private function setUpWebsitesAndGoals()
     $ecommerce = $this->allowConversions ? 1 : 0;
     // tests run in UTC, the Tracker in UTC
     if (!self::siteCreated($idSite = 1)) {
         self::createWebsite($this->dateTime, $ecommerce, "Site 1");
     if (!self::siteCreated($idSite = 2)) {
         self::createWebsite($this->dateTime, 0, "Site 2");
     if ($this->allowConversions) {
         if (!self::goalExists($idSite = 1, $idGoal = 1)) {
             APIGoals::getInstance()->addGoal($this->idSite1, 'all', 'url', 'http', 'contains', false, 5);
         if (!self::goalExists($idSite = 1, $idGoal = 2)) {
             APIGoals::getInstance()->addGoal($this->idSite2, 'all', 'url', 'http', 'contains');
         if (!self::goalExists($idSite = 1, $idGoal = 3)) {
             APIGoals::getInstance()->addGoal($this->idSite1, 'matching URL with campaign parameter', 'url', self::URL_IS_GOAL_WITH_CAMPAIGN_PARAMETERS, 'contains');
     APISitesManager::getInstance()->updateSite($this->idSite1, "Site 1", $urls = null, $ecommerce = null, $siteSearch = null, $searchKeywordParameters = null, $searchCategoryParameters = null, $excludedIps = null, $excludedQueryParameters = null, $timezone = null, $currency = null, $group = null, $startDate = null, $excludedUserAgents = null, $keepURLFragments = 2);
     // KEEP_URL_FRAGMENT_NO No for idSite 1
     APISitesManager::getInstance()->updateSite($this->idSite2, "Site 2", $urls = null, $ecommerce = null, $siteSearch = null, $searchKeywordParameters = null, $searchCategoryParameters = null, $excludedIps = null, $excludedQueryParameters = null, $timezone = null, $currency = null, $group = null, $startDate = null, $excludedUserAgents = null, $keepURLFragments = 1);
     // KEEP_URL_FRAGMENT_YES Yes for idSite 2
Esempio n. 2
 static function update($schema = 'Myisam')
     // force regeneration of cache files following #648
     $allSiteIds = API::getInstance()->getAllSitesId();
  * One site with custom search parameters,
  * One site using default search parameters,
  * One site with disabled site search
 private function setUpWebsites()
     API::getInstance()->setGlobalSearchParameters($searchKeywordParameters = 'gkwd', $searchCategoryParameters = 'gcat');
     if (!self::siteCreated($idSite = 1)) {
         self::createWebsite(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->getDatetime(), 0, "Site 1 - Site search", $siteurl = false, $search = 1, $searchKwd = 'q,mykwd,p', $searchCat = 'cats');
Esempio n. 4
 public function setUp()
     $this->siteUrls = new SiteUrls();
     $this->api = API::getInstance();
Esempio n. 5
  * Check for a newer version
  * @param bool $force Force check
  * @param int $interval Interval used for update checks
 public static function check($force = false, $interval = null)
     if (!self::isAutoUpdateEnabled()) {
     if ($interval === null) {
         $interval = self::CHECK_INTERVAL;
     $lastTimeChecked = Option::get(self::LAST_TIME_CHECKED);
     if ($force || $lastTimeChecked === false || time() - $interval > $lastTimeChecked) {
         // set the time checked first, so that parallel Piwik requests don't all trigger the http requests
         Option::set(self::LAST_TIME_CHECKED, time(), $autoLoad = 1);
         $parameters = array('piwik_version' => Version::VERSION, 'php_version' => PHP_VERSION, 'url' => Url::getCurrentUrlWithoutQueryString(), 'trigger' => Common::getRequestVar('module', '', 'string'), 'timezone' => API::getInstance()->getDefaultTimezone());
         $url = Config::getInstance()->General['api_service_url'] . '/1.0/getLatestVersion/' . '?' . http_build_query($parameters, '', '&');
         $timeout = self::SOCKET_TIMEOUT;
         if (@Config::getInstance()->Debug['allow_upgrades_to_beta']) {
             $url = '';
         try {
             $latestVersion = Http::sendHttpRequest($url, $timeout);
             if (!preg_match('~^[0-9][0-9a-zA-Z_.-]*$~D', $latestVersion)) {
                 $latestVersion = '';
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // e.g., disable_functions = fsockopen; allow_url_open = Off
             $latestVersion = '';
