  * Loads the properties of the detail widget for the provided site and locale
  * @param string $index The key to store the values
  * @param string $site Id of the site
  * @param string $locale Code of the current locale
  * @return null
 protected function parseArguments($index, $site, $locale)
     $properties = new ContentProperties();
     $properties->getFromWidgetProperties($this->properties, $locale);
     $this->reflectionHelper = $this->model->getReflectionHelper();
     $this->arguments[$index] = array(ContentProperties::PROPERTY_RECURSIVE_DEPTH => $properties->getRecursiveDepth(), ContentProperties::PROPERTY_INCLUDE_UNLOCALIZED => $properties->getIncludeUnlocalized(), ContentProperties::PROPERTY_ID_FIELD => $properties->getIdField(), ContentProperties::PROPERTY_FORMAT_TITLE => $properties->getContentTitleFormat(), ContentProperties::PROPERTY_FORMAT_TEASER => $properties->getContentTeaserFormat(), ContentProperties::PROPERTY_FORMAT_IMAGE => $properties->getContentImageFormat(), ContentProperties::PROPERTY_FORMAT_DATE => $properties->getContentDateFormat(), self::PROPERTY_URL => rtrim($this->routerService->getUrl($this->baseScript, 'cms.front.' . $site . '.' . $this->node->getId() . '.' . $locale), '/') . '/');
  * Gets the tree node of a node
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\Node $node Node to process
  * @param boolean $onlyCurrentLocale Flag to see if the tree should only
  * rendered for the current locale
  * @return TreeNode
 protected function getTreeNode(Node $node, $onlyCurrentLocale)
     $nodeId = $node->getId();
     $nodeRevision = $node->getRevision();
     $urlVars = array('site' => $this->rootNodeId, 'revision' => $nodeRevision, 'node' => $nodeId, 'locale' => $this->locale);
     $url = $this->web->getUrl('cms.node.default', $urlVars);
     $treeNode = new TreeNode($node, $this->locale, $url);
     // add icon state classes
     $nodeType = $this->cms->getNodeType($node);
     if ($nodeType->getFrontendCallback()) {
         if ($node->getRoute($this->locale) == '/') {
         if (!$node->isPublished()) {
     $actions = array();
     foreach ($this->actions as $actionName => $action) {
         if (!$action->isAvailableForNode($node)) {
         $actionUrl = $this->web->getUrl($action->getRoute(), $urlVars);
         if (!$this->securityManager->isUrlAllowed($actionUrl)) {
         $actions[$actionName] = $actionUrl;
     $actionUrl = $this->web->getUrl($nodeType->getRouteEdit(), $urlVars);
     if ($this->securityManager->isUrlAllowed($actionUrl)) {
         $actions['edit'] = $actionUrl;
     $actionUrl = $this->web->getUrl($nodeType->getRouteClone(), $urlVars);
     if ($this->securityManager->isUrlAllowed($actionUrl)) {
         $actions['clone'] = $actionUrl;
     $actionUrl = $this->web->getUrl($nodeType->getRouteDelete(), $urlVars);
     if ($this->securityManager->isUrlAllowed($actionUrl)) {
         $actions['delete'] = $actionUrl;
     $children = $node->getChildren();
     if ($children) {
         foreach ($children as $childId => $child) {
             if (!$onlyCurrentLocale || $onlyCurrentLocale && $child->isAvailableInLocale($this->locale)) {
                 $children[$childId] = $this->getTreeNode($child, $onlyCurrentLocale);
             } else {
     return $treeNode;
  * Constructs a new template view
  * @param \ride\library\template\Template $template Instance of the
  * template to render
  * @return null
 public function __construct(Node $node, Theme $theme, $locale)
     $template = new GenericThemedTemplate();
     $template->set('app', array('cms' => array('node' => $node, 'site' => $node->getRootNodeId()), 'locale' => $locale));
     $this->cache = null;
     $this->cacheItem = null;
     $this->cachedViews = null;
     $this->contentView = null;
  * Checks if there is a orm detail widget on the provided node
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\Node $node
  * @return boolean
 private function hasDetailForNode($node)
     foreach ($this->info as $modelName => $widgets) {
         if (!isset($widgets['orm.detail'])) {
         foreach ($widgets['orm.detail'] as $id => $properties) {
             if (strpos($id, $node->getId() . '#') === 0) {
                 return true;
     return false;
