getDefaultMode() public static method

public static getDefaultMode ( ) : integer
return integer
Esempio n. 1
  * returns the path to a temp file
  * @return string
 public function getTemporaryFile($fullPath = false)
     $destinationPath = PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . "/asset-temporary/asset_" . $this->getId() . "_" . md5(microtime()) . "__" . $this->getFilename();
     if (!is_dir(dirname($destinationPath))) {
     $src = $this->getStream();
     $dest = fopen($destinationPath, "w+");
     stream_copy_to_stream($src, $dest);
     @chmod($destinationPath, File::getDefaultMode());
     if ($fullPath) {
         return $destinationPath;
     return str_replace(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT, "", $destinationPath);
Esempio n. 2
  * @param $asset
  * @param Config $config
  * @param null $fileSystemPath
  * @param bool $deferred deferred means that the image will be generated on-the-fly (details see below)
  * @return mixed|string
 public static function process($asset, Config $config, $fileSystemPath = null, $deferred = false)
     $format = strtolower($config->getFormat());
     $contentOptimizedFormat = false;
     if (!$fileSystemPath && $asset instanceof Asset) {
         $fileSystemPath = $asset->getFileSystemPath();
     if ($asset instanceof Asset) {
         $id = $asset->getId();
     } else {
         $id = "dyn~" . crc32($fileSystemPath);
     if (!file_exists($fileSystemPath)) {
         return "/pimcore/static/img/filetype-not-supported.png";
     $modificationDate = filemtime($fileSystemPath);
     $fileExt = File::getFileExtension(basename($fileSystemPath));
     // simple detection for source type if SOURCE is selected
     if ($format == "source" || empty($format)) {
         $format = self::getAllowedFormat($fileExt, array("jpeg", "gif", "png"), "png");
         $contentOptimizedFormat = true;
         // format can change depending of the content (alpha-channel, ...)
     if ($format == "print") {
         $format = self::getAllowedFormat($fileExt, array("svg", "jpeg", "png", "tiff"), "png");
         if (($format == "tiff" || $format == "svg") && \Pimcore\Tool::isFrontentRequestByAdmin()) {
             // return a webformat in admin -> tiff cannot be displayed in browser
             $format = "png";
         } else {
             if ($format == "tiff") {
                 $transformations = $config->getItems();
                 if (is_array($transformations) && count($transformations) > 0) {
                     foreach ($transformations as $transformation) {
                         if (!empty($transformation)) {
                             if ($transformation["method"] == "tifforiginal") {
                                 return str_replace(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT, "", $fileSystemPath);
             } else {
                 if ($format == "svg") {
                     return str_replace(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT, "", $fileSystemPath);
     $thumbDir = $asset->getImageThumbnailSavePath() . "/thumb__" . $config->getName();
     $filename = preg_replace("/\\." . preg_quote(File::getFileExtension($asset->getFilename())) . "/", "", $asset->getFilename());
     // add custom suffix if available
     if ($config->getFilenameSuffix()) {
         $filename .= "~-~" . $config->getFilenameSuffix();
     // add high-resolution modifier suffix to the filename
     if ($config->getHighResolution() > 1) {
         $filename .= "@" . $config->getHighResolution() . "x";
     $filename .= "." . $format;
     $fsPath = $thumbDir . "/" . $filename;
     if (!is_dir(dirname($fsPath))) {
     $path = str_replace(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT, "", $fsPath);
     // check for existing and still valid thumbnail
     if (is_file($fsPath) and filemtime($fsPath) >= $modificationDate) {
         return $path;
     // deferred means that the image will be generated on-the-fly (when requested by the browser)
     // the configuration is saved for later use in Pimcore\Controller\Plugin\Thumbnail::routeStartup()
     // so that it can be used also with dynamic configurations
     if ($deferred) {
         $configId = "thumb_" . $id . "__" . md5($path);
         TmpStore::add($configId, $config, "thumbnail_deferred");
         return $path;
     // transform image
     $image = Asset\Image::getImageTransformInstance();
     if (!$image->load($fileSystemPath)) {
         return "/pimcore/static/img/filetype-not-supported.png";
     $startTime = StopWatch::microtime_float();
     $transformations = $config->getItems();
     // check if the original image has an orientation exif flag
     // if so add a transformation at the beginning that rotates and/or mirrors the image
     if (function_exists("exif_read_data")) {
         $exif = @exif_read_data($fileSystemPath);
         if (is_array($exif)) {
             if (array_key_exists("Orientation", $exif)) {
                 $orientation = intval($exif["Orientation"]);
                 if ($orientation > 1) {
                     $angleMappings = [2 => 180, 3 => 180, 4 => 180, 5 => 90, 6 => 90, 7 => 90, 8 => 270];
                     if (array_key_exists($orientation, $angleMappings)) {
