/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { // General \Solunes\Master\App\Language::create(['code' => 'es', 'name' => 'Español', 'image' => 'es.png']); \Solunes\Master\App\Site::create(['name' => 'Plataforma', 'domain' => 'http://master.dev/', 'root' => '/', 'google_verification' => '', 'analytics' => '']); // Nodos $node_node = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'node', 'folder' => 'system']); $node_node_requests = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'node-request', 'location' => 'package', 'type' => 'subchild', 'parent_id' => $node_node->id]); $node_node_extras = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'node-extra', 'type' => 'subchild', 'location' => 'package', 'parent_id' => $node_node->id]); $node_filter = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'filter', 'folder' => 'system']); $node_field = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'field', 'type' => 'child', 'location' => 'package', 'parent_id' => $node_node->id]); $node_field_extras = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'field-extra', 'type' => 'subchild', 'location' => 'package', 'parent_id' => $node_field->id]); $node_field_conditional = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'field-conditional', 'type' => 'subchild', 'location' => 'package', 'parent_id' => $node_field->id]); $node_indicator = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'indicator', 'folder' => 'system', 'customized' => 1]); $node_indicator_alert = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'indicator-alert', 'type' => 'subchild', 'location' => 'package', 'parent_id' => $node_indicator->id]); $node_indicator_graph = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'indicator-graph', 'type' => 'subchild', 'location' => 'package', 'parent_id' => $node_indicator->id]); $node_indicator_value = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'indicator-value', 'type' => 'child', 'location' => 'package', 'parent_id' => $node_indicator->id]); $node_site = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'site', 'folder' => 'global']); $node_page = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'page', 'folder' => 'global']); $node_menu = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'menu', 'folder' => 'global']); $node_section = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'section', 'folder' => 'global']); $node_permission = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'permission', 'folder' => 'system']); $node_role = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'role', 'folder' => 'system']); $node_permission_role = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'permission-role', 'table_name' => 'permission_role', 'location' => 'package', 'type' => 'field', 'model' => '\\Solunes\\Master\\App\\Permission', 'parent_id' => $node_role->id]); $node_user = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'user', 'location' => 'app', 'folder' => 'global']); \Solunes\Master\App\Filter::create(['node_id' => $node_user->id, 'parameter' => 'status']); $node_role_user = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'role-user', 'table_name' => 'role_user', 'location' => 'package', 'type' => 'field', 'model' => '\\Solunes\\Master\\App\\Role', 'parent_id' => $node_user->id]); $node_email = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'email', 'folder' => 'global']); $node_activity = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'activity', 'table_name' => 'activities', 'folder' => 'system']); $node_notification = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'notification', 'folder' => 'system']); $node_inbox = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'inbox', 'table_name' => 'inbox', 'folder' => 'system']); $node_inbox_users = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'inbox-user', 'type' => 'subchild', 'location' => 'package', 'parent_id' => $node_inbox->id]); $node_inbox_messages = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'inbox-message', 'type' => 'subchild', 'location' => 'package', 'parent_id' => $node_inbox->id]); $node_variable = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'variable', 'folder' => 'global']); $node_image_folder = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'image-folder', 'folder' => 'system']); $node_image_size = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'image-size', 'type' => 'subchild', 'location' => 'package', 'parent_id' => $node_image_folder->id]); $node_temp_file = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::create(['name' => 'temp-file', 'folder' => 'system']); // Usuarios $admin = \Solunes\Master\App\Role::create(['name' => 'admin', 'display_name' => 'Admin']); $member = \Solunes\Master\App\Role::create(['name' => 'member', 'display_name' => 'Miembro']); $system_perm = \Solunes\Master\App\Permission::create(['name' => 'system', 'display_name' => 'Sistema']); $global_perm = \Solunes\Master\App\Permission::create(['name' => 'global', 'display_name' => 'Global']); $site_perm = \Solunes\Master\App\Permission::create(['name' => 'site', 'display_name' => 'Site']); $form_perm = \Solunes\Master\App\Permission::create(['name' => 'form', 'display_name' => 'Formulario']); $dashboard_perm = \Solunes\Master\App\Permission::create(['name' => 'dashboard', 'display_name' => 'Dashboard']); $admin->permission_role()->sync([$global_perm->id, $site_perm->id, $form_perm->id, $dashboard_perm->id]); // Tamaños de archivos \Solunes\Master\App\Variable::create(['name' => 'image_size', 'type' => 'string', 'es' => ['value' => '5']]); \Solunes\Master\App\Variable::create(['name' => 'file_size', 'type' => 'string', 'es' => ['value' => '10']]); \Solunes\Master\App\Variable::create(['name' => 'image_extension', 'type' => 'string', 'es' => ['value' => 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif']]); \Solunes\Master\App\Variable::create(['name' => 'file_extension', 'type' => 'string', 'es' => ['value' => 'doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,pdf,txt,jpg,jpeg,png,gif']]); }
public function handle($event) { $event_model = '\\' . get_class($event); // Revisar que tenga una sesión y sea un modelo del sitio web. if ($event && request()->segment(1) != 'artisan' && ($node = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('type', '!=', 'subchild')->whereNotIn('name', ['menu', 'user', 'activity', 'notification'])->where('model', $event_model)->first())) { try { $event_string = (string) json_encode($event); $event_decoded = json_decode($event_string); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } if (\Auth::check()) { $now = new \DateTime(); $user = \Auth::user(); $user->last_activity = $now; $user->save(); $user_id = $user->id; $username = '******'; } else { $user_id = NULL; if (strpos(php_sapi_name(), 'cli') !== false) { $username = '******'; } else { $username = '******'; } } // CREAR ACTIVIDAD if ($event->wasRecentlyCreated == 1) { $action = 'node_created'; } else { $action = 'node_edited'; } $message = ''; if ($node->location == 'package') { $lang_folder = 'master::fields.'; } else { $lang_folder = 'fields.'; } if (count($event_decoded) > 0) { foreach ($event_decoded as $key => $i) { if (is_string($i) && is_string($key) && strpos($key, '_id') === false && $key != 'id' && $key != 'created_at' && $key != 'updated_at') { $message .= '<strong>' . trans($lang_folder . $key) . ':</strong> ' . strip_tags($i) . '<br>'; } } } \FuncNode::make_activity($node->id, $event->id, $user_id, $username, $action, $message); } }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { \Solunes\Master\App\ImageSize::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\ImageFolder::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\TempFile::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\VariableTranslation::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Variable::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\InboxUser::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\InboxMessage::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Inbox::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Notification::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Activity::truncate(); DB::table('permission_role')->truncate(); DB::table('role_user')->truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Role::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Permission::truncate(); \App\User::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\EmailTranslation::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Email::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\IndicatorValue::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\IndicatorGraph::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\IndicatorAlert::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Indicator::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\FieldOptionTranslation::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\FieldOption::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\FieldConditional::