/** * @author LAHAXE Arnaud * * @param \Generator $patchs * @param string $targetDocument * * @return mixed */ public function compile($patchs, $targetDocument = '{}') { foreach ($patchs as $patch) { try { $patch = new Patch($targetDocument, $patch); $targetDocument = $patch->apply(); } catch (InvalidPatchDocumentJsonException $e) { } catch (InvalidTargetDocumentJsonException $e) { } catch (InvalidOperationException $e) { } catch (FailedTestException $e) { } } return json_decode($targetDocument); }
* @apiError (404) PageException If exception */ $this->patch('/{slug:.+}', function ($req, $res, $args) use($app, $pages) { $parsedBody = $req->getParsedBody(); $bodyJson = json_encode($req->getParsedBody()); $slug = $args['slug']; if (!isset($req->getQueryParams()['parse'])) { $pages->setRenderer($app['pageRendererRAW']); } $page = $pages->read($slug); if (!$page) { return $this->api->json($res, ['error' => 'PageDoesNotExists', 'message' => 'Page does not exists'], 404); } try { $patch = new Patch($page, $bodyJson); $patchedDocument = $patch->apply(); $newPage = Page::pageFactory(json_decode($patchedDocument, true)); $pages->update($slug, $newPage); } catch (InvalidPatchDocumentJsonException $e) { // Will be thrown when using invalid JSON in a patch document return $this->api->json($res, ['error' => 'InvalidPatchDocumentJsonException', 'message' => $e->getMessage()], 400); } catch (InvalidTargetDocumentJsonException $e) { // Will be thrown when using invalid JSON in a target document return $this->api->json($res, ['error' => 'InvalidTargetDocumentJsonException', 'message' => $e->getMessage()], 400); } catch (InvalidOperationException $e) { // Will be thrown when using an invalid JSON Pointer operation (i.e. missing property) return $this->api->json($res, ['error' => 'InvalidOperationException', 'message' => $e->getMessage()], 400); } catch (Exception $e) { return $this->api->json($res, ['error' => 'InvalidOperationException', 'message' => $e->getMessage()], 500); } });
/** * @param \Staffim\DTOBundle\Model\ModelInterface $model * @param string $patchOperations * @return string * @throws \Rs\Json\Patch\FailedTestException */ protected function applyPatch(ModelInterface $model, $patchOperations) { try { $document = $this->serializer->serialize($this->mapper->map($model), 'json', $this->serializationContext); $patch = new Patch($document, $patchOperations); return $patch->apply(); } catch (Patch\FailedTestException $exception) { throw new Exception($exception->getMessage(), 417, $exception); } catch (Patch\Exception $exception) { throw new Exception($exception->getMessage(), 400, $exception); } }
/** * Patch a record * * @param Number $id ID of record * @param Request $request Current http request * * @throws MalformedInputException * * @return Response $response Result of action with data (if successful) */ public function patchAction($id, Request $request) { $response = $this->getResponse(); $this->formValidator->checkJsonRequest($request, $response); // Check JSON Patch request $this->formValidator->checkJsonPatchRequest(json_decode($request->getContent(), 1)); // Find record && apply $ref converter $record = $this->findRecord($id); $jsonDocument = $this->serialize($record); // Check/validate JSON Patch if (!$this->jsonPatchValidator->validate($jsonDocument, $request->getContent())) { throw new InvalidJsonPatchException($this->jsonPatchValidator->getException()->getMessage()); } try { // Apply JSON patches $patch = new Patch($jsonDocument, $request->getContent()); $patchedDocument = $patch->apply(); } catch (InvalidPatchDocumentJsonException $e) { throw new InvalidJsonPatchException($e->getMessage()); } catch (InvalidTargetDocumentJsonException $e) { throw new InvalidJsonPatchException($e->getMessage()); } catch (InvalidOperationException $e) { throw new InvalidJsonPatchException($e->getMessage()); } catch (FailedTestException $e) { throw new InvalidJsonPatchException($e->getMessage()); } // Validate result object $model = $this->getModel(); $record = $this->formValidator->checkForm($this->formValidator->getForm($request, $model), $model, $this->formDataMapper, $patchedDocument); // Update object $this->getModel()->updateRecord($id, $record); // Set status code $response->setStatusCode(Response::HTTP_OK); // Set Content-Location header $response->headers->set('Content-Location', $this->getRouter()->generate($this->getRouteName($request), array('id' => $record->getId()))); return $response; }
<?php use Rs\Json\Patch; require '../vendor/autoload.php'; $tension = '{ "role": { "0": {}, "1": {} } }'; /*$patchDocument = '[ { "op": "add", "path": "/", "value": {"path": "/role", "action": "add"}}, { "op": "update", "path": "/", "value": {"path": "/role", "action": "add"}} ]';*/ $patchDocument = '[ { "op": "add", "path": "/role", "value": {"0": {},"1" :{}}}, { "op": "add", "path": "/role/0/name", "value": "titi"}, { "op": "add", "path": "/role/1/name", "value": "toto"}, { "op": "add", "path": "/role/stringid/name", "value": "toto"}, { "op": "replace", "path": "/role/0", "value": {"name": "tutu"}} ]'; $test = new Patch($tension, $patchDocument); echo $test->apply();
/** * @param \Staffim\DTOBundle\Model\ModelInterface $model * @param string $patchOperations * @return string * @throws \Rs\Json\Patch\FailedTestException */ protected function applyPatch(ModelInterface $model, $patchOperations) { $document = $this->serializer->serialize($this->mapper->map($model), 'json', $this->serializationContext); $patch = new Patch($document, $patchOperations); return $patch->apply(); }