protected function configure()
        $dir = sprintf('%s/database_name/schema_name/Base', '%kernel.root_dir%');
        $this->setName('pomm:mapfile:create')->setDescription('Generates the Map file from a given table.')->addArgument('table', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The table name to generate the map file from')->setHelp(<<<EOT
The <info>pomm:mapfile:create</info> command generates a Map file from a given table
definition in the database. The map file is created in the model directory tree under the <info>{$dir}</info> directory.

    <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:create table_name</info>

If no database name is provided, Pomm takes the first defined in your configuration.

  <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:create --database=my_database table_name</info>

You can specify the Postgresql schema to scan tables into (default: public). As the Schema plays the role of database namespace, generated class will use the same namespace name as the schema.

  <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:create --schema=production table_name</info>

By default, map files are generated in the schema directory tree. You can override
this behavior by providing a prefix-path. This is useful if you want to manage a bundle based model tree:

  <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:create --prefix-path=/my/directory table_name</info>

This command line above will generate files in the directory /my/directory/DatabaseName/SchemaName.

The Map objects HAVE TO be instances of Pomm\\Object\\BaseObjectMap but you might want to
choose their basefiles to extend other classes that extend Pomm\\Object\\BaseObjectMap.

  <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:create --extends="My\\Other\\Class" table_name</info>

By default, the classes' namespace will be Schema. It is possible to add a prefix to this namespace.

  <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:create --prefix-namespace="My\\Other\\Namespace" table_name</info>

This will result in model class belonging to namespace My\\Other\\Namespace\\Database\\Schema.
Esempio n. 2
    protected function configure()
        $this->setName('pomm:mapfile:scan')->setDescription('Scans and generates the map files from a database schema.')->setHelp(<<<EOT
The <info>pomm:mapfile:scan</info> command scans the tables in a database schema to generate the
Map files.

    <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:scan</info>

If no database name is provided, Pomm takes the first defined in your configuration.

  <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:scan --database=my_database</info>

You can specify the Postgresql schema to scan tables into (default: public)

  <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:scan --schema=pg_schema</info>

By default, map files are generated in your SchemaName directory tree with default's base to the project directory. You can override
this behavior by providing a prefix-path:

  <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:scan --prefix-path=/my/directory</info>

The example above will generate all the files in /my/directory/DatabaseName/SchemaName/*.

The same apply with namespaces. By default the namespaces will be in the form DatabaseName\\SchemaName\\* but you can prefix this by your own prefix-namespace.

  <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:scan --prefix-namespace=My\\Bundle\\Namespace</info>

The classes will be then in the My\\Bundle\\Namespace\\DatabaseName\\SchemaName\\*.

The Map objects HAVE TO be instances of Pomm\\Object\\BaseObjectMap but you might want to
choose their basefiles to extend other classes that extend Pomm\\Object\\BaseObjectMap.

  <info>app/console pomm:mapfile:scan --extends="My\\Other\\Class"</info>