Esempio n. 1
 public function getContent($params = array())
     $this->request->restrictAccess(Acl::RESOURCE_OWN_FARMS, Acl::PERM_FARMS_CREATE);
     $projects = [];
     if ($this->getContainer()->analytics->enabled && $this->getEnvironment()->getPlatformConfigValue(Scalr_Environment::SETTING_CC_ID)) {
         $costCenter = $this->getContainer()->analytics->ccs->get($this->getEnvironment()->getPlatformConfigValue(Scalr_Environment::SETTING_CC_ID));
         $currentYear = (new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')))->format('Y');
         $quarters = new Quarters(SettingEntity::getQuarters());
         $currentQuarter = $quarters->getQuarterForDate(new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')));
         if ($costCenter instanceof CostCentreEntity) {
             $projectsIterator = new SharedProjectsFilterIterator($costCenter->getProjects(), $costCenter->ccId, $this->user, $this->getEnvironment());
             foreach ($projectsIterator as $item) {
                 $quarterBudget = QuarterlyBudgetEntity::findOne([['year' => $currentYear], ['subjectType' => QuarterlyBudgetEntity::SUBJECT_TYPE_PROJECT], ['subjectId' => $item->projectId], ['quarter' => $currentQuarter]]);
                 $projects[] = array('projectId' => $item->projectId, 'name' => $item->name, 'budgetRemain' => !is_null($quarterBudget) && $quarterBudget->budget > 0 ? max(0, round($quarterBudget->budget - $quarterBudget->cumulativespend)) : null);
             //$costCentreName = $costCenter->name;
             $isLocked = $costCenter->getProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_LOCKED);
             $accountCcs = AccountCostCenterEntity::findOne([['accountId' => $this->environment->clientId], ['ccId' => $costCenter->ccId]]);
             if ($isLocked || !$accountCcs instanceof AccountCostCenterEntity) {
                 $costCentreLocked = 1;
             } else {
                 $costCentreLocked = 0;
         } else {
             $costCentreName = '';
             $costCentreLocked = 0;
     return ['costCenterLocked' => $costCentreLocked, 'projects' => $projects];
Esempio n. 2
  * Checks whether cost ceter can be removed
  * If Cost centre can't be archived and removed it will throw an exception
  * @return   boolean   Returns TRUE if cost center can be removed or false if it can be archived or
  *                     throws an exception otherwise
  * @throws   AnalyticsException
 public function checkRemoval()
     //Checks data integrity
     if ($this->ccId == Usage::DEFAULT_CC_ID) {
         throw new AnalyticsException(sprintf("'%s' is default automatically created Cost Center and it can not be archived.", $this->name));
     $accountCcs = \Scalr::getDb()->GetAll("\n            SELECT ac.account_id, FROM account_ccs ac\n            JOIN clients c ON = ac.account_id\n            WHERE ac.cc_id = UNHEX(?)\n            LIMIT 4\n        ", [$this->type('ccId')->toDb($this->ccId)]);
     $someofthem = '';
     foreach ($accountCcs as $ac) {
         $cnt = 0;
         if ($cnt++ > 3) {
             $someofthem .= ' ...';
         $someofthem .= ', "' . $ac['name'] . '"';
     if (count($accountCcs) > 0) {
         throw new AnalyticsException(sprintf("Cost center '%s' can not be archived because it is used by following account%s: %s. " . "Please contact your scalr admin to set free '%s' before you can archive it.", $this->name, count($accountCcs) > 1 ? 's' : '', substr($someofthem, 2), $this->name));
     $env = \Scalr::getDb()->GetRow("\n            SELECT, FROM client_environments e\n            JOIN client_environment_properties ep ON ep.env_id =\n            WHERE = ? AND ep.value = ?\n            LIMIT 1\n        ", [\Scalr_Environment::SETTING_CC_ID, strtolower($this->ccId)]);
     if ($env) {
         throw new AnalyticsException(sprintf("Cost center '%s' can not be archived because it is used by the environment '%s' (id:%d). " . "Please contact your scalr admin to reallocate %s to a new cost center before you can archive '%s'.", $this->name, $env['name'], $env['id'], $env['name'], $this->name));
     //Gets all projects related to cost centre
     $relatedProjects = $this->getProjects();
     //Whether Cost Centre is assigned to active Projects
     if ($relatedProjects->filterByArchived(false)->count()) {
         $someofthem = '';
         $cnt = 0;
         foreach ($relatedProjects as $p) {
             if ($cnt++ > 3) {
                 $someofthem .= ' ...';
             $someofthem .= ', "' . $p->name . '"';
         throw new AnalyticsException(sprintf("Cost center '%s' can not be archived because it is used by %d project%s including: %s. " . "Please contact your scalr admin to reallocate %s to a new cost center before you can archive '%s'.", $this->name, $relatedProjects->count(), $relatedProjects->count() > 1 ? 's' : '', substr($someofthem, 2), $relatedProjects->count() > 1 ? 'them' : substr($someofthem, 2), $this->name));
     //It can be comletely removed if there isn't any project that has been assigned to cost centre.
