public function friendSearch() { // Retrieve the user's input and escape it $query = e(Input::get('q', '')); // If the input is empty, return an error response if (!$query && $query == '') { return Response::json(array(), 400); } $user = UserInfo::where('firstname', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->orWhere('lastname', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->with('user')->orderBy('firstname', 'asc')->take(6)->get()->toArray(); $user = $this->friends($user); //$user = $this->appendValue($user,'check'); return Response::json(array('data' => $user)); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @return Response */ public function store() { $path = public_path(); $parentDir = $path . '/img/users/' . Auth::user()->email . '/'; if (!is_dir($parentDir)) { return "Error"; } if (Input::hasFile('avatar')) { if (Input::file('avatar')->isValid()) { $file = Input::file('avatar'); if (substr($file->getMimeType(), 0, 5) == 'image') { // this is an image $img = Image::make($file); $img = (string) Image::make($img)->encode('jpg', 100); Image::make($img)->save($parentDir . 'avatar_orig.jpg'); Image::make($img)->resize(255, 250, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); $constraint->upsize(); })->save($parentDir . 'avatar_big.jpg'); Image::make($img)->resize(155, 150, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); $constraint->upsize(); })->save($parentDir . 'avatar_med.jpg'); Image::make($img)->resize(50, 50, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); $constraint->upsize(); })->save($parentDir . 'avatar_small.jpg'); $image_url = UserInfo::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->firstOrFail(); if ($image_url) { $image_url->image_url = '../img/users/' . Auth::user()->email . '/avatar_med.jpg'; $image_url->save(); } return './img/users/' . Auth::user()->email . '/avatar_med.jpg?'; } else { return "Error"; } } else { return "Error"; } } else { return "Error"; } }
public function lookUp($type) { $query = e(Input::get('q', '')); if (!$query && $query == '') { return Response::json(array(), 400); } $user = UserInfo::where('firstname', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->orWhere('lastname', 'like', '%' . $query . '%')->with('user')->orderBy('firstname', 'asc')->take(6)->get()->toArray(); if ($type == 'Favourites') { $user = $this->favourites($user); } else { if (Auth::check()) { $user = $this->removeMyself($user); $user = $this->appendValue($user, 'username'); } else { $user = $this->appendValue($user, 'username'); } } return Response::json(array('data' => $user)); }
/** * [Handle the command] * @param [type] $command [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function handle($command) { $user = UserInfo::register($command->firstname, $command->lastname, $command->gender, $command->user_id, $command->image_url); $this->repository->save($user); return $user; }