Esempio n. 1
  * Default run method for default 'write-typed' controller
  * Save data from the posted form into the first parameter object using standard method.
  * Create a new instance of this object if no identifier was given.
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $object = $parameters->getMainObject($class_name);
     try {
         $builder = new Post_Files();
         $form = $builder->appendToForm($form, $files);
         $builder = new Object_Builder_Array();
         $builder->null_if_empty_sub_objects = true;
         $builder->build($form, $object);
         $write_objects = [];
         foreach ($builder->getBuiltObjects() as $write_object) {
             if ($write_object == $object || Dao::getObjectIdentifier($write_object)) {
                 $write_objects[] = $write_object;
         $write_error = false;
         foreach ($write_objects as $write_object) {
             if (!Dao::write($write_object)) {
                 $write_error = true;
         $write_error ? Dao::rollback() : Dao::commit();
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         throw $exception;
     $parameters = $this->getViewParameters($parameters, $class_name, $write_error);
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, Feature::F_WRITE);
Esempio n. 2
  * @param $result Table
 public function afterHtmlBuilderMultipleBuild(Table $result)
     if ($this->in_multiple == 'build') {
         $table = $result;
         $length = count($table->body->rows) - 1;
         if ($this->count->count > $length) {
             // vertical scrollbar
             $vertical_scroll_bar = new Standard_Cell();
             $vertical_scroll_bar->setAttribute('rowspan', 1000000);
             $vertical_scroll_bar->setData('start', 0);
             $vertical_scroll_bar->setData('length', $length);
             $vertical_scroll_bar->setData('total', $this->count->count);
             $link = '/Html_Edit_Multiple/output/' . Namespaces::shortClassName($this->property->getDeclaringClass()) . SL . Dao::getObjectIdentifier($this->property->getObject()) . SL . $this->property->name . SL . '?move=';
             $up = new Anchor($link . 'up');
             $position = new Anchor($link . 1);
             $down = new Anchor($link . 'down');
             $vertical_scroll_bar->setContent($up . $position . $down);
             // add vertical scrollbar cells to multiple (collection or map) table
             $table->head->rows[0]->addCell(new Header_Cell(), 0);
             $table->body->rows[0]->addCell($vertical_scroll_bar, 0);
         $this->in_multiple = '';
  * @param $object object
  * @return string[] combo filters
 protected function getFilters($object)
     $filters = ['id' => Func::notEqual(Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object))];
     foreach ((new Reflection_Class(get_class($object)))->getProperties([T_EXTENDS, T_USE]) as $property) {
         if ($property->getAnnotation('replace_filter')->value) {
             $filters[$property->name] = Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object, $property->name);
     return $filters;
Esempio n. 4
  * Run the default json controller
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form array
  * @param $files array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return string
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     // read all objects corresponding to class name
     if (!$parameters) {
         return json_encode(Dao::readAll(Names::setToClass($class_name, false), [Dao::sort()]));
     // read object
     $first_parameter = reset($parameters);
     if (is_object($first_parameter)) {
         return json_encode($first_parameter);
     // search objects for autocomplete combo pull-down list
     if (isset($parameters['term'])) {
         $element_class_name = Names::setToClass($class_name, false);
         $search = null;
         if (!empty($parameters['term'])) {
             $search = (new Search_Array_Builder())->buildMultiple(new Reflection_Class($element_class_name), $parameters['term'], '', '%');
         if (isset($parameters['filters']) && $parameters['filters']) {
             if (!(is_object($search) && $search->isAnd())) {
                 $search = Dao\Func::andOp($search ? [$search] : []);
             foreach ($parameters['filters'] as $filter_name => $filter_value) {
                 $search->arguments[$filter_name] = $filter_value[0] == '!' ? Dao\Func::notEqual(substr($filter_value, 1)) : $filter_value;
             if (count($search->arguments) == 1) {
                 $search = [key($search->arguments) => current($search->arguments)];
         $objects = [];
         // first object only
         if (isset($parameters['first']) && $parameters['first']) {