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\FieldExtra::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\FieldTranslation::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Field::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Section::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Filter::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\NodeExtra::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\NodeRequest::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\NodeTranslation::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Node::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\MenuTranslation::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Menu::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\PageTranslation::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Page::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\SiteTranslation::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Site::truncate(); \Solunes\Master\App\Language::truncate(); \App\PasswordReminder::truncate(); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $this->info('0%: Se comenzó a importar el excel.'); $languages = \Solunes\Master\App\Language::get(); \Excel::load(public_path('seed/import.xls'), function ($reader) use($languages) { foreach ($reader->get() as $sheet) { $sheet_model = $sheet->getTitle(); if ($node = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('name', $sheet_model)->first()) { $field_array = []; $field_sub_array = []; $sub_field_insert = []; foreach ($languages as $language) { foreach ($node->fields()->whereNotIn('type', ['child', 'subchild', 'field'])->get() as $field) { if ($language->id > 1) { $field_array[$field->name . '_' . $language->code] = $field; } else { $field_array[$field->name] = $field; } } } foreach ($node->fields()->where('type', 'field')->get() as $field) { $field_sub_array[$field->name] = $field; } $sheet->each(function ($row) use($languages, $node, $field_array, $field_sub_array, $sub_field_insert) { $new_item = false; foreach ($row->all() as $column => $input) { if ($column == 'id' && $input) { $model = \FuncNode::node_check_model($node); if (!($item = $model->where('id', $row->id)->first())) { $item = $model; } $new_item = true; } if ($new_item && isset($field_array[$column])) { $field = $field_array[$column]; if ($column == $field->name) { $language_code = 'es'; } else { $language_code = str_replace($field->name . '_', '', $column); } if ($field->type == 'select' || $field->type == 'radio') { if ($subanswer = $field->field_options()->whereTranslation('label', $input)->first()) { $input = $subanswer->name; } else { $input = NULL; } } else { if ($field->type == 'checkbox') { $subinput = []; foreach (explode(' | ', $input) as $subval) { if ($subanswer = $field->field_options()->whereTranslation('label', $subval)->first()) { $subinput[] = $subanswer->name; } } if (count($subinput) > 0) { $input = json_encode($subinput); } else { $input = NULL; } } } if ($input || $input == '0') { if ($field->type == 'image' || $field->type == 'file') { $action_name = 'upload_' . $field->type; if ($field->multiple) { foreach (explode(' | ', $input) as $subinput) { $input_array[] = \Asset::$action_name(public_path('seed/' . $node->name . '/' . $subinput), $node->name . '-' . $field->name, true); } $input = json_encode($input_array); } else { $input = \Asset::$action_name(public_path('seed/' . $node->name . '/' . $input), $node->name . '-' . $field->name, true); } } $item = \FuncNode::put_data_field($item, $field, $input, $language_code); } } else { if ($new_item && isset($field_sub_array[$column])) { $field = $field_sub_array[$column]; if ($field->multiple) { $array_insert = []; foreach (explode(';', $input) as $value) { if (!is_numeric($value)) { $sub_model = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('table_name', $column)->first()->model; array_push($array_insert, $sub_model::where('name', $value)->first()->id); } else { array_push($array_insert, $value); } } } else { if (!is_numeric($input)) { $sub_model = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('table_name', $column)->first()->model; $array_insert = $sub_model::where('name', $input)->first()->id; } else { $array_insert = $input; } $array_insert = [$array_insert]; } $sub_field_insert[$column] = $array_insert; } } } if ($new_item) { $item->save(); foreach ($sub_field_insert as $column => $input) { $item->{$column}()->sync($input); } } }); } } }); $this->info('100%: Se agregaron los datos del excel.'); }
