protected function configure()
     $this->setName("rainbow:lookup")->addArgument("hash", InputArgument::REQUIRED, "The hash you want to guess the type")->addOption("rainbow-table", "r", InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "The rainbow table to use")->addOption("deep-search", "d", InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "Deep search in the rainbow table")->addOption("partial", "p", InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "The given hash is partial");
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName("rainbow:url:decode")->addArgument("value", InputArgument::REQUIRED, "The value to urldecode");
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName("rainbow:guess")->addArgument("hash", InputArgument::REQUIRED, "The hash you want to guess the type");
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName("rainbow:generate")->addArgument("transformers", InputArgument::REQUIRED, "The transformer(s) to use. You can chain them with commas. For instance: md5,md5 will result in a md5 of a md5. " . "Available transformers: " . implode(",", $this->rainbow->listTransformerNames()))->addOption("max-length", "e", InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "The max length of the data to generate")->addOption("char-list", "c", InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "The char-list format, ::alpha:: stands for alpha, ::ALPHA:: for uppercase alpha; ::Alpha:: for both and ::numeric for numeric. Then you can add the special chars you want", "::Alpha::::numeric::")->addOption("dictionary", "d", InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "The dictionnary file to use. Words must be separated by line return")->addOption("min-length", "m", InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "The start minimum length for the strings to generate")->addOption("filepath", "f", InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, "The path where the rainbow table will be generated", "php://stdout");
 protected function configure()
     $this->setName("rainbow:base64:encode")->addArgument("value", InputArgument::REQUIRED, "The value to encode in base64");