             $objects = Dao::search($search, $element_class_name, [Dao::sort(), Dao::limit(1)]);
             $source_object = $objects ? reset($objects) : Builder::create($element_class_name);
             return json_encode(new Autocomplete_Entry(Dao::getObjectIdentifier($source_object), strval($source_object)));
         } else {
             $search_options = [Dao::sort()];
             if (isset($parameters['limit'])) {
                 $search_options[] = Dao::limit($parameters['limit']);
             foreach (Dao::search($search, $element_class_name, $search_options) as $source_object) {
                 $objects[] = new Autocomplete_Entry(Dao::getObjectIdentifier($source_object), strval($source_object));
             return json_encode($objects);
     } elseif (isset($parameters['id'])) {
         $element_class_name = Names::setToClass($class_name);
         $source_object = Dao::read($parameters['id'], $element_class_name);
         return json_encode(new Autocomplete_Entry(Dao::getObjectIdentifier($source_object), strval($source_object)));
     return '';
Esempio n. 5
  * @param $replaced    object
  * @param $replacement object
  * @return boolean true if replacement and deletion have been done
 public function deleteAndReplace($replaced, $replacement)
     if (Dao::getObjectIdentifier($replaced) && Dao::getObjectIdentifier($replacement)) {
         if ($this->replace($replaced, $replacement)) {
             if ($this->delete($replaced)) {
                 return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 6
  * Gets sql elements for a mapping between two objects
  * @example
  * list($table, $field1, $field2, $id1, $id2) = Sql_Map_Builder::sqlElementsOf( (...) );
  * @param $object         object the source object
  * @param $property       Reflection_Property the property of the source object used for the mapping
  * @param $foreign_object object the mapped object
  * @return array
 public static function sqlElementsOf($object, $property, $foreign_object)
     // build table and fields
     $sql_link = new Link_Table($property);
     $table = $sql_link->table();
     $field1 = $sql_link->masterColumn();
     $field2 = $sql_link->foreignColumn();
     // build values
     $id1 = Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object, 'id');
     $id2 = Dao::getObjectIdentifier($foreign_object, 'id');
     // return elements
     return [$table, $field1, $field2, $id1, $id2];
Esempio n. 7
  * Remove an object from an objects array
  * @param $element object|object[]
 public function remove($element)
     if (is_array($element)) {
         foreach ($element as $elem) {
             $key = Dao::getObjectIdentifier($elem);
             if (isset($this->objects[$key]) || array_key_exists($key, $this->objects)) {
     } else {
         $key = Dao::getObjectIdentifier($element);
         if (isset($this->objects[$key]) || array_key_exists($key, $this->objects)) {
Esempio n. 8
  * To use this :
  * - Create your own writeSubClassNames() method
  * - Your method has no parameters
  * - Your method returns nothing
  * - Call return writeSub('sub_class_names', 'super_class_name') using your two properties names
  * @param $sub   string sub property name ie 'sub_class_names'
  * @param $super string super property name ie 'super_class_name'
 private function writeSub($sub, $super)
     $written = [];
     // update $super_property into new $sub_properties
     foreach ($this->{$sub} as $sub) {
         if (!Dao::is($this, $sub->{$super})) {
             $sub->{$super} = $this;
             Dao::write($sub, [Dao::only($super)]);
         $written[Dao::getObjectIdentifier($sub)] = true;
     // empty $super_property from removed $sub_properties
     $subs = Dao::search([$super => $this], Link_Class::linkedClassNameOf($this));
     foreach ($subs as $sub) {
         if (!isset($written[Dao::getObjectIdentifier($sub)])) {
             $sub->{$super} = null;
             Dao::write($sub, [Dao::only($super)]);
Esempio n. 9
  * Parse a variable / function / include and returns its return value
  * @param $property_name string can be an unique var or path.of.vars
  * @param $format_value  boolean
  * @return string var value after reading value / executing specs (can be an object)
 protected function parseSingleValue($property_name, $format_value = true)
     $property = $source_object = reset($this->objects);
     if ($property instanceof Reflection_Property_Value && $property_name == 'value') {
         if (($builder = $property->getAnnotation('widget')->value) && is_a($builder, Property::class, true)) {
             $builder = Builder::create($builder, [$property, $property->value(), $this]);
             /** @var $builder Property */
             $builder->parameters[Feature::F_EDIT] = Feature::F_EDIT;
             $value = $builder->buildHtml();
