.jpg', 'tonnel_003.jpg', 'tonnel_004.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Трио»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Дуб, масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['треугольник', 'круг', 'квадрат', 'триптих', 'трио', 'дуб', 'супрематизм']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['trio_001.jpg', 'trio_002.jpg', 'trio_003.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Twix»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Клен и Орех, масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева', 'twix', 'сладкаяпарочка', 'диптих', 'коллекцияколец']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['twix_black_01.jpg', 'twix_black_02.jpg', 'twix_black_03.jpg', 'twix_collection.jpg', 'twix_whit_01.jpg', 'twix_whit_02.jpg', 'twix_whit_03.jpg', 'twix_whit_04.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Усеченный цилиндр»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Ольха, масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева', 'ручнаработа', 'кольцоручнойработы', 'дизайн']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['usechennii_cilindr_001.jpg', 'usechennii_cilindr_002.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Вставка венге»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Клен + вставка шпона венге', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['spon_vstavka_kolos.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Хребет»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Осина, масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева', 'осина', 'дизайниздерева', 'минимализм', 'ручнаяработа']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['xrebet_001.jpg', 'xrebet_002.jpg']], ['title' => 'Кольцо «Зебра»', 'content' => ['description' => 'Клен + вставка шпона венге, масло', 'price' => '1000', 'tags' => ['кольцоиздерева', 'зебра', 'клен', 'венге', 'украшениеиздерева', 'дизайн']], 'categories' => ['accessories', 'rings'], 'images' => ['zebra_001.jpg', 'zebra_002.jpg']]]; foreach ($categories as $key => $category) { Category::create($category); } foreach ($data as $product) { if (array_key_exists('images', $product)) { $images = $product['images']; unset($product['images']); } if (array_key_exists('categories', $product)) { $categories = $product['categories']; unset($product['categories']); } if (array_key_exists('tags', $product['content'])) { $tags = $product['content']['tags']; unset($product['content']['tags']); } $product['published'] = true; $product['published_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', rand(strtotime('2015-01-01'), strtotime('2015-09-01'))); $model = Product::create($product); foreach ($categories as $slug) { $category = ''; $category = Category::where('slug', '=', $slug)->first(); // print_r($category); if (!is_null($category)) { $model->categories()->add($category, null); } } foreach ($tags as $name) { $tag = ''; $tag = Tag::where('name', '=', $name)->first(); // print_r($category); if (is_null($tag)) { $tag = Tag::create(['name' => $name]); } if (!is_null($tag)) { $model->tags()->add($tag, null); } } foreach ($images as $key => $image) { $filePath = "./storage/app/images/" . $image; if (!file_exists($filePath)) { echo 'File ' . $filePath . ' not exists.' . "\n"; continue; } $file = new File(); $file->fromFile($filePath); $file['title'] = $model->title; $file['description'] = $model->content['description']; $model->featured_images()->save($file, null); // if ($key == 0) { // $model->cover()->save($file, null); // } } } }
public function run() { $driver = Driver::firstOrCreate(['name' => 'U.S. Postal Service', 'type' => 'shipping', 'class' => 'Bedard\\USPS\\Classes\\USPS', 'is_configurable' => true, 'is_default' => false]); $logo = new File(); $logo->fromFile(plugins_path('bedard/usps/assets/images/usps.png')); $logo->save(); $driver->image()->add($logo); }
public function onAvatarUpdate() { $file = new File(); $file->data = Input::file('avatar'); $file->save(); $this->AvaUser->avatar()->add($file); return Redirect::intended($this->pageUrl($this->property('redirect'))); }
private function processFileUploadPhoto($id, $uploadedFile) { $file = new System\Models\File(); $file->data = $uploadedFile; $file->save(); $mhs = PendaftaranWisuda::find($id); $mhs->photo_ijazah()->add($file); }
