getPortal() public method

Returns the current portal for this request.
public getPortal ( ) : Portal
return Sulu\Component\Webspace\Portal
Esempio n. 1
  * Set the active theme if there is a portal.
  * @param GetResponseEvent $event
 public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
     $portal = $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal();
     if (null === $portal) {
     $themeKey = $portal->getWebspace()->getTheme()->getKey();
Esempio n. 2
  * Renders the correct title of the current page. The correct title is either the title provided by the SEO
  * extension, or the title of the content, if the SEO extension does not provide one.
  * @deprecated use the twig include function to render the seo
 public function renderSeoTags(\Twig_Environment $twig, array $seoExtension, array $content, array $urls, $shadowBaseLocale)
     $template = 'SuluWebsiteBundle:Extension:seo.html.twig';
     @trigger_error('This twig extension is deprecated and should not be used anymore, include the "%s".', $template);
     $defaultLocale = null;
     $portal = $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal();
     if ($portal) {
         $defaultLocale = $portal->getXDefaultLocalization()->getLocale();
     return $twig->render($template, ['seo' => $seoExtension, 'content' => $content, 'urls' => $urls, 'defaultLocale' => $defaultLocale, 'shadowBaseLocale' => $shadowBaseLocale]);
Esempio n. 3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function resolve(RequestAnalyzerInterface $requestAnalyzer)
     // determine default locale (if one exists)
     $defaultLocalization = $requestAnalyzer->getPortal()->getDefaultLocalization();
     $defaultLocale = $defaultLocalization ? $defaultLocalization->getLocalization() : null;
     $currentLocale = null;
     $currentLocalization = $requestAnalyzer->getCurrentLocalization();
     if ($currentLocalization) {
         $currentLocale = $currentLocalization->getLocale();
     return ['request' => ['webspaceKey' => $requestAnalyzer->getWebspace()->getKey(), 'portalKey' => $requestAnalyzer->getPortal()->getKey(), 'defaultLocale' => $defaultLocale, 'locale' => $currentLocale, 'portalUrl' => $requestAnalyzer->getPortalUrl(), 'resourceLocatorPrefix' => $requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocatorPrefix(), 'resourceLocator' => $requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocator(), 'get' => $requestAnalyzer->getGetParameters(), 'post' => $requestAnalyzer->getPostParameters(), 'analyticsKey' => $requestAnalyzer->getAnalyticsKey()]];
Esempio n. 4
  * Finds the correct route for the current request.
  * It loads the correct data with the content mapper.
  * @param Request $request A request against which to match.
  * @return \Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection with all Routes that
  *                                                    could potentially match $request. Empty collection if nothing can
  *                                                    match.
 public function getRouteCollectionForRequest(Request $request)
     $collection = new RouteCollection();
     $htmlExtension = '.html';
     $resourceLocator = $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocator();
     if ($this->requestAnalyzer->getMatchType() == RequestAnalyzerInterface::MATCH_TYPE_REDIRECT || $this->requestAnalyzer->getMatchType() == RequestAnalyzerInterface::MATCH_TYPE_PARTIAL) {
         // redirect webspace correctly with language
         $collection->add('redirect_' . uniqid(), $this->getRedirectWebSpaceRoute($request));
     } elseif ($request->getRequestFormat() === 'html' && substr($request->getPathInfo(), -strlen($htmlExtension)) === $htmlExtension) {
         // redirect *.html to * (without url)
         $collection->add('redirect_' . uniqid(), $this->getRedirectRoute($request, $this->getUrlWithoutEndingTrailingSlash($resourceLocator)));
     } else {
         // just show the page
         $portal = $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal();
         $language = $this->requestAnalyzer->getCurrentLocalization()->getLocalization();
         try {
             // load content by url ignore ending trailing slash
             $content = $this->contentMapper->loadByResourceLocator(rtrim($resourceLocator, '/'), $portal->getWebspace()->getKey(), $language);
             if (preg_match('/\\/$/', $resourceLocator) && $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocatorPrefix() && $content->getNodeState() === StructureInterface::STATE_PUBLISHED) {
                 // redirect page to page without slash at the end
                 $collection->add('redirect_' . uniqid(), $this->getRedirectWebSpaceRoute($request));