             if ($builder instanceof Value_Widget) {
                 $value = (new Html_Builder_Property($property, $value))->setTemplate($this)->build();
         } else {
             $value = $property->getType()->isBoolean() ? $property->value() : parent::parseSingleValue($property_name, false);
             if (($preprop = lLastParse($property->pathAsField(), '[', 1, false)) && (!isset($this->cache[self::PARSED_ID]) || !isset($this->cache[self::PARSED_ID][$this->getFormId()]) || !isset($this->cache[self::PARSED_ID][$this->getFormId()][$preprop]))) {
                 $this->cache[self::PARSED_ID][$this->getFormId()][$preprop] = true;
                 if ($property instanceof Reflection_Property_Value) {
                     $parent_object = $property->getObject();
                     $id = isset($parent_object) ? Dao::getObjectIdentifier($parent_object) : null;
                     $html_builder_type = new Html_Builder_Type('id', null, $id, $preprop);
                     $id_value = $html_builder_type->setTemplate($this)->build();
                 } else {
                     $id_value = '';
             } else {
                 $id_value = '';
             if ($property->getAnnotation('output')->value == 'string') {
                 $property->setAnnotationLocal('var')->value = 'string';
                 $value = isset($value) ? strval($value) : null;
                 $id_value = '';
             $value = $id_value . (new Html_Builder_Property($property, $value))->setTemplate($this)->build();
     } else {
         $value = parent::parseSingleValue($property_name);
     return $value;
Esempio n. 10
  * Delete an object
  * @param $parameters mixed[]
  * - first : the deleted object
  * - other parameters are not sent to the delete controller (only as_widget is kept)
  * @return mixed
 private function deleteObject($parameters)
     $object = array_shift($parameters);
     $controller_uri = SL . Names::classToUri(get_class($object)) . SL . Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object) . SL . Feature::F_DELETE;
     return (new Main())->runController($controller_uri, $parameters);
Esempio n. 11
  * @return string
 public function serialize()
     $data = ['current' => [], 'plugins' => $this->plugins];
     if (isset($this->current)) {
         foreach ($this->current as $class_name => $object) {
             if (is_object($object)) {
                 $object = [$class_name, Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object) ?: serialize($object)];
             $data['current'][$class_name] = $object;
     return serialize($data);
Esempio n. 12
  * Generates a link for to an object and feature, using parameters if needed
  * @param $object     object|string linked object or class name
  * @param $feature    string linked feature name
  * @param $parameters string|string[]|object|object[] optional parameters list
  * @param $arguments  string|string[] optional arguments list
  * @return string
 public function link($object, $feature = null, $parameters = null, $arguments = null)
     // class name : not Built, not Set
     $class_names = is_string($object) ? $object : get_class($object);
     $class_name = Names::setToClass($class_names, false);
     $set_class = $class_name != $class_names;
     while (Builder::isBuilt($class_name)) {
         $class_name = get_parent_class($class_name);
     if ($set_class) {
         $class_name = Names::classToSet($class_name);
     // build uri
     $link = str_replace(BS, SL, is_object($object) && Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object) ? $class_name . SL . Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object) : $class_name);
     if (isset($feature)) {
         $link .= SL . $feature;
     if (isset($parameters)) {
         if (!is_array($parameters)) {
             $parameters = [$parameters];
         foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
             if (!is_numeric($key)) {
                 $link .= SL . $key;
             if (is_object($value)) {
                 $link .= SL . Names::classToUri(get_class($value)) . SL . Dao::getObjectIdentifier($value);
             } else {
                 $link .= SL . $value;
     // build arguments
     if (!empty($arguments)) {
         if (!is_array($arguments)) {
             $link .= '?' . urlencode($arguments);
         } else {
             $link .= '?';
             $first = true;
             foreach ($arguments as $key => $value) {
                 if ($first) {
                     $first = false;
                 } else {
                     $link .= '&';
                 $link .= $key . '=' . urlencode($value);
     return SL . $link;
Esempio n. 13
  * Generic getter for mapped objects
  * @param $stored   object[] actual value of the property (will be returned if not null)