private function processFileUpload($id, $uploadedFile) { $file = new System\Models\File(); $file->data = $uploadedFile; $file->save(); $mhs = IdentitasMahasiswa::find($id); $mhs->photo()->add($file); }
private function assignImages($model, $fileData) { if (array_key_exists($model->slug, $fileData)) { $images = $fileData[$model->slug]; // print_r($images); echo $model->slug . " ["; // echo get_class($model) . "\n"; if (!is_array($images)) { return; } foreach ($images as $key => $filePath) { if (!is_array($filePath)) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($filePath); $check = File::where('attachment_id', '=', $model->id)->where('attachment_type', '=', get_class($model))->where('file_name', '=', $pathinfo['basename'])->first(); if (!is_null($check)) { // echo $filePath . " "; // echo filemtime($filePath) . " "; // echo $check->updated_at->timestamp . "\n"; if (filemtime($filePath) > $check->updated_at->timestamp) { // echo "File " . $filePath . " is Newer. Update!" . "\n"; echo "^"; $check->delete(); } else { echo "~"; continue; } } else { // echo "File " . $filePath . " is New. Create!" . "\n"; echo "+"; } $file = new File(); $file->fromFile($filePath); switch ($key) { case 'cover': $model->cover()->save($file, null, ['title' => $model->title]); break; default: echo ' Image ' . $filePath . ' not saved.' . "\n"; break; } } } echo "]\n"; } else { // preg_match_all('#<img.+?src="(.+?)"#', $model->content, $matches); // // $images = $matches[1]; // $images = array_filter($matches[1], function ($value) { // return !preg_match('#^https?\:\/\/#', $value); // }); // if (count($images) != 0) { // $filePath = $images[0]; // // echo $model->title . " -- " . $filePath . "\n"; // $file = new File(); // $file->fromFile("./" . $filePath); // $model->cover()->save($file, null, ['title' => $model->title]); // } } }
private function assignImage($field, $filePath, $model) { $file = new File(); $file->fromFile($filePath); if (!is_null($model->{$field}) && strtotime($model->{$field}->updated_at) < filemtime($filePath)) { echo "Update " . $field . " by file " . $file->getFilename() . "\n"; $model->{$field}->delete(); $model->{$field}()->save($file); } }
/** * @param $username * * @return string|null */ private function findAvatar($username) { $library = MediaLibrary::instance(); $files = $library->listFolderContents($this->imageStoragePath, 'title', 'image'); foreach ($files as $file) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($file->publicUrl); if ($pathinfo['filename'] == $username) { $file = new File(); $file->is_public = $this->imagePublic; $file->fromFile(base_path() . $pathinfo['dirname'] . '/' . $pathinfo['basename']); return $file; } } }
public function boot() { FileBase::extend(function ($model) { $model->hasOne['exif'] = ['Hambern\\Exify\\Models\\Exif', 'delete' => true]; }); FileBase::extend(function ($model) { $model->bindEvent('model.afterCreate', function () use($model) { if (strpos($model->content_type, 'image') !== false) { $reader = Reader::factory(Reader::TYPE_NATIVE); $path = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $model->path; $data = $reader->read($path)->getData(); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $fill[snake_case($k)] = $v; } $exif = Exif::make($fill); $model->exif()->save($exif); } }); $model->bindEvent('model.beforeDelete', function () use($model) { if (strpos($model->content_type, 'image') !== false) { $model->exif()->delete(); } }); }); }
public function get($code = null) { try { if (!$code) { throw new ApplicationException('Missing code'); } $parts = explode('!', base64_decode($code)); if (count($parts) < 2) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid code'); } list($id, $hash) = $parts; if (!($file = FileModel::find((int) $id))) { throw new ApplicationException('Unable to find file'); } $verifyCode = self::getUniqueCode($file); if ($code != $verifyCode) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid hash'); } echo $file->output(); exit; } catch (Exception $ex) { } /* * Fall back on Cms controller */ return App::make('Cms\\Classes\\Controller')->setStatusCode(404)->run('/404'); }
/** * Create file from path, save it and return File object * * @param $path * @param $public * * @return File */ protected function getSavedFile($path, $public = true) { $file = new File(); $file->is_public = $public; $file->fromFile($path); $file->save(); return $file; }