             } elseif ($content->getNodeType() === Structure::NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL_LINK && $content->getNodeState() === StructureInterface::STATE_PUBLISHED) {
                 // redirect internal link
                 $collection->add($content->getKey() . '_' . uniqid(), $this->getRedirectRoute($request, $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocatorPrefix() . $content->getResourceLocator()));
             } elseif ($content->getNodeType() === Structure::NODE_TYPE_EXTERNAL_LINK && $content->getNodeState() === StructureInterface::STATE_PUBLISHED) {
                 $collection->add($content->getKey() . '_' . uniqid(), $this->getRedirectRoute($request, $content->getResourceLocator()));
             } elseif ($content->getNodeState() === StructureInterface::STATE_TEST || !$content->getHasTranslation() || !$this->checkResourceLocator()) {
                 // error 404 page not published
                 throw new ResourceLocatorNotFoundException();
             } else {
                 // show the page
                 $collection->add($content->getKey() . '_' . uniqid(), $this->getStructureRoute($request, $content));
         } catch (ResourceLocatorNotFoundException $exc) {
             // just do not add any routes to the collection
         } catch (ResourceLocatorMovedException $exc) {
             // old url resource was moved
             $collection->add($exc->getNewResourceLocatorUuid() . '_' . uniqid(), $this->getRedirectRoute($request, $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocatorPrefix() . $exc->getNewResourceLocator()));
         } catch (RepositoryException $exc) {
             // just do not add any routes to the collection
     return $collection;
Esempio n. 5
  * Returns alternate link HTML tags with href-lang attributes.
  * @param array $urls
  * @return string
 public function getAlternateLinks($urls)
     // determine default and current values
     $webspaceKey = $this->requestAnalyzer->getWebspace()->getKey();
     $currentPortal = $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal();
     $defaultLocale = null;
     if ($currentPortal !== null && ($defaultLocale = $currentPortal->getDefaultLocalization()) !== null) {
         $defaultLocale = $defaultLocale->getLocalization();
     $result = [];
     foreach ($urls as $locale => $url) {
         if ($url !== null) {
             if ($locale === $defaultLocale) {
                 $result[] = $this->getAlternate($url, $webspaceKey, $locale, true);
             $result[] = $this->getAlternate($url, $webspaceKey, $locale);
     return implode(PHP_EOL, $result);
Esempio n. 6
 protected function setUp()
     $this->requestAnalyzer = $this->prophesize(RequestAnalyzerInterface::class);
     $webspace = new Webspace();
     $locale = new Localization();
     $portal = new Portal();
     $this->contentPath = $this->prophesize(ContentPathInterface::class);
     $this->contentPath->getContentPath('/test', 'sulu_test', 'de')->willReturn('/de/test');
     $this->contentPath->getContentPath('/test-en', 'sulu_test', 'en')->willReturn('/en/test-en');
     $this->contentPath->getContentPath('/test-en-us', 'sulu_test', 'en-us')->willReturn('/en/test-en-us');
     $this->contentPath->getContentPath('/test-en-us', 'sulu_test', 'en_us')->willReturn('/en/test-en-us');
     $this->contentPath->getContentPath('/test-fr', 'sulu_test', 'fr')->willReturn('/fr/test-fr');
Esempio n. 7
  * @dataProvider provideSeoData
  * @param $seoExtension
  * @param $content
  * @param $urls
  * @param $defaultLocale
  * @param $shadowBaseLocale
  * @param $expectedResults
  * @param array $unexpectedResults
 public function testRenderSeoTags($seoExtension, $content, $urls, $defaultLocale, $shadowBaseLocale, $expectedResults, $unexpectedResults = [])
     /** @var Localization $localization */
     $localization = $this->prophesize(Localization::class);
     /** @var Portal $portal */
     $portal = $this->prophesize(Portal::class);
     $webspace = $this->prophesize(Webspace::class);
     $this->contentPath->getContentPath(Argument::cetera())->will(function ($arguments) {
         return '/' . str_replace('_', '-', $arguments[2]) . $arguments[0];
     $result = $this->seoTwigExtension->renderSeoTags($seoExtension, $content, $urls, $shadowBaseLocale);
     foreach ($expectedResults as $expectedResult) {
         $this->assertContains($expectedResult, $result);
     foreach ($unexpectedResults as $unexpectedResult) {
         $this->assertNotContains($unexpectedResult, $result);
Esempio n. 8
  * Returns alternate link HTML tags with href-lang attributes.