         Option::set(self::LATEST_VERSION, $latestVersion);
Esempio n. 6
  * Records Global settings when user submit changes
 public function setGlobalSettings()
     $response = new ResponseBuilder(Common::getRequestVar('format'));
     try {
         $timezone = Common::getRequestVar('timezone', false);
         $excludedIps = Common::getRequestVar('excludedIps', false);
         $excludedQueryParameters = Common::getRequestVar('excludedQueryParameters', false);
         $excludedUserAgents = Common::getRequestVar('excludedUserAgents', false);
         $currency = Common::getRequestVar('currency', false);
         $searchKeywordParameters = Common::getRequestVar('searchKeywordParameters', $default = "");
         $searchCategoryParameters = Common::getRequestVar('searchCategoryParameters', $default = "");
         $enableSiteUserAgentExclude = Common::getRequestVar('enableSiteUserAgentExclude', $default = 0);
         $keepURLFragments = Common::getRequestVar('keepURLFragments', $default = 0);
         $api = API::getInstance();
         $api->setGlobalSearchParameters($searchKeywordParameters, $searchCategoryParameters);
         $api->setSiteSpecificUserAgentExcludeEnabled($enableSiteUserAgentExclude == 1);
         $toReturn = $response->getResponse();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $toReturn = $response->getResponseException($e);
     return $toReturn;
Esempio n. 7
 public function setUp()
     $access = Access::getInstance();
     $this->idSiteAccess = APISitesManager::getInstance()->addSite("test", "http://test");
     \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->loadPlugins(array('MultiSites', 'VisitsSummary', 'Actions'));
 public function setUp()
     // setup the access layer
     FakeAccess::$superUser = true;
     $this->idSiteAccess = APISitesManager::getInstance()->addSite("test", "http://test");
     \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->loadPlugins(array('ScheduledReports', 'MobileMessaging', 'MultiSites'));
Esempio n. 9
 private function trackVisits()
     if (!$this->trackInvalidRequests) {
     $dateTime = $this->dateTime;
     $idSite = $this->idSite;
     // Trigger empty request
     $trackerUrl = self::getTrackerUrl();
     $response = Http::fetchRemoteFile($trackerUrl);
     self::assertTrue(strpos($response, 'is a free open source web') !== false, 'Piwik empty request response not correct: ' . $response);
     $t = self::getTracker($idSite, $dateTime, $defaultInit = true);
     // test GoogleBot UA visitor
     $t->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +');
     self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('bot visit, please do not record'));
     // Test IP Exclusion works with or without IP exclusion
     foreach (array(false, true) as $enable) {
         $excludedIp = '';
         API::getInstance()->updateSite($idSite, 'new site name', $url = array(''), $ecommerce = 0, $ss = 1, $ss_kwd = '', $ss_cat = '', $excludedIp . ',', $excludedQueryParameters = null, $timezone = null, $currency = null, $group = null, $startDate = null, $excludedUserAgents = 'excludeduseragentstring');
         // Enable IP Anonymization
         $t->DEBUG_APPEND_URL = '&forceIpAnonymization=' . (int) $enable;
         // test with excluded User Agent
         $t->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) (excludeduseragentstring)');
         self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('visit from excluded User Agent'));
         $t->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:6.0) Gecko/20110814 Firefox/6.0 Google (+');
         self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('visit from excluded User Agent'));
         // test w/ global excluded User Agent
         $t->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) (globalexcludeduseragent)');
         self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('visit from global excluded User Agent'));
         // test with excluded IP
         $t->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)');
         // restore normal user agent
         self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('visit from IP excluded'));
