public function __construct(\Rebond\App $app) { if ($app->site()->getStatus() == \Rebond\Core\StatusType::INACTIVE) { Util\Session::redirect('/error/maintenance'); } parent::__construct($app); if ($this->signedUser->getId() != 0) { $this->player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::loadByUserId($this->signedUser->getId()); if ($this->player == null) { $this->player = \Own\Bus\Player\Service::create($this->signedUser); } } else { $this->player = new \Own\Bus\Player\Model(); } }
public static function send($playerId, $notification) { $options = []; $options['clearSelect'] = true; $options['select'][] = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::getList(['id', 'user_id', 'username']); $options['select'][] = \Rebond\Core\User\Data::getList(['id', 'email'], 'player_user'); $options['join'][] = 'core_user player_user ON = player.user_id'; $options['where'][] = 'send_notification_email = 1'; $options['where'][] = [' = ?', $playerId]; $player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::load($options); if (!isset($player)) { return false; } // send email $app = \Rebond\App::instance(); $tpl = new Util\Template(Util\Template::MODULE, ['bus', 'notification']); $tpl->set('url', 'http://' . \Rebond\Config::getPath('siteUrl')); $tpl->set('player', $player); $tpl->set('notification', $notification); $tplMail = new Util\Template(Util\Template::SITE, ['mail']); $tplMail->set('title', Util\Lang::lang('notification')); $tplMail->set('site', $app->site()->getTitle()); $tplMail->set('url', 'http://' . \Rebond\Config::getPath('siteUrl')); $tplMail->set('layout', $tpl->render('notification')); $message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()->setContentType('text/html')->setSubject($app->site()->getTitle() . ' - ' . Util\Lang::lang('notification'))->setFrom(\Rebond\Config::getMail('email'))->setTo($player->getUser()->getEmail())->setBody($tplMail->render('tpl-default')); return Util\Mail::send($message); }
public function __construct(\Rebond\App $app) { if ($app->site()->getStatus() == \Rebond\Core\StatusType::INACTIVE) { if ($app->ajax()) { return ['result' => ResultType::ERROR, 'message' => Lang::lang('error.maintenance')]; } else { Util\Session::redirect('/error/maintenance'); } } parent::__construct($app); if ($this->signedUser->getId() != 0) { $options = ['where' => [['id = ?', $this->signedUser->getId()]]]; $this->player = \Own\Bus\Player\Data::load($options); if ($this->player == null) { $this->player = \Own\Bus\Player\Service::create($this->signedUser); } } else { $this->player = new \Own\Bus\Player\Model(); } }
protected function saveEntity() { $app = \Rebond\App::instance(); $userId = $app->userId(); $this->setId(0); $this->setAuthorId($userId); $workflow = $this->getModule()->getWorkflow(); // new content if ($this->getContentGroup() == 0) { $contentGroup = Data::getNextContentGroup($this->getModuleId()); $this->setContentGroup($contentGroup); if ($workflow == 1) { $this->setVersion(VersionType::PENDING); } else { $this->setPublisherId($userId); $this->setPublishedDate('now'); $this->setVersion(VersionType::PUBLISHED); } // updating content } else { // use workflow if ($workflow == 1) { if ($this->getVersion() == VersionType::PUBLISHED) { Data::updateContentGroupVersion($this, VersionType::PUBLISHED, VersionType::UPDATING); $this->setVersion(VersionType::PUBLISHING); } else { if ($this->getVersion() == VersionType::PENDING) { Data::updateContentGroupVersion($this, VersionType::PENDING, VersionType::OLD); $this->setVersion(VersionType::PENDING); } else { if (in_array($this->getVersion(), [VersionType::PUBLISHING, VersionType::UPDATING])) { Data::updateContentGroupVersion($this, VersionType::PUBLISHING, VersionType::OLD); $this->setVersion(VersionType::PUBLISHING); } } } } else { if ($workflow == 0) { Data::updateContentGroupVersionAll($this); $this->setPublisherId($userId); $this->setPublishedDate('now'); $this->setVersion(VersionType::PUBLISHED); } } } return parent::save(); }