public function testDeleteFlagSoftDeleteModel() { Model::unguard(); $user = SoftDeleteUser::create(['name' => 'Stevie', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']); Model::reguard(); $user->avatar()->create(['data' => base_path() . '/tests/fixtures/plugins/database/tester/assets/images/avatar.png']); $this->assertNotNull($user->avatar); $avatarId = $user->avatar->id; $user->delete(); $this->assertNotNull(FileModel::find($avatarId)); }
/** * Add image size information. * * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile $uploadedFile * @return File */ public function fromPost($uploadedFile) { if (!is_null($uploadedFile)) { parent::fromPost($uploadedFile); if ($this->isImage() && $this->hasFile($this->disk_name)) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($uploadedFile->getRealPath()); $width and $this->image_width = $width; $height and $this->image_height = $height; } } return $this; }
public function loadUserInfo() { $peopleWithAvatars = []; $avatars = Avatar::where('attachment_type', 'RainLab\\User\\Models\\User')->where('field', 'avatar')->get(); foreach ($avatars as $avatr) { $this->avatars[$avatr->attachment_id] = ['t600' => $avatr->getThumb(600, 600), 't200' => $avatr->getThumb(200, 200), 'filename' => $avatr->filename]; $peopleWithAvatars[] = $avatr->attachment_id; } // Set Pagination parameters $this->perPage = $this->property('PicsPerPage', 12); $this->currentPage = input('page', 1); $sort3 = null; /* * Sorting */ switch ($this->sort) { case 'last': $sort1 = 'surname'; $sort2 = 'name'; break; case 'given': $sort1 = 'name'; $sort2 = 'surname'; break; default: $sort1 = 'primary_usergroup'; $sort2 = 'surname'; $sort3 = 'name'; } $people = user::wherein('id', $peopleWithAvatars)->orderBy($sort1)->orderBy($sort2); if ($sort3) { $people->orderBy($sort3); } $this->people = $people->paginate($this->perPage, $this->currentPage); /* * Pagination */ if ($this->people) { $queryArr = []; $queryArr['sort'] = $this->sort; $queryArr['page'] = ''; $paginationUrl = Request::url() . '?' . http_build_query($queryArr); if ($this->currentPage > ($this->lastPage = $this->people->lastPage()) && $this->currentPage > 1) { return Redirect::to($paginationUrl . $this->lastPage); } $this->firstItem = $this->people->firstItem(); $this->lastItem = $this->people->lastItem(); $this->total = $this->people->total(); $this->paginationUrl = $paginationUrl; } return $this->people; }
public function formAfterDelete($model) { $fields = json_decode($model->fields); foreach ($fields as $value) { if (\Str::startsWith($value, 'attachment::')) { $id = explode('::', $value)[1]; $file = \System\Models\File::find($id); if ($file) { $file->delete(); } } } }
private function assignImages($model, $fileData) { if (array_key_exists($model->slug, $fileData)) { $images = $fileData[$model->slug]; echo $model->slug . " ["; foreach ($images as $key => $filePath) { if (!is_array($filePath)) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($filePath); $check = File::where('attachment_id', '=', $model->id)->where('attachment_type', '=', get_class($model))->where('file_name', '=', $pathinfo['basename'])->first(); if (!is_null($check)) { if (filemtime($filePath) > $check->updated_at->timestamp) { echo "^"; $check->delete(); } else { echo "~"; continue; } } else { echo "+"; } $file = new File(); $file->fromFile($filePath); switch ($key) { case 'logo_color': $model->logo_color()->save($file, null, ['title' => $model->title]); break; case 'logo_bw': $model->logo_bw()->save($file, null, ['title' => $model->title]); break; default: echo ' Image ' . $filePath . ' not saved.' . "\n"; break; } } } echo "]\n"; } }
protected function checkUploadPostback() { if (!post('X_BLOG_IMAGE_UPLOAD')) { return; } $uploadedFileName = null; try { $uploadedFile = Input::file('file'); if ($uploadedFile) { $uploadedFileName = $uploadedFile->getClientOriginalName(); } $validationRules = ['max:' . File::getMaxFilesize()]; $validationRules[] = 'mimes:jpg,jpeg,bmp,png,gif'; $validation = Validator::make(['file_data' => $uploadedFile], ['file_data' => $validationRules]); if ($validation->fails()) { throw new ValidationException($validation); } if (!$uploadedFile->isValid()) { throw new SystemException(Lang::get('cms::lang.asset.file_not_valid')); } $fileRelation = $this->model->content_images(); $file = new File(); $file->data = $uploadedFile; $file->is_public = true; $file->save(); $fileRelation->add($file, $this->sessionKey); $result = ['file' => $uploadedFileName, 'path' => $file->getPath()]; $response = Response::make()->setContent($result); $response->send(); die; } catch (Exception $ex) { $message = $uploadedFileName ? Lang::get('cms::lang.asset.error_uploading_file', ['name' => $uploadedFileName, 'error' => $ex->getMessage()]) : $ex->getMessage(); $result = ['error' => $message, 'file' => $uploadedFileName]; $response = Response::make()->setContent($result); $response->send(); die; } }