         // test with global list of excluded IPs
         $excludedIpBis = '';
         self::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('visit from IP globally excluded'));
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Esempio n. 10
 public function index()
     $view = new View('@ScheduledReports/index');
     $view->countWebsites = count(APISitesManager::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess());
     // get report types
     $reportTypes = API::getReportTypes();
     $view->reportTypes = $reportTypes;
     $view->defaultReportType = self::DEFAULT_REPORT_TYPE;
     $view->defaultReportFormat = ScheduledReports::DEFAULT_REPORT_FORMAT;
     $view->displayFormats = ScheduledReports::getDisplayFormats();
     $reportsByCategoryByType = array();
     $reportFormatsByReportType = array();
     $allowMultipleReportsByReportType = array();
     foreach ($reportTypes as $reportType => $reportTypeIcon) {
         // get report formats
         $reportFormatsByReportType[$reportType] = API::getReportFormats($reportType);
         $allowMultipleReportsByReportType[$reportType] = API::allowMultipleReports($reportType);
         // get report metadata
         $reportsByCategory = array();
         $availableReportMetadata = API::getReportMetadata($this->idSite, $reportType);
         foreach ($availableReportMetadata as $reportMetadata) {
             $reportsByCategory[$reportMetadata['category']][] = $reportMetadata;
         $reportsByCategoryByType[$reportType] = $reportsByCategory;
     $view->reportsByCategoryByReportType = $reportsByCategoryByType;
     $view->reportFormatsByReportType = $reportFormatsByReportType;
     $view->allowMultipleReportsByReportType = $allowMultipleReportsByReportType;
     $reports = array();
     $reportsById = array();
     if (!Piwik::isUserIsAnonymous()) {
         $reports = API::getInstance()->getReports($this->idSite, $period = false, $idReport = false, $ifSuperUserReturnOnlySuperUserReports = true);
         foreach ($reports as &$report) {
             $report['recipients'] = API::getReportRecipients($report);
             $reportsById[$report['idreport']] = $report;
     $view->reports = $reports;
     $view->reportsJSON = Common::json_encode($reportsById);
     $view->downloadOutputType = API::OUTPUT_INLINE;
     $view->periods = ScheduledReports::getPeriodToFrequency();
     $view->defaultPeriod = ScheduledReports::DEFAULT_PERIOD;
     $view->defaultHour = ScheduledReports::DEFAULT_HOUR;
     $view->language = LanguagesManager::getLanguageCodeForCurrentUser();
     $view->segmentEditorActivated = false;
     if (API::isSegmentEditorActivated()) {
         $savedSegmentsById = array();
         foreach (APISegmentEditor::getInstance()->getAll($this->idSite) as $savedSegment) {
             $savedSegmentsById[$savedSegment['idsegment']] = $savedSegment['name'];
         $view->savedSegmentsById = $savedSegmentsById;
         $view->segmentEditorActivated = true;
     return $view->render();
 private function makeVisitorAndAction($lastActionTimestamp, $currentActionTime, $isVisitorKnown = false)
     $idsite = API::getInstance()->addSite("name", "");
     /** @var Request $request */
     list($visit, $request) = $this->prepareVisitWithRequest(array('idsite' => $idsite), $currentActionTime);
     $visitProperties = new VisitProperties();
     $visitProperties->setProperty('visit_last_action_time', Date::factory($lastActionTimestamp)->getTimestamp());
     $request->setMetadata('CoreHome', 'isVisitorKnown', $isVisitorKnown);
     return array($visit, $visitProperties, $request);
Esempio n. 12
 public function setUp()
     // setup the access layer
     $pseudoMockAccess = new FakeAccess();
     FakeAccess::$superUser = true;
     //finally we set the user as a Super User by default
     $this->idSiteAccess = APISitesManager::getInstance()->addSite("test", "http://test");
     \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->loadPlugins(array('ScheduledReports', 'MobileMessaging', 'MultiSites'));
Esempio n. 13
  * Returns default site ID that Piwik should load.