public function getDeleteAllFilters($category, $category_id, $node_id = NULL) { $filters = \Solunes\Master\App\Filter::checkCategory($category)->checkDisplay(); if ($category_id == 0) { $node = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('name', $node_id)->first(); $filters->where('node_id', $node->id)->delete(); } else { $filters->where('category_id', $category_id)->delete(); } return redirect($this->prev); }
public static function load_nodes_excel($path, $return = '') { $languages = \Solunes\Master\App\Language::get(); \Excel::load($path, function ($reader) use($return, $languages) { foreach ($reader->get() as $sheet) { $sheet_name = $sheet->getTitle(); $sheet->each(function ($row) use($sheet_name, $return, $languages) { $node = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('name', $row->node)->first(); if ($sheet_name == 'create-fields') { if ($node) { if ($node->location == 'package') { $lang_folder = 'master::fields.'; } else { $lang_folder = 'fields.'; } $field = new \Solunes\Master\App\Field(); $field->parent_id = $node->id; $field->name = $row->name; $field->trans_name = $row->trans_name; foreach ($languages as $language) { \App::setLocale($language->code); $field->translateOrNew($language->code)->label = trans($lang_folder . $row->trans_name); } \App::setLocale('es'); $field->type = $row->type; $field->display_list = $row->display_list; $field->display_item = $row->display_item; $field->multiple = $row->multiple; $field->translation = $row->translation; $field->required = $row->required; $field->order = $row->order; $field->new_row = $row->new_row; $field->preset = $row->preset; $field->message = $row->message; $field->value = $row->value; $field->save(); } else { $return .= 'ALERTA: No se encontró el nodo ' . $row->node . '.\\n'; } } else { if ($node && ($field = $node->fields()->where('name', $row->field)->first())) { if ($sheet_name == 'edit-fields') { $column = $row->column; $field->{$column} = $row->new_value; $field->save(); } else { if ($sheet_name == 'extras') { if ($extra = $field->field_extras()->where('type', $row->type)->first()) { $extra->value = $row->new_value; } else { $extra = new \Solunes\Master\App\FieldExtra(); $extra->parent_id = $field->id; $extra->type = $row->type; $extra->value = $row->new_value; } $extra->save(); } else { if ($sheet_name == 'conditionals') { $conditional = new \Solunes\Master\App\FieldConditional(); $conditional->parent_id = $field->id; $conditional->trigger_field = $row->trigger_field; $conditional->trigger_show = $row->trigger_show; $conditional->trigger_value = $row->trigger_value; $conditional->save(); } } } } else { $return .= 'ALERTA: No se encontró el campo ' . $row->field . ' o nodo ' . $row->node . '.\\n'; } } }); } }); return $return; }
public static function post_request_success($request, $model, $item, $type = 'admin') { $node = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('name', $model)->first(); if ($type == 'admin') { if (\Gate::denies('node-admin', ['item', $type, $node, $request->input('action'), $request->input('id')])) { return \Login::redirect_dashboard('no_permission'); } } if ($type == 'admin') { $display_array = ['none']; } else { $display_array = ['item_admin', 'none']; } $total_ponderation = 0; $rejected_fields = ['title', 'content', 'child', 'subchild', 'field']; foreach ($node->fields()->whereNotIn('type', $rejected_fields)->whereNotIn('display_item', $display_array)->with('field_extras')->get() as $field) { $field_name = $field->name; $input = NULL; if ($request->has($field_name)) { $input = $request->input($field_name); } if ($input && $input != 0 && ($pond = $field->field_extras()->where('type', 'ponderation')->first())) { $total_ponderation = $total_ponderation + $pond->value; } $item = \FuncNode::put_data_field($item, $field, $input); } if ($total_ponderation > 0) { $item->total_ponderation = $total_ponderation; } $item->save(); foreach ($node->fields()->whereIn('type', ['subchild', 'field'])->get() as $field) { if ($field->type == 'subchild') { $subfield_name = str_replace('_', '-', $field->value); $sub_node = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('name', $subfield_name)->first(); $sub_node_table = $sub_node->table_name; AdminItem::post_subitems($sub_node, $field->name, 'parent_id', $item->id, $sub_node->fields()->where('display_item', '!