     $bAllowedToRemove = $relatedProjects->count() == 0 && $this->ccId != Usage::DEFAULT_CC_ID;
     //Are there any record for this cost centre in the usage statistics?
     if ($bAllowedToRemove && \Scalr::getContainer()->analytics->enabled) {
         $budget = QuarterlyBudgetEntity::findOne([['subjectType' => QuarterlyBudgetEntity::SUBJECT_TYPE_CC], ['subjectId' => $this->ccId], ['cumulativespend' => ['$gt' => 0]]]);
         if ($budget) {
             //It can only be archived
             $bAllowedToRemove = false;
     return $bAllowedToRemove;
Esempio n. 3
  * Checks whether project can be removed
  * If Project can't be archived and removed it will throw an exception
  * @return   boolean   Returns TRUE if Project can be removed or false if it can be archived or
  *                     throws an exception otherwise
  * @throws   AnalyticsException
 public function checkRemoval()
     //Checks data integrity
     if ($this->projectId == Usage::DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID) {
         throw new AnalyticsException(sprintf("'%s' is default automatically created Project and it can not be archived.", $this->name));
     $farm = \Scalr::getDb()->GetRow("\n            SELECT, FROM farms f\n            JOIN farm_settings fs ON fs.farmid =\n            WHERE = ? AND fs.value = ?\n            LIMIT 1\n        ", [Entity\FarmSetting::PROJECT_ID, strtolower($this->projectId)]);
     if ($farm) {
         throw new AnalyticsException(sprintf("Project '%s' can not be archived because it is used by the farm '%s' (id:%d). " . "Reallocate '%s' to another project first.", $this->name, $farm['name'], $farm['id'], $farm['name'], $this->name));
     $bAllowedToRemove = $this->projectId != Usage::DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID;
     //Are there any record for this project in the usage statistics?
     if ($bAllowedToRemove && \Scalr::getContainer()->analytics->enabled) {
         $budget = QuarterlyBudgetEntity::findOne([['subjectType' => QuarterlyBudgetEntity::SUBJECT_TYPE_PROJECT], ['subjectId' => $this->projectId], ['cumulativespend' => ['$gt' => 0]]]);
         if ($budget) {
             //It can only be archived
             $bAllowedToRemove = false;
     return $bAllowedToRemove;
Esempio n. 4
  * Checks whether project can be removed
  * If Project can't be archived and removed it will throw an exception
  * @return   boolean   Returns TRUE if Project can be removed or false if it can be archived or
  *                     throws an exception otherwise
  * @throws   AnalyticsException
 public function checkRemoval()
     //Checks data integrity
     $farm = \Scalr::getDb()->GetRow("\n            SELECT, FROM farms f\n            JOIN farm_settings fs ON fs.farmid =\n            WHERE = ? AND fs.value = ?\n            LIMIT 1\n        ", [\DBFarm::SETTING_PROJECT_ID, strtolower($this->projectId)]);
     if ($farm) {
         throw new AnalyticsException(sprintf("Project %s can not be archived because it is used by the farm %s (id:%d). " . "Please contact your scalr admin to reallocate %s to a new project before you can archive '%s'.", $this->name, $farm['name'], $farm['id'], $farm['name'], $this->name));
     $bAllowedToRemove = $this->projectId != Usage::DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID;
     //Are there any record for this project in the usage statistics?