  * _Note: This value is a Piwik setting set by each user._
  * @return bool|int
  * @api
 public function getDefaultWebsiteId()
     $defaultReport = $this->getDefaultReport();
     if (is_numeric($defaultReport) && Piwik::isUserHasViewAccess($defaultReport)) {
         return $defaultReport;
     $sitesId = APISitesManager::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
     if (!empty($sitesId)) {
         return $sitesId[0];
     return false;
Esempio n. 14
 public function setUp()
     // make sure site has an early enough creation date (for period selector tests)
     Db::get()->update(Common::prefixTable("site"), array('ts_created' => '2011-01-01'), "idsite = 1");
     UsersManagerAPI::getInstance()->setSuperUserAccess('superUserLogin', true);
     SitesManagerAPI::getInstance()->updateSite(1, null, null, true);
Esempio n. 15
  * Adds a new entry to the menu.
  * @param string $menuName The menu's category name. Can be a translation token.
  * @param string $subMenuName The menu item's name. Can be a translation token.
  * @param string|array $url The URL the admin menu entry should link to, or an array of query parameters
  *                          that can be used to build the URL.
  * @param boolean $displayedForCurrentUser Whether this menu entry should be displayed for the
  *                                         current user. If false, the entry will not be added.
  * @param int $order The order hint.
  * @param bool|string $tooltip An optional tooltip to display or false to display the tooltip.
  * @api
 public function add($menuName, $subMenuName, $url, $displayedForCurrentUser = true, $order = 50, $tooltip = false)
     if (!$displayedForCurrentUser) {
     // make sure the idSite value used is numeric (hack-y fix for #3426)
     if (!is_numeric(Common::getRequestVar('idSite', false))) {
         $idSites = API::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
         $url['idSite'] = reset($idSites);
     $this->menuEntries[] = array($menuName, $subMenuName, $url, $order, $tooltip);
Esempio n. 16
 function validateOwner()
     try {
         $timezone = $this->owner->getValue();
         if (!empty($timezone)) {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 17
 public function setUp()
     // setup the access layer
     \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->loadPlugins(array('API', 'UserCountry', 'ScheduledReports', 'MobileMessaging', 'VisitsSummary', 'Referrers'));
     APISitesManager::getInstance()->addSite("Test", array(""));
     APISitesManager::getInstance()->addSite("Test", array(""));
     FakeAccess::setIdSitesView(array($this->idSite, 2));
     APIScheduledReports::$cache = array();
  * One site with custom search parameters,
  * One site using default search parameters,
  * One site with disabled site search
 protected function setUpWebsites()
     API::getInstance()->setGlobalSearchParameters($searchKeywordParameters = 'gkwd', $searchCategoryParameters = 'gcat');
     if (!self::siteCreated($idSite = 1)) {
         self::createWebsite(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->subHour(200)->getDatetime(), 0, "Site 1 - Site search", $siteurl = false, $search = 1, $searchKwd = 'q,mykwd,p', $searchCat = 'cats');
     if (!self::siteCreated($idSite = 2)) {
         self::createWebsite(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->subHour(400)->getDatetime(), 0, "Site 2 - Site search use default", $siteurl = false, $search = 1, $searchKwd = '', $searchCat = '');
     if (!self::siteCreated($idSite = 3)) {
         self::createWebsite(Date::factory($this->dateTime)->subHour(600)->getDatetime(), 0, "Site 3 - No site search", $siteurl = false, $search = 0);
 public function setUp()
     // setup the access layer
     FakeAccess::setIdSitesView(array(1, 2));
     FakeAccess::setIdSitesAdmin(array(3, 4));
     //finally we set the user as a Super User by default
     FakeAccess::$superUser = true;
     FakeAccess::$superUserLogin = '******';
     APISitesManager::getInstance()->addSite('test', '');
Esempio n. 20
 public function test_TrackingOldVisit_ThatIsExcluded_DoesNotResetCreatedTime()
     Fixture::createWebsite('2015-01-01 00:00:00');
     $createdTime = $this->getSiteCreatedTime($idSite = 1);
     $this->assertEquals('2014-12-31 00:00:00', $createdTime);
     $t = $this->getLocalTracker();
     $t->setForceVisitDateTime('2014-05-05 05:05:05');
     Fixture::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('page view'));
     $createdTime = $this->getSiteCreatedTime($idSite = 1);
     $this->assertEquals('2014-12-31 00:00:00', $createdTime);
  * NOTE: This test must be last since the new sites that get added are added in
  *       random order.
 public function testDynamicResolverSitesCreated()
     // reload access so new sites are viewable
     // make sure sites aren't created twice
     $piwikDotNet = API::getInstance()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrl('');
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($piwikDotNet));
     $anothersiteDotCom = API::getInstance()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrl('');
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($anothersiteDotCom));
     $whateverDotCom = API::getInstance()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrl('');
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($whateverDotCom));
Esempio n. 22
  * Get excluded query parameters for a site.
