  * Get Service Request by ID.
  * If SR is cached, get from cache directly,
  * otherwise, fetch SR from EBS by sending a cURL request.
  * Save the SR in the in-process cache to avoid sending multiple requests to EBS.
  * Save the SR in the session for incident creation usage.
  * @param int $srID Service Request ID
  * @return RNCPHP\RNObject Get SR result
 function getSRDetailByID($srID)
     if ($srID === null) {
         return $this->getResponseObject(null, null, 'Error occurs when getSRbyID :: invalid sr_id');
     // check if the SR has been cached in the in-process cache
     // If cached, save it in the session and return the SR
     $cacheKey = 'sr_' . $srID;
     $srDetail = \RightNow\Utils\Framework::checkCache($cacheKey);
     if ($srDetail) {
         return $this->getResponseObject($srDetail, 'is_array');
     // if not cachaed, send request to EBS server to get the SR,
     // and save in session and cache
     $extObj = 'service_request_detail';
     $extAction = 'read';
     $requestParams = array('srID' => $srID);
     $requestEntries = null;
     $errorFields = array('FAULTSTRING', 'X_MSG_DATA');
     // send curl request
     $getSRResult = $this->CI->model('custom/EbsApi')->sendSoapRequest($this->extConfigVerb, $extObj, $extAction, null, $this->contact, $requestParams, $requestEntries, $responseFields, $errorFields);
     // check the result. if success, save SR in the in-process cache and the session
     if ($getSRResult->error === null) {
         \RightNow\Utils\Framework::setCache($cacheKey, $getSRResult->result, true);
         $sessionKey = $cacheKey;
         $this->CI->session->setSessionData(array($sessionKey => $getSRResult->result));
     return $getSRResult;
  * Get Service Request by ID
  * If SR is cached, get from cache directly,
  * otherwise, fetch SR from Siebel by sending a curl request.
  * Save the SR in the in-process cache to avoid send multiple requests to Siebel.
  * Save the SR in the session for incident creation usage.
  * @param int $srID Service Request ID
  * @return RNCPHP\RNObject Get SR result
 function getSRDetailByID($srID)
     if ($srID === null) {
         return $this->getResponseObject(null, null, 'Error occurs when getSRbyID :: invalid sr_id');
     // check if the SR has been cached in the in-process cache
     // If cached, save it in the session and return the SR.
     $cacheKey = 'sr_' . $srID;
     $srDetail = \RightNow\Utils\Framework::checkCache($cacheKey);
     if ($srDetail) {
         return $this->getResponseObject($srDetail, 'is_array');
     // if not cachaed, send request to Siebel server to get the SR,
     // and save in the session and cache
     $extObj = 'service_request_detail';
     $extAction = 'read';
     $requestParams = array('srID' => $srID);
     $requestFieldData = array('Id', 'Created', 'Abstract', 'ContactId', 'CustomerProductId', 'DefaultStatus', 'Description', 'OwnedById', 'Owner', 'Product', 'ProductId', 'SRNumber', 'SRType', 'SerialNumber', 'Severity', 'Status', 'Type', 'IntegrationId');
     $responseFields = $requestFieldData;
     $errorFields = array('FAULTSTRING', 'X_MSG_DATA');
     // send curl request
     $getSRResult = $this->CI->model('custom/SiebelApi')->sendSoapRequest($this->extConfigVerb, $extObj, $extAction, null, $this->contact, $requestParams, $requestFieldData, $responseFields, $errorFields);
     // check the result. if success, save SR in the in-process cache and the session
     if ($getSRResult->error === null) {
         \RightNow\Utils\Framework::setCache($cacheKey, $getSRResult->result, true);
         $sessionKey = $cacheKey;
         $this->CI->session->setSessionData(array($sessionKey => $getSRResult->result));
     return $getSRResult;
  * Create new Incident in CP using the Service Request data
  * @return null
 private function createIncidentBasedOnSRForSiebel()
     $data = json_decode($this->input->post('form'));
     if (!$data) {
         header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
         // Pad the error message with spaces so IE will actually display it instead of a misleading, but pretty, error message.