/** * Sample pdf layouts */ public function run() { PDFLayout::insert([['name' => 'Invoice', 'code' => 'renatio::invoice', 'content_html' => File::get(__DIR__ . '/layouts/invoice.htm'), 'content_css' => File::get(__DIR__ . '/layouts/style_invoice.css'), 'created_at' => Carbon::now()]]); $file = FileModel::where(['field' => 'background_img', 'attachment_id' => 1])->first(); if (!is_object($file)) { FileModel::insert([['disk_name' => '55428b6d4425d031778535.jpg', 'file_name' => 'invoice.jpg', 'file_size' => '47454', 'content_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'field' => 'background_img', 'attachment_id' => 1, 'attachment_type' => 'Renatio\\DynamicPDF\\Models\\PDFLayout']]); } $storage_dir = storage_path('app/uploads/public/554/28b/6d4'); $file = $storage_dir . '/55428b6d4425d031778535.jpg'; if (!File::exists($file)) { File::makeDirectory($storage_dir, 0755, true); File::copy('plugins/renatio/dynamicpdf/assets/images/invoice.jpg', $file); } }
/** * Execute the console command. * @return void */ public function fire() { $base_path = base_path(''); $this->info('Dependencies installing begins here! (plugin:install)'); // DEPENDENCIES foreach (['RainLab.Translate', 'Flynsarmy.IdeHelper', 'BnB.ScaffoldTranslation', 'October.Drivers', 'RainLab.GoogleAnalytics', 'Genius.StorageClear'] as $required) { $this->info('Installing: ' . $required); Artisan::call("plugin:install", ['name' => $required]); } $this->info('Dependencies installed!'); // THEME $this->info('Installing: oc-genius-theme'); system("cd '{$base_path}' && git clone themes/genius"); Theme::setActiveTheme('genius'); // ELIXIR $this->info('Installing: oc-genius-elixir'); system("cd '{$base_path}' && git clone plugins/genius/elixir"); // FORMS $this->info('Installing: oc-genius-forms'); system("cd '{$base_path}' && git clone plugins/genius/forms"); // BACKUP $this->info('Installing: oc-genius-backup'); system("cd '{$base_path}' && git clone plugins/genius/backup"); // GOOGLE ANALYTICS $this->info('Initial setup: AnalytcsSettings'); if (!AnalytcsSettings::get('project_name')) { AnalytcsSettings::create(['project_name' => 'API Project', 'client_id' => '', 'app_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'profile_id' => '112409305', 'tracking_id' => 'UA-29856398-24', 'domain_name' => ''])->gapi_key()->add(File::create(['data' => plugins_path('genius/base/assets/genius-analytics.p12')])); } // EMAIL $this->info('Initial setup: MailSettings'); if (!MailSettings::get('mandrill_secret')) { MailSettings::create(['send_mode' => 'mandrill', 'sender_name' => 'Genius Soluções Web', 'sender_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'mandrill_secret' => 't27R2C15NPnZ8tzBrIIFTA']); } // BRAND $this->info('Initial setup: BrandSettings'); if (!BrandSettings::get('app_init')) { BrandSettings::create(['app_name' => 'Genius Soluções Web', 'app_tagline' => 'powered by Genius', "primary_color_light" => "#e67e22", "primary_color_dark" => "#d35400", "secondary_color_light" => "#34495e", "secondary_color_dark" => "#2b3e50", "custom_css" => "", 'app_init' => true])->logo()->add(File::create(['data' => plugins_path('genius/base/assets/genius-logo.png')])); } // USUARIO BASE $this->info('Initial setup: User'); $user = User::find(1); if (!$user->last_name) { $user->update(['first_name' => 'Genius', 'last_name' => 'Soluções Web', 'login' => 'genius', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'genius', 'password_confirmation' => 'genius']); $user->avatar()->add(File::create(['data' => plugins_path('genius/base/assets/genius-avatar.jpg')])); } $this->info('Genius.Base is ready to rock!'); $this->info(''); $this->info('For Laravel Elixir setup run: php artisan elixir:init'); }
