function parse($rule, $start, $expected, $fastForward = null, $tz = 'UTC')
     $dt = new DateTime($start, new DateTimeZone($tz));
     $parser = new RRuleIterator($rule, $dt);
     if ($fastForward) {
         $parser->fastForward(new DateTime($fastForward));
     $result = [];
     while ($parser->valid()) {
         $item = $parser->current();
         $result[] = $item->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         if ($parser->isInfinite() && count($result) >= count($expected)) {
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
  * This method takes a VAVAILABILITY component and figures out all the
  * available times.
  * @param FreeBusyData $fbData
  * @param VCalendar $vavailability
  * @return void
 protected function calculateAvailability(FreeBusyData $fbData, VCalendar $vavailability)
     $vavailComps = iterator_to_array($vavailability->VAVAILABILITY);
     usort($vavailComps, function ($a, $b) {
         // We need to order the components by priority. Priority 1
         // comes first, up until priority 9. Priority 0 comes after
         // priority 9. No priority implies priority 0.
         // Yes, I'm serious.
         $priorityA = isset($a->PRIORITY) ? (int) $a->PRIORITY->getValue() : 0;
         $priorityB = isset($b->PRIORITY) ? (int) $b->PRIORITY->getValue() : 0;
         if ($priorityA === 0) {
             $priorityA = 10;
         if ($priorityB === 0) {
             $priorityB = 10;
         return $priorityA - $priorityB;
     // Now we go over all the VAVAILABILITY components and figure if
     // there's any we don't need to consider.
     // This is can be because of one of two reasons: either the
     // VAVAILABILITY component falls outside the time we are interested in,
     // or a different VAVAILABILITY component with a higher priority has
     // already completely covered the time-range.
     $old = $vavailComps;
     $new = [];
     foreach ($old as $vavail) {
         list($compStart, $compEnd) = $vavail->getEffectiveStartEnd();
         // We don't care about datetimes that are earlier or later than the
         // start and end of the freebusy report, so this gets normalized
         // first.
         if (is_null($compStart) || $compStart < $this->start) {
             $compStart = $this->start;
         if (is_null($compEnd) || $compEnd > $this->end) {
             $compEnd = $this->end;
         // If the item fell out of the timerange, we can just skip it.
         if ($compStart > $this->end || $compEnd < $this->start) {
         // Going through our existing list of components to see if there's
         // a higher priority component that already fully covers this one.
         foreach ($new as $higherVavail) {
             list($higherStart, $higherEnd) = $higherVavail->getEffectiveStartEnd();
             if ((is_null($higherStart) || $higherStart < $compStart) && (is_null($higherEnd) || $higherEnd > $compEnd)) {
                 // Component is fully covered by a higher priority
                 // component. We can skip this component.
                 continue 2;
         // We're keeping it!
         $new[] = $vavail;
     // Lastly, we need to traverse the remaining components and fill in the
     // freebusydata slots.
     // We traverse the components in reverse, because we want the higher
     // priority components to override the lower ones.
     foreach (array_reverse($new) as $vavail) {
         $busyType = isset($vavail->busyType) ? strtoupper($vavail->busyType) : 'BUSY-UNAVAILABLE';
         list($vavailStart, $vavailEnd) = $vavail->getEffectiveStartEnd();
         // Making the component size no larger than the requested free-busy
         // report range.
         if (!$vavailStart || $vavailStart < $this->start) {
             $vavailStart = $this->start;
         if (!$vavailEnd || $vavailEnd > $this->end) {
             $vavailEnd = $this->end;
         // Marking the entire time range of the VAVAILABILITY component as
         // busy.
         $fbData->add($vavailStart->getTimeStamp(), $vavailEnd->getTimeStamp(), $busyType);
         // Looping over the AVAILABLE components.
         if (isset($vavail->AVAILABLE)) {
             foreach ($vavail->AVAILABLE as $available) {
                 list($availStart, $availEnd) = $available->getEffectiveStartEnd();
                 $fbData->add($availStart->getTimeStamp(), $availEnd->getTimeStamp(), 'FREE');
                 if ($available->RRULE) {
                     // Our favourite thing: recurrence!!
                     $rruleIterator = new Recur\RRuleIterator($available->RRULE->getValue(), $availStart);
                     $startEndDiff = $availStart->diff($availEnd);
                     while ($rruleIterator->valid()) {
                         $recurStart = $rruleIterator->current();
                         $recurEnd = $recurStart->add($startEndDiff);
                         if ($recurStart > $vavailEnd) {
                             // We're beyond the legal timerange.
                         if ($recurEnd > $vavailEnd) {
                             // Truncating the end if it exceeds the
                             // VAVAILABILITY end.
                             $recurEnd = $vavailEnd;
                         $fbData->add($recurStart->getTimeStamp(), $recurEnd->getTimeStamp(), 'FREE');