public static function index() { Controller::requirePermissions(["AdminAccessDashboard"]); if (!empty($_POST)) { Setting::set("info_box_content", $_POST["info"]); } View::load("acp/index.twig", ["organizationCount" => count(Organization::get()), "teamCount" => count(Team::get()), "unassignedTeams" => Team::get(null, null, null, false, false), "info" => Setting::get("info_box_content"), "mismatches" => Match::get(null, null, null, null, null, Match::STATUS_MISMATCH)]); }
public static function edit() { Controller::requirePermissions(["AdminAccessDashboard", "AdminUsers"]); if (empty($_POST)) { View::load("acp/user_edit.twig", ["object" => current(UserModel::get($_GET["id"])), "groups" => UserGroup::get(), "organizations" => Organization::get()]); } else { UserModel::update($_POST["id"], $_POST["email"], $_POST["full-name"], $_POST["phone-number"], $_POST["password"], $_POST["group"], $_POST["organization"]); } Controller::addAlert(new Alert("success", "User updated successfully")); Controller::redirect("/acp/user"); }
public static function register() { Controller::requirePermissions(["RegisterTeamsForOwnOrganization", "RegisterTeamsForAnyOrganization"], "any"); if (empty($_POST)) { $teams = User::getVisitor()->organizationId ? TeamModel::get(null, User::getVisitor()->organizationId) : null; View::load("team/register_form.twig", ["organizations" => Organization::get(), "designations" => TeamModel::getValidDesignations(), "leagues" => League::get(), "teams" => $teams]); } else { // add the team if (User::getVisitor()->checkPermissions(["RegisterTeamsForAnyOrganization"])) { $organizationId = $_POST["organization-id"]; } else { $organizationId = User::getVisitor()->organizationId; } try { if (ALLOW_TEAM_REGISTRANTS_TO_SELECT_LEAGUE) { $teamId = TeamModel::add($organizationId, $_POST["designation"], User::getVisitor()->id, $_POST["league-id"]); } else { $teamId = TeamModel::add($organizationId, $_POST["designation"], User::getVisitor()->id); } } catch (DuplicateException $e) { Controller::addAlert(new Alert("danger", "You cannot register more than one team with the same name. " . "To edit an existing team please use the edit button beside the team in the Registered Teams box.")); Controller::redirect("/team/register"); } // add the players $exemptsAdded = 0; for ($i = 1; array_key_exists("player" . $i, $_POST); $i++) { if ($_POST["player" . $i]) { if (isset($_POST["player" . $i . "e"])) { if ($exemptsAdded < MAX_EXEMPTS) { $makeExempt = true; $exemptsAdded++; } else { $makeExempt = false; Controller::addAlert(new Alert("warning", "You attempted to star " . $_POST["player" . $i] . " but you had already starred " . MAX_EXEMPTS . " other players, which is the maxmimum allowed, thus " . $_POST["player" . $i] . "was not starred")); } } else { $makeExempt = false; } try { Player::add($_POST["player" . $i], $teamId, $makeExempt); } catch (DuplicateException $e) { Controller::addAlert(new Alert("info", "You entered the name " . $_POST["player" . $i] . " more than once, only the first entry was" . "added to the database")); } } } Controller::addAlert(new Alert("success", "You have successfully registered your team and its details are shown below. You can come back to this area up until the freeze date and make changes.")); Controller::redirect("/team/edit?id=" . $teamId); } }
public static function delete() { Controller::requirePermissions(["AdminAccessDashboard", "AdminOrganizations", "PerformDeletionOperations"]); if (!array_key_exists("id", $_GET)) { Controller::redirect("/acp/organization"); } $orgs = OrganizationModel::get($_GET["id"]); if (!empty($orgs)) { current($orgs)->delete(); Controller::addAlert(new Alert("success", "Organization deleted successfully")); } else { Controller::addAlert(new Alert("danger", "The organization you attempted to delete does not exist")); } Controller::redirect("/acp/organization"); }