public static function locale($value, $params = []) { if ($value == '') { return $value; } $text = null; $log = false; $app = \Rebond\App::instance(); $lang = ucfirst($app->lang()); $xmlFilename = $app->currentSite() == \Rebond\Config::SITE_ADMIN ? 'Rebond' : 'Custom'; $cachedFile = \Rebond\Config::getPath('rebond') . 'Cache/' . $xmlFilename . $lang . '.php'; if (file_exists($cachedFile)) { $className = '\\Rebond\\Cache\\' . $xmlFilename . $lang; $text = $className::get($value); $log = true; } // try to look in admin localization if not found in front if (!isset($text) && $app->currentSite() == \Rebond\Config::SITE_WWW) { $cachedFile = \Rebond\Config::getPath('rebond') . 'Cache/Rebond' . $lang . '.php'; if (file_exists($cachedFile)) { $className = '\\Rebond\\Cache\\Rebond' . $lang; $text = $className::get($value); $log = true; } } // try to look in site localization if not found in admin if (!isset($text) && $app->currentSite() == \Rebond\Config::SITE_ADMIN) { $cachedFile = \Rebond\Config::getPath('rebond') . 'Cache/Custom' . $lang . '.php'; if (file_exists($cachedFile)) { $className = '\\Rebond\\Cache\\Custom' . $lang; $text = $className::get($value); $log = true; } } if (!isset($text)) { if ($log) { Log::log(Error::LANG_NOT_FOUND, 'lang: ' . $lang . ', site: ' . $app->currentSite() . ', value: ' . $value, __FILE__, __LINE__); } return trim($value) . '~'; } $count = count($params); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $text = str_replace('{' . $i . '}', $params[$i], $text); } $text = trim(preg_replace('/{\\d+}/', '', $text)); return $text; }
public static function log($code, $message, $file, $line) { $app = \Rebond\App::instance(); $d = new \DateTime(); $message = self::textify($message); if ($app->step() != \Rebond\Config::STEP_RUNNING) { $log = \Rebond\Config::getPath('log') . 'log.txt'; $file = str_replace(FULL_PATH, '/', str_replace('\\', '/', $file)); $trace = stripos($file, 'SplClassLoader') !== false ? self::textify(debug_backtrace()) : ''; // date # code # message # trace # file # line $message = $d->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '#' . Error::value($code) . '#' . str_replace(FULL_PATH, '/', $message) . '#' . $trace . '#' . $file . '#' . $line . PHP_EOL; \Rebond\Util\File::save($log, 'a', $message); } else { if (!in_array($code, [Error::LANG_NOT_FOUND, Error::PAGE_NOT_FOUND]) && $app->env() == \Rebond\Config::ENV_PROD && $app->site()->getSendMailOnError()) { $emails = $app->site()->getMailListOnError(); if ($emails != '') { $emails = explode(',', $emails); \Rebond\App\Error\Mail::error($app->site()->getTitle(), $emails, $code, $message, $file, $line); } } $log = null; if ($code == Error::LANG_NOT_FOUND) { $options = []; $options['where'][] = ['log.request_uri = ?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']]; $options['where'][] = ['log.message = ?', $message]; $log = \Rebond\Core\Log\Data::load($options); } if (!isset($log)) { $log = new \Rebond\Core\Log\Model(); $log->setCode($code); $log->setMessage($message); $log->setRequestUri($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } $log->setUserId($app->userId()); $log->setFile($file); $log->setLine($line); $log->setTrace(self::textify(debug_backtrace())); $log->setIp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $log->setReferer(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''); return $log->save(); } return 0; }
private function log() { $app = \Rebond\App::instance(); $app->queryCount(1); if (\Rebond\App::instance()->site()->getSqlLog() && strpos($this->statement, 'core_log') === false && (strpos($this->statement, 'bus_') !== false || strpos($this->statement, 'app_') !== false)) { $pos = strpos($this->statement, 'FROM'); Log::log(Error::SQL_LOG, $app->queryCount() . ' - ' . substr($this->statement, $pos), __FILE__, __LINE__); $app->queryCount(-1); } }