         \RightNow\Utils\Framework::writeContentWithLengthAndExit(json_encode(\RightNow\Utils\Config::getMessage(END_REQS_BODY_REQUESTS_FORMATTED_MSG)) . str_repeat("\n", 512));
     // get srID from hidden Incident CustomField siebel_sr_id
     $srID = null;
     foreach ($data as $field) {
         if ($field->name === 'Incident.CustomFields.Accelerator.siebel_sr_id') {
             $srID = $field->value;
     if ($srID === null) {
         $this->log->error('srID is NULL', __METHOD__, array(null, $this->contact));
     // get SR from session by srID
     $sessionKey = 'sr_' . $srID;
     $srDetail = $this->session->getSessionData($sessionKey);
     if (!$srDetail) {
         $getSRResult = $this->model('custom/SiebelServiceRequest')->getSRDetailByID($srID);
         $srDetail = $getSRResult->result;
     // set extra Incident fields used the value of SR
     $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.Subject', 'value' => $srDetail['ABSTRACT']);
     $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.CustomFields.Accelerator.siebel_sr_num', 'value' => $srDetail['SRNUMBER']);
     $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.CustomFields.Accelerator.siebel_serial_number', 'value' => $srDetail['SERIALNUMBER']);
     if ($srDetail['PRODUCTID']) {
         if ($rnProduct = $this->utility->getProductByPartNumber($srDetail['PRODUCTID'])) {
             $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.Product', 'value' => $rnProduct['ID']);
         } else {
             $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.CustomFields.Accelerator.cp_siebel_product_validation', 'value' => "Service Request Product '{$srDetail['PRODUCT']}' can't be found in RightNow");
     // create the Incident by calling the sendFrom function in CP core
     $incidentID = $this->input->post('i_id');
     $smartAssistant = $this->input->post('smrt_asst');
     echo $this->model('Field')->sendForm($data, intval($incidentID), $smartAssistant === 'true')->toJson();
Esempio n. 4
<div class="rn_Padding">
<div id="rn_PageContent" class="rn_Overview">
    <h2 class="rn_HeadingBar">#rn:msg:REGISTERED_PRODUCT_LBL#</h2>
    <div id="rn_AdditionalInfo">
        <rn:widget path="output/DataDisplay" name="Asset.Name" label="#rn:msg:NAME_LBL#"/>
       <rn:widget path="output/DataDisplay" name="Asset.Product" label="#rn:msg:PRODUCT_LBL#"/> 
        <rn:widget path="output/DataDisplay" name="Asset.SerialNumber" label="#rn:msg:SERIAL_NUMBER_LBL#"/>
        <rn:widget path="output/DataDisplay" name="Asset.PurchasedDate" label="#rn:msg:PURCHASED_DATE_LBL#"/>
        <rn:widget path="output/DataDisplay" name="Asset.InstalledDate" label="#rn:msg:INSTALLED_DATE_LBL#"/> 
        <rn:widget path="output/DataDisplay" name="Asset.RetiredDate" label="#rn:msg:RETIRED_DATE_LBL#"/>
        <rn:widget path="output/DataDisplay" name="Asset.StatusWithType.Status" label="#rn:msg:STATUS_LBL#"/> 
        <rn:widget path="output/DataDisplay" name="Asset.Description" label="#rn:msg:DESCRIPTION_LBL#"/>    
    <div class="rn_Questions">   
if (\RightNow\Utils\Framework::isContactAllowedToUpdateAsset()) {
            <a class="rn_Questions" href="/app/account/assets/update_registered_product/asset_id/#rn:url_param_value:asset_id#/">#rn:msg:EDIT_REGISTERED_PRODUCT_CMD#</a><br/>
    <h2 class="rn_HeadingBar">#rn:msg:QUESTIONS_LBL#</h2>
    <div class="rn_Questions">
        <rn:container report_id="230" per_page="10">
            <rn:widget path="reports/ResultInfo"/>
            <rn:widget path="reports/Grid" label_caption="<span class='rn_ScreenReaderOnly'>#rn:msg:YOUR_RECENTLY_SUBMITTED_QS_UC_LBL#</span>"/>
            <rn:widget path="reports/Paginator"/>
        <a href="/app/ask/Incident.Asset/#rn:url_param_value:asset_id#/Incident.Product/<rn:field name="Asset.Product.ServiceProduct.ID"/>"/>#rn:msg:ASK_QUESTION_HDG#</a><br/> 
Esempio n. 5
<rn:meta title="#rn:msg:ERROR_LBL#" template="standard.php" login_required="false" />

list($errorTitle, $errorMessage) = \RightNow\Utils\Framework::getErrorMessageFromCode(\RightNow\Utils\Url::getParameter('error_id'));