  * Writes a the nodes into the data source
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\Node $node
  * @return null
 public function setNode(Node $node)
     $id = $node->getId();
     if (!$id) {
         $id = $this->getNewNodeId($node);
     if ($node->getType() == SiteNodeType::NAME) {
         $revision = $node->getRevision();
         $node->setRevisions(array($revision => $revision));
         $this->sites[$id] = $node;
     if ($this->nodes === null) {
         $this->readNodes($node->getRootNodeId(), $node->getRevision());
     } else {
         $this->nodes[$node->getRootNodeId()][$node->getRevision()][$id] = $node;
  * Saves the node tree from the structure in text format
  * @param string $locale Locale of the structure
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\Node $parent Parent node of the structure
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\NodeModel $nodeModel Instance of the node
  * model
  * @param string $structure Node tree in text format
  * @return null
 public function setStructure($locale, Node $parent, NodeModel $nodeModel, $structure)
     $site = $parent->getRootNode();
     if ($site->isLocalizationMethodUnique()) {
         $isUniqueTree = true;
     } else {
         $isUniqueTree = false;
     $previousNodeId = null;
     $previousSpaces = null;
     $level = 0;
     $levels = array(0 => $site->getId());
     $order = array($site->getId() => 0);
     $spaces = array();
     $structure = $this->parseStructure($structure);
     foreach ($structure as $index => $nodeArray) {
         $structure[$index]['node'] = $this->saveNode($locale, $site, $nodeModel, $nodeArray, $isUniqueTree);
         $structure[$index]['id'] = $structure[$index]['node']->getId();
         if ($previousSpaces === null) {
             $spaces[$level] = $nodeArray['spaces'];
         } elseif ($nodeArray['spaces'] > $previousSpaces) {
             $levels[$level] = $previousNodeId;
             $spaces[$level] = $nodeArray['spaces'];
         } elseif ($nodeArray['spaces'] < $previousSpaces) {
             foreach ($spaces as $spaceLevel => $numSpaces) {
                 if ($nodeArray['spaces'] >= $numSpaces) {
                     $level = $spaceLevel;
         $order[$structure[$index]['id']] = 0;
         $previousNodeId = $structure[$index]['id'];
         $previousSpaces = $nodeArray['spaces'];
     $siblings = $nodeModel->getNodesByPath($site->getId(), $site->getRevision(), $parent->getId());
     foreach ($siblings as $siblingId => $sibling) {
         if (isset($order[$siblingId]) || $isUniqueTree && !$sibling->isAvailableInLocale($locale)) {
         $nodeModel->removeNode($sibling, false, null, false);
     $nodeModel->orderNodes($site->getId(), $site->getRevision(), $parent->getId(), $order, $locale);
  * Dispatches the node
  * @param \ride\library\mvc\Request $request
  * @param \ride\library\mvc\Response $response
  * @param \ride\library\security\SecurityManager $securityManager
  * @param \ride\library\cache\pool\CachePool $cache
  * @return array Array with the region name as key and a view array as
  * value. The view array has the widget id as key and the dispatched
  * widget view as value
 public function dispatch(Request $request, Response $response, SecurityManager $securityManager, CachePool $cache = null)
     $this->locale = $this->view->getLocale();
     // initialize context
     $context = array('title' => array('site' => $this->node->getRootNode()->getName($this->locale, 'title'), 'node' => $this->node->getName($this->locale, 'title')), 'breadcrumbs' => $this->breadcrumbs, 'styles' => array(), 'scripts' => array());
     // prepare and process incoming route arguments
     $route = $request->getRoute();
     $this->routeArguments = $route->getArguments();
     if (isset($this->routeArguments['site'])) {
         // preview has site and revision
     $nodeRoute = $this->node->getRoute($this->locale);
     $nodeRouteTokens = explode('/', ltrim($nodeRoute, '/'));
     foreach ($nodeRouteTokens as $tokenIndex => $tokenValue) {
         if (isset($this->routeArguments[$tokenIndex]) && $this->routeArguments[$tokenIndex] === $tokenValue) {
     $routeArgumentsMatched = false;
     // check for cache
     $cacheKey = null;
     $cacheItem = null;