                         array_unshift($transformations, ["method" => "rotate", "arguments" => ["angle" => $angleMappings[$orientation]]]);
                     // values that have to be mirrored, this is not very common, but should be covered anyway
                     $mirrorMappings = [2 => "vertical", 4 => "horizontal", 5 => "vertical", 7 => "horizontal"];
                     if (array_key_exists($orientation, $mirrorMappings)) {
                         array_unshift($transformations, ["method" => "mirror", "arguments" => ["mode" => $mirrorMappings[$orientation]]]);
     if (is_array($transformations) && count($transformations) > 0) {
         foreach ($transformations as $transformation) {
             if (!empty($transformation)) {
                 $arguments = array();
                 $mapping = self::$argumentMapping[$transformation["method"]];
                 if (is_array($transformation["arguments"])) {
                     foreach ($transformation["arguments"] as $key => $value) {
                         $position = array_search($key, $mapping);
                         if ($position !== false) {
                             // high res calculations if enabled
                             if (!in_array($transformation["method"], ["cropPercent"]) && in_array($key, array("width", "height", "x", "y"))) {
                                 if ($config->getHighResolution() && $config->getHighResolution() > 1) {
                                     $value *= $config->getHighResolution();
                             $arguments[$position] = $value;
                 call_user_func_array(array($image, $transformation["method"]), $arguments);
     $image->save($fsPath, $format, $config->getQuality());
     if ($contentOptimizedFormat) {
         $tmpStoreKey = str_replace(PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . "/", "", $fsPath);
         TmpStore::add($tmpStoreKey, "-", "image-optimize-queue");
     \Logger::debug("Thumbnail " . $path . " generated in " . (StopWatch::microtime_float() - $startTime) . " seconds");
     // set proper permissions
     @chmod($fsPath, File::getDefaultMode());
     // quick bugfix / workaround, it seems that imagemagick / image optimizers creates sometimes empty PNG chunks (total size 33 bytes)
     // no clue why it does so as this is not continuous reproducible, and this is the only fix we can do for now
     // if the file is corrupted the file will be created on the fly when requested by the browser (because it's deleted here)
     if (is_file($fsPath) && filesize($fsPath) < 50) {
     return $path;
Esempio n. 3
  * returns the path to a temp file
  * @return string
 public function getTemporaryFile()
     $destinationPath = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/asset-temporary/asset_" . $this->getId() . "_" . md5(microtime()) . "__" . $this->getFilename();
     if (!is_dir(dirname($destinationPath))) {
     $src = $this->getStream();
     $dest = fopen($destinationPath, "w+", false, File::getContext());
     stream_copy_to_stream($src, $dest);
     @chmod($destinationPath, File::getDefaultMode());
     return $destinationPath;
Esempio n. 4
  * @param  User $user
  * @return void
 public function save($user = null)
     if ($this->getElement() instanceof Element\ElementInterface) {
     if ($user instanceof Model\User) {
     // serialize data
     $this->element->_fulldump = true;
     $data = Serialize::serialize($this->getElement());
     File::put($this->getStoreageFile(), $data);
     $saveBinaryData = function ($element, $rec, $scope) {
         // assets are kina special because they can contain massive amount of binary data which isn't serialized, we create separate files for them
         if ($element instanceof Asset) {
             if ($element->getType() != "folder") {
                 $handle = fopen($scope->getStorageFileBinary($element), "w+");
                 $src = $element->getStream();
                 stream_copy_to_stream($src, $handle);
             $children = $element->getChilds();
             foreach ($children as $child) {
                 $rec($child, $rec, $scope);
     $saveBinaryData($this->getElement(), $saveBinaryData, $this);
     @chmod($this->getStoreageFile(), File::getDefaultMode());
Esempio n. 5
 public static function processOptimizeQueue()
     $ids = TmpStore::getIdsByTag("image-optimize-queue");
     // id = path of image relative to PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $file = PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . "/" . $id;
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $originalFilesize = filesize($file);
             @chmod($file, File::getDefaultMode());
             \Logger::debug("Optimized image: " . $file . " saved " . formatBytes($originalFilesize - filesize($file)));
         } else {
             \Logger::debug("Skip optimizing of " . $file . " because it doesn't exist anymore");
Esempio n. 6
  * @param $processId
 public static function execute($processId)
     $instance = new self();
     $instanceItem = TmpStore::get($instance->getJobStoreId($processId));
     $instance = $instanceItem->getData();
     $formats = [];
     $conversionStatus = "finished";
     // check if there is already a transcoding process running, wait if so ...