=', 'none')->whereNotIn('name', ['id', 'parent_id'])->get()); foreach ($node->fields()->where('child_table', $sub_node_table)->get() as $field_extra) { $field_extra_name = $field_extra->name; if ($field_extra_name == $sub_node_table . '_count') { $subvalue = count($item->{$sub_node_table}); } else { $field_extra_name_fixed = str_replace('_total', '', $field_extra_name); $subvalue = 0; foreach ($item->{$sub_node_table} as $sub_item) { $subvalue += $sub_item->{$field_extra_name_fixed}; } } $item->{$field_extra_name} = $subvalue; $item->save(); } } else { $field_name = $field->name; if ($field->multiple) { $item->{$field_name}()->sync($request->input($field_name)); } else { $item->{$field_name}()->sync([$request->input($field_name)]); } } } foreach ($node->indicators as $indicator) { $node_model = \FuncNode::node_check_model($node); $items = \FuncNode::node_check_model($node); $array = \AdminList::filter_node(['filter_category_id' => $indicator->id], $node, $node_model, $items, 'indicator'); $items = $array['items']; if ($indicator->type == 'count') { $indicator_value = $items->count(); } else { $indicator_value = $items->count(); } if ($today_indicator = $indicator->indicator_values()->where('date', date('Y-m-d'))->first()) { } else { $today_indicator = new \Solunes\Master\App\IndicatorValue(); $today_indicator->parent_id = $indicator->id; $today_indicator->date = date('Y-m-d'); } $today_indicator->value = $indicator_value; $today_indicator->save(); } \Asset::delete_temp(); return $item; }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $this->info('0%: Generador de Nodos iniciado.'); $this->info('20%: Las tablas fueron limpiadas.'); $nodes = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::get(); $total_count = 0; \App::setLocale('es'); $languages = \Solunes\Master\App\Language::get(); $menu_dashboard = \Solunes\Master\App\Menu::create(['menu_type' => 'admin', 'permission' => 'dashboard', 'icon' => 'dashboard']); foreach ($languages as $language) { \App::setLocale($language->code); $menu_dashboard->translateOrNew($language->code)->name = trans('master::admin.dashboard'); $menu_dashboard->translateOrNew($language->code)->link = 'admin'; } \App::setLocale('es'); $menu_dashboard->save(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { if ($node->location == 'package') { $lang_folder = 'master::model.'; } else { $lang_folder = 'model.'; } foreach ($languages as $language) { \App::setLocale($language->code); $node->translateOrNew($language->code)->singular = trans_choice($lang_folder . $node->name, 1); $node->translateOrNew($language->code)->plural = trans_choice($lang_folder . $node->name, 0); } \App::setLocale('es'); $node->save(); $table_name = $node->table_name; $columns = \Schema::getColumnListing($table_name); if ($node->type == 'field') { $count = 0; foreach ($columns as $col) { $count = \FuncNode::node_field_creation($table_name, $node, $col, 0, $count, $languages); } $total_count += $count; } else { $model = $node->model; $initiated_model = new $model(); // CREAR MENU \FuncNode::node_menu_creation($node, $languages); // MENU CREADO, CREAR COLUMNAS $count = 0; foreach ($columns as $col) { if ($col != 'site_id') { $count = \FuncNode::node_field_creation($table_name, $node, $col, 0, $count, $languages); } } // REVISAR SI TIENE TRADUCCION Y SI SE DEBEN CREAR ESOS CAMPOS TAMBIEN if (property_exists($model, 'translatedAttributes')) { $node->translation = 1; $node->save(); foreach ($initiated_model->translatedAttributes as $col) { if ($col != 'site_id') { $count = \FuncNode::node_field_creation(str_replace('-', '_', $node->name) . '_translation', $node, $col, 1, $count, $languages); } } } // AGREGAR PARENT A DONDE CORRESPONDE if (count($node->children) > 0) { foreach ($node->children as $child) { $count++; $multiple = false; if ($child->type == 'field') { $child_value = str_replace($node->name . '-', '', $child->name); $child_value = str_replace('-' . $node->name, '', $child_value); } else { $child_value = $child->name; } if ($child->type == 'subchild') { $multiple = true; } $field = new \Solunes\Master\App\Field(); $field->parent_id = $node->id; $field->name = $child->table_name; $field->trans_name = str_replace($node->name . '-', '', $child->table_name); $field->type = $child->type; $field->order = $count; $field->multiple = $multiple; $field->value = $child_value; $field->save(); } } $total_count += $count; } $node->load('fields'); foreach ($node->fields as $field) { $saved = false; if (!$field->label) { if ($node->location == 'package') { $lang_folder = 'master::fields.'; } else { $lang_folder = 'fields.'; } foreach ($languages as $language) { \App::setLocale($language->code); $field->translateOrNew($language->code)->label = trans($lang_folder . $field->trans_name); } \App::setLocale('es'); $saved = true; } if ($saved === true) { $field->save(); } } } $this->info('95%: Se importara el excel de nodes para corregir los campos.'); $this->info(\FuncNode::load_nodes_excel(base_path(config('solunes.vendor_path') . '/src/nodes.xlsx'))); $this->info(\FuncNode::load_nodes_excel(public_path('seed/nodes.xlsx'))); $this->info('100%: Se crearon ' . $total_count . ' campos.'); }