     $cachedViews = array();
     $dispatchedViews = array();
     $nodeCacheTtl = false;
     if ($cache) {
         $method = $request->getMethod();
         $isCacheable = $method == 'GET' || $method == 'HEAD' ? true : false;
         $isNoCache = $request->isNoCache();
         if ($isCacheable) {
             $parameters = $this->routeArguments ? '-' . implode('-', $this->routeArguments) : '';
             $parameters .= $request->getQueryParametersAsString();
             $containsUserContent = false;
             $nodeCacheTtl = 0;
             $cacheKey = 'node.view.' . $this->node->getId() . '.' . $this->node->getRevision() . '.' . $this->locale . '.' . substr(md5($parameters), 0, 10);
             if ($securityManager->getUser()) {
                 $cacheKey .= '.authenticated';
             $cacheItem = $cache->get($cacheKey);
             if ($cacheItem->isValid()) {
                 $cachedViews = $cacheItem->getValue();
             } else {
                 $cachedViews = array();
     } else {
         $isCacheable = false;
     foreach ($this->widgets as $this->region => $sections) {
         $dispatchedViews[$this->region] = array();
         foreach ($sections as $this->section => $blocks) {
             $dispatchedViews[$this->region][$this->section] = array();
             foreach ($blocks as $this->block => $widgets) {
                 $dispatchedViews[$this->region][$this->section][$this->block] = array();
                 foreach ($widgets as $widgetId => $widget) {
                     if ($this->log) {
                         $this->log->logDebug('Rendering widget ' . $widget->getName() . '#' . $widgetId . ' for region ' . $this->region, null, ApplicationListener::LOG_SOURCE);
                     $widgetProperties = $this->node->getWidgetProperties($widgetId);
                     if (!$widgetProperties->isPublished()) {
                         if ($this->log) {
                             $this->log->logDebug('Widget ' . $widget->getName() . '#' . $widgetId . ' is not published', null, ApplicationListener::LOG_SOURCE);
                     } elseif (!$widgetProperties->isAllowed($securityManager)) {
                         if ($this->log) {
                             $this->log->logDebug('Widget ' . $widget->getName() . '#' . $widgetId . ' is not allowed', null, ApplicationListener::LOG_SOURCE);
                     if ($isCacheable) {
                         $widgetCacheKey = $this->region . '.' . $this->section . '.' . $this->block . '.' . $widgetId . '.';
                     $isWidgetCache = $widgetProperties->isCacheEnabled() || $widgetProperties->isAutoCache() && $widget->isAutoCache();
                     if ($isCacheable && !$isNoCache && $isWidgetCache) {
                         if (isset($cachedViews[$this->region][$this->section][$this->block][$widgetId])) {
                             if ($this->log) {
                                 $this->log->logDebug('Retrieved widget ' . $widget->getName() . '#' . $widgetId . ' from cache', null, ApplicationListener::LOG_SOURCE);
                             $cacheView = $cachedViews[$this->region][$this->section][$this->block][$widgetId];
                             if ($cacheView->areRoutesMatched()) {
                                 $widgetMatchedRouteArguments = true;
                             $cacheContext = $cacheView->getContext();
                             if ($cacheContext) {
                                 foreach ($cacheContext as $key => $value) {
                                     if ($value !== null) {
                                         $context[$key] = $value;
                                     } elseif (isset($context[$key])) {
                             if ($cacheView->isContent()) {
                                 $dispatchedViews = null;
                                 $this->view->setContentView($view, $widgetId, $this->block, $this->section, $this->region);
                                 break 4;
                             } elseif ($cacheView->isRegion()) {
                                 $dispatchedViews[$this->region] = array($this->section => array($this->block => array($widgetId => $cacheView->getView())));
                                 break 3;
