Esempio n. 1
  * Create a new cache storage instance.
  * @param string $storage
  * @return CS\Apc|CS\Dba|CS\File|CS\Memcached|CS\Memory|CS\Pdo|CS\Redis|CS\WinCache
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 protected static function factory($storage)
     $cache = Config::get('cache');
     switch ($storage) {
         case 'apc':
             return new CS\Apc($cache['key']);
         case 'file':
             return new CS\File($cache['storage_path']);
         case 'pdo':
             return new CS\Pdo(Pdo\Factory::get($cache['database']), $cache['key']);
         case 'memcached':
             return new CS\Memcached(Memcached::connection(), $cache['key']);
         case 'memory':
             return new CS\Memory();
         case 'redis':
             return new CS\Redis(Redis::database());
         case 'wincache':
             return new CS\WinCache($cache['key']);
         case 'dba':
             return new CS\Dba(Str::ensureTrailing('/', $cache['storage_path']) . $cache['key']);
             throw new \RuntimeException("Cache storage {$storage} is not supported.");
  * Please bootstrap first, than run the application!
  * Run a application, let application accept a request, route the request,
  * dispatch to controller/action, render response and return response to client finally.
  * @param array $get Array of variables passed to the current script via the URL parameters.
  * @param array $post Array of variables passed to the current script via the HTTP POST method.
  * @param array $cookie Array of variables passed to the current script via HTTP Cookies.
  * @param array $files An associative array FILES of items uploaded to the current script via the HTTP POST method.
  * @return void
 public static function run(array $get, array $post, array $cookie, array $files)
     $cli = array();
     if (Sapi::isCli()) {
         $cli = Cli::parse((array) self::$env->argv);
         if (count($cli) < 1 || isset($cli['list'])) {
     $prefix = Str::ensureTrailing('\\', Config::get(''));
     $repository = BASE_PATH . 'app/' . Config::get('') . '/Controller';
     if (isset($cli['controller']) && $cli['controller'] == 'core') {
         $prefix = 'Pimf\\';
         $repository = BASE_PATH . 'pimf-framework/core/Pimf/Controller';
     $request = new Request($get, $post, $cookie, $cli, $files, self::$env);
     $resolver = new Resolver($request, $repository, $prefix, self::$router);
     $sessionized = Sapi::isWeb() && Config::get('') !== '';
     if ($sessionized) {
     $pimf = $resolver->process(self::$env, self::$em, self::$logger);
     if ($sessionized) {
Esempio n. 3
  * Get cleaner URLs or old-fashioned » RFC 3986 URL-query string.
  * @param string $route controller/action
  * @param array  $params
  * @param null   $https
  * @param bool   $asset
  * @return string
 public static function compute($route = '', array $params = array(), $https = null, $asset = false)
     // if your application should work with RFC 3986 URL-query strings
     if (Config::get('app.routeable') === false) {
         list($controller, $action) = explode('/', $route);
         $params = array_merge(compact('controller', 'action'), $params);
         return Str::ensureTrailing('/', self::format($https, $asset)) . '?' . http_build_query($params, null, '&');
     // otherwise PIMF will serve you cleaner URLs
     $slug = implode('/', $params);
     if ($slug != '') {
         $slug = '/' . $slug;
     return self::to($route, $https, $asset) . $slug;