     if ($bAllowedToRemove && \Scalr::getContainer()->analytics->enabled) {
         $budget = QuarterlyBudgetEntity::findOne([['subjectType' => QuarterlyBudgetEntity::SUBJECT_TYPE_PROJECT], ['subjectId' => $this->projectId], ['cumulativespend' => ['$gt' => 0]]]);
         if ($budget) {
             //It can only be archived
             $bAllowedToRemove = false;
     return $bAllowedToRemove;
Esempio n. 5
 private function getFarmCostData($farmId)
     $result = [];
     $costCenter = $this->getContainer()->analytics->ccs->get($this->getEnvironment()->getPlatformConfigValue(Scalr_Environment::SETTING_CC_ID));
     $currentYear = (new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')))->format('Y');
     $quarters = new Quarters(SettingEntity::getQuarters());
     $currentQuarter = $quarters->getQuarterForDate(new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')));
     $projects = [];
     if ($farmId) {
         $farm = DBFarm::LoadByID($farmId);
         $currentProjectId = $farm->GetSetting(Entity\FarmSetting::PROJECT_ID);
         $currentProject = ProjectEntity::findPk($currentProjectId);
         /* @var $currentProject ProjectEntity */
         if (!empty($currentProject)) {
             $quarterBudget = QuarterlyBudgetEntity::findOne([['year' => $currentYear], ['subjectType' => QuarterlyBudgetEntity::SUBJECT_TYPE_PROJECT], ['subjectId' => $currentProject->projectId], ['quarter' => $currentQuarter]]);
             $projects[] = ['projectId' => $currentProject->projectId, 'name' => "{$currentProject->name} / {$currentProject->getCostCenter()->name}", 'budgetRemain' => !is_null($quarterBudget) && $quarterBudget->budget > 0 ? max(0, round($quarterBudget->budget - $quarterBudget->cumulativespend)) : null];
         $result['projectId'] = $farm->GetSetting(Entity\FarmSetting::PROJECT_ID);
         $result['farmCostMetering'] = $result['projectId'] ? $this->getContainer()->analytics->usage->getFarmCostMetering($this->user->getAccountId(), $farmId) : null;
     if ($costCenter instanceof CostCentreEntity) {
         $projectsIterator = new SharedProjectsFilterIterator($costCenter->getProjects(), $costCenter->ccId, $this->user, $this->getEnvironment());
         foreach ($projectsIterator as $item) {
             /* @var $item Scalr\Stats\CostAnalytics\Entity\ProjectEntity */
             if (!empty($currentProjectId) && $item->projectId == $currentProjectId) {
             $quarterBudget = QuarterlyBudgetEntity::findOne([['year' => $currentYear], ['subjectType' => QuarterlyBudgetEntity::SUBJECT_TYPE_PROJECT], ['subjectId' => $item->projectId], ['quarter' => $currentQuarter]]);
             $projects[] = array('projectId' => $item->projectId, 'name' => "{$item->name} / {$costCenter->name}", 'budgetRemain' => !is_null($quarterBudget) && $quarterBudget->budget > 0 ? max(0, round($quarterBudget->budget - $quarterBudget->cumulativespend)) : null);
         $costCentreName = $costCenter->name;
         $isLocked = $costCenter->getProperty(CostCentrePropertyEntity::NAME_LOCKED);
         $accountCcs = AccountCostCenterEntity::findOne([['accountId' => $this->environment->clientId], ['ccId' => $costCenter->ccId]]);
         if ($isLocked || !$accountCcs instanceof AccountCostCenterEntity) {
             $costCentreLocked = 1;
         } else {
             $costCentreLocked = 0;
     } else {
         $costCentreName = '';
         $costCentreLocked = 0;
     $supportedClouds = $this->getContainer()->analytics->prices->getSupportedClouds();
     $result['analytics'] = array('costCenterName' => $costCentreName, 'costCenterLocked' => $costCentreLocked, 'projects' => $projects, 'unsupportedClouds' => array_values(array_diff($this->environment->getEnabledPlatforms(), $supportedClouds)));
     return $result;