Esempio n. 1
  * Creates fake localization
  * @param string $locale
  * @return GroupLocalization
 public function getLocalization($locale)
     $localization = parent::getLocalization($locale);
     // Create fake localization if not persisted
     if (is_null($localization)) {
         $localization = $this->createLocalization($locale);
     return $localization;
Esempio n. 2
  * @param EntityManager $em
  * @param ClassMetadata $class
 public function __construct(EntityManager $em, ClassMetadata $class)
     parent::__construct($em, $class);
     // Bind additional conditions to the nested set repository
     $entities = array(Page::CN(), ApplicationPage::CN(), GroupPage::CN());
     $orList = array();
     foreach ($entities as $entityName) {
         $orList[] = "e INSTANCE OF {$entityName}";
     $additionalCondition = implode(' OR ', $orList);
     $additionalConditionSql = "discr IN ('page', 'application', 'group')";
     $this->nestedSetRepository->setAdditionalCondition($additionalCondition, $additionalConditionSql);
Esempio n. 3
 public function getAncestors(Page $page)
     $left = $page->getLeftValue();
     $right = $page->getRightValue();
     $searchCondition = $this->getSearchCondition();
     $repository = $this->getNestedSetRepository();
     // Will include the self node if required in the end
     $orderRule = $repository->createSelectOrderRule()->byLevelDescending();
     $ancestors = $repository->search($searchCondition, $orderRule);
     return $ancestors;
  * @param array $data
  * @return \Supra\Package\Cms\Entity\Abstraction\RedirectTarget
 private function createRedirectTargetFromData(array $data)
     $type = isset($data['type']) ? $data['type'] : null;
     switch ($type) {
         case 'page':
             $redirectTarget = new RedirectTargetPage();
             if (empty($data['page_id'])) {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing target page id.');
             $page = $this->getEntityManager()->find(Page::CN(), $data['page_id']);
             if ($page === null) {
                 throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Target page [%s] not found.', $data['page_id']));
         case 'child':
             $redirectTarget = new RedirectTargetChild();
             if (empty($data['child_position'])) {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing target child position.');
         case 'url':
             $redirectTarget = new RedirectTargetUrl();
             if (empty($data['url'])) {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Missing target URL.');
             if (!filter_var($data['url'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
                 throw new CmsException(null, sprintf('Provided URL [%s] is not correct.', $data['url']));
             throw new \UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Unknown redirect target type [%s].', $type));
     return $redirectTarget;
  * Get first page localization ID to show in the CMS.
  * @return Localization
 protected function getInitialPageLocalization()
     $localization = null;
     $cookieBag = $this->container->getRequest()->cookies;
     if ($cookieBag->has(self::INITIAL_PAGE_ID_COOKIE)) {
         $localization = $this->getEntityManager()->find(Localization::CN(), $cookieBag->get(self::INITIAL_PAGE_ID_COOKIE));
     // Root page otherwise
     if ($localization === null) {
         $pageRepository = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository(Page::CN());
         /* @var $pageRepository PageRepository */
         $pages = $pageRepository->getRootNodes();
         if (!empty($pages)) {
             /* @var $pages AbstractPage[] */
             return $pages[0]->getLocalization($this->getCurrentLocale()->getId());
     return null;
  * Returns children page array data
  * @param string $entity
  * @param Localization $parentLocalization
  * @param string $filter
  * @param integer $levels
  * @param boolean $count
  * @return mixed
 private function gatherChildrenData($entity, $parentLocalization, $filter = null, $levels = null, $count = false)
     $input = $this->getRequestInput();
     $localeId = $this->getCurrentLocale()->getId();
     // @TODO: existing_only flag is used for LinkManager, when it requests for available pages for linking.
     // should split that onto two separate methods.
     $existingOnly = $input->filter('existing_only', false, false, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);
     $customTitleQuery = $input->get('query', false);
     $entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
     $pageFinder = $entity === Page::CN() ? new PageFinder($entityManager) : new TemplateFinder($entityManager);
     // Reading by one level because need specific reading strategy for application pages
     if (empty($parentLocalization)) {
         $pageFinder->addLevelFilter(0, 0);
     } else {
         $rootNode = $parentLocalization->getMaster();
         $pageFinder->addFilterByParent($rootNode, 1, 1);
     $queryBuilder = $pageFinder->getQueryBuilder();
     if ($existingOnly) {
         $queryBuilder->leftJoin('e.localizations', 'l_', 'WITH', 'l_.locale = :locale')->setParameter('locale', $localeId)->leftJoin('e.localizations', 'l')->andWhere(' IS NOT NULL OR e INSTANCE OF ' . GroupPage::CN());
     } else {
         $queryBuilder->leftJoin('e.localizations', 'l_', 'WITH', 'l_.locale = :locale')->setParameter('locale', $localeId)->leftJoin('e.localizations', 'l')->andWhere(' IS NOT NULL OR = true OR (e.level = 0 AND = false)');
     if ($customTitleQuery) {
         $queryBuilder->andWhere('l_.title LIKE :customTitleQuery');
         $queryBuilder->setParameter('customTitleQuery', $customTitleQuery . '%');
     $filterFolders = array();
     $application = null;
     if ($parentLocalization instanceof ApplicationLocalization) {
         // This is bad solution for detecting where the sitemap has been requested from.