  * @param $object   object the parent object
  * @param $property string|Reflection_Property the source property (or name) for map reading
  * @return Component[]
 public static function &getMap(&$stored, $object, $property)
     if (!(self::$ignore || isset($stored))) {
         if (Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object)) {
             if (!$property instanceof Reflection_Property) {
                 $property = new Reflection_Property(get_class($object), $property);
             $dao = ($dao = $property->getAnnotation('dao')->value) ? Dao::get($dao) : Dao::current();
             $class_name = get_class($object);
             $linked_class_name = (new Link_Class($class_name))->getLinkedClassName();
             if ($linked_class_name) {
                 $object = (new Link_Class($class_name))->getCompositeProperty()->getValue($object);
                 $class_name = $linked_class_name;
             $element_type = $property->getType()->getElementType();
             $is_abstract = $element_type->asReflectionClass()->isAbstract();
             $sort = $is_abstract ? Dao::sort(['id']) : Dao::sort();
             $stored = $dao->search([$class_name . '->' . $property->name => $object], $element_type->asString(), [$sort]);
             if ($is_abstract) {
         } else {
             $stored = [];
     return $stored;
Esempio n. 14
  * Gets the URI of a class name or object
  * @example class name User : '******'
  * @example User object of id = 1 : 'SAF/Framework/User/1'
  * @param $class_name object|string
  * @return string
 public static function classToUri($class_name)
     // get object id, if object
     if (is_object($class_name)) {
         $id = Dao::getObjectIdentifier($class_name, 'id');
         $class_name = get_class($class_name);
     // link classes : get linked class
     while ((new Reflection_Class($class_name))->getAnnotation('link')->value) {
         $class_name = get_parent_class($class_name);
     // built classes : get object class
     $built_path = Application::current()->getNamespace() . BS . 'Built' . BS;
     while (substr($class_name, 0, strlen($built_path)) == $built_path) {
         $class_name = get_parent_class($class_name);
     // replace \ by /
     return str_replace(BS, SL, $class_name) . (isset($id) ? SL . $id : '');
Esempio n. 15
  * @param $conditions string[] the key is the name of the condition, the value is the name of the
  *   value that enables the condition
  * @param $filters string[] the key is the name of the filter, the value is the name of the form
  *   element containing its value
  * @return string
 public function buildObject($conditions = null, $filters = null)
     $class_name = $this->type->asString();
     // visible input
     $input = new Input(null, strval($this->value));
     $input->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
     $input->setAttribute('data-combo-class', Names::classToSet($class_name));
     if (!$this->readonly) {
         if ($filters) {
             $html_filters = [];
             $old_name = $this->name;
             foreach ($filters as $filter_name => $filter_value) {
                 $this->name = $filter_value;
                 $name = $this->getFieldName('', false);
                 $html_filters[] = $filter_name . '=' . $name;
             $this->name = $old_name;
             $input->setAttribute('data-combo-filters', join(',', $html_filters));
         if ($conditions) {
             $html_conditions = [];
             $old_name = $this->name;
             foreach ($conditions as $condition_name => $condition_value) {
                 $this->name = $condition_name;
                 $name = $this->getFieldName('', false);
                 $html_conditions[] = $name . '=' . $condition_value;
             $this->name = $old_name;
             $input->setAttribute('data-conditions', join(';', $html_conditions));
         // id input
         $id_input = new Input($this->getFieldName('id_'), $this->value ? Dao::getObjectIdentifier($this->value) : '');
         $id_input->setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
         // 'add' / 'edit' anchor
         $fill_combo = isset($this->template) ? ['fill_combo' => $this->template->getFormId() . DOT . $this->getFieldName('id_', false)] : '';
         $edit = new Anchor(View::current()->link($this->value ? get_class($this->value) : $class_name, Feature::F_ADD, null, $fill_combo), 'edit');
         $edit->setAttribute('target', Target::BLANK);
         $edit->setAttribute('title', '|Edit ¦' . Names::classToDisplay($class_name) . '¦|');
         // 'more' button
         $more = new Button('more');
         $more->setAttribute('tabindex', -1);
         return $id_input . $input . $more . $edit;
     return $input;