public static function getMsgBySubject($subjectId) { $result = []; $cursor = \Root\Src\Model\ConnectionModel::getConnection()->query("Select * From mail where subjectId = :subjectId", ["subjectId" => $subjectId]); $i = 0; while ($i < \sizeof($cursor) && $cursor) { $current = new MailModel(); $current->hydrate($cursor[$i]); array_push($result, $current); $i += 1; } return $result; }
/** * Méthode de sauvegarde * @param type $params */ public static function save($params = []) { isset($params['idStructure']) ? $idStructure = $params['idStructure'] : ($idStructure = ''); $user = AppController::getUser(); if ($user) { if (!(isset($_POST['structure']) && $_POST['structure'] != '')) { AppController::setMsg("warning", "La champs structure doit être rempli."); } if ($idStructure != '') { $test = \Root\Src\Model\StructureModel::loadStructureById($idStructure); if ($test->getOwnerId() != $user->getId()) { AppController::setMsg("error", "Vous n'êtes pas propriétaire de cette structure vous ne pouvez pas la modifier"); } } if (!AppController::hasError()) { $structure = new \Root\Src\Model\StructureModel($user->getId(), $_POST['structure']); $structure->setId($idStructure); $structure->record(); if ($idStructure == '') { $idStructure = \Root\Src\Model\ConnectionModel::getConnection()->lastInsertId(); } $translation = new \Root\Src\Model\TranslationModel(); $translation->setLayoutId($idStructure); $translation->setLanguage('c'); $translation->setCode($_POST['translationToC']); $translation->record(); $translation->setLanguage('java'); $translation->setCode($_POST['translationToJava']); $translation->record(); $translation->setLanguage('javascript'); $translation->setCode($_POST['translationToJavascript']); $translation->record(); $translation->setLanguage('python'); $translation->setCode($_POST['translationToPython']); $translation->record(); $translation->setLanguage('php'); $translation->setCode($_POST['translationToPhp']); $translation->record(); self::load([$idStructure]); die; } } self::render(); }
/** * Vérifie si l'utilisateur exite * @param type $needConfirmation * @return boolean, UserModel renvoie false si l'utilisateur n'existe pas sinon * renvoie un utilisateur */ public function exist($needConfirmation = true) { if ($needConfirmation) { $confirmation = 1; } else { $confirmation = 0; } $statement = \Root\Src\Model\ConnectionModel::getConnection()->query('Select * From user Where :name = name and :password = password and isConfirmed = :confirmation', ['name' => $this->_name, 'password' => \Root\Src\Library\Encoder::encode($this->_password), 'confirmation' => $confirmation]); if ($statement != Null) { $result = new UserModel('', ''); $result->hydrate($statement[0]); } else { $result = false; } return $result; }
/** * Fonction de sauvegarde */ public static function save() { $id = $_POST['idToSave']; $name = $_POST['name']; $type = $_POST['type']; $content = $_POST['pseudoCode']; //$date $label = $_POST['label']; $algorithm = new \Root\Src\Model\AlgorithmModel(); $algorithm->setId($id); $algorithm->setName($name); $algorithm->setType($type); $algorithm->setContent($content); $algorithm->setLabel($label); $algorithm->setOwnerId(AppController::getUser()->getId()); $execution = $algorithm->record(); if ($execution && $id == '') { AppController::setMsg("success", "La fonction a bien été ajoutée à la base"); } else { if ($execution) { AppController::setMsg("success", "La fonction a bien été mise à jour"); } else { AppController::setMsg("error", "Une erreur lors de la connexion à la base s'est déroulée."); } } unset($_POST['save']); if ($id == '') { $id = \Root\Src\Model\ConnectionModel::getConnection()->lastInsertId(); } self::open([$id]); }