  * Action called for unsubscription to press reviews
 public function unsubscribeAction()
     try {
         $email = $this->getParam("email", null);
         if (!$email) {
             Flash::addItem(__("Requête invalide", "s1b"));
         } else {
             $email = trim($email);
             /* @var $pressReviewsSubscriber PressReviewsSubscriber */
             $pressReviewsSubscriber = PressReviewsSubscriberDao::getInstance()->getByEmail($email);
             if ($pressReviewsSubscriber) {
                 // Mark the press review subscriber as deleted
                 Flash::addItem(__("Votre désinscription a bien été pris en compte.", "s1b"));
             } else {
                 Flash::addItem(__("Il n'y a pas d'abonné correspondant à l'email fourni.", "s1b"));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Trace::addItem(sprintf("Une erreur s'est produite dans \"%s->%s\", TRACE : %s\"", get_class(), __FUNCTION__, $e->getTraceAsString()));
         $this->forward("error", "error", "default");
Esempio n. 2
 public function editAction()
     try {
         $globalContext = new \Sb\Context\Model\Context();
         if ($globalContext->getIsShowingFriendLibrary()) {
             Flash::addItem(__("You cannot edit a lending from a friend's library"));
         $userBookId = $_GET['ubid'];
         $userBook = UserBookDao::getInstance()->get($userBookId);
         if ($userBook) {
             // Check user is user book owner
             if ($globalContext->getConnectedUser()->getId() != $userBook->getUser()->getId()) {
                 Flash::addItem(__("Le livre que vous souhaitez éditer ne correspond pas à l'utilisateur connecté.", "share1book"));
             $book = $userBook->getBook();
             $bookView = new BookView($book, false, false, false);
             $this->view->book = $bookView->get();
             $lendingView = new LendingView($userBook, $globalContext->getConnectedUser()->getId());
             $this->view->bookForm = $lendingView->get();
             $buttonsBar = new ButtonsBar(false);
             $this->view->buttonsBar = $buttonsBar->get();
         } else {
             Flash::addItem("Le livre que vous souhaitez éditer n'existe pas.");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Trace::addItem(sprintf("Une erreur s'est produite dans \"%s->%s\", TRACE : %s\"", get_class(), __FUNCTION__, $e->getTraceAsString()));
         $this->forward("error", "error", "default");
  * Check if a user is connected in session and otherwise set a flash message, persist request url in session and redirect to homepage
 public function checkUserIsConnected()
     if (!$this->getIsConnected()) {
         $_SESSION[\Sb\Entity\SessionKeys::RETURN_URL_AFTER_LOGIN] = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
         Flash::addItem(__("Vous devez être connecté pour accéder à cette page.", "s1b"));
Esempio n. 4
  * Send invitation to users
 public function inviteAction()
     try {
         $globalContext = new \Sb\Context\Model\Context();
         $user = $globalContext->getConnectedUser();
         $continue = true;
         $emails = ArrayHelper::getSafeFromArray($_POST, 'Emails', null);
         $message = ArrayHelper::getSafeFromArray($_POST, 'Message', null);
         if (!$emails || !$message) {
             Flash::addItem(__("Vous devez renseigner tous les champs obligatoires.", "s1b"));
             $continue = false;
         if ($continue) {
             $emailsListFromPost = explode(",", $emails);
             // Getting emails list
             if ($emailsListFromPost) {
                 // Looping through all emails for validating all of them
                 // At the end of the loop:
                 // we will have an array of emails to be processed
                 // and flag to process or not the sendings
                 $emailsList = array();
                 foreach ($emailsListFromPost as $emailToInvite) {
                     $addEmail = true;
                     $emailToInvite = strtolower(trim($emailToInvite));
                     if ($emailToInvite != "") {
                         // Testing if the email is valid
                         if (!StringHelper::isValidEmail($emailToInvite)) {
                             Flash::addItem(sprintf(__("%s n'est pas un email valide.", "s1b"), $emailToInvite));
                             // We will stop invitation sending
                             $continue = false;
                             // Current email not added to the array of emails to be processed
                             $addEmail = false;
                         } else {
                             // Testing if the email does not match an existing user
                             $userInDb = UserDao::getInstance()->getByEmail($emailToInvite);
                             if ($userInDb && !$userInDb->getDeleted()) {
                                 $friendRequestUrl = HTTPHelper::Link(Urls::USER_FRIENDS_REQUEST, array("fid" => $userInDb->getId()));
                                 Flash::addItem(sprintf(__("Un utilisateur existe déjà avec l'email : %s. <a class=\"link\" href=\"%s\">Envoyer lui une demande d'ami</a>", "s1b"), $emailToInvite, $friendRequestUrl));
                                 // We will stop invitation sending
                                 $continue = false;
                                 // Current email not added to the array of emails to be processed
                                 $addEmail = false;
                             } else {
                                 // Testing if invitations have been sent to that guest (email) by the current user
                                 $invitations = InvitationDao::getInstance()->getListForSenderAndGuestEmail($user, $emailToInvite);
                                 if ($invitations && count($invitations) > 0) {
                                     Flash::addItem(sprintf(__("Vous avez déjà envoyé une invitation à cet email : %s.", "s1b"), $emailToInvite));
                                     // We will stop invitation sending
                                     $continue = false;
