Esempio n. 1
  * Authentication middleware
 public function authenticationMiddleware()
     $bDebug = $this->request->headers('x-scalr-debug', 0) == 1;
     //If API is not enabled
     if (!$this->getContainer()->config('scalr.system.api.enabled')) {
         $this->halt(403, 'API is not enabled. See scalr.system.api.enabled');
     $keyId = $this->request->headers('x-scalr-key-id');
     $signature = $this->request->headers('x-scalr-signature');
     //ISO-8601 formatted date
     $date = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $this->request->headers('x-scalr-date')));
     if (empty($keyId) || empty($signature)) {
         throw new ApiErrorException(401, ErrorMessage::ERR_BAD_AUTHENTICATION, 'Unsigned request');
     } elseif (empty($date) || ($time = strtotime($date)) === false) {
         throw new ApiErrorException(400, ErrorMessage::ERR_BAD_REQUEST, 'Missing or invalid X-Scalr-Date header');
     $sigparts = explode(' ', $signature, 2);
     if (empty($sigparts) || !in_array($sigparts[0], ['V1-HMAC-SHA256'])) {
         throw new ApiErrorException(401, ErrorMessage::ERR_BAD_AUTHENTICATION, 'Invalid signature');
     $this->apiKey = ApiKeyEntity::findPk($keyId);
     if (!$this->apiKey instanceof ApiKeyEntity || !$this->apiKey->active) {
         throw new ApiErrorException(401, ErrorMessage::ERR_BAD_AUTHENTICATION, 'Invalid API Key');
     if (abs(time() - $time) > 300) {
         throw new ApiErrorException(401, ErrorMessage::ERR_BAD_AUTHENTICATION, 'Request is expired.' . ($bDebug ? ' Now is ' . gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z') : ''));
     $now = new \DateTime('now');
     if (empty($this->apiKey->lastUsed) || $now->getTimestamp() - $this->apiKey->lastUsed->getTimestamp() > 10) {
         $this->apiKey->lastUsed = $now;
     $qstr = $this->request->get();
     $canonicalStr = '';
     if (!empty($qstr)) {
         $canonicalStr = http_build_query($qstr, null, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);
     $reqBody = $this->request->getBody();
     $stringToSign = $this->request->getMethod() . "\n" . $date . "\n" . $this->request->getPath() . "\n" . $canonicalStr . "\n" . (empty($reqBody) ? '' : $reqBody);
     if ($bDebug) {
         $this->meta->stringToSign = $stringToSign;
     switch ($sigparts[0]) {
             throw new ApiErrorException(401, ErrorMessage::ERR_BAD_AUTHENTICATION, 'Invalid signature method. Please use "V1-HMAC-SHA256 [SIGNATURE]"');
         case 'V1-HMAC-SHA256':
             $algo = strtolower(substr($sigparts[0], 8));
     $sig = base64_encode(hash_hmac($algo, $stringToSign, $this->apiKey->secretKey, 1));
     if ($sig !== $sigparts[1]) {
         throw new ApiErrorException(401, ErrorMessage::ERR_BAD_AUTHENTICATION, 'Signature does not match');
     $user = Entity\Account\User::findPk($this->apiKey->userId);
     /* @var $user Entity\Account\User */
     if (!$user instanceof Entity\Account\User) {
         throw new ApiErrorException(401, ErrorMessage::ERR_BAD_AUTHENTICATION, 'User does not exist');
     if ($user->status != Entity\Account\User::STATUS_ACTIVE) {
         throw new ApiErrorException(403, ErrorMessage::ERR_PERMISSION_VIOLATION, 'Inactive user status');
     if (\Scalr::config('scalr.auth_mode') == 'ldap') {
         try {
             $ldap = \Scalr::getContainer()->ldap($user->getLdapUsername(), null);
             if (!$ldap->isValidUsername()) {
                 if ($bDebug && $ldap->getConfig()->debug) {
                     $this->meta->ldapDebug = $ldap->getLog();
                 throw new ApiErrorException(401, ErrorMessage::ERR_BAD_AUTHENTICATION, 'User does not exist');
         } catch (LdapException $e) {
             if ($bDebug && $ldap instanceof LdapClient && $ldap->getConfig()->debug) {
                 $this->meta->ldapDebug = $ldap->getLog();
             throw new \RuntimeException($e->getMessage());
     //Validates API version
     if ($this->settings[ApiApplication::SETTING_API_VERSION] != 1) {
         throw new ApiErrorException(400, ErrorMessage::ERR_BAD_REQUEST, 'Invalid API version');
     if ($this->request->getBody() !== '' && strtolower($this->request->getMediaType()) !== 'application/json') {
         throw new ApiErrorException(400, ErrorMessage::ERR_BAD_REQUEST, 'Invalid Content-Type');
     $container = $this->getContainer();
     //Releases auditloger to ensure it will be updated
     //Adjusts metadata to invoke audit loger
     $container->setShared('auditlogger.metadata', function ($cont) use($user) {
         return (object) ['user' => $user, 'envId' => null, 'remoteAddr' => $this->request->getIp(), 'ruid' => null, 'requestType' => AuditLogger::REQUEST_TYPE_API, 'systemTask' => null];
Esempio n. 2
  * @param string    $action Action
  * @param JsonData  $keyIds JSON encoded structure
  * @throws Scalr_Exception_InsufficientPermissions
 public function xApiKeysActionHandlerAction($action, JsonData $keyIds)
     if ($this->user->isAdmin() || !\Scalr::config('scalr.system.api.enabled')) {
         throw new Scalr_Exception_InsufficientPermissions();
     $processed = [];
     $errors = [];
     foreach ($keyIds as $keyId) {
         try {
             $apiKeyEntity = ApiKeyEntity::findPk($keyId);
             /* @var $apiKeyEntity ApiKeyEntity */
             if ($apiKeyEntity->userId != $this->user->getId()) {
                 throw new Scalr_Exception_Core('Insufficient permissions to modify API key');
             switch ($action) {
                 case 'delete':
                     $processed[] = $keyId;
                 case 'activate':
                 case 'deactivate':
                     $apiKeyEntity->active = $action == 'activate';
                     $processed[] = $keyId;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $errors[] = $e->getMessage();
     $num = count($keyIds);
     if (count($processed) == $num) {
         $this->response->success('All API keys processed');
     } else {
         array_walk($errors, function (&$item) {
             $item = '- ' . $item;
         $this->response->warning(sprintf("Successfully processed only %d from %d API KEYS. \nFollowing errors occurred:\n%s", count($processed), $num, join($errors, '')));
     $this->response->data(['processed' => $processed]);