  * @param array $urls
  * @return string
  * @deprecated since 1.1 use SeoTwigExtension::renderSeoTags - sulu_seo
 public function getAlternateLinks($urls)
     // determine default and current values
     $webspaceKey = $this->requestAnalyzer->getWebspace()->getKey();
     $currentPortal = $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal();
     $defaultLocale = null;
     if ($currentPortal !== null && ($defaultLocale = $currentPortal->getXDefaultLocalization()) !== null) {
         $defaultLocale = $defaultLocale->getLocalization();
     $result = [];
     foreach ($urls as $locale => $url) {
         // url = '/' means that there is no translation for this page
         // the only exception is the homepage where the requested resource-locator is '/'
         if ($url !== '/' || $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocator() === '/') {
             if ($locale === $defaultLocale) {
                 $result[] = $this->getAlternate($url, $webspaceKey, $locale, true);
             $result[] = $this->getAlternate($url, $webspaceKey, $locale);
     return implode(PHP_EOL, $result);
Esempio n. 9
  * Renders the alternate links for this page, this means all the localizations in which this page is available. In
  * addition the default localization is also rendered.
  * @param string[] $urls All the localized URLs for the current page
  * @param string $webspaceKey The key of the current webspace
  * @return string The rendered HTML tags
 private function renderAlternateLinks(array $urls, $webspaceKey)
     $html = '';
     $portal = $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal();
     $defaultLocale = null;
     if ($portal) {
         $defaultLocale = $portal->getDefaultLocalization()->getLocalization();
         $html .= $this->renderAlternateLink($urls[$defaultLocale], $webspaceKey, $defaultLocale, true);
     foreach ($urls as $locale => $url) {
         $html .= $this->renderAlternateLink($url, $webspaceKey, $locale);
     return $html;
Esempio n. 10
  * @return array
 protected function getUrls()
     $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
     $urls = [];
     if ($request->get('_route')) {
         $portalInformations = $this->webspaceManager->getPortalInformations($this->environment);
         $routeParams = $request->get('_route_params');
         $routeName = $request->get('_route');
         foreach ($portalInformations as $portalInformation) {
             if ($portalInformation->getPortalKey() === $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal()->getKey() && $portalInformation->getType() === RequestAnalyzerInterface::MATCH_TYPE_FULL) {
                 if (isset($routeParams['prefix'])) {
                     $routeParams['prefix'] = $portalInformation->getPrefix();
                 $url = $this->router->generate($routeName, $routeParams, true);
                 $urls[$portalInformation->getLocale()] = $url;
     return $urls;
Esempio n. 11
  * Renders the alternate links for this page, this means all the localizations in which this page is available. In
  * addition the default localization is also rendered.
  * @param string[] $urls All the localized URLs for the current page
  * @param string $webspaceKey The key of the current webspace
  * @return string The rendered HTML tags
 private function renderAlternateLinks(array $urls, $webspaceKey)
     $html = '';
     $defaultLocale = null;
     $portal = $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal();
     if ($portal) {
         $defaultLocale = $portal->getXDefaultLocalization()->getLocalization();
     foreach ($urls as $locale => $url) {
         // url = '/' means that there is no translation for this page
         // the only exception is the homepage where the requested resource-locator is false
         if ($url !== '/' || $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocator() === false) {
             if ($defaultLocale === $locale) {
                 $html .= $this->renderAlternateLink($url, $webspaceKey, $locale, true);
             $html .= $this->renderAlternateLink($url, $webspaceKey, $locale);
     return $html;
Esempio n. 12
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getDefaultLocale()
     $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
     if (null === $request) {
         return $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal()->getDefaultLocalization();
     $defaultLocalization = $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal()->getDefaultLocalization()->getLocale(Localization::LCID);
     $localizations = [$defaultLocalization];
     foreach ($this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal()->getLocalizations() as $localization) {
         if ($localization->getLocale(Localization::LCID) !== $defaultLocalization) {
             $localizations[] = $localization->getLocale(Localization::LCID);
     $preferredLocale = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest()->getPreferredLanguage($localizations);
     foreach ($this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal()->getLocalizations() as $localization) {
         if ($localization->getLocale(Localization::LCID) === $preferredLocale) {
             return $localization;
     return $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal()->getDefaultLocalization();
Esempio n. 13
  * Finds the correct route for the current request.
