Esempio n. 1
  * Checks if the office field is correctly serialized
  * @depends testSetOffice
 public function testSetOfficeAndSerializes(Customer $customer)
     $document = new CustomersDocument();
     $xpath = new \DOMXPath($document);
     $this->assertEquals($xpath->query('/dimension/office')->item(0)->nodeValue, $this->office);
Esempio n. 2
  * Sends a \Pronamic\Twinfield\Customer\Customer instance to Twinfield
  * to update or add.
  * First attempts to login with the passed configuration in the constructor.
  * If successful will get the secure Service class.
  * It will then make an instance of 
  * \Pronamic\Twinfield\Customer\DOM\CustomersDocument where it will
  * pass in the Customer class in this methods parameter.
  * It will then attempt to send the DOM document from CustomersDocument
  * and set the response to this instances method setResponse() (which you
  * can get with getResponse())
  * If successful will return true, else will return false.
  * If you want to map the response back into a customer use getResponse()->
  * getResponseDocument()->asXML() into the CustomerMapper::map method.
  * @access public
  * @param \Pronamic\Twinfield\Customer\Customer $customer
  * @return boolean
 public function send(Customer $customer)
     // Attempts the process login
     if ($this->getLogin()->process()) {
         // Gets the secure service
         $service = $this->getService();
         // Gets a new instance of CustomersDocument and sets the $customer
         $customersDocument = new DOM\CustomersDocument();
         // Send the DOM document request and set the response
         $response = $service->send($customersDocument);
         // Return a bool on status of response.
         if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return false;