                             } elseif ($cacheView->isSection()) {
                                 $dispatchedViews[$this->region][$this->section] = array($this->block => array($widgetId => $cacheView->getView()));
                                 break 2;
                             } elseif ($cacheView->isBlock()) {
                                 $dispatchedViews[$this->region][$this->section][$this->block] = array($widgetId => $cacheView->getView());
                             } else {
                                 $dispatchedViews[$this->region][$this->section][$this->block][$widgetId] = $cacheView->getView();
                     $widgetMatchedRouteArguments = $this->dispatchWidget($request, $response, $widgetId, $widget);
                     if ($widgetMatchedRouteArguments) {
                         $routeArgumentsMatched = true;
                     $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
                     if ($statusCode != Response::STATUS_CODE_OK && $statusCode != Response::STATUS_CODE_BAD_REQUEST && $statusCode != Response::STATUS_CODE_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) {
                     $view = $response->getView();
                     $isContent = $widget->isContent();
                     $isRegion = $widget->isRegion();
                     $isSection = $widget->isSection();
                     $isBlock = $widget->isBlock();
                     if ($isCacheable && !$containsUserContent && $widget->containsUserContent()) {
                         $containsUserContent = true;
                     $oldContext = $context;
                     $context = $widget->getContext();
                     if ($isCacheable && $isWidgetCache) {
                         $widgetContext = $this->getContextDifference($context, $oldContext);
                         if (!$widgetContext) {
                             // calculate node cache time based on the least widget cache time
                             $cacheTtl = $widgetProperties->getCacheTtl();
                             if ($nodeCacheTtl !== false && $cacheTtl) {
                                 if ($nodeCacheTtl == 0) {
                                     $nodeCacheTtl = $cacheTtl;
                                 } else {
                                     $nodeCacheTtl = min($nodeCacheTtl, $cacheTtl);
                             $widgetCachedView = new WidgetCacheData($widgetContext, $isContent, $isRegion, $isSection, $isBlock, $widgetMatchedRouteArguments);
                             $cachedViews[$this->region][$this->section][$this->block][$widgetId] = $widgetCachedView;
                     if ($isContent) {
                         $dispatchedViews = null;
                         $this->view->setContentView($view, $widgetId, $this->block, $this->section, $this->region);
                         break 4;
                     } elseif ($isRegion) {
                         $dispatchedViews[$this->region] = array($this->section => array($this->block => array($widgetId => $view)));
                         break 3;
                     } elseif ($isSection) {
                         $dispatchedViews[$this->region][$this->section] = array($this->block => array($widgetId => $view));
                         break 2;
                     } elseif ($isBlock) {
                         $dispatchedViews[$this->region][$this->section][$this->block] = array($widgetId => $view);
                     $dispatchedViews[$this->region][$this->section][$this->block][$widgetId] = $view;
                 if (!$dispatchedViews[$this->region][$this->section][$this->block]) {
             if (!$dispatchedViews[$this->region][$this->section]) {
         if (!$dispatchedViews[$this->region]) {
     if ($this->routeArguments && !$routeArgumentsMatched) {
         // sub route provided but never matched
         $dispatchedViews = null;
     // if ($this->eventManager && $isCacheable && $nodeCacheTtl !== false) {
     // if ($user && $containsUserContent) {
     // $isCacheable = false;
     // }
     // if ($isCacheable) {
     // $this->cache = $cache;
     // $this->cacheTtl = $nodeCacheTtl;
     // $this->eventManager->addEventListener(WebApplication::EVENT_POST_RESPONSE, array($this, 'cacheResponse'));
