public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); Zend_Registry::set('staticSalt', sha1(mt_rand())); $this->_authUser = UserTest::createRandomTestUser(); $this->_authUser->setUsername('Admin'); $this->_authUser->setPassword(UserService::encryptPassword('password', $this->_authUser->getSalt())); AclRoleService::create($this->_authUser->getRole()); UserService::create($this->_authUser); }
/** * Render user edit link * * @param Rexmac\Zyndax\Entity\User|int $user User entity or ID * @return string */ public function userEditLink($user = null) { if (is_numeric($user)) { $user = UserService::findOneById($user); } if (null === $user) { return ''; } if (!Zend_Registry::get('acl')->isUserAllowed('mvc:admin:users:edit', 'view')) { return $this->view->escape($user->getUsername()); } return sprintf('<a href="%s" title="Edit user">%s</a>', $this->view->url(array('userId' => $user->getId()), 'adminUserEdit'), $this->view->escape($user->getUsername())); }
public function testProfileActionWithExceptionalValues() { $user = UserService::findOneByUsername('testuser'); $profile = $user->getProfile(); $adminUser = UserService::findOneByUsername('admin'); $this->assertNotEquals($adminUser->getEmail(), $user->getEmail()); $this->_loginTestUser(); $this->redispatch('/user/profile'); $this->assertNotRedirect(); $this->assertModule('default'); $this->assertController('user'); $this->assertAction('profile'); $this->getRequest()->setMethod('POST')->setPost(array('email' => $adminUser->getEmail(), 'firstName' => $profile->getFirstName(), 'lastName' => $profile->getLastName())); $this->redispatch('/user/profile', false); $this->assertNotRedirect(); $this->assertModule('default'); $this->assertController('user'); $this->assertAction('profile'); $this->assertResponseCode(500); $this->assertBodyContains('Application error: UCPA001 - SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: ', 'Missing application error'); }
/** * Atempts to authenticate * * @throws Zend_Auth_Adapter_Exception if answering the authentication query is impossible * @return Zend_Auth_Result */ public function authenticate() { if (null !== ($user = UserService::findOneByUsername($this->identity))) { if (!UserService::verifyPassword($user, $this->credential)) { $this->authResultInfo['code'] = AuthResult::FAILURE_CREDENTIAL_INVALID; $this->authResultInfo['messages'][] = 'Supplied credential is invalid.'; } elseif (!$user->getActive()) { $this->authResultInfo['code'] = AuthResult::FAILURE_REQUIRES_EMAIL_VERIFICATION; $this->authResultInfo['messages'][] = 'User account requires email address verification.'; } elseif ($user->getLocked()) { $this->authResultInfo['code'] = AuthResult::FAILURE_ACCOUNT_LOCKED; $this->authResultInfo['messages'][] = 'User account is locked.'; } else { $this->user = $user; $user->setLastConnect(new \DateTime()); UserService::update(); $this->authResultInfo['code'] = AuthResult::SUCCESS; $this->authResultInfo['messages'][] = 'Authentication successful.'; } } else { $this->authResultInfo['code'] = AuthResult::FAILURE_IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND; $this->authResultInfo['messages'][] = 'Identity not found.'; } return $this->authenticateCreateAuthResult(); }
/** * Update user * * @param User $user User to be updated * @param array $data User data to be updated * @throws Exception * @return bool True if changes were made */ private function _updateUser(User $user, array $data) { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . '::' . var_export($data, true)); #if(isset($data['email']) && '' != $data['email'] && $data['email'] != $user->getEmail()) { # $user->setEmail($data['email']); #} $profile = $user->getProfile(); $social = $profile->getSocialNetworkIdentities(); // Track changes $changes = array(PROFILE_EDIT => array(), SOCIAL_EDIT => array(), USER_EDIT => array()); foreach ($data as $key => $newValue) { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: {$key}"); if (in_array($key, array('firstName', 'lastName', 'phone'))) { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ':: Profile key'); $type = PROFILE_EDIT; $oldValue = $profile->{'get' . ucfirst($key)}(); } elseif (preg_match('/^social(\\d+)$/', $key, $matches)) { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ':: Social key: social' . $matches[1]); $type = SOCIAL_EDIT; $oldValue = $social[$matches[1] - 1]; } else { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ':: User key'); $type = USER_EDIT; $oldValue = $user->{'get' . ucfirst($key)}(); } Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: OLD => " . (is_object($oldValue) ? get_class($oldValue) : var_export($oldValue, true))); Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: NEW => " . (is_object($newValue) ? get_class($newValue) : var_export($newValue, true))); // Only update changed properties, and keep track of the changes as well if ($this->_valueChanged($oldValue, $newValue)) { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: {$key} has changed"); Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: OLD => " . (is_object($oldValue) ? get_class($oldValue) : var_export($oldValue, true))); Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: NEW => " . (is_object($newValue) ? get_class($newValue) : var_export($newValue, true))); $oldVal = $oldValue; $newVal = $newValue; if ($newValue instanceof Rexmac\Zyndax\Form\Element\SocialNetworkIdentity && $oldValue instanceof Rexmac\Zyndax\Entity\UserSocialNetworkIdentity) { $newVal = $newValue->getIdentityName() . '@' . SocialNetworkService::findOneById($newValue->getNetwork())->getName(); $oldVal = $oldValue->getName() . '@' . $oldValue->getSocialNetwork()->getName(); } elseif (is_object($newValue)) { if (isset($oldValue)) { $oldVal = $oldValue->getName(); } else { $oldVal = ''; } $newVal = $newValue->getName(); } elseif (is_object($oldValue)) { $oldVal = $oldValue->getName(); } $changes[$type][] = array('item' => $key, 'oldValue' => $oldVal, 'newValue' => $newVal); // Set new value if ($type === SOCIAL_EDIT) { if ('' === $newValue->getIdentityName()) { $removed = $profile->removeSocialNetworkIdentity($oldValue); Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ':: Removed? ' . var_export($removed, true)); UserSocialNetworkIdentityService::delete($oldValue); #$profile->setSocialNetworkIdentities(UserSocialNetworkIdentityService::findBy(array('userProfile', $profile->getId()))); } else { $oldValue->setSocialNetwork(SocialNetworkService::findOneById($newValue->getNetwork())); $oldValue->setName($newValue->getIdentityName()); } } elseif ($type === PROFILE_EDIT) { $profile->{'set' . ucfirst($key)}($newValue); } else { $user->{'set' . ucfirst($key)}($newValue); } } } UserService::update(); UserProfileService::update(); UserSocialNetworkIdentityService::update(); // Any changes to record? $changed = false; foreach (array(PROFILE_EDIT, SOCIAL_EDIT, USER_EDIT) as $type) { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ':: Examining ' . $type . ' changes...'); if (count($changes[$type]) > 0) { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ':: changes[\'' . $type . '\'] = ' . var_export($changes[$type], true)); $description = ''; foreach ($changes[$type] as $change) { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ':: change = ' . var_export($change, true)); $description .= sprintf('%s changed from "%s" to "%s".', $change['item'], $change['oldValue'] === 0 ? '0' : $change['oldValue'], $change['newValue']) . PHP_EOL; Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ':: description = ' . $description); } UserEditEventService::create(array('user' => $user, 'editor' => $this->_user, 'ip' => $this->getRequest()->getServer('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'date' => new DateTime(), 'description' => rtrim($description))); $changed = true; } } return $changed; }
