  * Generates a model file.
  * @param string $bundle_name Name of the bundle
  * @param string $model_name Name of the model
  * @param array $model_data Model data
  * @return bool true if file was created, false if not.
 public function createModelFile($bundle_name, $model_name, $model_data)
     $model_id = $this->getIdentifier($model_data);
     $this->file_uses = [];
     $bundle_directory = 'bundle/' . $bundle_name;
     if (is_dir($bundle_directory)) {
         $model_directory = $bundle_directory . '/model';
         if (!is_dir($model_directory)) {
         } else {
             // Model directory cleanup
             if ($model_directory != $this->last_model_directory) {
                 $model_directory_files = glob($model_directory . '/*.*');
                 if (!empty($model_directory_files)) {
                     foreach ($model_directory_files as $file) {
         $this->last_model_directory = $model_directory;
         $model_file = $model_directory . '/' . App::toCamelCase($model_name) . '.php';
         // Custom methods backup.
         if (file_exists($model_file)) {
             $file_content = file_get_contents($model_file);
             $regex = '/(?:(?:final )?)class (?:[A-Za-z_]+) extends Model\\n\\{(?:.*)\\/\\*(?:\\n)(?:[ ]+)\\* Custom methods.(?:[ ]*)(?:\\n)(?:[ ]+)\\*\\/(?:[ ]*)(?:\\n)(.*)\\}/s';
             if (preg_match_all($regex, $file_content, $matches) && isset($matches[1][0]) && !preg_match('/^\\n+$/', $matches[1][0])) {
                 $custom_methods = $matches[1][0];
         $output_file = "<?php\n";
         $output_file .= "namespace " . $this->getNamespace($bundle_name) . ";\n\n";
         $output_file .= "/* use_emplacement */\n";
         // Use lines can be injected at any moment with addUse() method.
         if (!empty($model_data)) {
             $output_file .= "final class " . App::toCamelCase($model_name) . " extends \\Sybil\\ORM\\DBMS\\Model\n";
             $output_file .= "{\n";
             if (isset($model_data['_params']['alias'])) {
                 $output_file .= "    protected " . '$entity_name' . " = '" . $model_data['_params']['alias'] . "';\n";
             } else {
                 $output_file .= "    protected " . '$entity_name' . " = '" . App::unCamelCase($model_name) . "';\n";
             $output_file .= "    protected " . '$identifier' . " = ";
             if (count($model_id) == 1) {
                 $output_file .= "'" . $model_id[0] . "';\n";
             } else {
                 $model_id_array = "[";
                 foreach ($model_id as $id) {
                     $model_id_array .= "'" . $id . "',";
                 $model_id_array = trim($model_id_array, ',');
                 $output_file .= $model_id_array . "];\n";
             $output_file .= "\n";
             foreach ($model_data as $property_name => $property_data) {
                 if ($property_name != '_params' && $property_name != '_objects') {
                     $output_file .= "    protected \$" . $property_name . ";\n";
             $output_file .= "\n    /*\n     * Getters & setters.\n     */\n\n";
             foreach ($model_data as $property_name => $property_data) {
                 if ($property_name != '_params' && $property_name != '_objects') {
                     $output_file .= "    public function get" . App::toCamelCase($property_name) . "()\n    {\n";
                     $output_file .= "        return " . '$this->' . $property_name . ";\n";
                     $output_file .= "    }\n\n";
                     if (!isset($property_data['auto']) || $property_data['auto'] == false) {
                         $namespace = isset($property_data['indexOf']) ? '\\' . $this->getNamespace(isset($property_data['indexOf']['bundle']) ? $property_data['indexOf']['bundle'] : $bundle_name, $property_data['indexOf']['model']) . ' ' : '';
                         $output_file .= "    public function set" . App::toCamelCase($property_name) . '(' . $namespace . '$' . $property_name . ')' . "\n    {\n";
                         $output_file .= "        " . '$this->' . $property_name . " = " . $this->applyFunctions($property_name, $property_data) . ";\n";
                         $output_file .= "    }\n\n";
             if (isset($this->app_schema[$bundle_name][$model_name]['_objects'])) {
                 $output_file .= "    /*\n     * Objects methods.\n     */\n\n";
                 foreach ($this->app_schema[$bundle_name][$model_name]['_objects'] as $obj_bundle_name => $obj_models) {
                     foreach ($obj_models as $obj_model_name => $obj_properties) {
                         foreach ($obj_properties as $obj_property_name => $obj_property_data) {
                             $namespace = $this->getNamespace($obj_bundle_name, $obj_model_name);
                             $target_field = $model_id[0];
                             $output_file .= "    public function get" . App::pluralize(App::toCamelCase($obj_property_name)) . "(" . '$params=null' . ")\n    {\n";
                             $output_file .= "        \$" . $obj_model_name . " = new " . App::toCamelCase($obj_model_name) . "();\n";
                             $output_file .= "        return \$" . $obj_model_name . "->match(['" . $obj_property_data['link'] . "' => " . '$this->' . $target_field . "])->params(" . '$params' . ")->execute();\n";
                             $output_file .= "    }\n\n";
             $output_file .= "    /*\n     * Custom methods.\n     */\n";
             $output_file .= isset($custom_methods) ? $custom_methods : '';
             $output_file .= "}\n";
         $output_file = $this->applyUses($output_file);
         if (file_put_contents($model_file, $output_file)) {
             chmod($model_file, 0777);
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;
     } else {
         return false;