<div id="rn_PageTitle" class="rn_ErrorPage">
echo $errorTitle;
<div id="rn_PageContent" class="rn_ErrorPage">
    <div class="rn_Padding">
echo $errorMessage;
Esempio n. 6
 private function verifyFormToken($tokenName = 'f_tok', $tokenSeed = 0)
     if (!Framework::isValidSecurityToken($this->CI->input->post($tokenName), $tokenSeed)) {
         return $this->getResponseObject(array('redirectOverride' => '/app/error/error_id/5', 'sessionParam' => \RightNow\Utils\Url::sessionParameter()), 'is_array', Config::getMessage(FORM_SUBMISSION_TOKEN_MATCH_EXP_LBL));
Esempio n. 7
        list($errorTitle, $errorMessage) = array("Permission Denied", "An illegal value was received for the parameter 'sr_id'");
    case 11:
        // EBS server error
        list($errorTitle, $errorMessage) = array("EBS Server Error", "There has been an error communicating with EBS");
    case 12:
        // contact_party_id and/or contact_org_id not provided
        list($errorTitle, $errorMessage) = array("Permission Denied", "Please set EBS Contact Party ID and/or EBS Contact Org ID first.");
    case 13:
        // configuration error
        list($errorTitle, $errorMessage) = array("Configuration Error", 'Invalid configuration setting for CUSTOM_CFG_Accel_' . 'Ext_Integrations');
        list($errorTitle, $errorMessage) = \RightNow\Utils\Framework::getErrorMessageFromCode($errorID);
<div class="rn_Hero">
    <div class="rn_Container">
echo $errorTitle;
<div class="rn_PageContent rn_ErrorPage rn_Container">
echo $errorMessage;
  * Handle the request to create a new Incident in CP using SR data
  * @return null
 private function sendFormToCreateIncidentToLinkWithSRForEbs()
     $data = json_decode($this->input->post('form'));
     if (!$data) {
         header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
         // Pad the error message with spaces so IE will actually display it instead of a misleading, but pretty, error message.
         \RightNow\Utils\Framework::writeContentWithLengthAndExit(json_encode(\RightNow\Utils\Config::getMessage(END_REQS_BODY_REQUESTS_FORMATTED_MSG)) . str_repeat('\\n', 512));
     // get srID from the hidden Incident Custom Field 'ebs_sr_id'
     $srID = null;
     foreach ($data as $field) {
         if ($field->name === 'Incident.CustomFields.Accelerator.ebs_sr_id') {
             $srID = $field->value;
     if ($srID === null) {
         $this->log->error('ebs_sr_id is null', __METHOD__, array(null, $this->contact));
     // get SR from session by srID
     $sessionKey = 'sr_' . $srID;
     $srDetail = $this->session->getSessionData($sessionKey);
     if (!$srDetail) {
         $getSRResult = $this->model('custom/EbsServiceRequest')->getSRDetailByID($srID);
         if ($getSRResult->error) {
             $this->log->error("Unable to get SR#{$srID}", __METHOD__, array(null, $this->contact));
             return null;
         $srDetail = $getSRResult->result;
     // set extra Incident fields used the value from SR
     $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.Subject', 'value' => $srDetail['SUMMARY']);
     $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.CustomFields.Accelerator.ebs_sr_num', 'value' => $srDetail['INCIDENT_NUMBER']);
     $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.CustomFields.Accelerator.ebs_serial_number', 'value' => $srDetail['SERIAL_NUMBER']);
     $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.CustomFields.Accelerator.ebs_sr_owner_id', 'value' => $srDetail['SR_OWNER_ID']);
     if ($srDetail['PRODUCT']) {
         if ($rnProduct = $this->utility->getProductByPartNumber($srDetail['PRODUCT'])) {
             $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.Product', 'value' => $rnProduct['ID']);
         } else {
             $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.CustomFields.Accelerator.cp_ebs_product_validation', 'value' => "Service Request Product '{$srDetail['PRODUCT']}' can't be found in RightNow");
     // add SR request type
     $srTypeMapping = $this->model('custom/ExtIntegrationConfigVerb')->getExtRequestTypeMapping();
     if ($srTypeMapping === null) {
