Esempio n. 1
 public function testClient()
     $client = new Spore\Client();
     $data = array();
     $cache = new mock\Swift\Cache\PhpArray();
     $cache->getMockController()->set = function ($name, $data) use($data) {
         $data[$name] = $data;
     $cache->getMockController()->get = function ($name) use($data) {
         if (isset($data[$name])) {
             return $data[$name];
         return false;
     $client->loadSpec(__DIR__ . '/github.json');
     $this->assert->exception(function () use($client) {
         $client->loadSpec(__DIR__ . '/github1.json');
     $this->assert->exception(function () use($client) {
     $client->loadSpec(__DIR__ . '/github.json');
     $content = '{
         "type": "User",
         "company": "GitHub",
         "hireable": false,
         "public_repos": 3,
         "followers": 256,
         "created_at": "2011-01-25T18:44:36Z",
         "bio": null,
         "public_gists": 4,
         "html_url": "",
         "following": 0,
         "email": "*****@*****.**",
         "location": "San Francisco",
         "name": "The Octocat",
         "blog": "",
         "url": "",
         "gravatar_id": "7ad39074b0584bc555d0417ae3e7d974",
         "id": 583231,
         "avatar_url": "",
         "login": "******"
     $response = new mock\Spore\HttpFoundation\Response();
     $response->getMockController()->getStatusCode = function () {
         return 200;
     $response->getMockController()->setContent = function ($data) use($content) {
         $content = $data;
     $response->getMockController()->getContent = function () use($content) {
         return $content;
     $adapter = new mock\Spore\HttpFoundation\Adapter\Curl();
     $adapter->getMockController()->execute = function ($request) use($response) {
         return $response;
     $params = $client->verifyParameters(array('foot' => 'bar', 'id' => 123, 'format' => 'json'), array('format', 'id'));
     $this->assert->array($params)->isEqualTo(array('foot' => 'bar', 'id' => 123, 'format' => 'json'));
     $this->assert->exception(function () use($client) {
         $client->verifyParameters(array('foot' => 'bar'), array('foot1'), array());
     $params = $client->verifyParameters(array('foot' => 'bar', 'id' => 123, 'format' => 'xml', 'user' => 'euskadi31'), array('format', 'id'), array('user'));
     $this->assert->array($params)->isEqualTo(array('id' => 123, 'format' => 'json', 'user' => 'euskadi31'));
     $this->assert->exception(function () use($client) {
         $client->call('GET', 'test', array());
     $this->assert->exception(function () use($client) {
         $client->call('POST', 'get_user', array());
     $response = $client->call('GET', 'get_user', array('user' => 'euskadi31'));
     $response = new mock\Spore\HttpFoundation\Response();
     $response->getMockController()->getStatusCode = function () {
         return 201;
     $adapter = new mock\Spore\HttpFoundation\Adapter\AdapterInterface();
     $adapter->getMockController()->execute = function ($request) use($response) {
         return $response;
     $this->assert->exception(function () use($client) {
         $client->call('GET', 'get_user', array('user' => 'euskadi31'));
     $client = new Spore\Client();
     $client->loadSpec(__DIR__ . '/twitter.json');
Esempio n. 2

namespace Demo;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
require __DIR__ . '/../build/Acme/Client/Github.php';
use Acme;
use Spore;
echo "Demo with generate client" . PHP_EOL;
$client = new Acme\Client\Github();
$response = $client->getUser(array('user' => 'euskadi31'));
echo "Headers :" . PHP_EOL;
echo "X-RateLimit-Limit : " . $response->headers->get('x-ratelimit-limit') . PHP_EOL;
echo "X-RateLimit-Remaining : " . $response->headers->get('x-ratelimit-remaining') . PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
echo "Demo with default client" . PHP_EOL;
$client = new Spore\Client();
$client->loadSpec(__DIR__ . '/spec/github.json');
$response = $client->call('GET', 'get_user', array('user' => 'euskadi31'));
echo "Headers :" . PHP_EOL;
echo "X-RateLimit-Limit : " . $response->headers->get('x-ratelimit-limit') . PHP_EOL;
echo "X-RateLimit-Remaining : " . $response->headers->get('x-ratelimit-remaining') . PHP_EOL;