                                     // Current email not added to the array of emails to be processed
                                     $addEmail = false;
                     if ($addEmail) {
                         $emailsList[] = $emailToInvite;
                 if ($continue) {
                     // Looping through all emails for sending invitation
                     $initialMessage = $message;
                     foreach ($emailsList as $emailToInvite) {
                         $emailToInvite = strtolower(trim($emailToInvite));
                         if ($emailToInvite != "") {
                             $sendInvitation = true;
                             // Testing again if invitations have been sent to that guest (email) by the current user
                             $invitations = InvitationDao::getInstance()->getListForSenderAndGuestEmail($user, $emailToInvite);
                             if ($invitations && count($invitations) > 0) {
                                 $sendInvitation = false;
                             if ($sendInvitation) {
                                 // Getting existing guests matching email, and take first 1
                                 $guest = null;
                                 $guests = GuestDao::getInstance()->getListByEmail($emailToInvite);
                                 if ($guests && count($guests) > 0) {
                                     $guest = $guests[0];
                                 $token = sha1(uniqid(rand()));
                                 // Send invite email
                                 $message = str_replace("\n", "<br/>", $initialMessage);
                                 $message .= "<br/><br/>";
                                 $message .= sprintf(__("<a href=\"%s\">S'inscrire</a> ou <a href=\"%s\">Refuser</a>", "s1b"), HTTPHelper::Link(Urls::SUBSCRIBE), HTTPHelper::Link(Urls::REFUSE_INVITATION, array("Token" => $token, "Email" => $emailToInvite)));
                                 $message .= "<br/><br/>";
                                 $message .= "<strong>" . sprintf(__("L'équipe %s", "s1b"), Constants::SITENAME) . "<strong/>";
                                 MailSvc::getNewInstance($user->getEmail(), $user->getEmail())->send($emailToInvite, sprintf(__("Invitation à rejoindre %s", "s1b"), Constants::SITENAME), $message);
                                 // Create invitation
                                 $invitation = new Invitation();
                                 $invitation->setLast_modification_date(new \DateTime());
                                 if ($guest) {
                                     // Updating guest
                                 } else {
                                     // Create guest
                                     $guest = new Guest();
                                     $guest->setCreation_date(new \DateTime());
                                 Flash::addItem(sprintf(__("Une invitation a été envoyée à %s.", "s1b"), $emailToInvite));
         // If we arrive here : an error occured, then redirect to the invite form
         HTTPHelper::redirect(Urls::USER_FRIENDS_INVITE, array("emails" => $emails));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Trace::addItem(sprintf("Une erreur s'est produite dans \"%s->%s\", TRACE : %s\"", get_class(), __FUNCTION__, $e->getTraceAsString()));
         $this->forward("error", "error", "default");
 private function redirectToHome()
     Flash::addItem(__("Vos critères de recherche ne nous ont pas permis de trouver de livre.", "s1b"));
Esempio n. 6
 public function refuseInvitationAction()
     try {
         if (!empty($_GET)) {
             $email = $_GET['Email'];
             $token = $_GET['Token'];
             $invitation = InvitationDao::getInstance()->getByEmailAndToken($email, $token);
             if ($invitation) {
                 $invitation->setLast_modification_date(new \DateTime());
                 Flash::addItem(sprintf(__("L'invitation à rejoindre %s a été refusée.", "s1b"), Constants::SITENAME));
             } else {
                 //Invitation unknown
                 Flash::addItem(__("Une erreur est survenue lors du refus de l'invitation", "s1b"));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Trace::addItem(sprintf("Une erreur s'est produite dans \"%s->%s\", TRACE : %s\"", get_class(), __FUNCTION__, $e->getTraceAsString()));
         $this->forward("error", "error", "default");
 public function borrowFromFriendsAction()
     try {
         $globalContext = new \Sb\Context\Model\Context();
         $bookIdInIQS = ArrayHelper::getSafeFromArray($_GET, "bid", null);
         if ($bookIdInIQS) {
             $book = BookDao::getInstance()->get($bookIdInIQS);
         } else {
             // Get Book to add from cache
             $book = ZendFileCache::getInstance()->load(Constants::BOOK_TO_ADD_PREFIX . session_id());
         if ($book) {
             $userBookInDb = UserBookDao::getInstance()->getByBookIdAndUserId($globalContext->getConnectedUser()->getId(), $book->getId());
             if ($userBookInDb && !$userBookInDb->getIs_deleted()) {
                 Flash::addItem(__("Vous avez déjà ce livre dans votre bibliothèque.", "s1b"));
             } else {
                 // Checking if a friend has this book in his library
                 $userBookDao = UserBookDao::getInstance();
                 $user = $globalContext->getConnectedUser();
                 $friends = $user->getAcceptedFriends();
                 if ($friends) {
                     $userBooks = $userBookDao->getBookInFriendsUserBook($book->getId(), $globalContext->getConnectedUser()->getId());
                     if ($userBooks) {
                         $this->view->friendUserBooks = array_filter($userBooks, array(&$this, "IsBorrowable"));
                 $bookView = new \Sb\View\Book($book, false, false, true, null, null, null, false);
                 $this->view->book = $bookView->get();
         } else {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Trace::addItem(sprintf("Une erreur s'est produite dans \"%s->%s\", TRACE : %s\"", get_class(), __FUNCTION__, $e->getTraceAsString()));
         $this->forward("error", "error", "default");