     // }
     // }
     if (is_array($dispatchedViews)) {
         if ($nodeCacheTtl !== false && $cachedViews) {
             $this->view->setCachedViews($cache, $cacheItem);
Esempio n. 8
  * Perform the actual publishing of a single node
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\SiteNode $site
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\Node $node
  * @param string $revision
  * @param \ride\library\system\file\File $publishDirectory
  * @param boolean $isRecursive Flag to see if this publishing is part of a
  * recursive publish action
  * @return null
 protected function publishNode(SiteNode $site, Node $node, $revision, File $publishDirectory, $isRecursive)
     // initialize needed variables
     $siteId = $site->getId();
     $nodeId = $node->getId();
     $changedNodes = array();
     try {
         $publishSite = $this->getSite($siteId, $revision);
     } catch (NodeNotFoundException $exception) {
         $publishSite = null;
     // process and merge the necessairy nodes
     try {
         $oldNode = $this->getNode($siteId, $revision, $nodeId);
         // check for expired routes
         $oldRoutes = $oldNode->getRoutes();
         $newRoutes = $node->getRoutes();
         if ($oldRoutes && $oldRoutes !== $newRoutes) {
             foreach ($oldRoutes as $locale => $route) {
                 if (isset($newRoutes[$locale]) && $route === $newRoutes[$locale]) {
                 $this->expiredRouteModel->addExpiredRoute($siteId, $nodeId, $locale, $route, $site->getBaseUrl($locale));
         // check for order conflicts
         $nodeOrderIndex = $node->getOrderIndex();
         $nodeParent = $node->getParent();
         if (!$isRecursive && ($nodeOrderIndex != $oldNode->getOrderIndex() || $nodeParent != $oldNode->getParent())) {
             $orderIndex = 0;
             $parentNodes = $this->getChildren($siteId, $revision, $nodeParent, 0);
             foreach ($parentNodes as $parentNodeId => $parentNode) {
                 $parentOrderIndex = $parentNode->getOrderIndex();
                 $isBefore = $parentOrderIndex < $nodeOrderIndex;
                 if ($isBefore && $parentOrderIndex == $orderIndex) {
                 } elseif ($nodeOrderIndex == $parentOrderIndex && $nodeId != $parentNodeId) {
                     $changedNodes[] = $parentNode;
                 } elseif ($nodeId == $parentNodeId) {
                 } else {
                     $changedNodes[] = $parentNode;
     } catch (NodeNotFoundException $exception) {
         // new node in the revision
     // check for new widgets
     if ($publishSite) {
         $isPublishSiteChanged = false;
         $usedWidgets = $node->getUsedWidgets();
         $availableWidgetsSite = $site->getAvailableWidgets();
         $availableWidgetsPublishSite = $publishSite->getAvailableWidgets();
         foreach ($usedWidgets as $widgetId) {
             if (!$widgetId || isset($availableWidgetsPublishSite[$widgetId]) || !isset($availableWidgetsSite[$widgetId])) {
             $publishSite->set(Node::PROPERTY_WIDGET . '.' . $widgetId, $availableWidgetsSite[$widgetId], true);
             $isPublishSiteChanged = true;
         if ($isPublishSiteChanged) {
             $changedNodes[] = $publishSite;
     // write the changed nodes
     foreach ($changedNodes as $changedNode) {
     // write the node file to the publish directory
     $nodeFile = $this->getNodeFile($node);
     $publishFile = $publishDirectory->getChild($nodeFile->getName());
     if ($nodeFile->exists()) {
         // node has been created or updated
         return null;
     } elseif ($publishFile->exists()) {
         // node has been deleted
         return $node;
Esempio n. 9
  * Clones a node
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\Node $node Node to clone
  * @param boolean $recursive Set to true to also clone the children of the
  * node
  * @param boolean $reorder Set to false to just clone the order index
  * instead of adding the cloned node after the source node
  * @param boolean $keepOriginalName Set to true to keep the name untouched,
  * else a suffix like (clone) or (clone 2, 3 ...) will be added to the name
  * of the clone
  * @param boolean $cloneRoutesAndId Set to true to clone the routes of the nodes.