  * It loads the correct data with the content mapper.
  * @param Request $request A request against which to match
  * @return \Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection with all Routes that
  *                                                    could potentially match $request. Empty collection if nothing can
  *                                                    match
 public function getRouteCollectionForRequest(Request $request)
     $collection = new RouteCollection();
     // no portal information without localization supported
     if ($this->requestAnalyzer->getCurrentLocalization() === null && $this->requestAnalyzer->getMatchType() !== RequestAnalyzerInterface::MATCH_TYPE_PARTIAL && $this->requestAnalyzer->getMatchType() !== RequestAnalyzerInterface::MATCH_TYPE_REDIRECT) {
         return $collection;
     $htmlExtension = '.html';
     $resourceLocator = $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocator();
     if ($this->requestAnalyzer->getMatchType() == RequestAnalyzerInterface::MATCH_TYPE_REDIRECT || $this->requestAnalyzer->getMatchType() == RequestAnalyzerInterface::MATCH_TYPE_PARTIAL) {
         // redirect webspace correctly with locale
         $collection->add('redirect_' . uniqid(), $this->getRedirectWebSpaceRoute());
     } elseif ($request->getRequestFormat() === 'html' && substr($request->getPathInfo(), -strlen($htmlExtension)) === $htmlExtension) {
         // redirect *.html to * (without url)
         $collection->add('redirect_' . uniqid(), $this->getRedirectRoute($request, $this->getUrlWithoutEndingTrailingSlash($resourceLocator)));
     } else {
         // just show the page
         $portal = $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal();
         $locale = $this->requestAnalyzer->getCurrentLocalization()->getLocalization();
         $resourceLocatorStrategy = $this->resourceLocatorStrategyPool->getStrategyByWebspaceKey($portal->getWebspace()->getKey());
         try {
             // load content by url ignore ending trailing slash
             /** @var PageDocument $document */
             $document = $this->documentManager->find($resourceLocatorStrategy->loadByResourceLocator(rtrim($resourceLocator, '/'), $portal->getWebspace()->getKey(), $locale), $locale, ['load_ghost_content' => false]);
             if (!$document->getTitle()) {
                 // If the title is empty the document does not exist in this locale
                 // Necessary because of, otherwise locale could be checked
                 return $collection;
             if (preg_match('/\\/$/', $resourceLocator) && $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocatorPrefix()) {
                 // redirect page to page without slash at the end
                 $collection->add('redirect_' . uniqid(), $this->getRedirectRoute($request, $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocatorPrefix() . rtrim($resourceLocator, '/')));
             } elseif ($document->getRedirectType() === RedirectType::INTERNAL) {
                 // redirect internal link
                 $redirectUrl = $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocatorPrefix() . $document->getRedirectTarget()->getResourceSegment();
                 if ($request->getQueryString()) {
                     $redirectUrl .= '?' . $request->getQueryString();
                 $collection->add($document->getStructureType() . '_' . $document->getUuid(), $this->getRedirectRoute($request, $redirectUrl));
             } elseif ($document->getRedirectType() === RedirectType::EXTERNAL) {
                 $collection->add($document->getStructureType() . '_' . $document->getUuid(), $this->getRedirectRoute($request, $document->getRedirectExternal()));
             } elseif (!$this->checkResourceLocator()) {
                 return $collection;
             } else {
                 // convert the page to a StructureBridge because of BC
                 /** @var PageBridge $structure */
                 $structure = $this->structureManager->wrapStructure($this->documentInspector->getMetadata($document)->getAlias(), $this->documentInspector->getStructureMetadata($document));
                 // show the page
                 $collection->add($document->getStructureType() . '_' . $document->getUuid(), $this->getStructureRoute($request, $structure));
         } catch (ResourceLocatorNotFoundException $exc) {
             // just do not add any routes to the collection
         } catch (ResourceLocatorMovedException $exc) {
             // old url resource was moved
             $collection->add($exc->getNewResourceLocatorUuid() . '_' . uniqid(), $this->getRedirectRoute($request, $this->requestAnalyzer->getResourceLocatorPrefix() . $exc->getNewResourceLocator()));
         } catch (RepositoryException $exc) {
             // just do not add any routes to the collection
     return $collection;
Esempio n. 14
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getDefaultLocale()
     return $this->requestAnalyzer->getPortal()->getDefaultLocalization();