/** * Update User entity * * @param User $user * @param array $data * @return void */ private function _updateUser(User $user, array $data) { if (isset($data['newPassword']) && '' != $data['newPassword']) { // Verify old password #if(!UserService::verifyPassword($this->_user, $data['password'])) { # throw new Exception('Current password is invalid'); #} $data['password'] = UserService::encryptPassword($data['newPassword']); } else { $data['password'] = $user->getPassword(); } unset($data['newPassword']); unset($data['newPasswordConfirm']); if (isset($data['role'])) { $data['role'] = AclRoleService::findOneById($data['role']); } if (isset($data['timeZone'])) { $data['timeZone'] = TimeZoneService::findOneById($data['timeZone']); } // Track changes $changes = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $newValue) { if ($key === 'userId') { continue; } $oldValue = $user->{'get' . ucfirst($key)}(); Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: {$key}"); Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: OLD => " . (is_object($oldValue) ? get_class($oldValue) : var_export($oldValue, true))); Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: NEW => " . (is_object($newValue) ? get_class($newValue) : var_export($newValue, true))); // Only update changed properties, and keep track of the changes as well if ($this->_valueChanged($oldValue, $newValue)) { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: {$key} has changed"); Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: OLD => " . (is_object($oldValue) ? get_class($oldValue) : var_export($oldValue, true))); Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: NEW => " . (is_object($newValue) ? get_class($newValue) : var_export($newValue, true))); $oldVal = $oldValue; $newVal = $newValue; if (is_object($newValue)) { if (isset($oldValue)) { $oldVal = $oldValue->getName(); } else { $oldVal = ''; } $newVal = $newValue->getName(); } elseif (is_object($oldValue)) { $oldVal = $oldValue->getName(); } $changes[] = array('item' => $key, 'oldValue' => $oldVal, 'newValue' => $newVal); // Set new value $user->{'set' . ucfirst($key)}($newValue); } } UserService::update(); // Any changes to record? if (count($changes) > 0) { $description = ''; foreach ($changes as $change) { $description .= sprintf('%s changed from "%s" to "%s".', $change['item'], $change['oldValue'] === 0 ? '0' : $change['oldValue'], $change['newValue']) . PHP_EOL; } UserEditEventService::create(array('user' => $user, 'editor' => $this->_user, 'ip' => $this->getRequest()->getServer('REMOTE_ADDR'), 'date' => new DateTime(), 'description' => rtrim($description))); return true; } return false; }
/** * Called before an action is dispatched by Zend_Controller_Dispatcher. * Does nothing if current request matches a whitelisted route, or if * request is authenticated. Otherwise, redirects to login page. * * @param AbstractRequest $request * @throws Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception * @throws Zend_Controller_Action_Exception * @return void */ public function preDispatch(AbstractRequest $request) { $route = strtolower(sprintf('%s/%s/%s', $request->getModuleName(), $request->getControllerName(), $request->getActionName())); Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ':: route = ' . $route); $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: Auth has identity..."); $user = UserService::find($auth->getIdentity()); $user->setLastConnect(new DateTime()); UserService::update(); Zend_Registry::set('user', $user); Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ':: logged in as user: '******' - ' . $user->getUsername()); if (!Zend_Session::$_unitTestEnabled) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // If accessing non-admin UI and currently using LoginAs feature, then overwrite 'user' in registry $authCookieName = Zend_Registry::get('config')->session->auth->name; $ssa = new Zend_Session_Namespace($authCookieName); if (isset($ssa->loginAsUser) && 'admin' !== strtolower($request->getModuleName())) { $user = UserService::find($ssa->loginAsUser); #Logger::debug(__METHOD__.':: admin using login-as user: '******' - ' . $user->getUsername()); Zend_Registry::set('loginAs', true); Zend_Registry::set('user', $user); } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $this->_isDispatchable($request); if (null === $this->_whitelist) { $this->_whitelist = Zend_Registry::get('config')->auth->whitelist->toArray(); } foreach ($this->_whitelist as $whitelistedRoute) { if (preg_match('|^' . $whitelistedRoute . '$|', $route)) { return; } } $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: Auth has