  * This will only work when copying a root node, else a validation error
  * will occur
  * @param boolean $newParent Provide a new parent for the clone, needed for
  * recursive cloning
  * @param boolean $autoPublish Set to false to skip auto publishing
  * @return null
 public function cloneNode(Node $node, $recursive = true, $reorder = null, $keepOriginalName = false, $cloneRoutesAndId = null, $newParent = null, $autoPublish = true)
     $id = $node->getId();
     $rootNodeId = $node->getRootNodeId();
     $isRootNode = $id === $rootNodeId;
     if ($reorder === null) {
         if ($isRootNode) {
             $reorder = false;
         } else {
             $reorder = true;
     if ($cloneRoutesAndId === null) {
         if ($isRootNode) {
             $cloneRoutesAndId = true;
         } else {
             $cloneRoutesAndId = false;
     if ($newParent === null) {
         $this->widgetTable = array();
     $nodeType = $this->nodeTypeManager->getNodeType($node->getType());
     $clone = $nodeType->createNode();
     if (!$isRootNode && $cloneRoutesAndId) {
     if ($newParent) {
     } else {
     if ($clone->getParent()) {
         $clone->setParentNode($this->io->getNode($clone->getRootNodeId(), $node->getRevision(), $clone->getParentNodeId()));
     if ($reorder) {
         $clone->setOrderIndex($node->getOrderIndex() + 1);
     } else {
     $this->cloneNodeProperties($node, $clone, $keepOriginalName, $cloneRoutesAndId);
     if ($reorder) {
         // reorder the siblings to insert the clone
         $cloneOrderIndex = $clone->getOrderIndex();
         $siblings = $this->io->getChildren($node->getRootNodeId(), $node->getRevision(), $node->getParent(), 0);
         foreach ($siblings as $sibling) {
             $siblingOrderIndex = $sibling->getOrderIndex();
             if ($siblingOrderIndex < $cloneOrderIndex) {
             $sibling->setOrderIndex($siblingOrderIndex + 1);
             $this->setNode($sibling, 'Reordered ' . $sibling->getName() . ' after clone of ' . $node->getName(), false);
     $this->setNode($clone, 'Cloned ' . $node->getName(), false);
     if ($recursive) {
         // clone the children
         $path = $clone->getPath();
         $children = $this->io->getChildren($node->getRootNodeId(), $node->getRevision(), $node->getPath(), 0);
         foreach ($children as $child) {
             $this->cloneNode($child, true, false, true, $cloneRoutesAndId, $path, false);
     if ($newParent === null) {
     // save the root for newly created widgets
     $this->setNode($clone->getRootNode(), 'Updated widgets for clone of ' . $node->getName(), false);
     // perform auto publishing if enabled
     if (!$isRootNode && $autoPublish && $node->getRootNode()->isAutoPublish()) {
     return $clone;
  * Gets the breadcrumbs to the current locale
  * @param \ride\web\WebApplication $web
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\Node $node
  * @param string $locale
  * @return array Array with the URL to the node as key and the name of the
  * node as value
 protected function getBreadcrumbs(WebApplication $web, Node $node, $locale)
     $breadcrumbs = array();
     do {
         $url = $web->getUrl('cms.node.default', array('site' => $node->getRootNodeId(), 'revision' => $node->getRevision(), 'locale' => $locale, 'node' => $node->getId()));
         $breadcrumbs[$url] = $node->getName($locale);
         $node = $node->getParentNode();
     } while ($node);
     return array_reverse($breadcrumbs, true);
Esempio n. 11
  * Gets a list of the available nodes
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\Node $node Root node for the list
  * @param string $locale Code of the locale
  * @param boolean $includeRootNode Flag to see if the root node should be
  * included in the result
  * @param boolean $includeEmpty Flag to see if a empty value should be
  * included in the result
  * @param boolean $onlyFrontendNodes Flag to filter on frontend nodes