         $this->log->error('Unable to get request type mapping from Config Verb', __METHOD__, array(null, $this->contact));
     $srRequestType = $srDetail['INCIDENT_TYPE_ID'];
     foreach ($srTypeMapping as $type) {
         if (intval($type['sr_type_id']) === intval($srRequestType)) {
             $data[] = (object) array('name' => 'Incident.CustomFields.Accelerator.ebs_sr_request_type', 'value' => $type['inc_type_id']);
     // create the Incident in RNW
     $incidentID = $this->input->post('i_id');
     $smartAssistant = $this->input->post('smrt_asst');
     echo $this->model('Field')->sendForm($data, intval($incidentID), $smartAssistant === 'true')->toJson();
                    <span class="rn_DataLabel"> <?php 
    echo \RightNow\Utils\Config::getMessage(FILE_ATTACHMENTS_LBL);
                    <div class="rn_DataValue rn_FileList">
    foreach ($answer->FileAttachments as $attachment) {
                                <a href="<?php 
        echo $attachment->URL . '/' . $attachment->CreatedTime . \RightNow\Utils\Url::sessionParameter();
" target="_blank">
        echo \RightNow\Utils\Framework::getIcon($attachment->FileName);
        echo $attachment->FileName;
Esempio n. 10
 public function create($productID, array $formData, $serialNumber)
     if (!Framework::isValidID($productID)) {
         return $this->getResponseObject(null, null, Config::getMessage(INVALID_ID_SALES_PRODUCT_COLON_LBL));
     //$resultSet = Connect\ROQL::queryObject(sprintf("SELECT SalesProduct FROM SalesProduct WHERE ID = %d And Disabled != 1 And Attributes.IsServiceProduct = 1 And Attributes.HasSerialNumber != 1 And AdminVisibleInterfaces.ID = curInterface()", $productID))->next();
     $resultSet = Connect\ROQL::queryObject(sprintf("SELECT SalesProduct FROM SalesProduct WHERE ID = %d And Disabled != 1 And Attributes.IsServiceProduct = 1 And AdminVisibleInterfaces.ID = curInterface()", $productID))->next();
     if (!($salesProduct = $resultSet->next())) {
         return $this->getResponseObject(null, null, Config::getMessage(INVALID_ID_SALES_PRODUCT_COLON_LBL));
     $asset = $this->getBlank()->result;
     if ($contact = $this->getContact()) {
         $asset->Contact = $contact->ID;
     } else {
         return $this->getResponseObject(null, null, Config::getMessage(CONTACT_IS_NOT_LOGGED_IN_MSG));
     if ($asset->Contact->Organization) {
         $asset->Organization = $asset->Contact->Organization->ID;
     $errors = $warnings = array();
     foreach ($formData as $name => $field) {
         if (!\RightNow\Utils\Text::beginsWith($name, 'Asset')) {
         $fieldName = explode('.', $name);
         try {
             //Get the metadata about the field we're trying to set. In order to do that we have to
             //populate some of the sub-objects on the record. We don't want to touch the existing
             //record at all, so instead we'll just pass in a dummy instance.
             list(, $fieldMetaData) = ConnectUtil::getObjectField($fieldName, $this->getBlank()->result);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $warnings[] = $e->getMessage();
         if (\RightNow\Utils\Validation::validate($field, $name, $fieldMetaData, $errors)) {
             $field->value = ConnectUtil::castValue($field->value, $fieldMetaData);
             if ($setFieldError = $this->setFieldValue($asset, $name, $field->value)) {
                 $errors[] = $setFieldError;
     if ($productID !== null && ($setFieldError = $this->setFieldValue($asset, "Asset.Product", $productID))) {
         $errors[] = $setFieldError;
     if ($serialNumber !== null && ($setFieldError = $this->setFieldValue($asset, "Asset.SerialNumber", $serialNumber))) {
         $errors[] = $setFieldError;
     if ($errors) {
         return $this->getResponseObject(null, null, $errors);
     try {
         $asset = parent::createObject($asset, SRC2_EU_ASSET);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $asset = $e->getMessage();
     if (!is_object($asset)) {
         return $this->getResponseObject(null, null, $asset);
     return $this->getResponseObject($asset, 'is_object', null, $warnings);