  * Main index page.
  * Display list of machines that need to be surveyed, pending
  * surveys and the survey schedule
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function index()
     /* Get the list of machines that still need to be surveyed
            select machines.id, machines.description from machines
            where machines.machine_status="Active" and machines.id not in
            (select testdates.machine_id from testdates
            where year(testdates.test_date) = "2016");
     $currSurveys = TestDate::select('machine_id')->year(date("Y"))->get();
     $machinesUntested = Machine::select('id', 'description')->active()->whereNotIn('id', $currSurveys->toArray())->get();
     $total = Machine::active()->get()->count();
     /* Get the list of pending surveys
            select testdates.id,machines.description,testdates.test_date,
            testdates.accession, testdates.notes from testdates
            left join machines on testdates.machine_id=machines.id
            where testdates.test_date > CURDATE();
     $pendingSurveys = TestDate::select('testdates.id', 'machines.description', 'testdates.test_date', 'testdates.accession', 'testdates.notes')->leftJoin('machines', 'testdates.machine_id', '=', 'machines.id')->where('testdates.test_date', '>=', date("Y-m-d"))->orderBy('testdates.test_date', 'asc')->get();
     /* Get the list of machines and their surveys for this year
           and the previous year
           select machines.id, machines.description, previous.id as prevSurveyID,
           previous.test_date as prevSurveyDate, current.id as currSurveyID,
           current.test_date as currSurveyDate from machines
           left join testdates as previous on (machines.id=previous.machine_id)
           join testdates as current using (machine_id)
           where year(previous.test_date)='2015'
           and year(current.test_date)='2016'
           order by previous.test_date asc;
     // TODO: query misses machines with no survey in previous year
     // TODO: have previousSurveyID and currentSurveyID link to recommendations page for that survey
     // TODO: may not handle machines with multiple surveys in a year very well
     $surveySchedule = Machine::select('machines.id', 'machines.description', 'previous.id as prevSurveyID', 'previous.test_date as prevSurveyDate', 'current.id as currSurveyID', 'current.test_date as currSurveyDate')->active()->leftJoin('testdates as previous', 'machines.id', '=', 'previous.machine_id')->join('testdates as current', 'current.machine_id', '=', 'previous.machine_id')->whereYear('previous.test_date', '=', date("Y") - 1)->whereYear('current.test_date', '=', date("Y"))->orderBy('previous.test_date', 'asc')->get();
     return view('index', ['machinesUntested' => $machinesUntested, 'remain' => $machinesUntested->count(), 'total' => $total, 'pendingSurveys' => $pendingSurveys, 'surveySchedule' => $surveySchedule]);
Esempio n. 2
  * Display the information for machine $id
  * @param string $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function show($id)
     // Retrieve details for a specific machine
     $machine = Machine::findOrFail($id);
     // application will return HTTP 404 if $id doesn't exist
     // Retrieve the active tubes for machine $id
     $tubes = $this->getTubes($id);
     // Retrieve the surveys for machine $id
     $surveys = TestDate::where('machine_id', $id)->orderBy('test_date', 'asc')->get();
     // Retrieve the operational notes for machine $id
     $opNotes = $this->getOperationalNotes($id);
     return view('machine.detail', ['machine' => $machine, 'tubes' => $tubes, 'opnotes' => $opNotes, 'surveys' => $surveys]);