identity..."); #if(isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) { $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } #elseif(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) { $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; } #elseif(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) { $ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; } #else { $ip = null; } return; } #$request->setDispatched(false); // Cancel the current action // Handle unauthorized request... Logger::debug(__METHOD__ . ":: Unauthorized request. Redirecting..."); if (!Zend_Session::$_unitTestEnabled) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('referrer'); $session->uri = $request->getRequestUri(); } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { return $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(500)->setBody(json_encode(array('redirect' => '/user/login')))->sendResponse(); } $helper = HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector'); $helper->gotoUrl('/user/login'); }
/** * Insert test data into test DB. * * @return void */ private static function insertTestData() { // Insert test data $roles = array('admin' => AclRoleService::create(array('name' => 'Administrator', 'description' => 'Site Administrator')), 'user' => AclRoleService::create(array('name' => 'User', 'description' => 'Regular user')), 'guest' => AclRoleService::create(array('name' => 'Guest', 'description' => 'Anonymous guest'))); $resources = array('default' => AclResourceService::create(array('identifier' => 'mvc:default:all', 'name' => 'Global non-admin access')), 'userLogin' => AclResourceService::create(array('identifier' => 'mvc:default:user:login', 'name' => 'User login')), 'admin' => AclResourceService::create(array('identifier' => 'mvc:admin', 'name' => 'Admin interface'))); AclPermissionService::create(array('role' => $roles['guest'], 'resource' => $resources['default'], 'name' => 'view')); AclPermissionService::create(array('role' => $roles['guest'], 'resource' => $resources['userLogin'], 'name' => 'view')); AclPermissionService::create(array('role' => $roles['admin'], 'resource' => $resources['admin'], 'name' => 'view')); #AclPermissionService::create(array('role' => $roles['admin'], 'resource' => $resources['adminIndex'], 'name' => 'view')); $userData = array(array('username' => 'admin', 'firstName' => 'admin', 'lastName' => 'istrator', 'role' => $roles['admin']), array('username' => 'testuser', 'firstName' => 'test', 'lastName' => 'er', 'role' => $roles['user'])); $timeZone = TimeZoneService::create(array('name' => 'America/Los_Angeles')); $users = array(); foreach ($userData as $u) { $user = UserService::create(array('role' => $u['role'], 'username' => $u['username'], 'password' => $u['username'], 'email' => $u['username'] . '', 'dateCreated' => new \DateTime(), 'lastConnect' => new \DateTime(), 'active' => 1, 'locked' => 0)); $user->setPassword(UserService::encryptPassword($user->getPassword())); $profile = UserProfileService::create(array('user' => $user, 'firstName' => $u['firstName'], 'lastName' => $u['lastName'], 'phone' => '408-555-5555', 'website' => '', 'timeZone' => $timeZone)); $user->setProfile($profile); #UserService::update(); #UserProfileService::update(); $users[$u['username']] = $user; } }
public function testSendVerificationEmail() { $siteDomain = 'mytestsite.tld'; $siteName = 'MY_TEST_SITE'; $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $siteDomain; Zend_Registry::set('siteName', $siteName); $recipient = 'root@localhost'; $user = UserTest::createTestUser(); $user->setEmail($recipient); // Real address in case we actually send mail $mock = new MockMailTransport(); UserService::sendVerificationEmail($user, $mock); $subject = '[' . $siteName . '] Email Verification'; $this->assertTrue($mock->called); $this->assertEquals($subject, $mock->subject); $this->assertEquals('noreply@' . $siteDomain, $mock->from); $this->assertContains($recipient, $mock->recipients); $this->assertContains("Thank you for registering with {$siteName}.", $mock->mail->getBodyText()->getRawContent()); $this->assertContains("From: {$siteName} <noreply@{$siteDomain}>", $mock->header); $this->assertContains("Subject: {$subject}", $mock->header); $this->assertContains("To: {$recipient}", $mock->header); }