public function run()
     // COTS1
     Spacecraft::create(['name' => 'Dragon C1', 'type' => 'Dragon 1']);
     // COTS2+
     Spacecraft::create(['name' => 'Dragon C2', 'type' => 'Dragon 1']);
     // CRS-1
     Spacecraft::create(['name' => 'Dragon C3', 'type' => 'Dragon 1']);
     Spacecraft::create(['name' => 'Dragon C4', 'type' => 'Dragon 1']);
     // CRS-3
     Spacecraft::create(['name' => 'Dragon C5', 'type' => 'Dragon 1.1']);
     Spacecraft::create(['name' => 'Dragon C7', 'type' => 'Dragon 1.1']);
     Spacecraft::create(['name' => 'Dragon C8', 'type' => 'Dragon 1.1']);
     Spacecraft::create(['name' => 'Dragon C9', 'type' => 'Dragon 1.1']);
     Spacecraft::create(['name' => 'Dragon C10', 'type' => 'Dragon 1.1']);
 private function manageSpacecraftFlightRelation()
     $currentSpacecraftFlight = $this->mission->spacecraftFlight;
     $spacecraftInput = array_pull($this->input['mission']['spacecraft_flight'], 'spacecraft');
     // If the spacecraft flight input exists (create/update)
     if (!is_null($this->input['mission']['spacecraft_flight'])) {
         $spacecraftFlight = $currentSpacecraftFlight->count() == true ? $this->mission->spacecraftFlight->fill($spacecraftInput) : new SpacecraftFlight($spacecraftInput);
         // Create spacecraft if it is not being reused or otherwise find it and update it
         $spacecraft = array_key_exists('spacecraft_id', $spacecraftInput) ? Spacecraft::find($spacecraftInput['spacecraft_id']) : new Spacecraft();
         // Now manage astronautFlights and astronauts
         // If the input spacecraft flight does not exist and the current spacecraft flight does (delete)
     } elseif (is_null($this->input['mission']['spacecraft_flight']) && !is_null($currentSpacecraftFlight)) {
         // Also delete any astronaut flights & spacecraft (Maybe manage with database cascading?)
 public function getCreate()
     JavaScript::put(['destinations' => Destination::all(['destination_id', 'destination'])->toArray(), 'missionTypes' => MissionType::all(['name', 'mission_type_id'])->toArray(), 'launchSites' => Location::where('type', 'Launch Site')->get()->toArray(), 'landingSites' => Location::where('type', 'Landing Site')->orWhere('type', 'ASDS')->get()->toArray(), 'vehicles' => Vehicle::all(['vehicle', 'vehicle_id'])->toArray(), 'parts' => Part::whereDoesntHave('partFlights', function ($q) {
         $q->where('landed', false);
     })->get()->toArray(), 'spacecraft' => Spacecraft::all()->toArray(), 'astronauts' => Astronaut::all()->toArray()]);
     return view('missions.create');