  * This information is used for client side url normalization.
 public function getExcludedQueryParameters($idSite)
     $sitesManager = APISitesManager::getInstance();
     $site = $sitesManager->getSiteFromId($idSite);
     try {
         return SitesManager::getTrackerExcludedQueryParameters($site);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // an exception is thrown when the user has no view access.
         // do not throw the exception to the outside.
         return array();
Esempio n. 23
  * Adds a new entry to the menu.
  * @param string $menuName The menu's category name. Can be a translation token.
  * @param string $subMenuName The menu item's name. Can be a translation token.
  * @param string|array $url The URL the admin menu entry should link to, or an array of query parameters
  *                          that can be used to build the URL.
  * @param boolean $displayedForCurrentUser Whether this menu entry should be displayed for the
  *                                         current user. If false, the entry will not be added.
  * @param int $order The order hint.
  * @param bool|string $tooltip An optional tooltip to display or false to display the tooltip.
  * @api
 public function add($menuName, $subMenuName, $url, $displayedForCurrentUser = true, $order = 50, $tooltip = false)
     if (!$displayedForCurrentUser) {
         // TODO this parameter should be removed and instead menu items should be only added if it is supposed to be
         // displayed. Won't do it now to stay backward compatible. For Piwik 3.0 we should do it.
     // make sure the idSite value used is numeric (hack-y fix for #3426)
     if (!is_numeric(Common::getRequestVar('idSite', false))) {
         $idSites = API::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
         $url['idSite'] = reset($idSites);
     $this->menuEntries[] = array($menuName, $subMenuName, $url, $order, $tooltip);
Esempio n. 24
 private function getSitesToInvalidateFor(InputInterface $input)
     $sites = $input->getOption('sites');
     $siteIds = Site::getIdSitesFromIdSitesString($sites);
     if (empty($siteIds)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid --sites value: '{$sites}'.");
     $allSiteIds = SitesManagerAPI::getInstance()->getAllSitesId();
     foreach ($siteIds as $idSite) {
         if (!in_array($idSite, $allSiteIds)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid --sites value: '{$sites}', there are no sites with IDs = {$idSite}");
     return $siteIds;
Esempio n. 25
 private function setLastRunArchiveOptions()
     $periodTypes = array('day', 'periods');
     $idSites = API::getInstance()->getAllSitesId();
     $daysAgoArchiveRanSuccessfully = 1500;
     $this->assertTrue($daysAgoArchiveRanSuccessfully > \Piwik\CronArchive::ARCHIVE_SITES_WITH_TRAFFIC_SINCE / 86400);
     $time = Date::factory(self::$fixture->dateTime)->subDay($daysAgoArchiveRanSuccessfully)->getTimestamp();
     foreach ($periodTypes as $period) {
         foreach ($idSites as $idSite) {
             // lastRunKey() function inlined
             $lastRunArchiveOption = "lastRunArchive" . $period . "_" . $idSite;
             \Piwik\Option::set($lastRunArchiveOption, $time);
Esempio n. 26
  * Main Plugin Index
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \Exception
 public function index()
     if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) {
         // Cannot use Common::getRequestVar, because the function remove whitespaces and newline breaks
         $postedSiteData = isset($_POST['site']) ? $_POST['site'] : null;
         if (is_array($postedSiteData) && count($postedSiteData) > 0) {
             foreach ($postedSiteData as $id => $site) {
                 if (!isset($site['css'], $site['file'])) {
                 // Check URL
                 if (!UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($site['file'])) {
                     $site['file'] = null;
                 API::getInstance()->saveSite($id, $site['css'], $site['file']);
             // Redirect to, clear POST vars
             $this->redirectToIndex('CustomOptOut', 'index');
     $view = new View('@CustomOptOut/index.twig');
     if (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()) {
         $sitesRaw = APISiteManager::getInstance()->getAllSites();
     } else {
         $sitesRaw = APISiteManager::getInstance()->getSitesWithAdminAccess();
     // Gets sites after Site.setSite hook was called
     $sites = array_values(Site::getSites());
     if (count($sites) != count($sitesRaw)) {
         throw new \Exception("One or more website are missing or invalid.");
     foreach ($sites as &$site) {
         $site['alias_urls'] = APISiteManager::getInstance()->getSiteUrlsFromId($site['idsite']);
     $view->adminSites = $sites;
     $view->adminSitesCount = count($sites);
     $view->language = LanguagesManager::getLanguageCodeForCurrentUser();
     $view->isEditorEnabled = API::getInstance()->isCssEditorEnabled();
     $view->editorTheme = API::getInstance()->getEditorTheme();
     $view->showOldLinks = false;
     return $view->render();
Esempio n. 27
  * NOTE: This test must be last since the new sites that get added are added in
  *       random order.