public function testDeleteFlagDeleteModel() { Model::unguard(); $user = User::create(['name' => 'Stevie', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']); Model::reguard(); $this->assertEmpty($user->photos); $user->photos()->create(['data' => base_path() . '/tests/fixtures/plugins/database/tester/assets/images/avatar.png']); $user->reloadRelations(); $this->assertNotEmpty($user->photos); $photo = $user->photos->first(); $this->assertNotNull($photo); $photoId = $photo->id; $user->delete(); $this->assertNull(FileModel::find($photoId)); }
private function assignImages($model, $fileData) { if (array_key_exists($model->slug, $fileData)) { $images = $fileData[$model->slug]; // print_r($images); echo $model->slug . " ["; // echo get_class($model) . "\n"; foreach ($images as $key => $filePath) { if (!is_array($filePath)) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($filePath); $check = File::where('attachment_id', '=', $model->id)->where('attachment_type', '=', get_class($model))->where('file_name', '=', $pathinfo['basename'])->first(); if (!is_null($check)) { // echo $filePath . " "; // echo filemtime($filePath) . " "; // echo $check->updated_at->timestamp . "\n"; if (filemtime($filePath) > $check->updated_at->timestamp) { // echo "File " . $filePath . " is Newer. Update!" . "\n"; echo "^"; $check->delete(); } else { echo "~"; continue; } } else { // echo "File " . $filePath . " is New. Create!" . "\n"; echo "+"; } $file = new File(); $file->fromFile($filePath); // $file->save(); $model->images()->save($file, null, ['title' => $model->title]); } } echo "]\n"; } }
/** * Execute the console command. * @return void */ public function fire() { // remove files without related register... $this->info(trans('genius.storageclear::lang.clear.seeking.files')); $allFiles = Storage::allFiles('uploads'); $count = 0; $total = count($allFiles); foreach ($allFiles as $file) { if (!File::where('disk_name', basename($file))->first(['id'])) { Storage::delete($file); $count++; } } $this->info(trans('genius.storageclear::lang.clear.removed.files', compact('count', 'total'))); // remove registers without file... $this->info(trans('genius.storageclear::lang.clear.seeking.registers')); $allFiles = File::all(['id', 'disk_name', 'attachment_type', 'attachment_id', 'is_public']); $count = 0; $total = $allFiles->count(); foreach ($allFiles as $file) { if (!Storage::exists($file->getDiskPath())) { $file->delete(); $count++; } else { $class = $file->attachment_type; if (!$class || !class_exists($class) || !$class::find($file->attachment_id)) { $file->delete(); $count++; } } } $this->info(trans('genius.storageclear::lang.clear.removed.registers', compact('count', 'total'))); // deletar pastas vazias $this->info(trans('genius.storageclear::lang.clear.seeking.directories')); $allFolders = array_reverse(Storage::allDirectories('uploads')); $count = 0; $total = count($allFolders); foreach ($allFolders as $directory) { if (!Storage::allFiles($directory)) { Storage::deleteDirectory($directory); $count++; } } $this->info(trans('genius.storageclear::lang.clear.removed.directories', compact('count', 'total'))); }
/** * Locates a file model based on the unique code. * @param $code string * @return System\Models\File */ protected function findFileObject($code) { if (!$code) { throw new ApplicationException('Missing code'); } $parts = explode('!', base64_decode($code)); if (count($parts) < 2) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid code'); } list($id, $hash) = $parts; if (!($file = FileModel::find((int) $id))) { throw new ApplicationException('Unable to find file'); } $verifyCode = self::getUniqueCode($file); if ($code != $verifyCode) { throw new ApplicationException('Invalid hash'); } return $file; }
