Esempio n. 1
  * Verify that the PHP bootstrap script:
  * - verifies the signature
  * - self extracts
  * - executes the primary script
 public function testPhpBootstrapScriptFunctionsAsIntended()
     $hello = new Memory('<?php echo "Hello, world!\\n";');
     $primary = new Memory("<?php require __DIR__ . '/../hello.php';");
     $bootstrap = str_replace("<?php\n", "<?php\n\necho __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__, \"\\n\";\n", Sqon::createBootstrap());
     $this->sqon->setBootstrap($bootstrap)->setPath(Sqon::PRIMARY, $primary)->setPath('hello.php', $hello)->commit();
     exec(sprintf('php %s', escapeshellarg($this->path)), $output);
     self::assertRegExp("/66(90|88)\nHello, world!/", join("\n", $output), 'The PHP bootstrap script did not function as intended.');
Esempio n. 2
  * Verify that an existing Sqon can be opened.
 public function testExistingSqonCanBeOpened()
     $script = '<?php __HALT_COMPILER();';
     $this->sqon = null;
     $sqon = Sqon::open($this->file);
     self::assertEquals($script, $sqon->getBootstrap(), 'The existing Sqon was not opened.');