     Model\Tool\Lock::acquire("video-transcoding", 7200, 10);
     // expires after 2 hrs, refreshes every 10 secs
     $asset = Model\Asset::getById($instance->getAssetId());
     // start converting
     foreach ($instance->queue as $converter) {
         try {
             Logger::info("start video " . $converter->getFormat() . " to " . $converter->getDestinationFile());
             $success = $converter->save();
             Logger::info("finished video " . $converter->getFormat() . " to " . $converter->getDestinationFile());
             File::rename($converter->getDestinationFile(), $converter->getStorageFile());
             // set proper permissions
             @chmod($converter->getStorageFile(), File::getDefaultMode());
             if ($success) {
                 $formats[$converter->getFormat()] = str_replace($asset->getVideoThumbnailSavePath(), "", $converter->getStorageFile());
             } else {
                 $conversionStatus = "error";
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
     if ($asset) {
         $customSetting = $asset->getCustomSetting("thumbnails");
         $customSetting = is_array($customSetting) ? $customSetting : [];
         if (array_key_exists($instance->getConfig()->getName(), $customSetting) && array_key_exists("formats", $customSetting[$instance->getConfig()->getName()]) && is_array($customSetting[$instance->getConfig()->getName()]["formats"])) {
             $formats = array_merge($customSetting[$instance->getConfig()->getName()]["formats"], $formats);
         $customSetting[$instance->getConfig()->getName()] = ["status" => $conversionStatus, "formats" => $formats];
         $asset->setCustomSetting("thumbnails", $customSetting);
Esempio n. 7
  * @param $path
 public function setImage($path)
     $userImageDir = PIMCORE_WEBSITE_VAR . "/user-image";
     if (!is_dir($userImageDir)) {
     $destFile = $userImageDir . "/user-" . $this->getId() . ".png";
     $thumb = PIMCORE_SYSTEM_TEMP_DIRECTORY . "/user-thumbnail-" . $this->getId() . ".png";
     copy($path, $destFile);
     @chmod($destFile, File::getDefaultMode());
Esempio n. 8
  * @param $processId
 public static function execute($processId)
     $instance = new self();
     $instanceItem = TmpStore::get($instance->getJobStoreId($processId));
     $instance = $instanceItem->getData();
     $formats = array();
     $overallStatus = array();
     $conversionStatus = "finished";
     // set overall status for all formats to 0
     foreach ($instance->queue as $converter) {
         $overallStatus[$converter->getFormat()] = 0;
     // check if there is already a transcoding process running, wait if so ...
     Model\Tool\Lock::acquire("video-transcoding", 7200, 10);
     // expires after 2 hrs, refreshes every 10 secs
     // start converting
     foreach ($instance->queue as $converter) {
         try {
             \Logger::info("start video " . $converter->getFormat() . " to " . $converter->getDestinationFile());
             while (!$converter->isFinished()) {
                 $overallStatus[$converter->getFormat()] = $converter->getConversionStatus();
                 $a = 0;
                 foreach ($overallStatus as $f => $s) {
                     $a += $s;
                 $a = $a / count($overallStatus);
             \Logger::info("finished video " . $converter->getFormat() . " to " . $converter->getDestinationFile());
             // set proper permissions
             @chmod($converter->getDestinationFile(), File::getDefaultMode());
             if ($converter->getConversionStatus() !== "error") {
                 $formats[$converter->getFormat()] = str_replace(PIMCORE_DOCUMENT_ROOT, "", $converter->getDestinationFile());
             } else {
                 $conversionStatus = "error";
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $asset = Model\Asset::getById($instance->getAssetId());
     if ($asset) {
         $customSetting = $asset->getCustomSetting("thumbnails");
         $customSetting = is_array($customSetting) ? $customSetting : array();
         if (array_key_exists($instance->getConfig()->getName(), $customSetting) && array_key_exists("formats", $customSetting[$instance->getConfig()->getName()]) && is_array($customSetting[$instance->getConfig()->getName()]["formats"])) {
             $formats = array_merge($customSetting[$instance->getConfig()->getName()]["formats"], $formats);
         $customSetting[$instance->getConfig()->getName()] = array("status" => $conversionStatus, "formats" => $formats);
         $asset->setCustomSetting("thumbnails", $customSetting);
Esempio n. 9
  * @param $asset
  * @param Config $config
  * @param null $fileSystemPath
  * @param bool $deferred deferred means that the image will be generated on-the-fly (details see below)