public function __construct($path, $folders) { $this->vars = []; $this->pathSetter($path, $folders); $this->app = \Rebond\App::instance(); }
public static function isPreview() { if (!isset($_GET['preview']) || $_GET['preview'] != '1') { return false; } $user = \Rebond\App::instance()->user(); if (!Auth::isAuthorized($user, 'admin.preview')) { return false; } return true; }
public static function kill($code, $error, $file, $line) { $app = \Rebond\App::instance(); $redirect = (int) Session::get('redirect'); if ($redirect > 5) { $app->setStep(\Rebond\Config::STEP_REDIRECT); } else { Session::set('redirect', $redirect + 1); } $logId = Log::log($code, $error, $file, $line); $json = []; $json['result'] = ResultType::ERROR; if ($app->step() != \Rebond\Config::STEP_RUNNING) { if ($app->ajax()) { $json['message'] = Lang::locale('configurationError'); echo json_encode($json); exit; } else { $controller = new \Rebond\Controller\Admin\Error($app); echo $controller->config(); session_write_close(); exit; } } else { // update log level if user isDev $app->user(); if ($app->logLevel() == 0) { if ($app->ajax()) { $json['message'] = Lang::lang('serviceNotAvailable') . ': ' . $error . ' [<a href="http://' . \Rebond\Config::getPath('adminUrl') . '/tools/log" target="_blank">' . Lang::lang('logsView') . '</a>]'; echo json_encode($json, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); exit; } else { if (in_array($code, [self::PAGE_NOT_FOUND, self::ADMIN_PAGE_NOT_FOUND])) { header('Location: /error/generic?404=' . $error); } else { header('Location: /error/detail?id=' . $logId); } session_write_close(); exit; } } else { if ($app->ajax()) { $json['message'] = Lang::lang('errorUnknown'); echo json_encode($json); exit; } else { if (in_array($code, [self::PAGE_NOT_FOUND, self::ADMIN_PAGE_NOT_FOUND])) { header('Location: /error/generic?404=' . $error); } else { header('Location: /error/generic'); } session_write_close(); exit; } } } }
public function __construct(\Rebond\App $app) { $app->setAjax(true); parent::__construct($app); }
public function __construct(\Rebond\App $app) { $app->setAjax(true); parent::__construct($app); $this->signedUser = $this->app->user(); }
public function renderScore($evenNotViewed = false) { if (null === $this->getPlayerMatch1() || null === $this->getPlayerMatch2()) { return $this->getScheduled()->format(); } if ($this->getStatus() <= MatchStatus::READY) { return $this->getScheduled()->format(); } if (!$evenNotViewed) { $userId = \Rebond\App::instance()->userId(); if ($userId == $this->getPlayerMatch1()->getPlayer()->getUserId() && !$this->getPlayerMatch1()->getHasViewed() || $userId == $this->getPlayerMatch2()->getPlayer()->getUserId() && !$this->getPlayerMatch2()->getHasViewed()) { return '?'; } } $winnerId = $this->findWinnerId(); $playerMatch1 = $this->getPlayerMatch1(); $playerMatch2 = $this->getPlayerMatch2(); if ($winnerId != 0 && $winnerId == $this->getPlayerMatch2Id()) { $playerMatch1 = $this->getPlayerMatch2(); $playerMatch2 = $this->getPlayerMatch1(); } $score = $playerMatch1->getSet1() . '/' . $playerMatch2->getSet1(); if ($this->getCurrentSet() >= 2 && ($playerMatch1->getSet2() != 0 || $playerMatch2->getSet2() != 0)) { $score .= ' ' . $playerMatch1->getSet2() . '/' . $playerMatch2->getSet2(); } if ($this->getCurrentSet() >= 3 && ($playerMatch1->getSet3() != 0 || $playerMatch2->getSet3() != 0)) { $score .= ' ' . $playerMatch1->getSet3() . '/' . $playerMatch2->getSet3(); } if ($this->getCurrentSet() >= 4 && ($playerMatch1->getSet4() != 0 || $playerMatch2->getSet4() != 0)) { $score .= ' ' . $playerMatch1->getSet4() . '/' . $playerMatch2->getSet4(); } if ($this->getCurrentSet() >= 5 && ($playerMatch1->getSet5() != 0 || $playerMatch2->getSet5() != 0)) { $score .= ' ' . $playerMatch1->getSet5() . '/' . $playerMatch2->getSet5(); } return $score; }