         // Should group by month if sitemap requested in the sidebar.
         //FIXME: JS should pass preference maybe
         if (empty($filter) && $existingOnly) {
             $filter = 'group';
         $application = $this->getPageApplicationManager()->createApplicationFor($parentLocalization, $this->getEntityManager());
         $filterFolders = $application->getFilterFolders($queryBuilder, $filter);
         $application->applyFilters($queryBuilder, $filter);
     $query = $queryBuilder->getQuery();
     if ($input->has('offset')) {
         $offset = $input->getInt('offset');
     if ($input->has('resultsPerRequest')) {
         $limit = $input->getInt('resultsPerRequest');
     $paginator = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator($query, true);
     // TODO: fix, shouldn't return mixed result depending on arguments
     if ($count) {
         // When only the count is needed...
         $count = count($filterFolders) + count($paginator);
         return $count;
     } else {
         $response = array();
         // Prepend the filter folders
         $pages = array_merge($filterFolders, iterator_to_array($paginator));
         if (!is_null($levels)) {
         foreach ($filterFolders as $filterFolder) {
             if (!$filterFolder instanceof TemporaryGroupPage) {
                 throw new \LogicException("Application " . get_class($application) . ' returned invalid filter folders');
         foreach ($pages as $page) {
             $pageData = $this->convertPageToArray($page, $localeId);
             // Skipping the page
             if (is_null($pageData)) {
             $pageData['children_count'] = 0;
             $localization = $page->getLocalization($localeId);
             if (!empty($localization)) {
                 $filter = null;
                 if ($page instanceof TemporaryGroupPage) {
                     $filter = $page->getTitle();
                     $localization = $parentLocalization;
                     // TODO: for now it's enabled for all filter folders
                     $pageData['childrenListStyle'] = 'scrollList';
                     $pageData['selectable'] = false;
                     $pageData['editable'] = false;
                     $pageData['isDraggable'] = false;
                     $pageData['isDropTarget'] = true;
                     $pageData['new_children_first'] = true;
                 if ($levels === 0 && $page instanceof TemporaryGroupPage && $page->hasCalculatedNumberChildren()) {
                     $pageData['children_count'] = $page->getNumberChildren();
                 } elseif ($levels === 0) {
                     $pageData['children_count'] = $this->gatherChildrenData($entity, $localization, $filter, $levels, true);
                 } else {
                     $pageData['children'] = $this->gatherChildrenData($entity, $localization, $filter, $levels, false);
                     $pageData['children_count'] = count($pageData['children']);
                 //					// TODO: might be job for JS
                 //					if ($pageData['children_count'] > 0
                 //							&& ! empty($pageData['icon'])
                 //							&& $pageData['icon'] === 'page') {
                 //						$pageData['icon'] = 'folder';
                 //					}
             $response[] = $pageData;
         return $response;
  * Called when page structure is changed
  * @param Page $master
  * @return array of changed localizations
 private function pageChange(Page $master, $force = false)
     // Run for all children
     $pageLocalizationEntity = PageLocalization::CN();
     $dql = "SELECT l FROM {$pageLocalizationEntity} l JOIN l.master m\n\t\t\t\tWHERE m.left >= :left\n\t\t\t\tAND m.right <= :right\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY l.locale, m.left";
     $pageLocalizations = $this->em->createQuery($dql)->setParameters(array('left' => $master->getLeftValue(), 'right' => $master->getRightValue()))->getResult();
     $changedLocalizations = array();
     foreach ($pageLocalizations as $pageLocalization) {
         $changedLocalization = $this->generatePath($pageLocalization, $force);
         if (!is_null($changedLocalization)) {
             $changedLocalizations[] = $changedLocalization;
     return $changedLocalizations;
Esempio n. 8
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function getRedirectUrl()
     $localeId = $this->getPageLocalization()->getId();
     $targetLocalization = $this->page->getLocalization($localeId);
     return $targetLocalization ? $targetLocalization->getPath()->format(Path::FORMAT_BOTH_DELIMITERS) : null;