  * @Then this administrator should not be added
 public function thisAdministratorShouldNotBeAdded()
     Assert::same(1, $this->indexPage->countItems(), 'There should not be any new administrators');
  * @Then /^I should see (\d+) zones in the list$/
 public function iShouldSeeZonesInTheList($number)
     $resourcesOnPage = $this->indexPage->countItems();
     Assert::eq($number, $resourcesOnPage, sprintf('On list should be %d zones but get %d', $number, $resourcesOnPage));
  * @Then /^I should see (\d+) customer groups in the list$/
 public function iShouldSeeCustomerGroupsInTheList($amountOfCustomerGroups)
     Assert::same((int) $amountOfCustomerGroups, $this->indexPage->countItems(), sprintf('Amount of customer groups should be equal %s, but is not.', $amountOfCustomerGroups));
  * @Then /^I should see (\d+) product options in the list$/
 public function iShouldSeeProductOptionsInTheList($amount)
     $foundRows = $this->indexPage->countItems();
     Assert::same((int) $amount, $foundRows, '%2$s rows with product options should appear on page, %s rows has been found');
  * @Then /^there should be (\d+) coupon related to (this promotion)$/
 public function thereShouldBeCouponRelatedTo($number, PromotionInterface $promotion)
     $this->indexPage->open(['promotionId' => $promotion->getId()]);
     Assert::same((int) $number, $this->indexPage->countItems(), 'There should be %s coupons but is %s');
  * @Then I should see :numberOfProducts products in the list
 public function iShouldSeeProductsInTheList($numberOfProducts)
     $foundRows = $this->indexPage->countItems();
     Assert::same((int) $numberOfProducts, $foundRows, '%s rows with products should appear on page, %s rows has been found');
  * @Then I should see :numberOfShippingMethods shipping methods in the list
 public function iShouldSeeShippingMethodsInTheList($numberOfShippingMethods)
     $foundRows = $this->indexPage->countItems();
     Assert::true((int) $numberOfShippingMethods === $foundRows, sprintf('%s rows with shipping methods should appear on page, %s rows has been found', $numberOfShippingMethods, $foundRows));
  * @Then I should see :amount payment methods in the list
 public function iShouldSeePaymentMethodsInTheList($amount)
     $foundRows = $this->indexPage->countItems();
     Assert::same((int) $amount, $foundRows, '%2$s rows with payment methods should appear on page, %s rows has been found');
  * @param int $count
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 private function assertCountOfExchangeRatesOnTheList($count)
     $actualCount = $this->indexPage->countItems();
     Assert::same($actualCount, (int) $count, 'Expected %2$d exchange rates to be on the list, but found %d instead.');
  * @Then I should see :amount static contents in the list
 public function iShouldSeeThatManyStaticContentsInTheList($amount)
     Assert::same((int) $amount, $this->indexPage->countItems(), 'Amount of static contents should be equal %s, but was %2$s.');
Esempio n. 11
  * @Then I should see a single order in the list
 public function iShouldSeeASingleOrderInTheList()
     Assert::same(1, $this->ordersIndexPage->countItems(), 'Cannot find order in the list.');
  * @Then /^I should see (\d+) product attributes in the list$/
 public function iShouldSeeCustomersInTheList($amountOfProductAttributes)
     Assert::same($amountOfProductAttributes, $this->indexPage->countItems(), sprintf('Amount of product attributes should be equal %s, but is not.', $amountOfProductAttributes));
  * @Then I should see :amount routes in the list
 public function iShouldSeeThatManyRoutesInTheList($amount)
     Assert::same((int) $amount, $this->indexPage->countItems(), 'Amount of routes should be equal %s, but was %2$s.');
  * @Then I should see :amount product association types in the list
 public function iShouldSeeCustomerGroupsInTheList($amount)
     Assert::same((int) $amount, $this->indexPage->countItems(), sprintf('Amount of product association types should be equal %s, but is not.', $amount));