/** Usage example: {{ product.image | transparencyThumb(180,180, {color: [255,0,0]}) }} * @param File $originalImage * @param $width * @param $height * @param array $opts * @return string */ public function transparencyThumb($originalImage, $width, $height, $opts = []) { if ($originalImage == null) { return null; } $extension = $originalImage->getAttribute('extension'); if ($extension == 'png' || $extension == 'gif') { if (isset($opts['color']) == false) { $opts['color'] = [255, 255, 255]; } $appendix = '_trans_tmp_' . implode('-', $opts['color']) . '.jpg'; $dbDiskName = str_replace('.' . $extension, $appendix, $originalImage->getAttribute('file_name')); $dbAttachmentType = $originalImage->getAttribute('attachment_type') . '::transparency'; $dbFile = File::where('file_name', $dbDiskName)->where('attachment_type', $dbAttachmentType)->first(); if ($dbFile) { return $dbFile->getThumb($width, $height, $opts); } if ($extension == 'png') { $tmpImageData = imagecreatefrompng(base_path() . $originalImage->getPath()); } else { $tmpImageData = imagecreatefromgif(base_path() . $originalImage->getPath()); } $imageWidth = imagesx($tmpImageData); $imageHeight = imagesy($tmpImageData); $backgroundImg = imagecreatetruecolor($imageWidth, $imageHeight); $color = imagecolorallocate($backgroundImg, $opts['color'][0], $opts['color'][1], $opts['color'][2]); imagefill($backgroundImg, 0, 0, $color); imagecopy($backgroundImg, $tmpImageData, 0, 0, 0, 0, $imageWidth, $imageHeight); $tmpImagePath = $originalImage->getTempPath() . '/' . $dbDiskName; imagejpeg($backgroundImg, $tmpImagePath); imagedestroy($backgroundImg); imagedestroy($tmpImageData); //return str_replace(base_path(), '', $tmpImagePath); $file = File::create(['data' => $tmpImagePath, 'attachment_type' => $dbAttachmentType]); return $file->getThumb($width, $height, $opts); } return $originalImage->getThumb($width, $height, $opts); }
/** * Checks the current request to see if it is a postback containing a file upload * for this particular widget. */ protected function checkUploadPostback() { if (!($uniqueId = post('X_OCTOBER_FILEUPLOAD')) || $uniqueId != $this->getId()) { return; } try { $uploadedFile = Input::file('file_data'); $validationRules = ['max:' . File::getMaxFilesize()]; if ($fileTypes = $this->getAcceptedFileTypes()) { $validationRules[] = 'mimes:' . $fileTypes; } $validation = Validator::make(['file_data' => $uploadedFile], ['file_data' => $validationRules]); if ($validation->fails()) { throw new ValidationException($validation); } if (!$uploadedFile->isValid()) { throw new SystemException('File is not valid'); } $fileRelation = $this->getRelationObject(); $file = new File(); $file->data = $uploadedFile; $file->is_public = $fileRelation->isPublic(); $file->save(); $fileRelation->add($file, $this->sessionKey); $file->thumb = $file->getThumb($this->imageWidth, $this->imageHeight, $this->thumbOptions); $result = $file; } catch (Exception $ex) { $result = json_encode(['error' => $ex->getMessage()]); } header('Content-Type: application/json'); die($result); }
/** * Checks the current request to see if it is a postback containing a file upload * for this particular widget. */ protected function checkUploadPostback() { if (!($uniqueId = post('X_OCTOBER_FILEUPLOAD')) || $uniqueId != $this->getId()) { return; } try { $uploadedFile = Input::file('file_data'); $isImage = starts_with($this->getDisplayMode(), 'image'); $validationRules = ['max:' . File::getMaxFilesize()]; if ($isImage) { $validationRules[] = 'mimes:jpg,jpeg,bmp,png,gif'; } $validation = Validator::make(['file_data' => $uploadedFile], ['file_data' => $validationRules]); if ($validation->fails()) { throw new ValidationException($validation); } if (!$uploadedFile->isValid()) { throw new SystemException('File is not valid'); } $fileRelation = $this->getRelationObject(); $file = new File(); $file->data = $uploadedFile; $file->is_public = $fileRelation->isPublic(); $file->save(); $fileRelation->add($file, $this->sessionKey); $file->thumb = $file->getThumb($this->imageWidth, $this->imageHeight, ['mode' => 'crop']); $result = $file; } catch (Exception $ex) { $result = json_encode(['error' => $ex->getMessage()]); } die($result); }
/** * * Saves photos with files attached from $file_ids and attaches them to album * * @param AlbumModel $album * @param array $file_ids * @param string[] $file_titles arrray of titles */ protected function savePhotos($album, $file_ids, $file_titles) { $files = File::whereIn('id', $file_ids)->get(); $photos = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $photo = new PhotoModel(); $photo->title = isset($file_titles[$file->id]) ? $file_titles[$file->id] : ''; $photo->save(); $photo->image()->save($file); $photos[] = $photo; } $album->photos()->saveMany($photos); }
public function onRemoveAttachment() { if (($file_id = post('file_id')) && ($file = File::find($file_id))) { $this->model->{$this->attribute}()->remove($file, $this->getSessionKey()); } }