<?php Route::get('sitemap.xml', function () { // create new sitemap object $sitemap = App::make("sitemap"); $sitemap->setCache('laravel.sitemap', 3600); if (!$sitemap->isCached()) { foreach (\Solunes\Master\App\Language::get() as $lang) { \App::setLocale($lang->code); foreach (\Solunes\Master\App\Page::get() as $page) { if ($page->id == 1) { $priority = '1.0'; } else { $priority = '0.9'; } $sitemap->add($page->translate($lang->code)->slug, $page->created_at, $priority, 'daily'); } $node_array = \CustomFunc::get_sitemap_array($lang->code); if (count($node_array) > 0) { foreach ($node_array as $node_key => $node_item) { $node = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('name', $node_key)->first(); $node_model = $node->model; foreach ($node_model::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get() as $post) { $sitemap->add($node_item['url'] . $post->{$node_item}['url_id'], $post->created_at, $node_item['priority'], 'monthly'); } } } } } return $sitemap->render('xml'); });
public static function get_list($object, $single_model, $extra = []) { $module = $object->module; $node = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('name', $single_model)->first(); $model = \FuncNode::node_check_model($node); if (\Gate::denies('node-admin', ['list', $module, $node, 'list'])) { return \Login::redirect_dashboard('no_permission'); } $array = ['module' => $module, 'node' => $node, 'model' => $single_model, 'i' => NULL, 'filter_category' => 'admin', 'filter_category_id' => '0', 'filter_type' => 'field', 'filter_node' => $node->name, 'dt' => 'form', 'id' => NULL, 'parent' => NULL, 'action_fields' => ['create', 'edit', 'delete']]; if ($action_field = $node->node_extras()->where('type', 'action_field')->first()) { $array['action_fields'] = json_decode($action_field->value_array, true); } if (request()->has('parent_id')) { $id = request()->input('parent_id'); $array['id'] = $id; $items = $model->whereHas('parent', function ($q) use($id) { $q->where('id', $id); }); } else { $items = $model->whereNotNull('id'); } if ($node) { if ($node->soft_delete == 1 && request()->has('view-trash') && request()->input('view-trash') == 'true') { $items->onlyTrashed(); } if ($node->translation) { $items->with('translations'); } if ($node->parent) { $array['parent'] = $node->parent->name; } if (request()->has('download-excel')) { $display_fields = ['show', 'excel']; } else { $display_fields = ['show']; } $array['fields'] = $node->fields()->whereIn('display_list', $display_fields)->where('type', '!=', 'field')->with('translations')->get(); $relation_fields = $node->fields()->whereIn('display_list', $display_fields)->where('type', 'relation')->get(); if (count($relation_fields) > 0) { foreach ($relation_fields as $relation) { $sub_node = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('name', str_replace('_', '-', $relation->value))->first(); if ($sub_node->translation) { $items = $items->with([$relation->trans_name, $relation->trans_name . '.translations']); } else { $items = $items->with($relation->trans_name); } } } } $array = \AdminList::filter_node($array, $node, $model, $items, 'admin'); $items = $array['items']; $graphs = $node->node_extras()->whereIn('type', ['graph', 'parent_graph'])->get(); $array = \AdminList::graph_node($array, $node, $model, $items, $graphs); $items_relations = $node->fields()->where('name', '!=', 'parent_id')->whereIn('type', ['relation', 'child', 'subchild'])->get(); if (count($items_relations) > 0) { foreach ($items_relations as $item_relation) { $items->with($item_relation->trans_name); } } $array['items'] = $items->get(); if ($node->translation == 1) { $array['langs'] = \Solunes\Master\App\Language::get(); } else { $array['langs'] = []; } if (request()->has('download-excel')) { return AdminList::generate_query_excel($array); } else { return view('master::list.general-list', $array); } }
public function getChildFieldsAttribute() { if ($this->type == 'subchild') { $return = \Solunes\Master\App\Node::where('name', $this->value)->first()->fields()->where('display_item', '!=', 'none')->whereNotIn('name', ['id', 'parent_id'])->orderBy('order', 'ASC')->orderBy('id', 'ASC')->get(); } else { $return = NULL; } return $return; }