  * @param bool $returnAbsolutePath
  * @param bool $generated
  * @return mixed|string
 public static function process($asset, Config $config, $fileSystemPath = null, $deferred = false, $returnAbsolutePath = false, &$generated = false)
     $generated = false;
     $errorImage = PIMCORE_PATH . "/static6/img/filetype-not-supported.png";
     $format = strtolower($config->getFormat());
     $contentOptimizedFormat = false;
     if (!$fileSystemPath && $asset instanceof Asset) {
         $fileSystemPath = $asset->getFileSystemPath();
     if ($asset instanceof Asset) {
         $id = $asset->getId();
     } else {
         $id = "dyn~" . crc32($fileSystemPath);
     $fileExt = File::getFileExtension(basename($fileSystemPath));
     // simple detection for source type if SOURCE is selected
     if ($format == "source" || empty($format)) {
         $format = self::getAllowedFormat($fileExt, ["jpeg", "gif", "png"], "png");
         $contentOptimizedFormat = true;
         // format can change depending of the content (alpha-channel, ...)
     if ($format == "print") {
         $format = self::getAllowedFormat($fileExt, ["svg", "jpeg", "png", "tiff"], "png");
         if (($format == "tiff" || $format == "svg") && \Pimcore\Tool::isFrontentRequestByAdmin()) {
             // return a webformat in admin -> tiff cannot be displayed in browser
             $format = "png";
             $deferred = false;
             // deferred is default, but it's not possible when using isFrontentRequestByAdmin()
         } elseif ($format == "tiff") {
             $transformations = $config->getItems();
             if (is_array($transformations) && count($transformations) > 0) {
                 foreach ($transformations as $transformation) {
                     if (!empty($transformation)) {
                         if ($transformation["method"] == "tifforiginal") {
                             return self::returnPath($fileSystemPath, $returnAbsolutePath);
         } elseif ($format == "svg") {
             return self::returnPath($fileSystemPath, $returnAbsolutePath);
     } elseif ($format == "tiff") {
         if (\Pimcore\Tool::isFrontentRequestByAdmin()) {
             // return a webformat in admin -> tiff cannot be displayed in browser
             $format = "png";
             $deferred = false;
             // deferred is default, but it's not possible when using isFrontentRequestByAdmin()
     $thumbDir = $asset->getImageThumbnailSavePath() . "/thumb__" . $config->getName();
     $filename = preg_replace("/\\." . preg_quote(File::getFileExtension($asset->getFilename())) . "/", "", $asset->getFilename());
     // add custom suffix if available
     if ($config->getFilenameSuffix()) {
         $filename .= "~-~" . $config->getFilenameSuffix();
     // add high-resolution modifier suffix to the filename
     if ($config->getHighResolution() > 1) {
         $filename .= "@" . $config->getHighResolution() . "x";
     $fileExtension = $format;
     if ($format == "original") {
         $fileExtension = \Pimcore\File::getFileExtension($fileSystemPath);
     $filename .= "." . $fileExtension;
     $fsPath = $thumbDir . "/" . $filename;
     // deferred means that the image will be generated on-the-fly (when requested by the browser)
     // the configuration is saved for later use in Pimcore\Controller\Plugin\Thumbnail::routeStartup()
     // so that it can be used also with dynamic configurations
     if ($deferred) {
         // only add the config to the TmpStore if necessary (the config is auto-generated)
         if (!Config::getByName($config->getName())) {
             $configId = "thumb_" . $id . "__" . md5(str_replace(PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY, "", $fsPath));
             TmpStore::add($configId, $config, "thumbnail_deferred");
         return self::returnPath($fsPath, $returnAbsolutePath);
     // all checks on the file system should be below the deferred part for performance reasons (remote file systems)
     if (!file_exists($fileSystemPath)) {
         return self::returnPath($errorImage, $returnAbsolutePath);
     if (!is_dir(dirname($fsPath))) {
     $path = self::returnPath($fsPath, false);
     // check for existing and still valid thumbnail
     if (is_file($fsPath) and filemtime($fsPath) >= filemtime($fileSystemPath)) {
         return self::returnPath($fsPath, $returnAbsolutePath);
     // transform image
     $image = Asset\Image::getImageTransformInstance();
     if (!$image->load($fileSystemPath)) {
         return self::returnPath($errorImage, $returnAbsolutePath);
     $startTime = StopWatch::microtime_float();
     $transformations = $config->getItems();
     // check if the original image has an orientation exif flag