  * NOTE: This test combines two tests in order to avoid executing the log importer another time.
  *       If the log importer were refactored, the invalid requests test could be a unit test in
  *       python.
 public function test_LogImporter_CreatesSitesWhenDynamicResolverUsed_AndReportsOnInvalidRequests()
     $output = self::$fixture->logVisitsWithDynamicResolver($maxPayloadSize = 3);
     // reload access so new sites are viewable
     // make sure sites aren't created twice
     $piwikDotNet = API::getInstance()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrl('');
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($piwikDotNet));
     $anothersiteDotCom = API::getInstance()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrl('');
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($anothersiteDotCom));
     $whateverDotCom = API::getInstance()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrl('');
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($whateverDotCom));
     // make sure invalid requests are reported correctly
     $this->assertContains('The Piwik tracker identified 2 invalid requests on lines: 10, 11', $output);
     $this->assertContains("The following lines were not tracked by Piwik, either due to a malformed tracker request or error in the tracker:\n\n10, 11", $output);
Esempio n. 28
  * Returns default site ID that Piwik should load.
  * _Note: This value is a Piwik setting set by each user._
  * @return bool|int
  * @api
 public function getDefaultWebsiteId()
     $defaultWebsiteId = false;
     // User preference: default website ID to load
     $defaultReport = APIUsersManager::getInstance()->getUserPreference(Piwik::getCurrentUserLogin(), APIUsersManager::PREFERENCE_DEFAULT_REPORT);
     if (is_numeric($defaultReport)) {
         $defaultWebsiteId = $defaultReport;
     if ($defaultWebsiteId && Piwik::isUserHasViewAccess($defaultWebsiteId)) {
         return $defaultWebsiteId;
     $sitesId = APISitesManager::getInstance()->getSitesIdWithAtLeastViewAccess();
     if (!empty($sitesId)) {
         return $sitesId[0];
     return false;
Esempio n. 29
 public function setUp()
     // make sure site has an early enough creation date (for period selector tests)
     Db::get()->update(Common::prefixTable("site"), array('ts_created' => '2011-01-01'), "idsite = 1");
     // for proper geolocation
     UsersManagerAPI::getInstance()->setSuperUserAccess('superUserLogin', true);
     SitesManagerAPI::getInstance()->updateSite(1, null, null, true);
     // create non super user
     UsersManagerAPI::getInstance()->addUser('oliverqueen', 'smartypants', '*****@*****.**');
     UsersManagerAPI::getInstance()->setUserAccess('oliverqueen', 'view', array(1));
Esempio n. 30
 static function update()
     $obsoleteFiles = array(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core/Db/Mysqli.php');
     foreach ($obsoleteFiles as $obsoleteFile) {
         if (file_exists($obsoleteFile)) {
     $obsoleteDirectories = array(PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/core/Db/Pdo');
     foreach ($obsoleteDirectories as $dir) {
         if (file_exists($dir)) {
             Filesystem::unlinkRecursive($dir, true);
     // force regeneration of cache files
     $allSiteIds = API::getInstance()->getAllSitesId();