  * @return array Array with the node id as key and a string as value
 public function getNodeList(Node $node, $locale, $includeRootNode = false, $includeEmpty = true, $onlyFrontendNodes = true)
     $rootNode = $this->nodeModel->getNode($node->getRootNodeId(), $node->getRevision(), $node->getId(), null, true);
     $options = $this->nodeModel->getListFromNodes(array($rootNode), $locale, $onlyFrontendNodes);
     if ($includeRootNode) {
         $options = array($rootNode->getId() => '/' . $rootNode->getName($locale)) + $options;
     if ($includeEmpty) {
         $options = array('' => '---') + $options;
     return $options;
  * Validates the route of the node
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\Node $node Node to be validated
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\NodeModel $nodeModel Model of the nodes
  * @param \ride\library\validation\exception\ValidationException $exception
  * @return null
 protected function validateRoute(Node $node, NodeModel $nodeModel, ValidationException $exception)
     if (!$node->getParent()) {
     $rootNode = $node->getRootNode();
     $rootNodeId = $rootNode->getId();
     $nodeId = $node->getId();
     $modelNodes = $nodeModel->getNodes($rootNodeId, $node->getRevision());
     $propertyPrefix = Node::PROPERTY_ROUTE . '.';
     $lengthPropertyPrefix = strlen($propertyPrefix);
     // loop all properties
     $properties = $node->getProperties();
     foreach ($properties as $key => $property) {
         if (strpos($key, $propertyPrefix) !== 0) {
             // we're only interested in route properties
         $routeLocale = substr($key, $lengthPropertyPrefix);
         $route = $property->getValue();
         // normalize route
         $route = trim($route, '/');
         $baseUrls[$routeLocale] = $rootNode->getBaseUrl($routeLocale);
         $tokens = explode('/', $route);
         foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
             if ($token) {
                 $token = StringHelper::safeString($token);
             if (empty($token)) {
             } else {
                 $tokens[$index] = $token;
         $route = '/' . implode('/', $tokens);
         // check for duplicate routes
         $errors = array();
         foreach ($modelNodes as $modelNode) {
             $modelNodeId = $modelNode->getId();
             if ($modelNodeId == $nodeId || $modelNode->getRootNodeId() != $rootNodeId || !$modelNode->hasParent() || $modelNode->getType() == ReferenceNodeType::NAME) {
                 // same node, different site or root node or a reference node
             $modelNodeRoutes = $modelNode->getRoutes();
             foreach ($modelNodeRoutes as $locale => $modelNodeRoute) {
                 if (!array_key_exists($locale, $baseUrls)) {
                     $baseUrls[$locale] = $rootNode->getBaseUrl($locale);
                 if ($baseUrls[$routeLocale] . $route != $baseUrls[$locale] . $modelNodeRoute) {
                 $errors[$modelNodeId] = new ValidationError('error.route.used.node', "Route '%route%' is already used by node %node% in locale %locale%", array('route' => $route, 'node' => $modelNodeId, 'locale' => $locale));
         foreach ($errors as $error) {
             $exception->addErrors(Node::PROPERTY_ROUTE, array($error));
         // update property with normalized route
  * Gets an array of a node with all it's properties
  * @param \ride\library\cms\node\Node $node
  * @return array
 protected function getArrayFromNode(Node $node)
     $array = array();
     $array[self::PROPERTY_TYPE] = new NodeProperty(self::PROPERTY_TYPE, $node->getType());
     $array[self::PROPERTY_ID] = new NodeProperty(self::PROPERTY_ID, $node->getId());
     $array[self::PROPERTY_PARENT] = new NodeProperty(self::PROPERTY_PARENT, $node->getParent());
     $array[self::PROPERTY_ORDER] = new NodeProperty(self::PROPERTY_ORDER, $node->getOrderIndex());
     $array += $node->getProperties();
     return $array;