     // if so add a transformation at the beginning that rotates and/or mirrors the image
     if (function_exists("exif_read_data")) {
         $exif = @exif_read_data($fileSystemPath);
         if (is_array($exif)) {
             if (array_key_exists("Orientation", $exif)) {
                 $orientation = intval($exif["Orientation"]);
                 if ($orientation > 1) {
                     $angleMappings = [2 => 180, 3 => 180, 4 => 180, 5 => 90, 6 => 90, 7 => 90, 8 => 270];
                     if (array_key_exists($orientation, $angleMappings)) {
                         array_unshift($transformations, ["method" => "rotate", "arguments" => ["angle" => $angleMappings[$orientation]]]);
                     // values that have to be mirrored, this is not very common, but should be covered anyway
                     $mirrorMappings = [2 => "vertical", 4 => "horizontal", 5 => "vertical", 7 => "horizontal"];
                     if (array_key_exists($orientation, $mirrorMappings)) {
                         array_unshift($transformations, ["method" => "mirror", "arguments" => ["mode" => $mirrorMappings[$orientation]]]);
     if (is_array($transformations) && count($transformations) > 0) {
         $sourceImageWidth = PHP_INT_MAX;
         $sourceImageHeight = PHP_INT_MAX;
         if ($asset instanceof Asset\Image) {
             $sourceImageWidth = $asset->getWidth();
             $sourceImageHeight = $asset->getHeight();
         $highResFactor = $config->getHighResolution();
         $calculateMaxFactor = function ($factor, $original, $new) {
             $newFactor = $factor * $original / $new;
             if ($newFactor < 1) {
                 // don't go below factor 1
                 $newFactor = 1;
             return $newFactor;
         // sorry for the goto/label - but in this case it makes life really easier and the code more readable
         foreach ($transformations as $transformation) {
             if (!empty($transformation)) {
                 $arguments = [];
                 $mapping = self::$argumentMapping[$transformation["method"]];
                 if (is_array($transformation["arguments"])) {
                     foreach ($transformation["arguments"] as $key => $value) {
                         $position = array_search($key, $mapping);
                         if ($position !== false) {
                             // high res calculations if enabled
                             if (!in_array($transformation["method"], ["cropPercent"]) && in_array($key, ["width", "height", "x", "y"])) {
                                 if ($highResFactor && $highResFactor > 1) {
                                     $value *= $highResFactor;
                                     $value = (int) ceil($value);
                                     // check if source image is big enough otherwise adjust the high-res factor
                                     if (in_array($key, ["width", "x"])) {
                                         if ($sourceImageWidth < $value) {
                                             $highResFactor = $calculateMaxFactor($highResFactor, $sourceImageWidth, $value);
                                             goto prepareTransformations;
                                     } elseif (in_array($key, ["height", "y"])) {
                                         if ($sourceImageHeight < $value) {
                                             $highResFactor = $calculateMaxFactor($highResFactor, $sourceImageHeight, $value);
                                             goto prepareTransformations;
                             $arguments[$position] = $value;
                 if (method_exists($image, $transformation["method"])) {
                     call_user_func_array([$image, $transformation["method"]], $arguments);
     $image->save($fsPath, $format, $config->getQuality());
     $generated = true;
     if ($contentOptimizedFormat) {
         $tmpStoreKey = str_replace(PIMCORE_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY . "/", "", $fsPath);
         TmpStore::add($tmpStoreKey, "-", "image-optimize-queue");
     Logger::debug("Thumbnail " . $path . " generated in " . (StopWatch::microtime_float() - $startTime) . " seconds");
     // set proper permissions
     @chmod($fsPath, File::getDefaultMode());
     // quick bugfix / workaround, it seems that imagemagick / image optimizers creates sometimes empty PNG chunks (total size 33 bytes)
     // no clue why it does so as this is not continuous reproducible, and this is the only fix we can do for now
     // if the file is corrupted the file will be created on the fly when requested by the browser (because it's deleted here)
     if (is_file($fsPath) && filesize($fsPath) < 50) {
     return self::returnPath($fsPath, $returnAbsolutePath);